
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

The Start of the End

" Lets rest for the day, tomorrow the countdown will be over and whatever its purpose is, we will finally find it out." As he told the group and they all nodded.


The people were told to gather 2 hours before the countdown. Different people from different groups gathered.

" Big brother, what do you think will happen to us?" Hannah ask Raven

" I do not know, but don't worry, I'll protect you." He replied to reassure the child, even he knows nothing good will come out of thus situation.

As time pass by, the vicinity became crowded, there are roughly 2,000 people. Raven then spotted Carla in the crowd, she is now alone. He sighed as he muttered, " So much for telling her that we shouldn't see each other again." Hannah just stared at him with a confused face.

Then he can hear a group talking,

" Hey look at the angel, I would love to taste that."

" A real blonde, I am sure that she is one of em stupid blondes in the movies."

" I want to strangle her to satisfaction." The thug's words can be heard by the crowd.

' Is this what happens to humanity after a few days of this 'Tragedy'?' Raven thought to himself.

" Look at that elf over there, now that is a hottie. I want to make her scream."

As he heard their words he turned his head and glares at group of thugs, laughing, while looking at his mother with lust filled eyes. He glared at them even more, and remembered their faces. ' How dare they speak ill towards my mother.'

" Hey kid what are you glaring at?!" One of the thugs noticed him, a Demon-kin.

He didn't reply.

" Hey shouldn't you answer when someone is asking you?!" Now their entire group went towards him.

Raven just sighed and replied,

" Why should I waste my time talking you?" he looked at his group as if saying not get in the way, as they replied with a nod. He smiled wryly as he think ' This will be a good opportunity to collect some fear.'

" What'cha smilin at, ugh? You got some balls kid, I'll give you that." As the Demon look at Raven and glanced at his companions behind Raven, and he then noticed that the elf girl they were talking about was part of his group. Then he suddenly have a malicious smile.

" How about this kid, let's make a deal, I won't hurt you and your other companions, just give me the elf." When he whispered these words to him. He glared at him and as he was about to kill him, somebody else shouted.

" Hey don't you know what our current situation is? Why are you going to fight amongst yourselves?" A demon girl suddenly interrupted us.

The thug became irritated and told her,

" F*ck off, don't get yourself involved, or you will regret it." The crowd noticed the commotion happening and started to gather around them, Carla is also among them, he notice her staring at him.

" I was a police officer before this, and I won't tolerate this kind of behaviour." She replied then continue. " I won't let you hurt this kid." as she pointed at Raven.

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and Raven saw Carla scoffed at the Demon Girl's words.

" What's Happening?"

" That kid was about to be beaten up, then that girl save him."

" That kid offended the thugs first though, right?"

As the place was being noisy somebody shouted.

" Start the fight already!"

He sighed at those words ' Without civilization, uncivilised people are out.' as he was thinking the Demon Girl said to the group.

" Don't you think that I didn't hear you guys talking about lewd things to this Angel? And I can already guess that this kid got mad at your words" as she pointed towards a beautiful Angel, Carla, and then at Raven. Carla was shocked as she stared at Raven.

' No officer they were speaking ill towards my mother. I couldn't care less about that Devilish Angel.' He sighed at the misunderstanding.

As he was about to say something, his mother spoke first

" Yeah she belongs to him." And look at raven with a wink and a thumbs up.

He can see Carla's face, she's wearing a smug face, he already knows what that devilish angel was thinking.

' So you're interested in me?'

' That face pisses me off.' When he was about to speak again.

Natsu came to Raven and he patted his shoulder.

" You got mad because other guys are eyeing your girl." he continued to pat him as he added. " Ahh, youth really is beautiful." A tear flowed down his right eye while clenching his other fist on his chest.

' What kind of sh*tty development is this?' And as he was about to speak, the Demon Thug was now the who intercepted him.

" Should I care about that? Officer we don't have any laws anymore, civilization is ruined. What's wrong if we do crimes now?" He said with insane eyes.

She suddenly let out Electricity around her, when the Demon Thug saw this, he responded by covering himself with stone. As he was being covered the Demon Girl was suddenly im front of her. She grab hold of his neck and choke slammed him on the ground. A small crater was created. The crowd stepped back a few meters.

And she slowly stood up and said.

" I don't care whether if there is a law or not, I don't care what you punks say, I know you can you can tell the difference between right and wrong. And I as a police officer, I will never tolerate any wrong doings."

' Shes a righteous Demon, that Angel should learn from her.' Raven stared at the Demon Girls back then he saw the electricity surrounding her body, he then shifted his gaze at the unconscious demon thug at the middle of the crater. ' She's not only fast but also she's strong too.'

The thug's group was flustered on what happened in a flash. Then all of them charged at the Demon Girl at the same time, and then, as they were about to get near at her, and as she was about to charge at them.

An ice wall suddenly emerged from the ground, then froze the feet of the thugs.

" The show's over, I guess." An elf can be seen standing at the beginning of the ice wall, as she looked disappointed.

