
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 30 - Esdeath's Call

Fafnir sat on the balcony of his Beach Manor, enjoying the serene view as he sipped his coffee. Suddenly, his holographic phone rang, and he eagerly accepted the call. Esdeath's cheerful face appeared on the screen, and Fafnir couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Honey! How are you, deary? Do you miss me?" Esdeath greeted him with her usual enthusiasm.

Fafnir's eyes sparkled with affection as he replied, "I miss you every day, love. I'm doing well here. We've conquered 90% of the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Imperium Dominus continues to expand. How about you? How are things on your end?"

Esdeath's expression turned mischievous as she shared her recent exploits, "Oh, I've been having quite the adventure. This world I'm in is a lot of fun. There are these so-called Seven Warlords of the Seas and also the 4 Emperors of the Sea, and I've been fighting them one by one. And let me tell you about the World Government—they're a bunch of corrupt pigs, especially those Celestial Dragons! It's been a delight to impale their heads for all to see. Oh, and look, they've even put a bounty on me!"

She proudly displayed the bounty notice, which read, "Dead or Alive, Esdeath Aurelius. She Stared right at the camera with a smirk.

Bounty: 900,000,000."

Esdeath laughed heartily before continuing, "And these flies called CP0 have been buzzing around, trying to take me down. But fear not, my Custodes have been busy swatting them away. Oh, the adventures never cease! Anyways, that's all for today. Love you, mwah!"

Fafnir chuckled at Esdeath's spirited recounting of her escapades, appreciating her unique sense of humor and unwavering fighting spirit. He replied, "Sounds like you're having a thrilling time, my love. Stay safe and keep enjoying your battles. I love you too, mwah!"

With their conversation concluded, Fafnir savored the lingering warmth of his coffee and gazed out at the tranquil beach scene, his heart filled with both love for Esdeath and pride for the ongoing conquests of Imperium Dominus in the galaxy.

Chapter 30.1 The Last Gasp of the Resistance

Imperial Calendar 0101, Battle Theatre Alpha, Legion Commander Nelson Stark of the 99th Mortal Auxiliary Legion.

In the vast expanse of the Milky Way Galaxy, as Imperium Dominus expands its dominion and brings unity under its banner, there lies a distant region in the northern arms where resistance persists. Here, the Vortraxians, an interstellar civilization spanning a hundred star systems, stand defiant against the might of the Imperium.

The Vortraxians possess a unique ability to manipulate metal, granting them formidable prowess in battle. With this advantage, they have engaged the Astartes in skirmishes, relishing in their victories and underestimating the true power of Imperium Dominus. They believed these clashes were the full extent of war, oblivious to the impending storm that loomed over them.

Unbeknownst to the Vortraxians, the annihilation of the Xenophage Hive Fleets and the complete destruction of the Omnic Disaster marked a turning point. These victories showcased the immense strength and indomitable will of Imperium Dominus, leaving no doubt that it was no mere interstellar civilization but the true Overlord of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Now, the time has come for the Vortraxians to face the full might of Imperium Dominus. As Legion Commander of the 99th Mortal Auxiliary Legion, I lead my forces into battle against these stubborn opponents. Our mission is clear: to bring these resistant star systems under the light of the Imperium's rule.

The Vortraxians, with their metal manipulation abilities, pose a unique challenge. We have witnessed their prowess in combat and acknowledged their tenacity. But we also understand that their resistance stems from a lack of understanding, a misguided belief that they stand on equal footing with Imperium Dominus.

However, the truth is far different. Our empire has conquered countless star systems, faced formidable adversaries, and emerged victorious time and again. We stand united under the banner of the God Emperor, whose divine power guides and protects us. We are the embodiment of justice, order, and progress.

With the full might of Imperium Dominus at our disposal, we bring the wrath of the Golden Army, the unyielding resolve of the Mortal Auxiliary Legions, and the divine strength of the God Emperor himself. We are the unstoppable force that will sweep across the galaxies, ensuring that all submit to the glory and unity of Imperium Dominus.

