

In the mystical realm of India, a lone vampire, Rudhir, wanders through the cities, seeking answers to his eternal existence. His immortal journey began with a mysterious and magical encounter with the enigmatic vampire, Kaal. Yet, the secrets of his past remain shrouded in darkness, leaving Rudhir with an insatiable thirst for truth. For centuries, he has roamed the land, searching for clues to unravel the mystery of his immortal life. One fateful evening, in the picturesque city of Dehradun, Rudhir's path crosses with a captivating stranger, Roshni. As she steps off the bus, their eyes meet, and Rudhir is struck by an uncanny resemblance - Roshni's face is identical to his long-lost love, Priya. The threads of fate entwine their lives once more, rekindling a love that was never meant to be. The memories of Priya's warmth, her laughter, and her tears come flooding back, and Rudhir is torn between his desire for answers and his longing for a love that has been lost for centuries. As Rudhir delves deeper into the mystery of Roshni and Priya, he unravels a tapestry of secrets, lies, and ancient curses. With each step, the stakes grow higher, and the danger draws near. He must navigate the treacherous landscape of his own heart, confronting the darkness that has haunted him for centuries. The whispers of his past echo through the ages, warning him of the dangers of loving a mortal. Yet, Rudhir cannot resist the allure of Roshni's smile, the sparkle in her eyes, and the gentle touch of her hand. Will Rudhir uncover the truth about his immortal existence and the women who have captivated his heart? Or will the shadows of his past consume him forever? As he walks the fine line between love and destruction, Rudhir must confront the ultimate question: can a vampire's heart ever truly be redeemed? Dive into the world of "The Eternal Embrace" to discover the fate of these star-crossed lovers, and unravel the mysteries of their eternal embrace. Join Rudhir on his journey through the realms of love, loss, and redemption, as he searches for the truth and fights for a love that transcends the boundaries of time and mortality.

Aman_5577 · Fantaisie
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23 Chs



Chapter 20

4th period of the Class has ended with a bell. All students are starting to leave the class because it's lunchtime. Everyone is going to the canteen for lunch. Rudhir was about to leave the class when a peon entered the classroom and greeted the teacher, "Hello, Ms. Geetasha mam, I am here to tell you that the new principal is assigned tomorrow, and she has already arrived at the college. She is waiting in the principal's office, and there will be a meeting in 10 minutes. Every teacher must be present, so please don't be late."

Then, when he said this, everyone started looking at each other and began gossiping. A boy said, "Umm, a new principal?" and the peon said, "Yes, this is true. Rudhir replaced the principal." Another boy said, "Yes, it's true! I bet the principal who was assigned to our college is with Rudhir's reference." Another boy said, "What? That means he will receive special attention, right?" Others nodded and said, "Wow, what a lucky bastard! I will remember not to mess with him."

Just then, the peon said, "Mr. Raichand, Rudhir looked at the peon and said, "Yes?" The peon, feeling intimidated by his fearless aura, said, "Actually, I mean the principal summoned you to the office. Can you come with me?" Rudhir then nodded and said, "Yes, let's go." They walked towards the principal's office. Other students who listened to the peon started gossiping again. A boy said, "See, I told you!" Others nodded.

Ms. Geetasha was also thinking, "What? The principal summoned him before she met with us teachers? Damn, this is not acceptable! This is college, and every student is equal. I must talk to the principal about this." She sighed and started going to the staff room. Roshni also listened to their conversation and started thinking, "Is this true? I know he gave the order to Vikram to replace Mr. Principal, who was also Suraj's father, but he replaced him for being unfair, right? He did it for me, right? I mean, what else could be the reason? It's only the first day of college, and I don't think there's any other option. He argued with him because he saved me from Suraj's ragging too. That's right; he did it for me, or am I being too self-obsessed? I don't think he has an ulterior motive, or did he replace him for his benefit so he can maintain an easy life in college? Ahh, I don't know why I am thinking about him, but did he do it because he is a good man or a bad man who wants to rule the college? I don't think he is a ruler type because he doesn't talk to anyone in class."

She came out of her senses when she heard her friend Neha's voice, who was also listening. Neha said, "Oh, hello! What are you thinking? Are you into him?" Roshni blushed a little and said, "What do you mean, Neha? I am not thinking about him at all. I told you, I am not into that stuff." Neha chuckled and said, "Oh, yeah, yeah, anyway, it's mess time. We should go eat, or the mess will be closed." Roshni nodded and said, "Yeah, let's go."

When they were walking towards the door, they heard a girl's voice saying, "Hmm, damn! He is hot, smart, intelligent, and has a strong background. Wow, if he really replaced the principal because the principal argued with him, I don't think any other man can do that. I wish I could date him." But suddenly, a strong masculine voice said, "Hey, stop acting like a stupid girl! Don't treat him like a king or something. He's just a student like us, and you know this is St. Mary's College, how expensive it is. Most of the students here are from strong backgrounds, so don't spread rumors like this."

The girl replied, "Kabir, I don't mean that. I am just saying he is a dream man any girl would want to have." Other girls also nodded. Meanwhile, Teena, who was sitting at the last bench and listening to their conversation, suddenly shouted, "Why, Mr. Kabir Singhania, did you by any chance get jealous of him because he's stealing your stardom?" Kabir turned and said, "Huh? He's stealing? Do you kidding me? I don't think he's stealing anything, and I'm not jealous of him at all. Did you forget I am Kabir Singhania? I can date whoever I want, don't talk some nonsense."

Teena on the other hand chuckled and said, "Why, Mr. Kabir Singhania, are you defending yourself? Are you that embarrassed?" Kabir's face turned red, and he said, "Don't mess with me, Teena." Teena just laughed and started walking towards the door. Others also laughed secretly and then all went towards the canteen. Roshni and Neha also started walking towards the canteen. Suddenly, Neha said, "Wow, this is a mess!" Roshni questioned, "What is a mess?" Neha replied, "You don't know? A boy is saying bad things about Rudhir, and he is Kabir Singhania, the only son of the Singhania group. He's kind of a big shot."

Roshni raised an eyebrow and said, "Huh? Did he really get jealous of him?" Neha chuckled and replied, "What do you think? A male's ego is very big. He's very popular with girls, and now girls are mostly talking about Rudhir. His reputation has fallen, and he's likely jealous." Roshni smiled and said, "And why do you think that Rudhir will fight him for attention? He doesn't talk to anyone in class; all girls who were roaming around him, he doesn't look interested in a single one." Neha replied, "Yeah, I also noticed that, but still, my guts are saying something will happen. Anyway, what do you choose? Kabir or Rudhir?"

Roshni suddenly stopped and said with a blushed face, "What? Why should I choose?" Neha chuckled and said, "Oh, come on, Roshni! I am just asking who is better in your eyes. I bet you will choose Rudhir because he saved you twice, and he's kind of a hero to you. I am right, right, right? Tell me?" Roshni suddenly shouted, "Shut up! Why should I choose him? I know he saved me, and I am thankful to him, but I am not into that stuff, and I already told you I am here only for studies. So, don't ask me stupid questions!" Neha pouted and said, "Huh? Boring, Roshni! You are not fun!" Roshni smiled and said, "Yeah, now let's go, then." They walked towards the canteen.