
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 64 - Ave Imperator

In the grand assembly hall of Imperium Dominus, on the 9th Day of Harvestal, Lelouch Vi Britannia, the Grand Strategist, convened a momentous gathering. The illustrious attendees included the 18 Primarchs, the esteemed Generals, Prime Minister Liver, and other high-ranking civil servants. Lelouch, the mastermind behind countless victories throughout the Imperium's storied history, was a formidable presence in the realm of strategy and decision-making. As the uncle of the Primarchs, his voice held substantial weight, especially when the God-Emperor and Empress were not available. The direction in which the Imperium would march hinged on his decisions, provided they garnered majority support from the Primarchs and Prime Minister.

Lelouch began the momentous meeting by addressing the assembly, a sea of officials who had been closely following the information regarding the ongoing conflict known as the War in Heaven.

"All of us are gathered here today," he intoned, his regal presence commanding the attention of those present. "And I trust that you are all aware of the grave news—the War in Heaven."

As he spoke, the millions of officials in the hall nodded in unison, acknowledging their awareness of the dire circumstances.

"Now, let us hear from Magnus, Primarch of the Thousand Sons," Lelouch continued, beckoning for Magnus to step forward. The Primarch, a towering figure at 12 feet in height, donned scholarly robes of deep blue. His reddish skin bore radiant runes, a testament to his mastery over the honkai—a force that held immense significance in their universe.

"Thank you, Uncle," Magnus began, offering his gratitude to Lelouch for the opportunity to speak. He proceeded to take his place behind the podium, his presence commanding respect.

With wisdom and authority, Magnus delved into a detailed exposition on the Imperium's newfound adversaries: the Eldranthii and the Korrks. These races, creations of the Aetherians, had emerged as a last-ditch attempt to stave off impending defeat. Magnus's words painted a vivid picture of their unique qualities and formidable capabilities.

"The Eldranthii," he explained, "can be seen as an enhanced version of the Aetherians. While their mastery of magic may fall short of their creators, their creativity and proficiency in technology and warfare surpasses even the Aetherians themselves."

Turning his focus to the Korrks, Magnus provided insight into their fascinating nature. "The Korrkoid species," he elucidated, "are inherently a race bred for war. They carry a unique ecological system with them, releasing spores wherever they go. These spores grow into various Korrkoid species, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem. This self-reliance makes them impervious to the need for a conventional supply line, as they quite literally are their own source of sustenance."

In the hushed anticipation of the assembly hall, Magnus, Primarch of the Thousand Sons, delivered his insight with a weighty gravity. "As we speak," he intoned, his voice resonating through the vast chamber, "the Korrks and the Eldranthii are not limiting their assault to Imperial territories alone. The War in Heaven has commenced in full force. According to my father, the Star Gods have yet to make their move. Current intelligence indicates that the Korrks outnumber the Eldranthii significantly, the Korrks also are a technologically advanced race on par with the Eldranthii but are significantly more brutish and prefer melee battles... and that concludes my report. Thank you."

With a respectful nod from Magnus, Lelouch returned to the podium, his presence commanding the attention of the entire hall. His eyes swept across the gathering, every gaze fixed upon him, awaiting the pivotal moment to come.

"We are gathered here today," Lelouch began, his voice unwavering, "to seek the approval of Prime Minister Liver and all 18 Primarchs. We require your endorsement to unleash the full might of Imperium Dominus. It is imperative that we acknowledge the truth: to secure victory in the War in Heaven, we must wield our power to its fullest extent. We cannot engage our adversaries with a mere fraction of our strength, as witnessed in the Alpha Theatre of War. As the Grand Strategist of Imperium Dominus, I, Lelouch Vi Britannia, issue the command to dedicate the majority of our resources to this conflict. Only with your unanimous support can this directive be enacted."

Silence settled over the assembly hall, pregnant with the weight of their collective decision. Then, in a swift and unanimous motion, all 18 Primarchs raised their hands in assent, a gesture mirrored by Prime Minister Liver. Their unity was palpable, a testament to the gravity of the situation they faced.

