
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 41- Dark Matter

Amidst the tension and urgency that hung in the air, Novastra rushed into the heart of the palace, her footsteps echoing in tandem with the turmoil in her heart. There, she found Fafnir, the stalwart figure of wisdom and strength, engrossed in a contemplative moment as he toyed with a gleaming gold orb that rested in his palm.

"Interesting," Fafnir mused, his words soft but laden with gravity. Novastra's heart quickened at the sight and sound of her father, a man who had stood as a pillar of power for the Imperium Dominus. With a deep breath, she approached him, her voice laced with a sense of urgency, "Dad, we can't just stand by. I need to support my Wolf Lord and our forces!"

Her words, fueled by determination and loyalty, reverberated through the room. Fafnir's gaze shifted from the orb to his daughter, his eyes a tapestry of emotions. He understood her fervor, her need to be at the side of her comrades. Yet, his response carried the weight of a leader who bore the responsibility of many.

"Daughter dear," Fafnir began, his voice a gentle cadence that sought to temper the fire in her heart, "I share your sentiment, but the Star Gods have achieved what was thought to be impossible. They have managed to seal off the very fabric of the Imaginary Space, encapsulating entire regions within their own dominions."

As the gravity of the situation settled upon them, Novastra felt a mixture of frustration and concern welling within her. The realization that the universe's very essence had been manipulated and restricted by the ancient Star Gods was a truth that could not be easily dismissed. With a furrowed brow, she looked to her father for guidance, her voice laced with a tinge of desperation, "So, what can we do now? How can we navigate this?"

Fafnir's gaze turned to the Grand Sages, the venerable figures who carried within them the wisdom of ages. In their presence, he sought counsel and insight, a collective intellect that could potentially pave the way forward. Gathering their attention, Fafnir signaled for their involvement, indicating that a crucial decision was imminent.

The Grand Sages stood before Fafnir, their expressions a mix of anticipation and determination. Fafnir's calm and resolute demeanor was a reassuring anchor amidst the storm of uncertainty. With a nod, he addressed them, his voice carrying the weight of a leader ready to embrace any solution.

"Grand Sages, I believe you have something for me," Fafnir stated, his tone composed as he held their attention. Elysia Vernius, the head of the Grand Sages a figure of profound wisdom amongst the Grand Sages, stepped forward, her presence exuding a sense of authority and purpose.

"Indeed, we do, Your Majesty," Elysia affirmed, her words resonating with a measured confidence. The significance of their discovery was not lost on any of them; it bore the potential to shape the course of the Imperium's struggle against the looming threat.

Elysia continued, "We proudly present to you Dark Matter—an alternative energy source, distinct and independent from the enigmatic Honkai Energy. While it might lack the same efficiency as Honkai energy, it serves as a viable solution for our current predicament. Dark Matter can replicate many of the functions performed by Honkai energy, with the exception of bioengineering and the creation of life."

Fafnir's gaze remained fixed on Elysia as he absorbed her words, a thoughtful expression shaping his features. The revelation of Dark Matter held promise, a glimmer of hope in a time of adversity. As he considered its potential implications, he couldn't help but admire the ingenuity and dedication of the Grand Sages.

A sense of determination swelled within Fafnir's chest, his eyes meeting Elysia's with a firm resolve. "Dark Matter," he repeated, the words carrying a sense of reverence. "This may be our answer, our means to navigate through the challenges that lie ahead."

Fafnir's keen gaze remained fixed on Elysia as she detailed the potential of Dark Matter. It was a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had descended upon their universe. Yet, pragmatism dictated the next course of action. "How long do you estimate it will take before Dark Matter can be integrated on a wide scale?" Fafnir inquired, his tone even and composed.

Elysia's response was measured, a reflection of the careful planning and dedication of the Grand Sages. "Give us a year, Your Majesty. Within that timeframe, we will ensure that all ships are equipped with backup systems powered by Dark Matter."

Novastra's impatience and concern for her comrades were palpable as she interjected with a question that echoed the desperation in her heart. "Dad, can't you just break through the blockade? We need to help our forces!"

Fafnir's expression remained resolute, his response delivered with a mixture of understanding and resolve. "My dear Novastra, breaking the blockade is possible, but it's akin to forcibly prying open a sealed door. Once the battle is over, I would have to mend what's broken, and that is a responsibility I would rather avoid unless it becomes our only recourse."

Fafnir's words were imbued with a father's regret and a ruler's consideration. He looked at Novastra, his daughter, his heart heavy with the weight of the choices before them. He reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering solace in the midst of turmoil.

"I'm sorry, my dear Novastra," he began, his voice carrying a somber tone that resonated with empathy. "It pains me to say that our forces must endure this sacrifice for now. While we could reach the nearest point and travel to the Zulu theatre of war by thrusters, the journey would take days, and I fear that by then, the situation would have evolved beyond our reach."

Novastra's eyes glistened with a mixture of disappointment and determination. She understood the realities of the situation, but her warrior's spirit yearned to be in the midst of battle, to protect and avenge her legions. Her father's words, however, carried a promise of their own—a promise of future retribution and a reckoning that would transcend the confines of the present moment.

Fafnir's gaze remained steady as he continued, his words laced with the vision of the future he saw unfolding. "Fear not, my daughter. While I may be powerless at this moment, I see a future where vengeance is not just an aspiration, but a certainty. A war of such magnitude will sweep through the universe, engulfing all in its flames. It will be a war where the ultimate ruler of this universe will be decided."

