
The Enigma of Eternal Wisdom and Temporal Dominion

In a universe where cosmic forces and temporal mastery collide, an ancient prophecy speaks in cryptic verse of a force unknown, a destiny untold. “When realms collide and souls traverse, In cycles of life, through realms diverse, A dragon's essence, a timeless grace, Shall awaken to a cosmic embrace. But as cosmic tides and aeons entwine, The hero must heed the cosmic sign, For at the edge where universes blend, A final stand against time’s grasp shall rend.” Only by unlocking the secrets of their cosmic destiny can they confront the enigma of time itself. *** Planet---Earth In a room there lay a young boy on bed open his eyes which were like pure silver after looking left and right he say only two words "f**k seriously"

_KaNETO · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter:-08 Butler

With his pursuers dead, William found himself in a rather unglamorous situation. As he was bent over, clutching his stomach, and let's just say he was, well, expelling the contents of his stomach. We could euphemistically call it "vomiting," but to put it more candidly, he was, quite frankly, puking his guts out.

William muttered to himself in between bouts of nausea, "Oh, that… that was not how I envisioned things going. I mean, how the hell in those novel MC stay fine even after killing another human like nothing and on other point here, I'm… blegh! I think I possibly need a mint. Or a whole garden of them."

It was an undignified moment, To say the least.

"I should complain later. First, I should head to my place," William muttered to himself.

After William had left, a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows of tree and looked around the area.

"He certainly has a good brain, but I don't think he has that great combat power. Why did 'Lord' choose him for the job? Well, I'll find out later. First, I should follow him," the mysterious figure whispered to himself before vanishing into the darkness.

Following a short journey, William finally returned to his place.

After opening the door and stepping inside,

 William took another thorough look at his futuristic apartment.

His apartment was a marvel of modern design and technology. The space featured sleek, minimalist aesthetics, with holographic displays adorning the walls and automated furniture that seamlessly adjusted to his needs. It was a home that represented the cutting edge of the future, filled with intelligent systems that catered to his every comfort and convenience. The lighting shifted in response to his mood, and the entire living space was connected to an advanced AI that work accordingly to William need.

After a thorough examination of his futuristic apartment, William couldn't help but crinkle his nose. The first thing he did was to high-tail it to the bathroom – for he has no time to waste!

 Spending those days roughing it in the wilderness had turned him into a walking stink bomb. In fact, he'd become so ripe that during his train ride home, people were avoiding him like he was a mafia Boss in a three-piece suit.

Grinning at the absurdity of it all, he decided that there was no better way to break in the automated bathroom than, a old-fashioned one. The ultra-modern shower pod came to life with a gentle hum, and the water cascaded down, setting the perfect temperature and even playing a harmonious tune in the background. William pondered the irony that even in the technologically advanced world, nature could still give you that humbling reminder that there's nothing quite like a refreshing shower to make you feel blessed again.

After a long, relaxing bath, William stepped out of the shower pod, feeling rejuvenated. He headed to his wardrobe, selecting a simple t-shirt and pants to wear for the day. As he dressed, a curious question popped into his mind.

"How do I know the password to my apartment, and how do I know where this wardrobe is?" William pondered.

After some contemplation, he could only come up with one answer: "Is it possible that I didn't consciously know the password, but my muscle memory somehow kicked in, just like those with amnesia who still remember how to perform certain tasks?"

"System, open the status menu" William call out.

Skills ➡️ Eagle eyes, double trust, marksmanship

Spells ➡️ Lightning strike, wind blade, ??

After looking at his status menu William spoke,

"So, does that mean if I were to wield a spear and attempt to fight, my body would remember the 'double thrust' skill and execute it?"

 "I'll give it a try tomorrow. For Today, I'm tired as hell. I should eat dinner and rest for now, especially since school starts in a couple of days at Terra Nova Academy."

While pondering his strategy for his survival at the academy, William entered his living room and made his way to the kitchen.

"You certainly take your sweet time in the bath, Mr. William."

A sudden voice called out to him, and in an instant, his whole body screamed danger. Instinctively, his body reacted, retrieving a spear from the system storage and hurling it in the direction of the voice.

