
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 71 - The Fall of the Old Gods

In the ethereal expanse of the Divine Realm, the Aetherian Gods stood, each embodying the essence of their celestial dominions. Val'Terra, the stalwart defender of the earth, summoned mountains that shook the very foundation of the realm. Val'Aquarius, master of the waters, conjured tempests that could engulf galaxies. Val'Umbralis, the shrouded one, wielded shadows that whispered ancient secrets. Val'Solare and Val'Selene, twins of sun and moon, cast blinding radiance and haunting luminosity. Val'Noria, mistress of the seas, commanded tsunamis that surged across the celestial expanse. Val'Caelum, ruler of the skies, summoned storms that roared with divine fury. Val'Pyros, the living flame, conjured infernos that burned with the intensity of a cosmic forge. Val'Anima, the essence of life, pulsated with the vitality that connected every living being.

The celestial battleground bore witness to a cataclysmic spectacle as the gods poured their divine energies into the fray. Limbs were lost, faces were scarred, and injuries adorned the once-immortal beings.

The battlefield bore witness to varying degrees of injuries among the Aetherian Gods, with Val'Terra displaying the least damage due to his inherent defense. In contrast, the regal figure of the God-Empress Esdeath stood relatively unscathed, her gown the only casualty—even then it was regenerating fast.

Esdeath, exuding an icy disdain, mocked the once-mighty gods before her. "It seems this is all you can do... How pathetic. I expected more from the oldest gods. Nevertheless, it's time to end this battle that has gone stale."

With an icy resolve, she intoned an incantation that echoed through the celestial realm. "Listen to the whispers of the cosmic frost, a symphony of ice and the howls of war! Stretching beyond the farthest reaches of the cosmos, my dominion engulfs every star and planet! Witness the supremacy of the God-Empress, Herrscher of Frost, the harbinger of an icy apocalypse!"

The divine realm quivered as the God-Empress, Herrscher of Frost, invoked an apocalyptic symphony of ice. The incantation culminated with a proclamation that heralded the arrival of an absolute zero, a cosmic freeze that transcended the very fabric of existence.

In the face of this frigid onslaught, time itself seemed to halt. Reality and space succumbed to the inexorable cold.

Val'Terra, usually stalwart and unyielding, uttered a desperate exclamation, "This is impossible!" Yet, even as the words escaped his lips, he succumbed to the numbing embrace of the encroaching frost. One by one, his divine brethren followed suit, frozen in the midst of their celestial battle. Val'Pyros, the last to resist the icy onslaught, unleashed one final attack—a blaze of fervent defiance before succumbing to the inexorable cold.

Fafnir, the God-Emperor, clashed with Valorath, a God-King whose power rivaled the very fabric of the cosmos. Eternity's Edge, a divine halberd forged in the fires of celestial power, hurtled towards Valorath with an unstoppable force. Galaxies trembled as the weapon transcended the bounds of space and time, its trajectory defying the laws that governed the universe.

Valorath, in a futile attempt to evade the inevitable, conjured millions of shields, layers upon layers of defenses stacked in desperation. Yet, the divine onslaught of Eternity's Edge shattered these defenses like fragile glass, leaving an ethereal trail as the halberd pierced through the celestial expanse. Valorath, impaled and dragged through exploding galaxies, faced the unrelenting force of a weapon imbued with the essence of causality.

Even in the face of certain doom, Valorath fought back with a barrage of spells, a cosmic symphony of magical and physical onslaught. Millions of incantations manifested in the void, a testament to the God-King's indomitable will. Physical spells were devoured by portals opening around Fafnir, while magical ones were dismissed with a mere thought. The reality-warping incantations clashed in a surreal dance, each cancelling the other out in an intricate display of divine power.

As the cosmic battle raged on, Fafnir felt the surge of power within him, the Imaginary Space consuming the universe inch by inch. The Omniarchy, the pinnacle of divine ascendancy, was within his grasp. His combat skin shimmered with a golden hue, and he walked upon the void with the confidence of an impending ascendancy.

Valorath, impaled and weakened, could feel the corrupting touch of Honkai energy invading his divine essence. Bleeding and staring into the vast expanse of the cosmos, he spoke with a mixture of resignation and acceptance. "I foresaw my death eons ago, but I never thought that I would die from a young Omniarch," he choked on his own blood, weakly continuing, "Truly an honor to see once in my life the ascendancy of an Omniarch."

