
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 46 - Technological Advancement

In the year 0252 of the Imperial Calendar, a new era of advancement dawned upon the Imperium. Deep within the scientific laboratories, the brilliant mind of Grandsage Elysia Vernius had given birth to a groundbreaking invention – a device with the potential to reshape the very fabric of space itself. Elysia's heart swelled with anticipation as she held the small, yet profoundly impactful creation in her hand. She could hardly wait to present her discovery to none other than the Emperor himself.

With the precious papers containing her research clutched in her grasp, Elysia activated a miniature teleporter affixed to her necklace. In an instant, she vanished from the laboratory, only to reappear within the hallowed halls of the Imperial Study. The presence of Fafnir, the Emperor, cast a sense of awe and reverence upon the room as he delved into the latest news and reports submitted by his officials, Fafnir, seated amidst a sea of reports and updates, pondered the troubling news of inspectors vanishing in the lower levels of the Universe. His contemplation was interrupted by a sudden and unexpected appearance – Grandsage Elysia, bearing the results of her ingenuity. With his usual calm and regal demeanor, Fafnir welcomed her, curious about the new discovery she had brought before him.

As Elysia's figure materialized before him, Fafnir regarded her with a welcoming smile. "Elysia, hello. Have you made any remarkable discoveries lately?" he inquired, his demeanor calm and poised. Elysia returned the greeting, bowing respectfully. "Good morning, Your Majesty. Indeed, I have a new invention to share with you," she responded, her tone a mixture of excitement and professionalism.

With a graceful motion of her hand, Elysia unveiled the object of her creation – a small, intricate device that hovered before her. "Behold, Your Majesty, the dimensional resizer matrix," she announced, her voice carrying a sense of pride in her achievement. "This device has the power to manipulate the very dimensions of space, allowing objects to be made larger or smaller, and distances to be altered accordingly."

Fafnir's curiosity was piqued, and he leaned forward to examine the device more closely. "Fascinating," he murmured, studying the intricate design. "But is there a limit to its capabilities?" he inquired, his keen mind already envisioning the possibilities.

Elysia nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Indeed, Your Majesty. The current version of the dimensional resizer matrix is capable of manipulating the dimensions of relatively small structures, such as buildings. However, its effectiveness is contingent upon the size of the structure. Larger structures would require larger resizer matrices, and there is a definite limit – it cannot resize objects with the mass and complexity of black holes."

Fafnir pondered for a moment, considering the potential applications of such a device. "This is indeed remarkable, Elysia. I can see how this invention could revolutionize our architecture and alter the dynamics of our battles," he mused. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of curiosity and appreciation.

"I want this technology implemented within this year, starting with the military. The potential this device holds for our armed forces is undeniable," Fafnir declared, his voice firm and resolute. "Elysia, your invention could change the course of how the Imperium approaches warfare."

Elysia bowed deeply, acknowledging the Emperor's command. "By your will, Your Majesty," she replied. With a final nod of agreement, she dissipated from the Imperial Study, her thoughts already racing as she contacted the relevant authorities to initiate the implementation of her remarkable creation.

In the chambers of strategy and innovation, the great Primarch of the Iron Warriors, Perthramar Fireheart, presented his vision to the towering figure seated before him – the mighty Emperor Fafnir. The Primarch's enthusiasm was palpable, as he held forth the fruits of his ingenuity – a proposal to reshape the very core of the Imperium's naval might.

"Father," Perthramar began, his voice carrying the weight of determination, "I have a great idea, a concept that could transform the Imperium's naval capabilities, giving us an edge like never before." His eyes gleamed with the excitement of a creator on the brink of unveiling a masterpiece. The reports and plans laid before him outlined a daring proposal that promised to revolutionize the Imperium's approach to warfare.

Fafnir, the wise and watchful Emperor, leaned forward with keen interest, his gaze fixed upon the papers spread across his desk. "Perthramar, my son, you have always been the inventive spirit of our family. The Iron Warriors, led by your innovative prowess, have forged new paths for our dominion. But let's delve into the details – tell me more about this concept."

The Primarch straightened, his proud demeanor unyielding in the face of his father's presence. "Father, consider the Mothership – the grand behemoth that stands as a beacon of our naval strength. My proposal centers on the integration of our newfound dimensional resizer matrix within the Mothership's structure. By doing so, we grant it the capacity to manipulate space on a colossal scale."