The resistance of the Vortraxians will crumble beneath the weight of our onslaught. Their notion of victory will be shattered as they face the true power of Imperium Dominus. No longer will they relish in their past triumphs, for they will come to understand that their victories were but a mirage in the face of our inexorable advance.

As Legion Commander Nelson Stark, I lead my soldiers with unwavering conviction and unyielding determination. We are the spearhead of the Imperium's might, the vanguard of its righteous cause. Together, we shall bring the light of Imperium Dominus to every corner of the galaxy, vanquishing all who oppose us and ensuring a future of unity, prosperity, and true peace.

For the God Emperor and the glory of Imperium Dominus, we march onward, resolute in our purpose and unwavering in our devotion. The Vortraxians shall know the might of the true Overlord of the Milky Way Galaxy, and they shall witness the unassailable strength of Imperium Dominus.

The Unilateral Slaughter campaign against the Vortraxians began with the arrival of trillions of Imperium Dominus spaceships, emerging from portals in standard formation. The armada stretched across the vastness of space, a breathtaking sight that instilled both awe and fear in the hearts of those who witnessed it. At the heart of this formidable force was the Herrscher, the exclusive space battleship of the God Emperor, spanning three planets in its immense size.

Fafnir, the God Emperor himself, oversaw the Alpha theatre, radiating his divine presence and instilling immeasurable honor and pride in the hearts of the Imperium's forces. The opportunity to have the God Emperor watch them unify the Milky Way Galaxy was an unparalleled privilege that further fueled their determination.

With a collective fervor, the war against the Vortraxians commenced. Billions of Imperium Dominus spaceships surged into each star system, swiftly obliterating the Vortraxian border patrol ships without mercy or remorse. Not even a trace of wreckage remained as the overwhelming might of Imperium Dominus left no room for resistance.

The Vortraxians, who had once relished in their victories against the Astartes and underestimated the true power of Imperium Dominus, now faced a merciless onslaught that shattered their illusions. Their unique ability to manipulate metal paled in comparison to the combined strength of the Golden Army, the Mortal Auxiliary Legions, and the divine power of the God Emperor.

Imperium Dominus unleashed the full force of its wrath, striking with calculated precision and overwhelming firepower. Planetary defenses were systematically dismantled, citadels crumbled under the relentless assault, and resistance was swiftly crushed under the iron heel of the Imperium.

As the campaign progressed, star system after star system fell into the hands of Imperium Dominus. The Vortraxians, once proud and defiant, now faced the stark reality of their impending defeat. Their resistance was no match for the unwavering resolve of the Imperium, fueled by the divine guidance of the God Emperor.

With each victory, Imperium Dominus drew closer to the unification of the Milky Way Galaxy. The war became a one-sided massacre, as the Vortraxians realized the true extent of the power they had foolishly underestimated. Their dreams of standing as equals to Imperium Dominus were shattered, replaced by the bitter taste of defeat.

Through unwavering determination and unwavering conviction, Imperium Dominus pressed onward. The Imperium's forces continued their advance, sweeping through star systems and leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. The galaxy itself trembled under the might of the God Emperor's rule, as the unification of the Milky Way Galaxy drew ever closer to its completion.

In this chapter of history, the Vortraxians were but a stepping stone towards the ultimate goal of Imperium Dominus – to bring unity, order, and justice to the entire galaxy. The unrelenting force of Imperium Dominus left an indelible mark on the cosmos, forever solidifying its position as the true overlord of the Milky Way.

As the war raged on, the determination of Imperium Dominus remained unyielding. The trillions of soldiers, the legions of Astartes, and the divine presence of the God Emperor himself pushed forward with unwavering resolve. The galaxy witnessed the unrivaled might of Imperium Dominus, a force that would shape the future of the Milky Way for ages to come.

For the God Emperor and the glory of Imperium Dominus, the campaign against the Vortraxians surged onward, driven by a relentless pursuit of victory and the realization of their grand vision. The unification of the Milky Way Galaxy was within their grasp, and they would stop at nothing to achieve it.

As the Vortraxians faced the undeniable might and unwavering determination of Imperium Dominus, their leaders made the fateful decision to submit to the divine power of the God Emperor. A meeting was arranged, where the Vortraxian leaders came face to face with the embodiment of the Imperium's might and divinity.

