
The Emporer Duke’s obsession

Do you believe in the tangled web of fate and destiny? Athena Rosa, the 13th princess of Searella Kingdom finds herself trapped in a twisted web of love, betrayal, and reincarnation. Just when she thought she had escaped her past life, the life where discovers that she was killed and betrayed by the people she loved, fate shows her otherwise Although it is all tragedy, she crosses paths with Deimos, the emperor who not only needs her blood to survive but is also someone she has loved in not one but two of her past lives and this time he wants her no matter the price Will she be able to fully trust him, will he betray her like the others and most importantly does he remember her or is he like the rest? Btw cover is not mine at all so I do not take credit My only hope is that this Novel does not change you as it changed it’s writer

Aella_Quinn · Histoire
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105 Chs

Welcome to the North Empire

"Are you sure you're okay", Deimos asked Athena once again

"Yes", she answered once more

They had been on the road for three days now, travelling to the North Empire and Deimos was worried that the travel was too sickening for his wife who was "fragile"

"We will arrive at the empire soon and we shall rest well", Deimos said to Athe who nodded her head

Athena knew the road to the Empire very well, after all, she had lived there before, even though at that time she did not go there as an Empress

"Sire, we have arrived at the Empire!", A guard yelled making Athena quickly open the window of the carriage

"Wow", she said as she looked around

Most of the places were covered in snow, but unlike Searealla, this place was amazing and peaceful

"Welcome to the North Empire my love", Deimos said and held her hand in his

"I'm glad to be here", Athena said softly

"Welcome Emporer and Empress", Steve greeted when Athena and Deimos got to the Palace

"Hello", Athena greeted

"It's good to see you again Steve", Deimos said

"It is good to see you too your Majesty", Steve said

"Let's go to our room, you have to rest before the coronation", Deimos said to Athena

"Your majesty, Maya is waiting for you", Seine said as she saw Deimos

"Maya?", Deimos asked with a confused face looking at Steve

"She is the daughter of your Nanny your Majesty", Steve said

"Oh that Maya, tell her I will see her later, my wife and I need to rest now", Deimo said and left with Athena

"This is so beautiful", Athena said when they got into their room

"If you wish to change anything then please do" Deimos said

"I like it like thi-", Athena didn't get to finish her sentence as Deimos placed his lips against hers giving her a peck

"You look beautiful each time I see you", he said and he laid his head on the shoulder

"You have a way with your words as always", Athena said to him

"Let us sleep, I am very tired", Deimos said and went to the bed

"But should we not prepare for the coronation?" Athena asked

"No, let's sleep", Deimos said and pulled her to the bed

Before Athena could say anything Deimos started kissing her once more, but this time it was a long and deep kiss filled with passion and love before they cuddled together and took a nap for they were both very tired

Here is the update for my wrist, well it didn’t work up swollen and I can still write, well my right didn’t, but I can’t say the same for my left :(

There is so much pain my glenohumeral joint. it’s so painful to move my arm and if that’s not enough, my leg is painful. I feel nothing. but pain and my mates are busy laughing at me, watching the video of me falling over and over, but I’m alright. As long as I can write and smile then the rest the Lord shall deal with

Don’t forget to add the Novel to your collection if you’re enjoying it :) xoxo Aella_Quinn

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