
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 57 - The Plan

Imperial Year 0276 marked a pivotal moment in the annals of the Imperium Dominus. Aegis Prime, the Man of Gold and leader of the Men of Iron, found himself in the presence of the divine, summoned by the God-Emperor himself. As he knelt in reverence before the Golden Throne, he awaited his divine purpose.

"Deus Ex Machina, praise thee. Your humble servant has arrived. May I know why I was summoned?" Aegis inquired respectfully. The God Emperor, Fafnir, regarded him with an intensity that echoed through the vast chamber.

"Aegis Prime, Man of Gold, it is time to prove yourself. It is time to reveal to the universe the Divine Servants and the horror that is the Men of Iron," Fafnir declared, his voice resonating with cosmic authority. Aegis, ever dutiful, listened attentively.

"Where will my kind be deployed, your Majesty?" Aegis asked, understanding the weight of his purpose. Fafnir, in his divine wisdom, rose from the Golden Throne. With a flick of his hand, a surge of information coursed through the circuits of Aegis Prime's mind.

"The borders of the Old Ones, their defensive lines have proven impervious to our forces. Many of my sons, the Primarchs, have tried and failed. The Imperium can break the blockade, but it will cost an extravagant amount of lives. That is why I summoned you here," Fafnir explained, his gaze penetrating the very essence of Aegis Prime.

Aegis, processing the gravity of the situation, responded with determination. "The Men of Iron will plow through their defensive lines, your Majesty," he declared. He understood the unique nature of his race. Most of his kind were mindless machines, controlled by the sentient Men of Bronze and Men of Silver. This hierarchy granted them a strategic advantage. They were designed for the war of attrition, a battle that tested not only might but also endurance.

"I will personally lead the maiden war of the Men of Iron, by your will, Deus Ex Machina," Aegis proclaimed, his resolve unyielding. With a final bow, he left the presence of the God-Emperor, ready to embark on a mission that would shape the fate of the Imperium Dominus and reveal the true potential of the Men of Iron to the universe.

In the vast expanse of space at the northern fringes of the Imperium, Aegis Prime stood at the helm of Genesis, the colossal Astrum Forge World larger than any star in the cosmos. Beside it, portals opened into the Imaginary Space, revealing a breathtaking sight: trillions of Forge Worlds, each a powerhouse of mechanical ingenuity and manufacturing prowess. Among this celestial swarm, Genesis stood out, its golden and blue hues symbolizing its unique significance.

"Deploy Armada," Aegis Prime's command echoed through the void. In response, the Astrum Forge Worlds began to release their armada. The Wavefront Phalanx, sleek and agile warships propelled by advanced Tachyon Drives, led the charge. Armed with devastating energy weapons and unparalleled precision-strike capabilities, they sliced through space with grace, serving as the Men of Iron's first line of defense.

Following the Wavefront Phalanx came the Quasar Swarm, an immense fleet of small, unmanned drone ships. Controlled by the Men of Iron, these ships numbered in the trillions, a staggering force that blotted out the stars. Each drone, a marvel of engineering, could perform precision attacks or swarm enemies in overwhelming numbers. When deployed en masse, they created a brilliant and deadly curtain of firepower, capable of obliterating entire planets.

The spectacle unfolded before the eyes of even the seasoned veterans of the Cosmic Militarum. Witnessing the efficiency and power of these machines, known as the Men of Iron, left them in awe.

"Thank the Emperor that these machines fight on our side. Without them, we would have surely struggled against such formidable foes," remarked the General of the Imperium's border defenses. The sentiment resonated through the ranks — the Men of Iron were not just machines; they were the divine servants of the Divine Family, a force to be reckoned with.

Amidst the vastness of space, the Imperium stood resolute. Struggling, perhaps, but never defeated. Such was the Imperial Truth, the Divine Truth that guided their path in the face of cosmic challenges.