In the presence of the God Emperor, the Vortraxians were offered a chance for redemption and a place within the Imperium. Treaties were crafted, infused with the divine essence of Imperium Dominus, ensuring the Vortraxians' loyalty and obedience. These sacred agreements bound the Vortraxians to the Imperium, making it virtually impossible for them to break away unless confronted by a force equal in strength to the God Emperor himself.

With the signing of these treaties, the Vortraxians became vassals of the Imperium, subject to its laws, regulations, and the divine will of the God Emperor. Their once proud civilization now found itself integrated into the grand tapestry of Imperium Dominus, their fate intertwined with the destiny of the Milky Way Galaxy.

While the Vortraxians had once relished their victories and held notions of their own power and superiority, the encounter with Imperium Dominus shattered their illusions. They now understood the true extent of the power that stood before them, a power that transcended mortal comprehension and left no room for defiance.

Under the watchful eye of the God Emperor, the Vortraxians would have the opportunity to rebuild, to learn from their past mistakes, and to contribute to the grand vision of Imperium Dominus. Their submission marked a new chapter in their history, one that would forever be influenced by the divine presence and guidance of the God Emperor.

While the Vortraxians may have initially seen submission as a form of defeat, they soon realized the benefits of aligning themselves with the Imperium. The resources, protection, and opportunities afforded to them as part of Imperium Dominus far outweighed any sense of loss or surrender.

The treaties signed with the Vortraxians served as a testament to the overwhelming power of Imperium Dominus and the undeniable divinity of the God Emperor. These agreements solidified their place within the Imperium and bound them to a destiny intertwined with the grand vision of a unified Milky Way Galaxy.

With their submission, the Vortraxians joined the countless other civilizations and species that had recognized the indomitable strength and unparalleled wisdom of the Imperium. They would now work alongside the Imperium, contributing their unique abilities and knowledge to the grand tapestry of Imperium Dominus.

The submission of the Vortraxians marked another triumph for the God Emperor and Imperium Dominus. The unification of the Milky Way Galaxy was one step closer to completion, as more and more civilizations chose to align themselves with the divine power that radiated from the heart of Imperium Dominus.

With the Vortraxians now under the divine jurisdiction of the Imperium, the galaxy witnessed yet another testament to the unwavering might, far-reaching influence, and divine authority of the God Emperor and his Imperium Dominus. The unification of the Milky Way Galaxy continued to unfold, with each submission cementing the dominance and supremacy of the Imperium.

As the Vortraxians embarked on a new path under the guidance of Imperium Dominus, their destiny became intertwined with the grand tapestry of the Imperium. They would stand as a testament to the unyielding power and divine rule of the God Emperor, forever bound by the treaties that held the weight of divinity itself.

Chapter 30.2 The Imaginary Space

Within the depths of the Imaginary Space, Fafnir felt an immense surge of power and Honkai energy reverberating throughout the Universe. As the Imaginary Space took hold of the cosmos, it granted Fafnir the ability to shape and manipulate reality according to his desires. An infinite expanse of boundless potential lay at his fingertips.

The Imaginary Space, an ethereal realm from which Fafnir drew his Honkai powers, now fused with the very fabric of the Universe. It granted him unparalleled control, allowing him to bend the laws of nature and reshape the cosmos at will. However, the cost of wielding such immense power was a gradual weakening of the Imaginary Space itself.

In a moment of profound connection, the Imaginary Space communicated its thoughts to Fafnir. It revealed that as his conquest of the Universe progressed, it too gained greater control over the cosmos. The more worlds he united under the banner of Imperium Dominus, the stronger the grip of the Imaginary Space would become. And when the entirety of the Universe was unified, it would have the power to absorb and carry the Universe within itself.

Yet, the Imaginary Space also issued a warning. It spoke of ancient beings known as the Ancient Star Gods and the Old Ones, slumbering within the Universe. As the Imaginary Space asserted its dominance, these primordial entities began to stir from their eons-long rest. Once fully awakened, they would rally the races under their dominion and wage war against the Imperium Dominus. Their resolve to defend their home would be unwavering, and the impending conflict would be one of unparalleled magnitude.