A man flew above the ice wall and then roared out flames at the immobilised thugs.

" I was getting excited as my ship was getting this development." A Dragon Newt smiling as he put down two kids beside him.

A boy raised his right hand and as it suddenly grew large and it punched the ground where the group of thugs are.

" This all happened because Big Brother wanted to act cool in front of his girlfriend." A Wolf-Kin was yawning as he looked at Raven.

A pack of horned wolves was summoned around the group and rendered the escaping thugs unconscious.

" Why? Big Brother look so cool when he got mad because this people bad-mouthed his girlfriend." A Feline-kin girl with both of her hands on the ground as she slowly stood up and also look at Raven.

Raven smirked and thought,

' Talk about a cool entrance. But the kids are being influenced by those two.' and when he realised that he just sighed

The Demon Girl was surprised at what happened. A group of 100 was now lying on the ground, either burnt, flattened, or full of bite marks and scratches.

The Wolf-kin reverted his arm, The Feline-kin undid the summoning, The Dragon Newt flew down the ice wall and carried the kids and lastly the Elf undid the ice wall. They made their way towards The Demon Girl.

" Thanks for saving that guy." The Beautiful Elf spoke first and pointed at Raven.

" I think, he didn't even need saving when he has you guys." The Demon Girl replied, " Oh by the way my name is Ashley, Ashley Cruz." She introduced herself.

" I am Rea Syraight. The mother of that guy." she introduced herself with a smile that can make any man's heart skipped a beat.

" You look so young, by the way nice to meet you."

" I am Hannah Bernardo." She also introduced herself with an adorable smile.

" Nice to meet you too, what a cute little girl." As she pinched her cheeks.

" I am Kurosaki Natsu, but you can call me Natsu." He bowed his head when he introduced himself.

" Ok then, nice to meet you Natsu." As she also bowed.

" Ace Deck." He just said his name.

" What's with that attitude? Respect your elders." She scolded Ace, and he just growled back.

The crowd became noisy again.

" This guy's are so strong."

" Do you think we can join them?"

" Look at the thugs, they always cause trouble to others, but they're defeated in an instant."

Raven made his way to the group, he just ignored the noisy crowd.

" Hello my name is.. " before he can introduced himself.

" Raven Syraight." An Angel finished his introduction for him.

' What is it with people interrupting me.' He just sighed and spoke to the Angel.

" Carla Taylor." He just smiled wryly. " I thought we agreed that we should never see each other again."

" Do you think I like seeing your face?" She scoffs at him.

He can see his companions giggling at them, as always he just ignored them.

" So what brings you here, Priestess?"

" I am no longer a Priestess, all thanks to you. The survivors of the church all left." As she glared at him.

" Why did they left you alone?" He said so with a fake surprised face. He already knows why, but he just like teasing her.

Veins popped on her head.

" Because a certain someone killed the protectors of the church, and now the weak ones are scared that that certain someone might come for revenge." He can see that she really wants him dead.

Then the Demon Girl interrupted the two. She asked curiously.

" Umm may I know what you two are talking about?"

Raven took the initiative to explain.

" This Demon on Angel's skin is the Priestess of a now extinct religion." As he pointed at the Angel, he can feel the killing intent, and chose to ignored it.

" What religion?" when the Demon Girl ask, the Angel answered her question.

" The Church of Revelation." when Ashley heard the name, she back away.

' Why did she back away?' as he got curious, he ask her " Do you know it?" When She heard the question, she was surprised.

" You don't know the Church of Revelation? Well I'll explain, they are a religious group formed solely by people who transformed, they called themselves ' Chosen People ', they are also the most influential and biggest group in the area, rendering to almost a thousand members, no one dares to offend them." when he heard the explanation, he looked at Carla, she is wearing a smug face again. Then Ashley turned and ask Carla.

" Well if what you say us true, and the Church is destroyed, then may I ask what group defeated the Church?"

Carla pointed at Raven, and Ashley nodded with agreement and said " Well if it's them they can really manage it somehow." Carla just shook her head and reply.

" You're wrong." as confusion filled Ashley, Carla continued, as she pointed at Raven. " Only he alone defeated us." Ashley became pale and she can't utter another word.


After the incident Raven's companions are talking leisurely with Ashley, when Ashley found out about Raven, she asked him if she could join his group, and he agreed.

There are also others who wanted to join, but they got rejected.

Time went by and only 29 minutes are left on the countdown. And a large swirling portal can be seen forming above them.

The crowd readied themselves at whatever may come out of it.

5 minutes left, the tension of the crowd wasn't diminished.

1 minutes left, cold sweats can be seen in others, while others are trembling.

Only one man was smiling, while licking his lips.

' This fear, I can feel it, thank you for the food.'



Others trembled even faster.


Sweats trickled down their faces.


Natsu swallowed down dry saliva.


Hannah held Raven's hand.


Ace growled at the sky.


Carla tried to calm herself.


Ashley strengthened her resolved even further.


Rea is now pale, while forming icicles in the air.


Others saw her and prepared their powers too.

' This is it.'