Aegis Prime, the undeterred leader of the Men of Iron, meticulously studied the weaknesses of the Aetherians' defensive formations spread across multiple galaxies. His scanners delved deep into the celestial wards and enchanted force fields that shielded the Aetherian star systems, analyzing their arcane intricacies.

"These wards, no matter how ancient or powerful, have one fundamental flaw," Aegis Prime declared, his voice echoing through the quantum channels of Men of Bronze leaders across galaxies. "They rely on the continuity of mystical maintenance. Disrupt that connection, and their ethereal barriers shatter like glass."

His calculations showed the vulnerabilities inherent in the enchanted force fields. "The enchanted crystals woven into these shields are their Achilles' heel. They absorb energy, yes, but they are susceptible to overload. We will flood these shields with energy beyond their capacity, forcing them to implode, leaving the Aetherians defenseless."

Aegis' focus shifted to the stellar guardians and astral sentinels, beings of cosmic might defending the Aetherian realms. "Stellar guardians and astral sentinels may wield formidable power, but their strength lies in deterrence," he analyzed. "They discourage attacks but lack adaptability. We will exploit their rigidity, using coordinated assaults to overwhelm their defenses. We'll target their eyes — the source of their wisdom — blinding them to disrupt their strategic advantage."

His attention turned to the leyline interceptors and rift wardens, guardians of mystical energies and dimensional stability. "Leyline interceptors draw power from channels we can disrupt. We will manipulate these ley lines, creating false surges that confuse their systems. As for the rift wardens, we will exploit their connection to other dimensions. By distorting the fabric of reality near the rifts, we can create disturbances, rendering their wardens ineffective against our onslaught."

With a single thought Aegis Prime conveyed his plan to the Men of Bronze leaders.

"Received data. Initiating warfare protocols. Victory achievable."

The responses from the Men of Bronze echoed with mechanical precision, devoid of any trace of emotion. In the realm of war, their communication was as cold and calculated as their unyielding steel frames.

In the vast expanse of the cosmic void, the Men of Iron, an immeasurable tide of starships and Forge Worlds, moved with swift and calculated purpose. Their arrival plunged the Aetherians into a state of bewilderment and panic. The defenders on the borders stared in sheer awe and terror at the approaching multitude. "What are those?" gasped an Aetherian guard, his voice laden with fear. "Enemy attack!" another shouted, triggering alarms that echoed throughout the border galaxies.

Amidst the chaos, the Aetherians swiftly activated their defenses. Missiles of Honkai Disruptors were fired in a desperate attempt to intercept the oncoming onslaught. Aetherian interceptors sprang to life, attempting to neutralize the incoming threat. But the sheer magnitude of the Men of Iron's assault overwhelmed their defenses. Within mere minutes, the celestial wards, ancient runes of protection, were disabled by the Honkai Disruptors, leaving the Aetherians vulnerable.

"Technopriests, fix the wards!" a commanding Aetherian officer shouted, urgency lacing his voice. Despite their efforts, the enchanted shields, interwoven with complex spell matrices, held on valiantly against the barrage of weaponry. For almost two minutes, they stood firm, absorbing beams of flayers, plasma, lasers, missiles, rockets, and nukes. But even their magical fortitude couldn't withstand the relentless onslaught, and the shields succumbed, leaving the outer defenses in tatters.

With the outer defenses breached, the Quasar Swarm, a multitude of small unmanned drone ships controlled by the Men of Iron, flooded in with remarkable dexterity. They engaged the once-mighty Stellar Guardians, swarming around them like bees attacking a colossal elephant. In a matter of minutes, the guardians fell, their radiant forms dimming as they were overwhelmed. The Leyline Interceptors, stations harnessing the power of cosmic ley lines, were disabled the moment the Honkai Disruptor Missiles struck, rendering them useless against the Men of Iron's assault.