"For the Imperium's ultimate victory," Lelouch declared, his voice resonating with conviction, "Ave Imperator, in aeternum dominus, gloria in excelsis universum."

The chant reverberated through the hall, a solemn vow of unwavering dedication. The fate of Imperium Dominus now hinged on their resolve, their combined strength poised to face the impending storm of the War in Heaven.

The mighty engines of Imperium Dominus sprang to life, a symphony of industrial power that reverberated throughout the cosmos. With unprecedented determination, the Overlord of the Universe initiated a mobilization on a scale never before witnessed in their Centuries-spanning reign as a supreme civilization. Galaxies dedicated to production roared with activity, cosmic infrastructures activated, and the immense machinery of war began to churn.

Blueprints flowed into these production galaxies, fueling the rapid construction of a vast armada of starships and weaponry. The process was so efficient that, in the blink of an eye, the assembly lines could produce a fully-armed Mothership, ready for immediate deployment. Their construction was a marvel of efficiency, a testament to the advanced technology that Imperium Dominus had harnessed.

The so-called Standard Template Fabricators (STFs), small cubes that could generate entire structures, were deployed in a matter of seconds. These miraculous devices allowed for the swift establishment of new facilities, a boon for the rapidly escalating war effort. Farm galaxies, tirelessly producing the resources needed, worked at maximum capacity, their bounty feeding the ever-growing demands of the war machine.

When asked about the number of worlds and galaxies under their dominion, a common Dominian might simply say "countless." But the Cosmic Administratum, responsible for the meticulous record-keeping of this vast empire, would provide a more staggering figure: 50 Vigintillions. And with the known universe comprising over 100 Vigintillion galaxies and counting, it was evident that Imperium Dominus wielded an astronomical military power.

Despite this staggering might, the Korrks and the Eldranthii surged forward, invading the remaining 50 Vigintillion galaxies with relentless determination. The Korrks, in particular, proved to be an unstoppable force, and the newest creations of the Aetherians appeared to be the last desperate attempt to thwart their advance.

64.2 The Carolis Galaxy

Primarch Valerian Ironclaw, the stalwart leader of the Dark Angels, stood resolute on the bridge of his flagship, the Invincible Reason. Around him, the vastness of the Carolis Galaxy stretched into infinity, a crossroad of Dark Matter Highways that made it a strategic nexus. This galaxy stood as a critical bastion just before the fringes of Imperial Territory, a linchpin in the defense against the encroaching Korrk and Eldranthii forces.

Valerian's armada, numbering in the Decillions, stood ready for the impending onslaught. Accompanied by an incalculable number of Men of Iron Forgeworlds, the Dark Angels were a formidable force, prepared to defend the galaxy with all their might. The Artificers aboard the Invincible Reason, masters of manipulating cosmic structures, worked tirelessly to fortify the galaxy, weaving defenses on a scale that boggled the mind.

In the midst of this preparation, Lelouch's holographic image materialized on the bridge. His voice, calm and commanding, reached Valerian's ears. "Valerian, the Korrk and Eldranthii Armadas are heading your way," Lelouch informed him, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"I am ready," Valerian replied with unwavering determination, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword.

"That's good. Good luck, Primarch," Lelouch said before the communication link was severed, leaving Valerian with his thoughts and the imminent threat at hand.

An officer approached Valerian, relaying crucial information. "Sir, enemy Armada expected to arrive in 15 hours. Their energy signatures indicate Faster than Light Travel."

Valerian's eyes narrowed with focus. "Identify their emergence points. Prepare our bombardment protocols. We will not let them take this galaxy without a fight."

His voice, resonating with authority, echoed through the corridors of his flagship. "Battlestations, brace yourselves. Enemy ETA: 15 hours. Prepare for the storm."

And with that proclamation, the entire galactic defense mobilized, ready to face the relentless tide hurtling toward them from the depths of space. The fate of the Carolis Galaxy hung in the balance, and the Dark Angels, under the command of Primarch Valerian Ironclaw, stood as an unyielding bulwark against the impending darkness.

