
The end has come

The end of the world is coming, the demon king is harvesting the lives of all beings, in this desperate era, there is a person who breaks the space and returns to before the world collapses, determined to change the fate of his previous life, but as time goes by, he gradually happens that the end is not so simple

3377487694 · Romance
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4 Chs

Chapter I

It rained for a day and a night, and in the dead man's pit outside the barracks, a hand stretched out.


The night patrol soldiers lost their lanterns in fright, and fled back to the barracks to report to the captain.


Together with the soldiers, the commander carried a long knife, carried a lamp, and went out of the camp to check.


The two looked around, and saw a figure sitting quietly in the pile of dead bodies in the pouring rain.


The captain of the army took a lantern from afar, but saw a soldier, wearing tattered standard leather armor, leaning against a pile of heads, with his back to the lamp.


Wu Chang clenched his long knife and asked in a deep voice, "Who is in front?" "


Through the rain curtain, only a faint voice was heard: "The soldier in the lower forward battalion was seriously injured and couldn't move." "


Can't move?


Wu Chang's expression eased, and he stepped forward with his knife and said, "It turned out to be the brother of the forward battalion, come, I'll help you up." "


"Thank you."


"You're welcome, die."


The long knife broke through the rain curtain and turned into a cold ray, slashing straight at the man's neck.


Wu Chang's knife was extremely fierce, and he calculated the right time, and the man's head was directly cut off and rolled down to the depths of the corpse pit.


It's a big deal!


Wu Chang smiled and withdrew the long knife, and suddenly his face changed: "What-"


A figure rose from the pile of corpses under the man, and the cold light in his hand wiped over Wu Chang's arm.


The arm and the long knife flew out, and a cloud of blood mist burst from the severed arm, scattering in the wind and rain.


The sharp pain came, and Wu Chang's face showed disbelief, and a high leaping figure was reflected in his pupils.


A short sword magnified in front of Wu Chang's eyes.


With a thud, the short sword pierced into the eye socket.


The pain lasted only a brief moment, and then darkness followed.


After counting the breaths.


The young man pulled the dagger out of Wu Chang's eye socket.


Captain Wu's body fell straight backwards, falling into the mud.


The boy held the dagger and stood silently in place.


The night rain crackled down, and the muddy water on the boy's face was washed away, revealing a pair of bright eyes.


Suddenly, the boy's eyes sharpened.


At his feet, Wu Chang's stomach swelled violently, and there was a strange grunt in his belly.


The young man took a deep breath, held the sword in both hands, and stabbed it into the stomach with all his might.


An inhuman scream came, and a layer of black mist erupted from Wu Chang's stomach, and his belly rose and fell, as if something was struggling desperately.


With a bang, Wu Chang's belly burst open, and a pitch-black and thin paw stretched out.


Before the terrifying ghost claw could make any moves, the young man held the hilt of the sword with both hands and twisted violently.




The boy spat out a word.


The frantically writhing corpse suddenly froze, and the ghost claw was unwilling to slowly hang down, no longer making any movements.


All is silent.


The stinking black blood slowly spread from under Captain Wu's corpse.


Seeing this layer of black blood, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out his short sword vigorously.


He looked down at the strange corpse on the ground and muttered to himself.


"Such a strange situation, I wonder what the mission reward will be?"


With three points of anticipation, the young man shouted softly: "System! "


One breath, two breaths, three breaths.


Time passed quietly, but nothing happened.


In the dark night, only the sound of wind and rain is endless.


The young man tilted his head unexpectedly and looked back and forth—behind him was the pit of the dead, at his feet was the corpse of the devil, and not far in front of him, a soldier was paralyzed on the ground in fright, and even his lips were trembling.




The boy was puzzled: "The mission hasn't been completed yet?" "


The system remained silent, indicating that the mission was not completed.


The boy looked at the soldier and suddenly felt that something had been overlooked.


The boy thought about it, and struggled to move forward, but almost fell into the mud.


Just now, I gathered the center god to kill the devil, and I didn't feel it for a while, but now that I have eased up, I find that my body hurts everywhere, and it hurts terribly.


The legs were filled with lead, and every step of the movement required all the strength.


That's very wrong.


At the moment when the end came, he used all his strength to kill the final demon lord, but he didn't quit the game, but entered this inexplicable place with a body of pain.


Where the hell is this?


The boy frowned, staggered to the soldier, and gave a military salute.