Fafnir contemplated these revelations, his mind dwelling on the intricate web of destiny that stretched before him. He realized that his conquest of the Universe would not go unchallenged. The awakening of the Ancient Star Gods and the Old Ones signaled a turning point, a convergence of powers that would shape the future of the Imperium Dominus and the entire cosmos.

As Fafnir listened to the whispers of the Imaginary Space, he felt a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The universe stood on the precipice of transformation, and the fate of Imperium Dominus hung in the balance. The ancient powers that lay dormant would soon awaken, their intentions and capabilities unknown. It would take time for them to fully rouse from their slumber, but their awakening marked a countdown to an epoch-defining clash.

With the knowledge bestowed upon him by the Imaginary Space, Fafnir understood the weight of his role as the God Emperor. The task ahead was not only to conquer and unify the Universe but also to prepare his Imperium for the inevitable conflict that awaited. The Ancient Star Gods and the Old Ones would rise, and the races under their influence would fight with all their might to defend their existence.

Armed with the knowledge of the forthcoming struggle, Fafnir resolved to strengthen Imperium Dominus, forging alliances, and fortifying his forces. He knew that the ultimate test of his divine power and strategic brilliance lay ahead. The clash between the Imperium and the ancient forces of the Universe would shape the course of history, and Fafnir was determined to ensure that the Imperium would stand triumphant.

Fafnir would wield the power of the Imperium Dominus, while the ancient powers stirred from their slumber, ready to defend what they held dear. The cosmos braced itself for the clash of divine forces, and Fafnir stood at the center of this celestial drama, a mortal imbued with the powers of the divine.

30.4 - The God-Empress's Passion

Notice: Each Universe has a distinct chronological flow.

Imperial Year 102

Esdeath stood atop the lifeless body of Crocodile, her icy blue eyes scanning the desolate landscape. It had been a month since she arrived in this unfamiliar world, and she had experienced countless battles and conquests. But amidst her victories, her heart longed for someone else.

As she gazed up at the sky, a mix of emotions washed over her. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing for her beloved, Fafnir, the God Emperor of Imperium Dominus. She missed his presence, his power, and the connection they shared. Esdeath couldn't deny the feelings that stirred within her—a deep, undeniable love.

Her thoughts drifted to intimate memories of their time together, causing a slight blush to grace her cheeks. She felt a warmth in her chest and her breath quickened. Love and lust had attacked her with its overwhelming presence.

But amidst her lovesickness, Esdeath took a deep breath and regained her composure. She looked at her palm felt her strength was slightly diminished in this world, a stark reminder of the power she drew from her bond with Fafnir. Determination filled her gaze as she turned to the Custodes standing nearby.

"Let's go home!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with both excitement and longing. "Let's adventure another day!"

With a surge of Honkai energy, Esdeath channeled the power of the Divine key she possessed. The air crackled with energy as the massive Yamato Class battleship, her loyal vessel, vanished in an instant, leaving behind only echoes of its departure.

Esdeath and her Custodes, surrounded by the remnants of their conquest, were whisked away, returning to Genesis Prime, the heart of Imperium Dominus. The scene shifted from the ocean blue world to the grandeur of the Imperium's capital city.

As Esdeath reappeared in the midst of the grand halls of the Imperial palace, a sense of homecoming washed over her. She felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that she would soon be reunited with her beloved Fafnir.

With determination in her eyes and a smile on her face, Esdeath set off to find Fafnir.

Esdeath's footsteps echoed through the halls of the Imperial Palace as she made her way towards the familiar balcony. With each step, a sense of anticipation and excitement built within her. This was their special place, a spot where they had shared countless moments together, overlooking the sprawling city below.

As she approached the balcony, Esdeath's eyes locked onto Fafnir, who stood with his hands spread wide, his gaze fixed upon the bustling metropolis. A smile tugged at her lips as she watched him, feeling her heart leap at the sight of her beloved.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Esdeath couldn't resist playing with her spatial powers. In an instant, she materialized directly in front of Fafnir, assuming a playful and compromising position. Her presence was unexpected, but that only added to the thrill, she hooked her legs on his muscular waist.

