
The end or a new beginning

This is a story of two worlds fighting for their survival. Two groups of "heroes" enemies to each other. ---------- All Michael wanted was a peaceful life. If you didn't bother him, he doesn't exist to you. But all of that changes when he is a Chosen One to fight for the survival of his planet. ------------ 5511, otherwise known as Erwin, is fighting for the survival of his species. All he has to do is follow orders. ------------- This is just a little project of mine. This is probably going to be a bumpy ride of a story. This could have some strong language and vulgar content later on in the story. Still thinking about it though. To be honest, I'm mostly winging this. I've never written/typed a novel before so, if you could help me improve, please type your thoughts and recommendations. It can help me improve my writing.

turtleboy · Romance
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4 Chs

4 The Oracle

Earth/U.S./New York

Chaos is reigning in a tall building made of strong, black material and blue-shaded windows as guards and agents start yelling orders to each other. People from different nationalities were present and started to call their superiors.

"Get the ambassador!"

"Call the president."

"Get the queen on the phone, this is urgent!"

One by one, ambassadors from around the world started to arrive on their luxurious hovercars at this building. An organization made to try and predict the end of the world. It's made up of one or two representatives from each country and a rare specimen, not seen in millions of years. An Oracle.

The ambassadors and their representatives sat at their designated seats in a large auditorium. The tension in the room was huge. No one said anything. They knew why they were called here. Minutes passed before a blonde, a young man with a nervous look stepped up onto the stage and stood before a podium, and spoke onto the microphone.

"S-sorry for the delay. The Oracle will now present himself," He stammered.

He then stepped aside and an old man came up. He took his place on the podium and stood there. He had a bald spot on his nest of a har and had wrinkly skin. He looked tired as if he hasn't slept in a few days. He let a few moments of silence pass before he spoke.

"A war is coming."

After they heard that, the ambassadors started to voice their thoughts.

"I knew it! Russia was planning something!"

"What do you mean?!"

They started to blame each other, trust vanishing. This continued for a while before the oracle spoke up.


Everyone obeyed and calmed down but kept their guard. The Oracle coughed a few times and the young man brought a cup of water and patted his back.

"I'm ok, Thank you," he told the man. He then faced the ambassadors, " This war will not be between nations but between worlds. Bold of you to assume and blame others because of your doubts."

He let out a deep breath and continued.

"They will come to destroy us. The reason is not clear."

The room suddenly felt cold. Aliens. Extraterrestrials. Martians. Possibilities but highly unlikely. So this isn't real, right? They glanced at the young man and saw that the fear in his eyes was real. The Oracle let the news sink in before he continued.

"We have found four suits before the revelation. We've tried many things. tried to put it on prisoners, activate it, recharge it, but to no avail. When I saw the vision, I saw 4 young men and women in these suits. I want you to find them and bring them."