Impaled on a celestial body, his landing shaping a colossal mountain as if predetermined by cosmic design, Valorath's words resonated with the weight of an era's end. "End me, God-Emperor," he implored, acknowledging the inevitable corruption that awaited him in death. "I would rather die in battle than be reborn a monster corrupted by the Honkai."

Fafnir, his grip on Eternity's Edge unwavering, simply nodded. The divine weapon glowed with a bluish-gold luster, and with a solemn motion, he disintegrated Valorath. As the God-King's form dissipated into cosmic particles, his last words echoed through the void, "Thank... you."

In another part of the Divine Realm saturated with cosmic waters, the once-mighty Thalass'Val, now corrupted by the insidious touch of the Honkai, emerged as a formidable force. The celestial sea, transformed by the corrupted deity, pulsed with ominous energy, casting an otherworldly glow upon the divine landscape. Val'Mortis and Val'Arian, determined to end the threat posed by their corrupted kin, engaged in a battle that shook the very foundations of the divine realm.

Despite their valiant efforts, the corruption wielded by Thalass'Val proved insidious and relentless. Attacks fueled by the Honkai eroded the divine forms of Val'Mortis and Val'Arian, gradually breaking down the barriers that separated their essence from the malevolent force. The cosmic waters, tainted by the corruption, seeped into their divine beings, accelerating the process of dissolution.

As the battle waged on, a somber realization dawned upon Val'Arian. With his divine form succumbing to the relentless corruption, he spoke words weighted with acceptance and resolve. "I would rather die than be corrupted," he declared, acknowledging the imminent demise of his godly existence. Val'Mortis, standing beside him and sharing the same fate, echoed the sentiment. "I concur. Let the young Eldranthii Gods inherit our Godheads—a gift from Senior Gods to the young ones."

In an act of divine sacrifice, Val'Arian and Val'Mortis embraced their impending fall. The decision to pass on their godly essence to the next generation was a poignant acknowledgment of the cyclical nature of existence in the universe. As they initiated the process of transcending into divine particles, streaking across the cosmos and descending to the material plane, the Aetherian Pantheon reached its final chapter. The extinguishment of their divine presence marked the end of an era, leaving behind a legacy that would shape the destinies of the Eldranthii gods yet to come.

71. 2 The All Spark

In the aftermath of the Imperial takeover on Earth, Sentinel Prime and Megatron found themselves in a peculiar negotiation with Zephyr, the Herrscher of the Rock and Primarch of the Imperial Fists. As they observed the Men of Iron moving with a mechanical precision, Sentinel Prime couldn't help but notice a fundamental difference.

Sentinel Prime, ever the curious leader, observed the Men of Iron and remarked on what he perceived as imperfections. "These androids seem to be imperfect," he noted.

Zephyr, towering over them with an air of regality, listened attentively. "Imperfect? Elaborate," he urged, curious about the Cybertronian perspective.

"In our society, sentience is a core aspect of our being. The All Spark, our creator Quintessa's masterpiece, granted us consciousness. It's the essence that defines us," Sentinel Prime explained.

Zephyr, ever pragmatic, responded, "The Men of Iron were crafted with a singular purpose—to destroy and annihilate the enemies of the Imperium. Mass sentience could lead to unnecessary complications. However, I am intrigued by the concept of sentience. What sets you apart?"

"The All Spark. It was our source of sentience, a divine gift that Quintessa used to birth the Cybertronians," Megatron interjected.

"And where is this All Spark now?" Zephyr inquired, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"Destroyed," Megatron replied bluntly, a weight of resignation in his voice.

Zephyr, the Herrscher of the Rock, exhibited his extraordinary powers before the Cybertronian leaders, Sentinel Prime and Megatron. In response to Megatron's revelation that the All Spark was destroyed by a human merging it into his spark, Zephyr, with a confident demeanor, declared, "Destroyed? We can fix that."

The Primarch's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as he extended his hand towards Megatron. "How was it destroyed?" Zephyr inquired, prompting Megatron to explain, "Destroyed. A foolish human merged it into my spark."

Undeterred, Zephyr began a process unfamiliar to the Cybertronians, an act of mystical manipulation. "Watch," he said, acknowledging the complexity of the task. "This might take a while. I'm not as well-versed in magic as my brother Magnus."

