

It should come as no surprise that the heroes were partially shocked by his display and partially amazed by it, Superman advised the league that they should let Lucas remain with the titans as they watched him further.

Batman didn't like the result but he kept quiet on the matter and the rest of the heroes kept their reactions private as they agreed to the proposal.

Lucas looked at the heroes as they left and he remained surrounded by less than ten, he looked around at the heroes roughly his age and suddenly breathed out a sigh of relief.

Although he acted calm and brave during the confrontation with the justice league he was actually scared out of his mind the entire time.

If the heroes had paid better attention they could have seen that his hands were trembling ever so slightly however not many could focus on that through the glass in such a situation.

"Well that was the most fun we have had in a long time, come let me I produce you to the test of the team" said someone right next to him.

Lucas hadn't even realized that person was standing there but it mainly could have been because he wasnt focusing on that at the moment.

He wa still having deep thoughts about his primary ability energy manipulation. He had recieved its name fromhis mind thr moment he realized it had happened,

That is how this version of celestial awareness worked however it didn't tell him just how he could utilize this ability or even how broad and deep it went.

He already knew he could absorb energy, all heralds could however they would then use that energy to support their primary abilities.

His primary ability was also energy related so he had no idea whether he could unleash several frequencies of energy like Captain Atom or he would always unleash Eternium energy, in the different ways he opted to use his skill.

He didn't even know his he unleashed the energy from his body, would it be optic beams like superman, hand blasts or multidirectional energy waves from his whole body, he was still puzzled by all that.

So it was perfectly logical that he didn't sense when someone snuck up on him or atleast got close, he turned to face the guy and he recognized him of course.

He was popular as the first of Batman's sidekicks that chose to go his own way, he was a hero from bludhaven called Nightwing.

"My name is Richard Dickson Grayson, code name Nightwing and I lead this team." He then turned to his left and pointed to someone else.

It was a guy with a robotic body mixed with a human body, his head was half robot half human but the rest of his body was robotic, his robot eye was red while his human eye was brown,

He had very short hair on his head and his skin seemed to sparkle, there was a nod on his head glowing with blue light.

"This is Victor Stone codename Cyborg, he is kind of the team's operating system and backbone, he is also the second in command in the team." Said Nightwing.

Lucas nodded to cyborg and cyborg similarly nodded back, he probably should have said something but he wasnt good with words. Besides nightwing had already moved on as he points to someone else.

She was a beautiful girl dressed in a superman costume except hers was different, it was blue from her toes to her shoulders as an overall.

From the neck to the start of the superman symbol on her chest was red and the red carried over to her hands all the way to her elbow on the outside while it was blue on the inside of the arm.

There was also a red cape attacked to her back thr signature of the superman family, she had short black hair and beautiful blue eyes, she was Superman's daughter.

"That's Laura Lane Kent, code name supergirl, she is the muscle of the team. She is also the one that got you out of Cadmus in her cape and flew you here." Said Nightwing,

Lucas turned to Supergirl and he smiled while he thanked her and she smiled back. Nightwing then turned to someone next to her, this person was also a woman but dressed in some a version of wonderwoman's costume except this one was mainly red and gold and had pants

She had a cool lasso that didn't exactly look like a lasso, sword and shield on her back and he recognized her of course. "This is Donna Prince codename Grail, she is the team's expert on god related matters." Said Nightwing.

Next was a guy in a green lantern costume with green hair except there was a mask on his eyes so Lucas couldn't see them, "this is Kyle Rayner code name green lantern. He is the team's expert on space related threats"

Lucas gave him a nod as well and turned to the final member of the team, it was a girl dressed in a purple and black costume with a v shaped hood that extended back into a cloak.

"And finally this is Rachel Roth codename Raven, she is the team's magician." Said Nightwing, "now that you know who we are how about you tell us who you are."

Lucas simply extinguished the glow in his eyes, hands and hair as he returned to normal and he said, "my name is Lucas Haze and I don't have a code name yet all I know is that I'm the herald to Eternity."

"Well you wield Eternium power, and you have that cool looking costume with the symbol of Eternity on your chest and you call yourself the herald of Eternity, anyone notice the pattern there?" asked Cyborg

"I have met people dressed in similar looking costume before in the universe,and just like the green lanterns those people also used the same name and I think its fitting for you." Said Kyle,

"What's the name?" Asked supergirl and Kyle said "Eternal, they all called themselves Eternal." "I like it, it fits perfectly and I think we found your code name Lucas, what do you think?" Asked raven,

Lucas simply smiled and said, "it sounds a little obvious though, Eternal the guy that wields Eternium, the herald of Eternity. But I have no problem with it so I guess Eternal it is." Everyone laughed at that.

Just then the blue nod on Cyborg's head turned red and a projection was initiated automatically, it displayed a hard light hologram of a situation they were about to encounter.

It showed a situation in the middle of San Francisco, a group of guys wielding some gadjets had taken over a park and there were close to ten of them,

The scan not only displayed them but also the weapons they wore, the gear they had on was labelled as Apokoliptian technology and the glowing cores were labelled as Eternium fuel core.

"Guys intergang is back, with their apokoliptian technology modified by Eternium none of us can take their blasts anymore, last tim hey nearly killed Supergirl." Said Cyborg,

"Can your mother box do anything about it Grail?" Asked Nightwing and Grail said, "I tried last time but although the motberbox can interface with the apokoliptian technology and disable it the Eternium fuel core generates a distortion field that disables the effect of the mother box"

"And I suspect that just like last time my constructs cannot holdout for long against those Eternium fueled blasts," said green lantern.

Nightwing then said, "the only person that can do any damage is Raven. However the Eternium absorbs her magic once its exposed to it for a while, we need to create a distraction allowing her to move from place to place to disable those guns while Intergang focuses on all of us."

While they were discussing that situation Lucas was on another frequency altogether, he was communing with the mind space where he recieved his first mission from Eternia himself.

"You need to disable those weapons, the idiot's on earth may not know it but Apokolips issuing them as test subjects to disco er the extent at which they could use Eternium as a fuel source.

If they succeed this will be bad not only for earth but for all of Apokolips' future victims who I can tell you will be many.

This is your firs mission as a herald to Eternity, preserve life from future calamity by disabling the technology before it is fully realized." And with that Eternia vanished.

"I can deal with the Eternium fuel cores," said Eternal causing the rea to freeze up for a second, theybhad even forgotten that he was present with them.

"Are you sure about this, I understand that you fused with Eternium but this has been modified with apokoliptian technology it may be dangerous for you." Said Supergirl,

"I know it has been modified however intergang wouldn't have the expertise needed to perform modifications on that level which is why I believe they aren't aware that their weapons are still in the testing period.

There must be someone behind them, someone responsible for this modifications that is using them as test subjects and we cannot let him succeed.

Eternia tells me that once they succeed thr damage to life across the universe will be beyond catastrophic, so while I'm almost certain that i could successfuly deal with the Eternium fuel cores I'm willing to play it safe."

"We know about the guy behind intergang, it's one of the new gods of Apokolips calls himself Desaad, we tried going up against him last time and things didn't end well for us." Said green lantern.

"And now they are back with their weapons modified even more which means they will be twice as hard to deal with," said Raven

"If Eternity gave you this task then that means you may have a way to deal with this, as a new god it's my duty to stop Desaad so any plan you have to fulfill that regardless of how dangerous count me in." Said Grail.

"We will all pitch in, this situation is much more dangerous so mone of us can hold back, with the rate of development it won't be long before their experimentation is completed, so what is your plan?" Asked Nightwing