
The Eternal Emperors Ascension

Keiren Kendrall is living a normal life. Like everyone else, he has a job, friends, and a wonderful fiance. Unfortunately, the day of his wedding is not really what he had hoped for. First, he gets stuck in the traffic. OK, bad Luck. Then he accidentally summons a giant eagle. A talking giant eagle to be more precise. Then the talking giant eagle taxi left for the wedding. The worst part is that right after the wedding, an angry-looking Woman blasted herself into his life and he and his friends get sucked into a black hole on a wave of curses... // AN: And this is where my story will begin, give me some useful feedback so that this story can grow better. I hope you enjoy it and have fun reading it. // // The picture isn't mine. if it is yours and you do not want it to be used in this way please contact me. //

Matthias_Schmidt · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Explaining the Situation

"Galatris?" Ken, asked in disbelief.

"Master, I'm elated to see that I made it in time. The moment I've sensed your appearance in my world, I immediately hurried over." The giant eagle greeted him. "Unfortunately, your arrival has caused quite the disturbance in this entire area. It's only a question of time until this place will be swarmed by those who have been sent out to investigate the cause.

"I already sense the presence of Immortal King beasts approaching, and while I don't doubt my ability to fend them off, I'm afraid the shockwaves from the resulting fight are quite capable of killing the current you. It would be a travesty for you to die so meaninglessly. Allow me to bring you and your companions to a safe place where we can talk and make plans."

"... Alright, I trust you, Galatris. While I don't quite understand everything you said, I get that staying here is a bad idea. Everyone, please mount the giant eagle, so we can get going." Ken climbed on Galatris' back with Shyla still in his arms, followed by David, Richard and Kerum, whereas the Angels used their wings to accompany the giant eagle as he took off at breakneck speed.


A few moments later, four horrifying figures appeared in the clearing.

"It appears we've come too late. The scent of one of those eagle bastards is still fresh. Just what does he plan by saving some Immortal and half-step Immortal snacks? After trespassing into our territory, he should have at least left one of them for each of us to snack on." A huge red wolf growled in frustration.

"Do you dare call him that to his face? Don't you sense that he was at the Immortal Overlord Stage? We should be thankful that he's already gone, else it could have easily been us who would have ended up as a snack." A snow-white tiger lectured the wolf.

"I doubt he plans to eat them. Maybe he was just as curious as to why they appeared out of nowhere. Unfortunately, this means we won't be able to report anything back, not unless we go over to the Eternal Summit." A black tiger agreed with her mate. Just mentioning the sheer idea of going anywhere near that place sent shivers down the spines of all four Immortal King beasts.

"I don't know about you, but I have no intention to fight it out with the Thunder-eagle Clan. Let's just go back to our respective clans and report the situation. Let the higher-ups settle it among themselves." The last of the four, a blue female wolf, declared.

At this moment, a silver eagle appeared at the clearing.

"Greetings, I've come here as the ambassador of our Old Ancestor. You're to tell your clan heads 'If you want me to let this offense slide, come over and apologize to the Emperor himself. Don't forget to show your sincerity'."

"Fuck." The red wolf cursed. How could he not understand what the disappearing silver eagle meant! Apologize to the Emperor himself meant to submit, or at least present a gift that was worth the mercy of an Emperor. If the apologies weren't satisfying enough, only death would await their two clans. Worst of all, they would have to be the bearer of bad news to their respective clan heads…


Meanwhile, Ken and his friends arrived at the Eternal Summit's main palace, the home of Galatris and the Thunder-eagle Clan.

"Master, welcome to the Eternal Summit. I shall do my utmost to help you build up your Empire." The giant eagle proclaimed after everyone had gotten off his back.

"First the Angels and now you, Galatris? Why does everyone seem to expect me to become some sort of Emperor?" Ken sighed as he looked at the giant eagle.

"Apologies, Master, I seem to have rushed things. I forgot that you're not a native to Chaosia, so allow me to explain. This world differs quite a lot from the one you hail from. Everyone, and everything, practices cultivation in some shape or form, no matter if they're human, beast, or even something seemingly inanimate like a tree.