A faint glimmer of hope danced in Novastra's eyes as she absorbed her father's words. The promise of a decisive war, one that would determine the course of their universe, rekindled her spirit. She looked up at Fafnir, her determination evident in her gaze.

"I understand, Dad," she replied, her voice unwavering. "I will carry the weight of my legions' sacrifice, and I will make those responsible pay dearly for it. When the time comes for that decisive war, I will ensure that our vengeance is swift and resounding."

"Call your brothers and the military cabinet for a meeting" Fafnir said to Novastra which she nodded in response and left.

A few minutes later Holograms of Generals , Lelouch , Esdeath, the Current 18 Primarchs were present around a Thousand Holograms were projected in the vast throne room of the God Emperor.

In the vast throne room of the God Emperor, holograms flickered to life, projecting the images of generals, Primarchs, and leaders from across the Imperium.

Fafnir's voice, commanding and resolute, resonated through the chamber as he addressed the assembly of leaders. "My loyal subjects, comrades in arms, I trust you are all aware of the recent turn of events—the defeat we suffered in the Zulu Theatre of War. The Star Gods have demonstrated an unexpected capability, exploiting a vulnerability in the Imaginary Space that we once believed invulnerable. Our reliance on this space was exploited, and the Zulu Theatre became a battlefield of sacrifice and valor."

He paused, a moment of somber reflection passing through the holographic representations of those present. "Our Dominian soldiers, in the face of adversity, chose to stand firm and unyielding, embracing a Pyrrhic victory that resonates with the spirit of the Imperium. They sent a message to the Aetherians, a message that declares there are no cowards among our ranks. Their sacrifices were not in vain, and I have communed with their departed souls. They hold their heads high, proud of their sacrifice, and they yearn to fight alongside us once more."

Fafnir's words carried a profound weight, an attestation to his connection with the cycle of life and death itself. "Fear not, my comrades, for death is but a threshold, and I hold dominion over it. The cycle of life and death is within my grasp, and I offer you a choice: to rest in eternal paradise or to serve our cause once more. Both choices are honored, and your dedication will not go unnoticed."

He shifted the focus to the present and the future, his gaze resolute. "In response to this challenge, the Grand Sages have diligently sought an alternative to our reliance on honkai energy. Dark Matter has emerged as a viable source, independent yet slightly less potent. We face a transition, a process that will take time to integrate this new energy into our technology. Imperium Dominus will equip its ships and weapons with Dark Matter energy within a year."

A resounding chorus of agreement echoed through the holograms as the leaders pledged their unwavering support. "Yes, Your Majesty!" Their unity and dedication were palpable, their loyalty to the Imperium unwavering.

Fafnir's final decree rang out, a command met with reverence and commitment. "In light of this transition and the need to safeguard our borders during this crucial phase, I hereby order a temporary slowing of our conquest. Our forces shall hold the line, protecting our realm while our technological evolution takes place. The tragedy that befell the Zulu Theatre shall not be repeated."

41. 2 Dark Matter Technology of the Imperium

Quantum Communication: Guided by the unique properties of Dark Matter particles, Imperium Dominus has birthed a revolutionary means of communication that transcends the constraints of distance and interference. This instantaneous communication system knits their vast empire together, facilitating coordination, diplomacy, and knowledge-sharing across cosmic expanses, Quantum Communication is already present in the Imperium through the Imaginary Space this one serves as an alternative.

Dark Matter Reactors: Miniature structures or engines that harness the enigmatic power of Dark Matter, converting its particles into usable energy through advanced particle physics principles. These reactors stand as symbols of Imperium Dominus' mastery over cosmic mysteries, capable of energizing entire planets and enabling faster-than-light travel.

Dark Highways and Dark Speed:

Dark Highways: These cosmic passageways are woven beyond the ordinary dimensions of space, concealed within the enigmatic shroud of dark matter. Imperium Dominus has harnessed the arcane forces of this elusive substance to construct these interstellar routes, each a marvel of engineering and ambition. Guided by the divine wisdom of the God Emperor, these highways serve as conduits through the veiled reaches of the cosmos.

Access and Navigation: Reserved primarily for the strategic needs of the Imperium's military, the knowledge to access and navigate Dark Highways is a closely guarded secret. To embark upon a journey through these veiled passages, vessels must be equipped with the specialized technology of Dark Matter Reactors. Precise calculations and an intricate understanding of the interplay between dark matter, energy, and spacetime are imperative for a successful traversal.

Benefits and Challenges: The allure of Dark Highways lies in their unparalleled speed and efficiency. Vessels traversing these cosmic conduits can cover vast expanses in mere fractions of the time it would take through conventional means. Yet, as with any leap into the unknown, these highways are not devoid of challenges. Lingering anomalies and uncharted energies may pose hazards, although diligent navigation and the mastery of Dark Matter Reactors can mitigate these risks.

Dark Matter Reactors: At the heart of this technological wonder stands the Dark Matter Reactor, an emblem of Imperium Dominus' mastery over cosmic forces. These reactors harness the latent potential of dark matter particles, channeling their enigmatic energy into a form that sustains the portal's existence and propels ships along the dark highways. An intricate fusion of science and art, the creation and deployment of these reactors remain a closely controlled domain, a testament to the civilization's unyielding commitment to progress under the vigilant gaze of the God Emperor himself.

Celestial Annihilator Cannon: An embodiment of Imperium Dominus' authority over cosmic energies, the Celestial Annihilator Cannon channels dark matter's potential into a weaponized discharge. The resulting energy wave is both physical and ethereal, capable of disrupting enemy technology, shattering structures, and unraveling reality itself.