Fafnir's brow arched, a mixture of curiosity and intrigue dancing in his eyes. "Go on, my son. How does this manipulation of space alter the Mothership's capabilities?"

Perthramar's voice resonated with confidence as he elucidated his plan. "The Mothership, while appearing as large as a planet Jupiter, can house within its hangar the potential to expand its internal space using the resizer matrix. This means it can hold not only trillions of spacebattleships but also wield the ability to alter the spatial proportions of its interior. This, Father, leads to unparalleled flexibility in our deployment strategy."

Fafnir listened intently, absorbing the intricacies of his son's vision. "It is a novel concept indeed, Perthramar. But the resizer matrix's efficiency, its scale – these are critical considerations. A Mothership of such immense proportions, with the potential to carry countless vessels, must be both efficient and secure."

Perthramar's expression brightened, his passion for innovation evident. "Father, I have taken that into account. My design restructures the Mothership's capabilities, allowing it to be both formidable and efficient. And let us not forget the wave force armor – a staple of the Imperial Navy's defenses. Combined with the space manipulation effect, it makes the Mothership not just a powerhouse but also nearly impervious to ambushes."

Fafnir's eyes gleamed with pride and approval. He recognized his son's growth, not only as a Primarch but as an inventive mind shaping the future of the Imperium. "You have put much thought into this, Perthramar. It warms my heart to see your dedication to our cause."

Perthramar's stature remained unyielding, but beneath his pride, a hint of seeking affirmation remained. Fafnir's deep laughter echoed through the room, a testament to the paternal bond they shared. "You seek recognition, my son, just as you did when you were younger. But know this – your ideas hold weight and value, and your voice is heard."

The Iron Warriors Primarch offered a faint, grateful smile, his spirit affirmed by his father's understanding. "Thank you, Father."

Fafnir's smile matched his son's. "Now, let us address the specifics. Why have you chosen only seven escort ships to accompany this colossal Mothership?"

Perthramar's enthusiasm bubbled forth once again as he dived into the tactical intricacies. "Father, these 'escort ships' are no ordinary vessels. Each one is a battleship in itself, armed with millions of fighters for reconnaissance and interception. They bear the power to obliterate planets if need be. Moreover, they possess their own resizer capabilities, rendering them nearly immune to ambushes. I say 'nearly' because even though they are resilient, they still bow before your divine mastery over space."

Fafnir's gaze held a mixture of pride and amusement. "Your plans are meticulous, Perthramar. Your meticulous attention to detail ensures that even the most formidable strategies are thoroughly vetted."

The Primarch's grin was infectious, a testament to the excitement of a creator witnessing his vision take shape. "Thank you, Father. With your approval, I shall begin implementing this plan to update the Imperial Navy."

Fafnir's eyes gleamed with approval, his voice carrying the authority of a monarch and the warmth of a father. "Your proposal holds merit and innovation. Implement your plan, Perthramar, and let our naval strength be forever changed."

The Primarch's respectful bow and Fafnir's contented nod sealed the agreement.

The gears of the Imperium churned with remarkable efficiency as the grand plan set into motion by the Emperor Fafnir and the inventive mind of Primarch Perthramar took root. Across the sprawling shipyards and engineering hubs of the Imperium, the transformation was a symphony of innovation and industry.

The aged hulls of old battleships, once the pride of the Imperial Navy, were dismantled with purposeful precision. Every component, every resource that could be salvaged, was carefully collected and recycled. Nothing went to waste in this monumental endeavor to reshape the naval might of the Imperium.

In tandem with the dismantling, the forging of new vessels began in earnest. State-of-the-art factories hummed with activity as they birthed new spacebattleships – sleek, powerful, and designed with the latest advancements at their core. The shipyards buzzed with workers and engineers, their dedication fueled by a shared vision of a stronger Imperium.

It was a process orchestrated to perfection. The dimensional resizer matrices, designed by the brilliant Grandsage Elysia, were integrated seamlessly into the hulls of the new ships. These matrices, powered by the innovative minds that inhabited the Imperium, gave birth to ships with capabilities that defied conventional limitations.

Amidst the clanging of machinery and the shimmering light of energy welders, a new fleet began to take shape. The colossal Motherships, their interiors expanded to house trillions of spacebattleships, stood as a testament to the Imperium's commitment to technological advancement. These behemoths would serve as the heart of the fleet, capable of deploying vast numbers of vessels to the front lines of any conflict.