In the quiet solitude of his personal dojo, Valerian immersed himself in the ancient art of swordsmanship. The rhythmic sound of steel meeting air echoed in the chamber as he moved with precision and grace, his every motion a testament to his skill and discipline. As he practiced, he delved into the depths of his tactical knowledge, reviewing the latest strategies and doctrines of the Imperium. Preparedness was a trait ingrained in every fiber of his being; he wanted to ensure that when the battle came, his forces would be as sharp and as unyielding as his sword.

Yet, amidst his concentration, an unsettling feeling gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. A palpable sense of foreboding settled over him, like a dark shadow stretching its fingers across his thoughts. Valerian paused mid-strike, his sword hovering in the air, his senses reaching out for the source of this unease.

"Star God..." the words slipped from his lips, a whisper carrying the weight of ancient knowledge and cosmic understanding. The name reverberated in his mind, resonating with a profound truth. Valerian felt a connection, an awareness of beings vast and powerful, entities that transcended mortal comprehension.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through him, and he took a deep breath, dispelling the strange sensation that had gripped him. With renewed determination, he resumed his practice, the movements of his sword becoming a dance of purpose and resolve. His voice cut through the air, strong and unwavering.

"Come one, come all," he declared, his words echoing in the stillness of the dojo. "There is nothing in this world I cannot cut!"

In that moment, Valerian's confidence soared, his resolve unshakable. Whatever cosmic forces loomed on the horizon, he was prepared to face them. With each strike of his sword, he channeled the strength of the Imperium, a beacon of unwavering determination amid the encroaching darkness. The Primarch stood ready, a warrior honed in the crucible of uncertainty, prepared to face whatever challenges the universe had in store.

The Next Few hours the enemy vanguard fleet arrived, and thus the battle for the Carolis Galaxy began,

The battlefield in the Carolis Galaxy had become a macabre tapestry of destruction, a testament to the unyielding resolve of the Dark Angels and the ferocity of their adversaries. For days on end, the Korrk and Eldranthii forces had thrown themselves against the unbreakable fortress of the Imperium, and for days, they had been met with overwhelming firepower and unwavering defense.

As the hours turned into days and the days into a week, the once pristine void of space had transformed into a graveyard of starships, both Imperial and enemy, drifting lifelessly through the cosmic expanse. The dark, cold void was marred by the remnants of countless battles, the hulking wrecks of Korrk and Eldranthii vessels interspersed with the iconic warships of the Dark Angels.

Valerian Ironclaw, Primarch of the Dark Angels, had led his forces with unmatched efficiency and determination. He had devised countermeasures, adapting to the relentless onslaught of the enemy, ensuring that the galactic rim remained a formidable barrier against further incursions. The casualties on both sides had been astronomical, a grim testament to the price of waging war in the cosmos.

The Dark Angels and their Men of Iron allies had displayed unshakable resolve, holding the line against the overwhelming odds. The battle-tested armada of Valerian had proven its mettle, and their unyielding defense had earned them the moniker of the "Immovable Wall of Carolis."

Yet, as the Korrk and Eldranthii attacks had finally come to a halt, the cosmic void outside the galaxy bore the scars of their ferocious conflict. Debris, wreckage, and the remnants of countless souls littered the stars, a somber reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of the Imperium.

Valerian stood at the heart of this battlefield, the Invincible Reason hovering as a beacon of strength and defiance. He gazed out into the void, the galaxy before him marred by the remnants of war, but the Imperium remained unbowed.

A Few Hours Later, The Battle Resumed

The very fabric of the universe trembled in response to the overwhelming force of the Korrk onslaught. A tidal wave of starships poured forth from colossal wormholes, their sheer numbers casting a shadow over the cosmic void. The resounding war cries of "WAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!" echoed through the void, signifying the presence of not one, but multiple Korrk Warbosses leading the charge. It was a formidable sight to behold, and the Imperial forces braced themselves for a battle of unmatched intensity.

