
The Evil king and The Beautiful Queen

This is the story of Beautiful Amila And Evil Alex .Alex and Amila are to be wed but Alex has a girlfriend who he loves Alexis Princess Amila And Prince Alex are to on her 17 th birthday and on his 18 th birthday they two share a birthday they hate each other but as for there parents wishes they have to wed after there engagement she is too move in with him and his family . what will happen when his girlfriend is to move in to read to find out "Alex did you just call me a prostitute" "yes" "coming from the one who got Alexis pregnant" *Slap* "Alex how dare you slap me you call me such names when your on sisters have 4 boyfriends each" "besides the only reason I am here is because of my parents and Astrid's sake " "come forget about it Amila let's go and sleep" "GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF ME" *slap*

Averess_Mupamba · Sports, voyage et activités
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 Alex if you think you are a man after raping me then you are wrong

Alex came into my room "Alex what do you want" "What was that for why are you over reacting" " over reacting Alex you raped me you are so shameless " "Shameless What do you mean" "Alex if you think you are a man after raping me then you are wrong " "Alex you know what?" " What?" "After what you did I don't just dislike you I now hate you more than I hate the devil " "Move Alex I want to pass " I just pushed him and moved And went to go sleep with Ava on the bed Alex went to sleep on the other side and yes when Ava sleeps during the day that is when we can also sleep when she sleeps at night she only sleeps for 4 hours from 11 pm- 3am after an hour I woke up then ten minutes later Alex woke up I was not talking to him I just went to take a bath and change my cloths and I went with Ava to the orphanage when we arrived at the orphanage Ava started playing with her friends and I started talking to Emma "I can't believe Alex did that to you how do you fill" "Dirty anyway how is everything here" "Everything is fine your phone is ringing" I took a look and saw Alex was calling and I disconnected the call "Bye we have to be on our way " "okay bye" I carried Ava and went Home when we arrived I went straight to the living room to have a conversation with my sister Astrid I love her we talked and I went upstairs