As I turned to look at where I had thrown the spear, I was completely shocked to see an old man dressed in a butler's uniform. His appearance was impeccable, fitting the description of a butler who is serving a wealthy family, with his immaculate black suit, neatly combed white hair, and an air of dignified grace. But I wasn't shocked to see a real, to be honest I was.


What shocked me even more, though, was the fact that the spear I had threw with all my might hadn't managed to leave a single scratch or deal the slightest damage. What more my spear hadn't even managed to come close to the old man, as it hovered in mid-air just a few inches from him.

"Does he have telekinetic abilities?" I wondered to myself in astonishment.

The old butler, his demeanour oozing refinement and an aura of timeless elegance, spoke with a hint of sarcasm, "Young man these days, do you not know that it's disrespectful to attack your elders like this?"

After William calmed his senses, which had warned him that this old man was far more dangerous than he appeared, he retorted, "Old man, you should also know that it's disrespectful to enter someone's place without permission. How did you even manage to enter without alerting the AI? So you can't blame me for that attack for any person will do that if an unknown person enter there house without alerting there security system, and the attack it didn't even manage to leave a single scratch on you."

The butler, with a wry smile which look like he making fun of William, butler responded, "Mr. William, you do have a great mind, but your senses are not as keen as you'd like to believe. You didn't even sense me in your shadow."

William pondered, "Does this old man have a rare shadow affinity? If so, how did anyone manage to make a person with both telekinetic ability and shadow affinity into a butler? Even the top four families were unable to turn someone of his calibre into a butler. There's only one family capable of that, but why would a butler from that family would come to my place?"

William continued to inquire, "Well, all that's fine, and it's my fault for not sensing you in my shadow. But who are you, and can you care to explain why you're here?"

"Mr William you seem to think I have come here to hurt you or worst kill you" butler asked.

"Old man you said I have a good brain and I don't think that if want to kill me you should have waited this long and even if you want to kill what can I do for I am just a normal person in front of your power, so can you explain now who are you and what are you doing here" William responded.

With a polite yet mocking tone, the butler replies, "Well, it would be disrespectful not to introduce myself, especially as I am a perfect butler."

"I am Charles Sullivan, the head butler of the Sullivan family, and I am here on orders from my master," the butler introduced himself.

He continued, "I've been following you for many days, precisely since those hunters started pursuing you. I must admit, I'm impressed by how you managed to outsmart them with your intellect, although I was somewhat disappointed that you couldn't resolve the matter with your own strength."

William replied, "Old man, those were hunters of a much higher rank than me. How could I have possibly defeated them with my E-rank strength?"

Charles pointed out, "Ok I should not expect to brat of your background to defeat person above you rank but. Another thing is that you should have been mindful of that you should have take care of the bodies. If I hadn't been there to dispose of them, you could have left evidence pointing to you, which might have attracted spoiled brat and he should have send even more formidable hunters sent to eliminate you."

William revolted , "Again old man they were killed by the Infernal lion how should I have take care of there bodi-.

William stop speaking and think again that had heard right so William questions him.

"Wait a min you said you take care of there bodies?"

"Yes for once my master need you alive so I can't leave a trace which can help them kill you and make my master arrangement for nothing and as I am perfect butler I clean all the bodies from there." Charles replied.

" Um..thanks and all but how do you manage to take there bodies from the infernal lion he was A Rank monster you know" William asked

Charles, with a hint of pride, replied, "That little lion was no challenge for me. It didn't even withstand a single attack. Now I'm even more perplexed about why my master chose you for the job."

William was utterly shocked by Charles' statement. Because the ranking system didn't align with the idea of for a hero of rank A defeating an A-rank monster. And for an infernal beast it was required more firepower then just a single A Rank hero.

For such beast, it would typically require three A-rank hunters and ten B-rank hunters. And the fact that Charles claimed to have downed it with a single attack left William flabbergasted.

He asked, "Hold on a minute. You mentioned that your lord has a job for me. Why would the head of your family want to offer a job to nobody like me?"

Charles replied, "That's a question even I'd like to know. You should ask him directly."

Suddenly, without a word, Charles grabbed William's hand, and before he could utter a protest, they vanished from their location.