And the escort ships – transformed under the guidance of Primarch Perthramar's ingenious design – emerged as celestial guardians, bearing the combined power of wave force armor and spatial manipulation. Their role was two-fold: to protect the Motherships and to strike fear into the hearts of any who dared challenge the might of the Imperium.

The entire process unfolded with breathtaking efficiency. The Imperium's resources were utilized to the fullest, wastage was minimized, and every decision was guided by the ultimate goal of bolstering the Imperium's naval supremacy. As weeks turned into months, the new fleet began to take its place within the annals of Imperial history.

It was a testament to the unity of purpose that defined the Imperium – a unity that transcended time and space, a unity that was born of unwavering loyalty to the Emperor and the shared pursuit of a brighter future. Through innovation, dedication, and strategic brilliance, the Imperium had once again proven that its strength knew no bounds.

And so, in the depths of the shipyards and within the sprawling halls of technological advancement, the Imperium's new era dawned. With each ship constructed, with each design perfected, the Imperium's naval might surged to new heights. The universe itself would soon bear witness to the awe-inspiring power that stood ready to defend the Imperium's dominion.

46.2 Mordecai Ashbringer

Imperial Year 0252, 25th Day of the Month of Virelia, The ornate doors of the Throne Room swung open, revealing Mordecai Ashbringer, the Primarch of the Deathguard. His appearance was marked by a pale complexion and a sense of gravitas that seemed to emanate from him. As he entered, his eyes met Fafnir's, who sat upon the imposing Golden Throne, flanked by Custodes standing as guardians.

"Good morning, Father," Mordecai greeted, his voice carrying a tone that matched his somber demeanor.

Fafnir observed his son, his eyes glowing with a divine energy as he assessed Mordecai's state. A hint of amusement danced in Fafnir's expression. "My son, you look gloomy, or is this just your natural complexion? I'll take a closer look."

Fafnir's divine power focused on Mordecai's eyes, searching for any disturbances or deviations within the intricate web of energy that composed the Herrscher of Death. After a thorough observation, Fafnir concluded, "It seems your appearance matches your true state. No cause for immediate alarm." Fafnir concluded, a faint hint of humor in his voice. Mordecai's pale complexion was a distinctive trait, fitting for one who carried the mantle of the Herrscher of Death.

Mordecai listened attentively, his features neutral yet attentive. "Father, did you summon me for a specific reason?" he inquired, sensing that there was more to the conversation.

Responding to Mordecai's inquiry, Fafnir continued, "Indeed, my son, there is a matter that requires your attention. However, let us not be hasty. You've been on the frontlines of battle for nearly a decade without respite. Allow me to indulge in some fatherly concern."

Acknowledging the urgency of the task ahead, Fafnir shifted the focus back to the matter at hand. "Now, to the matter at hand. Our inspectors in the lower levels of the Universe have mysteriously vanished. The last message we received from one of them simply reads 'Death has come.' It is intriguing that their souls have not found their way to me for reincarnation."

Fafnir's gaze bore a solemn weight as he conveyed the gravity of the situation. "I entrust you with the task of investigating this phenomenon. Discover the source of this disturbance, eliminate those responsible for the souls' disappearance, and ensure the return of our lost citizens' souls to the cycle of reincarnation."

With a sense of resolve, Mordecai responded, "By your will, Father. I shall embark on this mission and uncover the truth behind this unsettling occurrence."

Fafnir's concern for his son's safety was palpable. "Remember, Mordecai, as you venture forth, our love and protection are with you. Return to us safely, my son."

Upon his flagship, the imposing vessel named Endurance, Mordecai Ashbringer took command. The massive ship, bearing a design that resonated with the ominous title of the DeathGuard, was a colossal structure comparable to the size of a planet, Jupiter. Its appearance, although futuristic, exuded an air of gloom that was in line with its name.

With his resolve firmly in place, Mordecai issued his orders. "Set course for the Lower Levels of the Universe," he directed, his voice carrying an air of authority that matched his stature as a Primarch. Beside the flagship, a fleet of seven Escort Battleships fell into formation, ready to accompany Endurance on its journey.

The Captain of the Mothership, "Prepare to set course for the Lower Levels of the Imperium." The captain swiftly relayed the order, prompting the ship's systems to engage in the necessary preparations.

Moments later, an announcement echoed through the ship, "Attention all crew members, set course for the Lower Levels of the Imperium. Prepare for transit through Honkai drive." The order rippled through the ship, reaching every corner of the vessel where dedicated individuals were poised at their stations.