As Zephyr delved into Megatron's past through his eyes, he located the critical moment when the All Spark was merged with Megatron's spark. With a masterful manipulation of the timeline, Zephyr seized that pivotal event and altered it. In the present, a cube materialized, floating above Zephyr's hand—a restored All Spark.

Megatron, sensing the shift in his own existence, underwent a moment of disorientation. Memories rearranged themselves, new recollections blending seamlessly with the old. The Cybertronian leader stood transformed.

"Amazing, to think I can see the object that birthed the Primes and the Cybertronians," Sentinel Prime marveled, acknowledging the mystical prowess of the Herrscher of the Rock.

Zephyr, having restored the All Spark and initiated the repair process for the Cybertronians, addressed Sentinel Prime and Megatron with a significant mission. As nanomachines diligently worked to mend the damages incurred during the battle, Zephyr revealed his plans.

"I'll be keeping this for now. I have a mission for both of you. Once you accomplish this, the Imperium will build a solar system meant for Cybertron and the Cybertronians," Zephyr declared, his words echoing in the expansive chamber.

Sentinel Prime and Megatron, stoic in their responses, concealed their emotions. However, Zephyr, attuned to the subtle nuances of their expressions, sensed the anticipation within them. "Capture the Autobots, specifically Prime. I want the Matrix of Leadership. I saw everything, even the past, and this type of tech the Imperium is interested in," Zephyr continued, laying out the objective.

Megatron, ever resolute, affirmed, "I would do it regardless." Sentinel Prime echoed the sentiment, saying, "For Cybertron. I hope you keep your word, Primarch."

Zephyr assured them, "You have signed the contract, Sentinel. You are registered as an affiliate race under the Imperium. We shall help build you a new and better home once you accomplish this task. We keep our promises; that is a common trait amongst Dominians."

With a nod from both Megatron and Sentinel, they departed with the Decepticons, embarking on a mission to capture Optimus Prime and secure the coveted Matrix of Leadership. The fate of Cybertron and the future alliance with the Imperium hung in the balance, and the Transformers leaders were determined to fulfill their roles in this cosmic endeavor.

71.3 Zephyr's Means 

In the aftermath of the departure of the Cybertronians, Zephyr, the Herrscher of the Rock and Primarch of the Imperial Fists, turned his attention to the leaders of Earth. Cosmic Militarum forces escorted 195 country leaders to the presence of the formidable Primarch. Fear, palpable and universal, gripped the assembled leaders as they stood before a being of immense power.

Zephyr, unimpressed and disdainful, spoke with a voice that resonated through the chamber. "Type 0 civilizations, especially foolish and fragmented ones like Earth, are directly seized. Foolish humans, this Earth has got to be the most stupid and barbaric amongst the countless worlds I've set foot in."

He continued his scathing critique, highlighting the inadequacies of Earth's progress. "Civil wars amongst fellow planet dwellers, and nuclear deterrence? Who are you joking? That type of deterrence is used by pirates. To be honest, nuclear weapons are not even that great. I could fire a projectile a quarter of the speed of light and end all life on this puny planet. It took us 50 years to reach interstellar levels of technology, type 2, and this planet has a heritage of over millions of years and yet is still stuck playing house."

As the world leaders lowered their heads in shame, Zephyr proposed a swift and efficient solution. "Let's make this easier. Plant the scarabs in their brains. The moment they leave this premise, Earth will be unified and under our governance." The Primarch's order prompted a contingent of artificers to inject microscopic scarabs directly into the brains of the world leaders. Despite some initial struggles, the relentless scarabs swiftly subdued their hosts. Within minutes, the once defiant leaders became meek and obedient, their wills now subject to the dominance of Zephyr and the Imperium.

With the scarabs firmly implanted in the minds of the world leaders, Zephyr, the Herrscher of the Rock, issued his directives. "I have uploaded the objectives and the laws of the Imperium into your interface or the scarabs in your minds. I will give you 6 months to turn Earth into an Imperial world."

The assembled world leaders, now under the influence of the scarabs, responded in unison, "Yes, Primarch." Zephyr nodded in acknowledgement. "Now go."

As the leaders dispersed to their respective nations, they carried with them the mandate to implement the Imperium's laws and objectives on Earth

Kinda short but I wasn't feeling the inspiration to write because my mind's fatigued.

Hopefully everything will get better by next week.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69creators' thoughts