The defensive lines, once unwavering, had been subjected to three relentless days of Korrk onslaught. The sheer numerical superiority of the enemy had forced the Imperium to relent, granting them access to the ring worlds and planets that lay beyond. The ground warfare had commenced in full force, pitting the colossal Men of Iron against the ferocious Korrks. The Men of Iron Colossi strode across the earth, a formidable sight to behold. These colossal war machines, made of bronze and powered by unimaginable energy, were met with the might of the Korrk Warbosses.

The earth cracked beneath their colossal feet, mountain ranges crumbled, and oceans evaporated in the wake of their devastating energy weapons. Wherever their immense firepower was unleashed, Korrks were reduced to blue ash, their numbers decimated. Yet, the Korrk forces, led by their Warbosses, were unyielding in their charge. They tore through the formation of Men of Iron, causing destruction wherever they went.

Temporal spaces and spatial forces shifted with precision, brought to bear by Imperial technology meant to disrupt the Korrk ground forces. It was a battle of cosmic proportions, where reality itself became a weapon, and the clash with a Supreme Civilization brought forth the manipulation of time and space.

Occasionally, entire planets were shifted by the Imperium, hurtling through space to crash into the heart of Korrk and Eldranthii starship formations. The devastating impact cleared the skies of enemy vessels, but within minutes, the void was once again filled with the relentless onslaught of their adversaries.

Amidst this cosmic maelstrom, Primarch Valerian Ironclaw sensed an ominous presence. A feeling of dread washed over him, and his senses screamed that his adversary was close at hand. With a stoic expression, Valerian turned his gaze to a void in space within the Korrk starship formation. There, his eyes locked with a being of immense power—a Star God.

These beings, given form by the Eldranthii, wielded physical bodies of steel, enabling them to interact with the physical plane. The Star God before Valerian took the form of a colossal serpent, its scales shimmering with an otherworldly starlight. The Demi-god Primarch, a divine progeny of the God Emperor, the Herrscher of the Honkai, stood ready to confront the very gods of the universe.

Valerian Ironclaw, Primarch of the Dark Angels, was about to engage in a battle of cosmic significance—a confrontation with the physical gods, the Star Gods, beings that had once eluded the Aetherians, the First Civilization

64.3 A Primarch vs A Star God

Amidst the cosmic turmoil, Valerian's command echoed through the bridge of his flagship. "Luther, lead your battle brothers. The Eldranthii are closing in on the capital fortress of the planet. It appears my adversary has arrived." Luther, the 1st Captain of the Dark Angels, offered a sharp salute to his Gene Father. "For the Imperium, victory shall be ours, Father," he proclaimed, his unwavering resolve clear in his salute.

Valerian then stepped out of the Mothership onto the void of space as if it were solid ground. In his hand, he held a broadsword, unsheathed and gleaming with power. Before him, the colossal serpent-like Star God known as Vorphex slithered through the vast cosmic expanse. It moved through space with an otherworldly grace, its scales shimmering like a river of stars. Vorphex's ominous chuckle reverberated through the void. "Ssssooo, the Firsssssttt Primarch killll will be miinneee, heheheehshshshshs," it hissed.

it taunted, its voice echoing through the cosmic expanse. "Ssssstaaatee your name, Primarrchhhh, for I am Vorphex, the devourer of stars. I will devour your powers and divinity."

Valerian's response was swift and decisive. With a practiced motion, he slashed, The serpent-like Star God dodged the first strike with unnerving agility, but not without consequence. Valerian's sword cleaved through a distant star, splitting it in half and igniting a cataclysmic explosion.

"That wasssssnnnn't very niccceee," Vorphex hissed, its voice tinged with both surprise and anger. Valerian's eyes narrowed, his focus unwavering. With fierce determination, he lunged at the Star God, striking with precision and power.

"My name is Valerian Ironclaw, Primarch of the Dark Angels, Herrscher of the Sword," he declared, his voice unwavering, "Star God or Serpent, prepare to meet your end!"