In front of the advanced communication system, a soldier reported to Mordecai, "Escort Battleships 1 through 7 are ready for Honkai drive, Sir." Mordecai acknowledged the report with a determined nod, his focus unwavering.

Raising his voice, Mordecai called out, "For the God Emperor, we venture forth! Initiate the Honkai drive." With his words, a sequence of events was set into motion. A portal, colossal in scale, opened before the flagship Endurance. Simultaneously, seven smaller portals manifested, each corresponding to an Escort Battleship in the fleet.

Guided by the will to serve the God Emperor and safeguard the Imperium, the fleet moved forward with purpose. The gargantuan portal enveloped the Mothership, and the escorting vessels followed suit, passing through their respective portals. In a matter of seconds, the fleet's transition was complete, and they found themselves in a new realm—the Lower Levels of the Universe.

As the swirling energies of the Honkai drive dissipated, Mordecai surveyed the expanse before him, a realm rife with mystery and potential danger. The task ahead was clear: to investigate the unsettling disappearance of souls and confront the enigmatic force responsible.

After a mere few minutes of interstellar travel, the fleet came across a disturbing and grotesque sight—an enormous moon-sized creature. This nightmarish entity resembled a moon but was adorned with a multitude of writhing and ominous tentacles. As Mordecai's presence radiated strength, he sensed a psychic force emanating from the creature, attempting to infiltrate his mind and impose a state of dementia upon him. However, his Primarch status rendered him impervious to such feeble psychic attacks. Unfortunately, his crew was not as fortunate, succumbing to the creature's influence and beginning to exhibit aggressive behavior toward one another.

Reacting swiftly to the threat, Mordecai issued a critical command, "Activate the Honkai Pylons!" His order triggered a rapid response across the fleet as the crew members on each ship promptly engaged their respective Honkai Pylons. The effect was immediate—those affected by the creature's psychic influence quickly regained their composure, their aggression giving way to confusion as they wondered about the sudden change in their mental state.

Observing the situation and grasping the cause of the mysterious disappearances of inspectors, Mordecai's resolve strengthened. "I now understand why these inspectors have been vanishing," he declared with unwavering determination. "I shall not tolerate the existence of abominations like this within the Imperium. Command the fleet to focus their Helios Cannons on that creature. Reduce it to nothing more than atoms, scattered by the heat of our sun."

The crew sprang into action, the immense firepower of the fleet's Helios Cannons converging on the monstrous entity. Each salvo unleashed torrents of incendiary energy, tearing through the creature's form and reducing it to smoldering debris. The once-daunting monstrosity was obliterated in a display of concentrated power.

However, Mordecai's strategic mind understood that this might not be the end. Addressing his crew, he conveyed his insight, "We must remain vigilant. There may be more of these aberrations lurking in the Lower Levels. Our task is twofold: to gather information on these creatures and eliminate them from our realm."

After navigating through a few more star systems, the fleet came across a distress signal emitted by a Type 2 Civilization fleet. However, something appeared to be amiss. As the officers onboard the Mothership analyzed the situation, one of them raised a crucial question, "Could this possibly be a mutiny? It seems that this fleet is the only one present in this sector."

Mordecai, taking charge of the situation, ordered the communication to be established with the flagship of the Type 2 Civilization fleet. The connection was swiftly established, and Mordecai addressed the distressed captain, "This is Mordecai Ashbringer, Primarch of the Death Guard of Imperium Dominus. How can I assist you?"

The voice on the other end heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank the Emperor! We are in dire circumstances. A mutiny of sorts has erupted among our crew. It all began after we retrieved an artifact from a barren world. Now, chaos reigns as our crew members have turned on each other, and we are trapped on the bridge, fighting for our very lives."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Mordecai responded with determination, "Deactivate your energy shields. We will board your vessel and assist in resolving this crisis." With that, he severed the connection.

Mordecai realized that the scenario unfolding with this Type 2 Civilization fleet bore similarities to their encounter with the monstrous moon-like creature. This eerie pattern of crew members turning against each other was alarming and needed to be addressed urgently.

Addressing his crew, Mordecai swiftly formulated a plan. "Prepare for a boarding operation. We must investigate the artifact and the situation on their vessel firsthand."

Leading the way, Mordecai and a detachment of Death Guard Astartes made their way to a trireme—a small vessel designed for boarding parties. Their objective was to assess the situation, secure the artifact, and bring an end to the mutiny that had plagued the Type 2 Civilization fleet