
Where am I ..

I heard a voice ... "Vaishnav are you okay?!" . I opened my eyes slowly and was not able to see clearly. But I could feel that I was on my bed ...." what had happened to me?For how long I was fainted? Was I really at my house?" questions arose in my mind while I was trying to recognise the voice. "Grandma! Is it you?"... "Grandma??...." . "Very fond of your grandma?" .. a voice said. Now I was able to see clearly .. I saw Rukmini standing beside me . "You were unconscious for hours .. finally you are awake! What had happened? Why were you unconscious at the middle of the street? ..." Rukmini was my one and only friend in this whole miserable world . She had always helped me in any situation . "It's nothing , I... I was ... I was just dehydrated ... that's all " . "Don't lie in front of me! " said she " I know you very well since childhood ! " . She stared at me " Did those bunch of mischief guys bullied you again ? You are badly hurt !! " . " Yeah , I should have Known to whom I was lying , yeah those guys beat me up and took all my money. But how did you found me and where am I?" . " I was passing by the street when I saw you , I informed my father and took you to my home . My father had treated your wounds and informed your family . You are better than before. " This reminded me about my sick grandma .. I just forgot . " I want to go home " . " You home sick baby.. you are not fully recovered you have to rest more " . " I can't grandma would be waiting for me , I have to go ". "Leave it to me " said uncle Manvendra ( Rukmini's father) " I will handle it all .You rest for now , if you are willing to go , you may leave tomorrow morning and I don't want to hear anything ".