"Fafnir," she purred, her voice laced with a mixture of desire and teasing. "Did you miss me?"

Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as she pressed her body against his, relishing in the warmth and familiarity of his presence. The world seemed to fade away around them as they stood on the balcony, caught in their own intimate moment.

Fafnir's eyes sparkled with amusement and adoration as he looked into Esdeath's gaze. His hands gently found their place on her waist, drawing her even closer. He was unable to hide the happiness that radiated from his being at her unexpected arrival.

"My love, you know I always miss you," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of affection and playfulness. "But this is certainly a pleasant surprise."

Their closeness sent shivers down Esdeath's spine, a reminder of the deep connection they shared. She leaned in, her breath caressing his ear as she whispered, "I couldn't stay away from you any longer. Being apart from you felt like an eternity."

She closed the distance between them, capturing his lips in a fiery kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away as the intensity of their connection grew.

Fafnir, initially caught off guard, quickly succumbed to the intoxicating allure of Esdeath's kiss. His hands slid up her back, pulling her even closer, deepening the embrace, Fafnir's lips gently met Esdeath's, their passion igniting like a roaring fire. His tall figure loomed over her, creating an aura of dominance as he pulled her closer. Their bodies pressed together, fitting perfectly in each other's embrace.

With a soft moan, Esdeath surrendered to the intensity of their kiss. Fafnir's touch was electric, sending shivers down her spine. His hands explored her body with a tender urgency, leaving a trail of fiery sensations in their wake.

Their tongues danced in a sensual tango, their desires entwined in a sweet and passionate rhythm. Esdeath's heart raced, her breaths becoming heavy as the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in their intimate bubble.

Fafnir's hands traced the curves of her body, leaving no inch untouched. Every touch, every caress sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins. His lips left a trail of fiery kisses down her neck, igniting a fire that burned brighter with each passing second.

Their bodies moved together in a dance of desire, their souls entangled in a deep connection that transcended time and space. As they lost themselves in each other, their love and passion became an unbreakable bond, sealing their souls in an eternal embrace.

Fafnir ended the kiss, a glistening strand of saliva connecting their lips before slowly parting. Esdeath's mind was hazy, her senses still intoxicated by their passionate exchange.

As Fafnir carried Esdeath to the bed a mischievous smile played on his lips. He gently laid her down making sure she was comfortable. Esdeath gazed outside the windows admiring the last rays of sunlight as they danced across the horizon.

"It's still daylight she remarked her voice filled with a hint of disappointment instantly. The vibrant sky with shades of orange and yellow.

Fafnir then replied he smiled catching her dazed on his smile, "We can change that" He snapped his fingers then Day turned to night.

Esdeath's eyes widened in wonder as she looked up at the newly illuminated sky. The transformation sparked excitement within her. She turned her gaze to Fafnir who wore a charming smile on his face.

Knowing that his gaze remained fixed on her, Esdeath confidently changed her attire with a flick of her finger. The elegant white and blue uniform of a military general transformed into a seductive ensemble of black lace lingerie. Her soft, porcelain skin glowed in the dim light, accentuating her icy blue hair that cascaded down her back. Her piercing icey blue eyes locked onto Fafnir's strong, muscular form as he sat on the enormous bed before her.

With a graceful movement, she knelt before him, her actions a silent display of her devotion and submission. The small crown tattoo adorning her chest, symbolizing her Herrscher powers, carried a deeper meaning between them—it represented her belonging to him, body and soul.

The way he held her ponytail while he kissed her there was a cherished memory, an act of tenderness amidst their raw passion.

A gentle blush colored Esdeath's cheeks, as her eyes briefly glanced downward her gaze lingering on the impressive bulge concealed beneath his pants. She was intimately familiar with its power,acknowledging the powerful desire that stirred within her, having kissed and tasted its nectar many times before. The mere thought of it filled her with a heavenly pleasure that left her craving for more. She cherished the moments when he held her ponytail, guiding her towards his powerful and impressive member, even if it caused her to momentarily choke.

She delighted in pleasuring him with her mouth, and he rewarded her with waves of pleasure that washed over her entire being.