"Xiao Riding Battalion, Gu Qingshan came to report."


"You, you, you killed Shangguan!" The soldier stammered.


"He's not human." Gu Qingshan looked at the soldier and said.


The Soldier wore an old-fashioned leather armor that didn't even have a psychic drive—an antique item that even the most unappreciated troops wouldn't wear.


Gu Qingshan looked at his body, he was actually an old antique, and the original equipment was gone.


That's weird.


The soldier glanced quickly at the dead man's pit, and the strange corpse of the captain was still lying motionless in the mud.


The soldier hesitated, "But... But when you kill him, how do you know that he is not human? "


Gu Qingshan spread his hands and said, "I was just a little careful, so he made the first move." "


Gu Qingshan walked back and dragged the corpse of the captain to the soldiers, allowing the soldiers to take a closer look.


"Look, it's a skinned bloodfiend."


Gu Qingshan used a short sword to peel off Wu Chang's belly, but inside was a monster with a black body, vertical pupils, and a hideous face.


Seeing the monster corpse with your own eyes shocked the soldiers even more.


The soldier recalled his companions who had died inexplicably in the past few days, and while he was afraid, he finally felt some gratitude to the young man.


The soldier stabilized his mind and asked, "Your name is Gu Qingshan?" "




"Riding battalion?"




"Where's the waist card?"


Gu Qingshan took out the waist card, looked at it himself, and then threw it to the other party for inspection.


The card was heavier than he had imagined.


With today's refining technology, the identity waist card can obviously be refined as light as a page, how can the waist card on his body be as heavy as a scale.


The boy's mind became more and more confused.


The soldier took the waist card and took a closer look, and it was indeed the six words "Xiao Cavalry Camp Gu Qingshan", and the whole waist card was full of vitality.


The waist card is real.


The soldier let out a sigh of relief, the tension on his face faded, revealing a look of exhaustion: "Finally, a living person has come, quickly, you can't stay outside for a long time, you can quickly follow me into the barracks." "


That's right, Gu Qingshan bowed slightly, "Okay." "


The soldier handed back the badge and turned to walk towards the camp.


Gu Qingshan took the waist card and took another closer look.


- This waist card is not only heavy, but the whole texture is actually bronze, with a few words crudely engraved on the surface, clumsy and ugly, and completely outdated style.


Outdated style ...


Gu Qingshan only felt that a bright light crossed his heart, and an indescribable fear hit his heart.


He jerked his head up, his gaze locked on the soldier in front of him.


Ancient standard leather armor.


The answer was so unbelievable that Gu Qingshan couldn't help but ask loudly, "Brother, what year is it now?" "


The soldier turned his head and looked at him strangely: "It's the six hundred and eighty-first year of Chengping." "


Gu Qingshan was stunned.


Suddenly, the waterfall-like data stream turned into a crazy shuttle of blue light, like a raging wave, flashing from Gu Qingshan's eyes.


Boom –


A cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded.


"The current time is confirmed to be the last year of Chengping."


"The flow of time is stable, and it is confirmed that it is free from the turbulence of time and space."


"Judgment: Escape from the Apocalypse!"


"The identity has been successfully reset, and the current identity is: Soldier of the Terran Forward Army's Cavalry Battalion."


The system was finally activated, but Gu Qingshan had no joy in his heart, he only felt that he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.


How can it be the last year of Chengping, this year the game has not yet started!


This is a bygone time that only exists in the background and history of the game, and humans in the real world have not officially entered this terrifying game world.


By the time the player enters the game, it's already a year later.


Are you back in time before the game started?


So what about the real world, is it true that you have also returned to the past in reality?


Gu Qingshan's heart tightened fiercely, and he couldn't help but look around.


Ahead, the soldier had gone further and had already crossed the barracks gate.


On the door of the barracks, a wisp of spiritual light from the hidden magic circle occasionally appeared.


Looking beyond the barracks into the distance, in the depths of the dim and desolate wilderness, a vague huge figure could be vaguely seen, which disappeared in the torrential rain.


Gu Qingshan slowly raised his arm, opened his mouth and bit it hard.


A row of clear tooth marks appeared on the arm, and the bite was deeper, gradually oozing blood beads.


It hurts!


It's not a dream!


Gu Qingshan stood motionless in the torrential rain like a sculpture, letting the cold rain fall from the sky and drench his body.