"Here, we worship only strength, and the one being at the peak of strength used to be our Eternal Emperor. Alas, a few years ago he spontaneously died, without any prior indication. Following his demise, Chaosia itself had spread out its seeds to nurture a replacement, blessing its own inhabitants, as well as those of other planets.

"Master, you happen to be such an Eternal Emperor Seedling. What's more, you truly seem to be blessed with luck, though perhaps one might also call it fate, but your mate happens to be an Eternal Empress Seedling. One without the other is destined to fail miserably, so the two of you will have a massive advantage over lone Seedlings.

"Still, beware, since you are neither the first nor will you be the last Seedling that Chaosia will call forth. For the time being, I shall act as your faithful Guardian, protecting you until you're strong enough to stand on your own. It is my solemn duty to provide you with information and guide you in your cultivation, but there is no free lunch in this world.

"Whether you wish for it or not, you will undoubtedly be dragged into this fight for succession. The fastest way for a Seedling to improve is by defeating another to absorb their power. For now, I suggest that we concentrate by helping you break through to the Mortal King Stage. Then, you'll have to conquer the whole of the Eternal Summit, so that everyone shall recognise this as your territory, before we proceed to the outside world!"

"That… is a lot to digest, so can we start step by step, please? First, could you tell me how can I become a cultivator? As you said, our two worlds are quite different, so I know nothing about cultivation besides some things that I read in books and I have no idea how applicable they might be in this world." Ken requested humbly.

# Host, please don't worry about that. I have the perfect Cultivation Methods for you #

# Please choose from the following: #

#1. Supreme Cultivation Art of Summoning (Holy Scripture)

#2. Supreme Cultivation Art of Summoning (Demonic Scripture)

#3. Supreme Cultivation Art of Summoning (Elemental Scripture)

#4. Supreme Cultivation Art of Summoning (Scripture of Wealth)

#5. Supreme Cultivation Art of Summoning (Scripture of Strength)

#6. Supreme Cultivation Art of Summoning (Scripture of Magic)

'System, mind telling me what the differences are between these Cultivation Methods?'

# As a Summoner to be, naturally these Scriptures will allow you to call forth your summons #

# The Holy Scripture specializes in summoning those creatures that are aligned as lawful good like Paladins, Priests or your Angels. Pick this if you wish to rule others through religion #

# The Demonic Scripture specializes in summoning those creatures that are aligned as chaotic evil like Shadows, Devils or Demons. Pick this if you wish to become a supreme overlord, one who rules through fear #

# The Elemental Scripture specializes in summoning those creatures that are simply born into this world through the elemental laws. Pick this if you wish to control the forces of nature #

# The Scripture of Wealth specializes in summoning merchants and 'other' people that could allow you to get anything your heart desires! (Provided you have the Spirit Stones to pay for it) #

# The Scripture of Strength specializes in summoning those creatures who believe in nothing but pure and brutal strength like Giants, Trolls or Orcs. Basically, everything that has brawns but no brains #

# The Scripture of Magic specializes in summoning the opposite field. It gives you access to creatures who are mana sensitive, such as Elfs, Dryads, or Magus. Basically, everything that believes that any problem can be overcome with enough brainpower #

# The Divine Scripture specializes in summoning Gods and Deities extracted from your memories. It will bestow you with powerful divine abilities that only the System can create #

'Hang on, System, I don't recall you listing this Divine Scripture.' Ken interrupted the Summoners System, already having made his choice, the moment he heard the description of the last Scripture.

# That is because you can't pick it #

'Are you kidding me? Then what's the point of you telling me this? Are you one of those Systems who gets a rise out of making fun of your Host?' Ken facepalmed at the answer.

# That will depend solely on you, Host. No, I mentioned it because there is a way for you to pick it #

'Magnanimous System, would you please be kind enough to tell me what I need to do to pick this Divine Scripture?' Ken asked with as much politeness as he could utter.

# It's simple, Host, barely an inconvenience, all you have to do… is absorb the essence of a Divine Being! #

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