His seductive whispers commanded her compliance, igniting a fiery need within her to fulfill his every desire. With each word that escaped his lips, a delicate kiss would grace her flesh, leaving a trail of sensations that sent shivers of anticipation down her spine.

His commanding voice held an irresistible power over her, coaxing her to surrender to his will and indulge in the pleasures he so expertly orchestrated. Each whispered instruction was like a spell, binding her to his every whim, as she eagerly succumbed to his intoxicating dominance.

The soft caress of his breath against her skin, accompanied by the gentle press of his lips, left her trembling with an insatiable hunger. His orders were a sweet torment, a delicious invitation that compelled her to submit to his desires, eagerly seeking the intoxicating taste of his passion.

With every whispered command, a fervent kiss traced a path along her body, arousing her senses and leaving her yearning for more. His words were an aphrodisiac, urging her to abandon all inhibitions and surrender to the depths of their shared desires.

Under his enchanting spell, she became a willing vessel for his pleasure, her body a canvas upon which he painted his deepest cravings. With each whispered decree, his kisses became an exquisite fusion of longing and devotion, branding her skin with the imprint of their intimate connection.

The delicate touch of his lips, guided by his commanding words, sparked a symphony of sensations that reverberated through her being. Each kiss, a testament to her submission, awakened a wild passion within her, fueling the flames of their shared desires.

As his whispers danced upon her flesh, she felt the magnetic pull of his dominance, drawing her further into a world of sensual surrender. The kisses that followed his commands were like an elixir of pleasure, intoxicating her senses and leaving her craving the next intoxicating taste of his lips.

His seductive whispers enveloped her, she embraced her role as his devoted muse, relishing in the intoxicating dance of desire that unfolded with each fervent kiss. Their union was a testament to the power of their connection, a sensual journey that unfolded in the delicate space between command and surrender.

Esdeath's true delight lay in the moments when he claimed her, whether with gentle passion or fervent desire. She reveled in the feeling of his massive size stretching her to the brink, moaning as waves of pleasure cascaded through her body, leaving her utterly satiated. And when he took her with a primal intensity, she embraced the mingling of pain and pleasure, surrendering to the overwhelming sensations that washed over her, evoking primal moans and screams of pleasure as she climaxed again and again.

Their intimate connection extended to moments when he would take her from behind, a position that heightened her sense of submission as he guided her hips, skillfully controlling their rhythm. In those passionate encounters, Esdeath relinquished control, allowing him to lead her to untold heights of pleasure.

In the intensity of their shared desires, there was an undercurrent of tenderness and love that bound them together. In Fafnir's arms, Esdeath felt safe, cherished, and truly seen.

She relished in the way he effortlessly played her body like a delicate instrument, skillfully guiding her to the edge of ecstasy before teasingly withholding her release. The tantalizing dance between pleasure and denial both frustrated and excited her in equal measure.

In his strong and capable hands, she found herself molded into various positions, each touch and caress igniting her senses and driving her to new heights of pleasure. The way he effortlessly commanded her body with his touch left her trembling with desire, craving more of his intoxicating dominance.

The sensation of his control over her, the way he claimed her as his own, awakened a raw and primal desire within her. It was a different kind of pleasure, a thrilling power exchange that sent waves of electric excitement coursing through her veins.

His tongue, a divine tool of pleasure, became her source of exquisite delight. Every flick, every swipe, every lick and drive sent her spiraling towards the precipice of pleasure, her toes curling and her spine arching in response. The sensations that radiated from her most intimate sanctuary were nothing short of euphoric, as she released her waters in abundance, drowning in waves of intense pleasure.

Esdeath embraced the unique sensation that stirred deep within her, a blend of pleasure and pain that ignited a wild fire within her. It was an exquisite dance of contrasts, where every thrust brought a symphony of sensations, sending waves of both pleasure and jolts of delightful pain through her body.

In those moments of intimate connection, he claimed her with an intensity that left her breathless, his powerful presence filling every inch of her being. The tender ache in her core awakened a hunger that only he could satisfy, a hunger that drove her to new heights of ecstasy.

