
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

The First to Fall


After a hour Raven finally arrived at Beijing, he landed on the ground and roamed the vicinity. As he roam the area of Beijing, someone suddenly pounced at him. A Lion-kin girl grabbed hold of his neck and said,

" Give me all your food right now, or else I will kill you. " she then tighten her grip.

Raven just casually stared at the girl, she was about 29 years old, he observed her as she kept tightening her gripped, it didn't affect him though.

" Are you deaf?" The girl ask him.

' Why do I kept encountering troublesome individuals. ' he thought to himself, and he then grabbed the girl's hand and threw her aside.

" If you're going to rob someone, make sure you're strong. " he said this words as he left her lying on the streets.

When he turned his back, the girl pounced at him again and this time there are 10 blades spinning around her.

" Well I am strong, my power level is Red. " She said that and she controlled the blades and aimed it to Raven.

When he was about to dodge, a voice from the alley was heard, it was a girl's voice.

"Sister no! " when she heard the voice the blades stopped right before Raven, then a little Lion-kin girl can be seen, the gurl continue talking,

' Hmm, maybe she's that girl's little sister. ' Raven just thought to himself and just observed the situation.

" Please stop, you don't have to do this for my sake. " The little girl was about to go to her sister when suddenly a man emerged from the shadow of the little girl and grabbed hold of her.

" Oh what do we have here? Looks like I found myself a hostage. " Then he look at the older sister.

" You bastard! Let my sister go, or else I'll kill you too. " She glared at the man.

" Oh I really loved that look in your eyes, but if you try to make any sudden moves," He grab the little girl's cheeks and continued to talk. " your sister here is gonna be dead. " He threatened her.

" What do you want, I'll do anything just let my sister go. " She calmed down and negotiated with the man.

" You know what I want, I already told you. Well I'll just repeat it again. I want you to be my slave. " The man's eyes were now filled with lust as she looked at the elder sister from head to toe. Then the little girl bit the man's arm that was holding her.

" Ouch! Why you little sh*t ! " He threw her to the side.

" Why you bastard, how dare you hurt my sister. " She was about to charged at him when suddenly a group of people came out from their hiding spots, then she stopped her movements, and just observed the people in the surroundings.

" You think I came in alone? You made enemies from different groups here and this people are their leaders, all of them wanted to get their revenge. " The man had a sinister smile as he grabbed the little girl again, and gave it to the others.

" You cowards! " She glared at each and every one of the people.

While all of this was happening, there is one person who didn't make any sound and any movement from the beginning of the scene, he then suddenly moved and was about to leave when somebody blocked his way,

" Where do you think you're going? " A tall man with a large build was in front of Raven, he is a Elf.

" I have no business here, so just move. " he said to the elf and was about to walk away again, when suddenly the elf grabbed hold of his shoulder and stopped him.

" Hey remove your hand, or else. " He glared at the elf, then a smile formed in the elf's face and said,

" Or else what?. " Then in a blink of an eye, the Elf was buried in a wall 10 meters away from them. Everyone became flustered and glared at Raven, then Raven just provoked them,

" Anyone else? " The other leaders was about to charge when the man who grabbed hold of the little girl stopped them and spoke,

" My friend, it is not wise to make us your enemies, you will end up like this girl over here, " He then pointed to the elder sister and he continued talking, " we will also have to kill you. " then the others laugh at the man's words.

' This people are annoying. ' Raven just sighed at his thoughts and was about to leave again, the was stopped again, but this time it was the Lion-kin girl.

" Hey you're leaving just like that? Aren't you gonna help a Damsel in distress? " she ask him, and Raven replied

" Well didn't you try to kill me earlier? "

" I know, but if you can help me, I would really appreciate it. "

' This girl is pathetic. ' he thought to himself and ask her,

" What's in it for me? "

The man was listening in the conversation and told Raven,

" So you're getting yourself involved? Well then, we have no choice but to kill you. " then the people charged at the two people. The Lion-kin summoned 10 blades and tried her best to block, dodge and attack the enemies, while Raven didn't make a single move, when an attack was about to hit Raven, she blocked it and yelled at him,

" HEY! Fight them, or defend yourself at least. "

He replied,

" You said you were strong, so I figured you can deal with them. "

" Why you?! Then die at their hands for all I care. " she said to him as she fought the leaders.

The fight continued for a few minutes, the leaders didn't attack Raven and just focused on the Lion-kin, then she got hit by a wind blade and was now lying on the floor, wounded and bruised. She tried getting up but it was no use, she was weakened, the. Raven spoke again,

" Well I guess this is enough for your punishment for trying to kill and rob me. " He then walk towards them and the leaders who was ignoring him, charge and aimed their powers at him.

' Fear Stimulation. ' Raven activated the skill, everyone in the area was now petrified by fear, they cannot move including the man, the elder sister and the little girl.

Raven just looked at the elder sister and told her,

" This will be the only time that I will help you. " then he turned towards the petrified leaders and told them,

" And for you people, I have an announcement to make, from this day on, Beijing will be destroyed. " the leaders tried to rebuked Raven's words but no one can utter a single word, Raven continued

" I heard that Beijing is in chaos right now, so I will make it more chaotic. " Raven laugh, his laughter resounded all through out the streets, and the people who was hearing such an evil laugh, trembled.

" Mo-mo-monster. " One of the leader muttered.

' My plan was to wait and observe for a few days,but I guess now isn't a bad time either. Fear Creation. ' Then a horde of monster was summoned, the group can't fathom at the scene before their eyes.

" Now let the games begin. " Raven then turned his head to the monsters and ordered them,

" Capture everyone on this city, if they resist, " He then looked at the petrified people on the side. " force them, break their limbs if you have to. "