
the plan ...

" The Walkers are torturing again, after you were out in the arena, they started to cross their limits! Due to Grandma I didn't took revenge but if you help me, I will kill them all."

"Calm down kid , I know you can't kill them you are not so strong , but if you want revenge .....

I can help you." said he smilingly.

I surely couldn't even kill the weakest guy of their gang , I said all that nonsense in a hurry and didn't know what to say . So I was feeling embarrassed.

" That's great!! , but how??" .

"listen carefully to what I say .... " telling that he whispered the whole plan he had created within minutes after knowing the incident . I wonder how does he get such a brilliant idea every time whenever it's needed the most.

"That's a great idea , in this way I will be able to get my revenge " .

" I will need your help , but make sure that you follow my instructions and do everything according to the plan. And don't dare to fight with them , you are not healed totally , I don't want you to get hurt at all " .

" I will follow your instructions , I promise.... but how we will move out of the house?"

Don't worry, I have planned everything" .