Desperation filled the ranks of the Aetherians as they attempted to rally. Commanders hurriedly communicated with their headquarters, desperately seeking support. But before their pleas could find a response, reality-warping magic surged from the Aetherian defenses. Huge pillars, laden with disruptive nanomachines, rained down from the skies, creating an impenetrable shield against magical attacks. The Aetherian commander's eyes widened in horror. "Honkai pylons! Quick, destroy them!" he barked orders, but his commands were drowned out by a deafening sound.

From above, metal pods descended, each one carrying the relentless forces of the Men of Iron. The invasion had begun, and the Aetherians were now faced with an enemy beyond their imagination.

57.2 The Ground Invasion, Never Ending Tide Of Metal and Death.

In the midst of cosmic chaos, the metal pods crashed and from within emerged the Men of Iron, their Graviton Vanguard leading the charge. These formidable entities stood tall, their obsidian-black exoskeletons shimmering with an eerie glow of honkai circuits beneath their armor. Their eyes, void of humanity, glowed with a cold, electric blue light, revealing no emotion but a fierce determination. With lightning speed, they attacked, their movements calculated and relentless.

The Aetherians stood no chance against the onslaught. The Men of Iron attacked in a seemingly endless wave, a torrent of metal and destruction. Each fallen Graviton Vanguard was swiftly replaced, their bodies retrieved and recycled into new warriors, a horrifying display of unyielding force.

These Graviton Vanguards wielded Graviton Disruptors, weapons that manipulated gravitational forces with devastating effects. Miniature black holes crushed enemies, and disruptive gravitational pulls rendered foes helpless before they were torn apart by the Vanguard's claws.

But the Men of Iron's onslaught didn't stop there. Their armor integrated Necron technology and honkai energy, granting them near-invulnerability. Wounds knitted themselves back together at an astonishing rate, making them seemingly impervious to harm.

The Aetherians, however, were not defenseless. They released their own microscopic magic-born creatures to combat the invading nanomachines. The battleground shifted to the microscopic level, where magical creatures clashed with relentless nanomachines, a battle invisible to the naked eye but critical to the outcome of the war.

As time passed, more units arrived. Tesla Wardens, crackling with electric energy, unleashed deadly lightning arcs, disabling enemy electronics and defenses. Penumbral Infiltrators, nearly invisible, manipulated shadows and created illusions, confusing their foes. Sonic Disruptors emitted high-frequency pulses, shattering armor and eardrums, while deflecting incoming projectiles with sonic barriers.

The Aetherians were caught in a nightmarish maelstrom. The tide of iron seemed unending as more Men of Iron units joined the fray. Phalanx Sentinels, resembling humanoid robots, engaged with rapid-firing gauss rifles and melee weapons. Harbinger Scorpions, enormous armored tanks, unleashed barrages of fire from a distance or switched to close-range plasma weaponry. Colossus War Golems, towering bipedal war machines, led ground assaults with devastating energy cannons, obliterating everything in their path.

As the Men of Iron surged forward, the Aetherians retreated to their citadel, hoping the interconnected structures would prove their last line of defense. Fashioned from Aetherian metals, these citadels were harder than steel, a testament to the elemental engineers' skill. Yet, their strength was relative; when hit by an Imperial Gauss Flayer, they melted like wax before a flame.

Within these citadels, the Aetherian army prepared for the inevitable clash. Their forces were a diverse array of magical and technological prowess:

Arcane Scouts: Agile soldiers, nearly invisible under enchanted cloaks, armed with energy rifles and capable of deploying holographic decoys.

Elemental Engineers: Masters of elemental technology, wielding elemental gauntlets and using crystal grenades and elemental shields.

Runeblade Infantry: Melee warriors with enchanted swords embedded with magical runes, shield bashes and protective wards at their disposal.

Astral Archers: Skilled marksmen with bows and arrows imbued with astral magic, possessing enhanced vision and the ability to rain enchanted arrows from the astral plane.

However, their vastly superior kin stood ready:

Etherium Sorcerers: Masters of Etherial magic, shaping reality-warping bolts and protective barriers, projecting their consciousness into the Astral Plane, and shielding entire armies from harm.

Starforged Guardians: Beings crafted from starlight, able to control starlight, cloak themselves in stardust aura, and reform upon falling in battle.

Elemental Archmages: Masters of elemental mastery, capable of merging elemental energies, temporarily transforming into elemental beings, and reshaping landscapes.

Ethereal Envoys: Ethereal beings embodying pure magic, able to bend reality, bind souls, and bestow blessings upon Aetherian forces.

Despite their formidable abilities, the Aetherians faced a dire challenge. The Honkai pylons severely weakened them, limiting their spells' range and rendering them vulnerable. They were potent but fragile, glass cannons in the face of the Men of Iron's relentless onslaught.

The citadels, once proud symbols of Aetherian strength, stood like islands amidst a relentless sea of Men of Iron. Their interconnected walls, once thought impenetrable, now faced a barrage of unyielding metal and unstoppable force. Aetherian soldiers, their faces etched with terror, clung desperately to their positions, knowing that the tide of steel would not relent until it had consumed them entirely.

The Men of Iron moved with a mechanical precision, adapting swiftly to the Aetherians' tactics. As the Aetherian Arcane Scouts attempted to infiltrate their ranks, the Men of Iron deployed Penumbral Infiltrators, nearly invisible beings whose dark energy blades cut through the Aetherians with eerie precision. A lone Aetherian soldier watched in horror as his squadmates fell, their bodies turning to blue ash as the Penumbral Infiltrators struck, He fired his energy rifle at the infiltrators, but his shots passed through them as if they were made of smoke. Their screams echoed through the citadel, drowned out by the relentless march of the Men of Iron.

Meanwhile, the Aetherian Elemental Engineers unleashed elemental spells, their gauntlets crackling with energy. But the Men of Iron were not so easily deterred. Tesla Wardens emerged, their electromagnetic weaponry disrupting the Aetherians' spells. With a flash of blinding light, the Elemental Engineers were overwhelmed, their protective wards shattered by the Men of Iron's relentless assault.

Hopelessness settled in the hearts of the Aetherian soldiers. Their Runeblade Infantry, once proud warriors, fell beneath the onslaught of the Men of Iron's Graviton Vanguard and Sonic Disruptors.

The Astral Archers, skilled marksmen, found their astral arrows deflected by the Men of Iron's electromagnetic shields.

On the citadel's ramparts, a commander watched in horror as the proud defenses disappeared under volleys of Flayers. The once-mighty shields, infused with Aetherian magic, melted like wax before the searing heat of the Imperial Gauss Flayers. Swathes of Aetherian troops turned to blue ash, their forms dissolving into nothingness. The commander's face contorted with despair as he realized the futility of their fight.

Within the citadel's chambers, desperate whispers of incantations filled the air as Etherium Sorcerers attempted to push back the tide. But even their mastery of Etherial magic faltered against the relentless onslaught. Starforged Guardians, beings of condensed starlight, emerged, their celestial blades cutting through the Aetherians with blinding speed. The sorcerers' protective barriers shattered like glass, leaving them exposed to the Men of Iron's unyielding advance.

Outside, the Men of Iron's adaptive tactics proved insurmountable. Harbinger Scorpions, colossal war machines, targeted the citadel's weak points with unerring accuracy. The citadel shook as their plasma weaponry tore through its walls, leaving Aetherian soldiers scrambling for cover amidst the chaos.

The battle raged on, but it was a one-sided slaughter. The Men of Iron, like an unending tide of metal and firepower, showed no mercy. The Aetherians, once proud and defiant, now faced a hopeless fight against an enemy that knew no exhaustion, no fear, and no remorse. Their citadels, once symbols of safety, were now tombs, and their proud defenders were mere ashes in the wind, lost amidst the unending storm of the Men of Iron's onslaught.