As he moved within her, their bodies became one, a passionate union that defied words. The sensation of his pulsing member deep within her, stretching her with each rhythmic movement, evoked a mix of pleasure and pain that sent her senses spiraling. It was in this sweet torment that she found liberation, surrendering to the overwhelming waves of bliss that washed over her.

And when he reached his climax, his essence filled her, leaving her womb warm and embraced by his love. The intimate connection they shared was a testament to their deep desire and devotion, a joining of souls that transcended the physical realm. In that moment of release, she felt their love overflow, a tangible reminder of their passionate connection.

But amidst the diversity of their experiences, one thing remained constant—she would always find herself lost in blissful surrender.

As Esdeath indulged in the intimate memories that stirred within her, her gaze fixed upon Fafnir, her beloved. The recollection of their passionate moments filled her mind, a montage of sensations and emotions that brought a smile to her lips.

But as Fafnir's strong hand gently gripped her hair, her thoughts were drawn back to the present. The loving look in his eyes held her captive, their connection stronger than any memory. She could feel his love and desire for her emanating from every fiber of his being.

In that moment, the reminiscing ceased, and Esdeath's focus shifted entirely to the man before her. She gazed at him with adoration, her heart overflowing with love. The memories may have been beautiful, but the reality of their bond was even more profound.

No longer lost in the past, Esdeath allowed herself to be fully present in their shared embrace. With her icy blue eyes locked onto his, she whispered words of love, the sweet melody of her voice carrying the depths of her affection.

And as she beheld his captivating smile another wave of desire swept over her. She licked her lips her voice barely above a whisper "Let's start."

Fafnir's eyes glimmered with anticipation as he moved closer to Esdeath. He knew this space near the Imperial Bedroom needed to be isolated and soundproofed for their intimate moments. He had worked his magic to create an environment where their passion could thrive without any interruption.

The room was now an intimate sanctuary where every touch every sound and every whisper remained between the two of them. With the outside world locked away they were free to explore the depths of their desires without any inhibitions.

Fafnir leaned in slowly his fingers lightly caressing Esdeath's cheek inching closer to her lips. The air was thick with anticipation as their lips finally met igniting a fiery passion between them.

Time stood still as they indulged in their shared desires their bodies entwined with an intense fervor. The darkness outside only served to intensify their connection creating an atmosphere of raw intimacy and unspoken longing.

The night now their playground held infinite possibilities for their passionate union.

And so within the confines of their private haven they allowed themselves to surrender to the intoxicating allure of desire their fervor growing with every passing moment.

As their bodies intertwined in a symphony of passion, Esdeath found herself nestled against Fafnir's broad chest, her breaths gradually slowing down. Exhaustion and satisfaction washed over her, leaving her feeling wonderfully spent. The weight of their shared desire lingered in the air, as if the room itself still reverberated with their fiery connection, Every touch and caress from him sent waves of tingling pleasure through her body, leaving her yearning for more.

With her plump breasts pressed against him, her body molded perfectly to his, their skin glistening with a mingling of sweat and desire. With her body flushed and a delicate shade of red, Esdeath embraced her vulnerability with a gentle demeanor. The mix of pain and pleasure painted a vivid picture of their fiery union, a testimony to the depths of their desire for one another. Each touch, each bite, filled her with a euphoria that words could not capture.

Esdeath's breaths came in soft, shallow gasps as she basked in the afterglow of their passion, Fafnir's tender caresses brought her a soothing comfort. His gentle touch, a juxtaposition to the fiery passion they had just experienced, enveloped her in a warm embrace. She relished in the tenderness, feeling cherished and adored in his arms, The gentleness with which he treated her in these tender moments only deepened her affection for him.

The pain and tingling pleasure that lingered in her rear served as a reminder of the exquisite depths they had explored together. It was a reminder of the raw passion that had ignited between them, the sweet ache that mixed with pleasure and left her yearning for more.

With a tinged of pain mixed with pleasure, Esdeath embraced the sensation as a testament to their fiery passion. The ache she felt between her legs was a badge of honor, a testament to the intensity of their lovemaking.

Esdeath couldn't help but smile, her porcelain cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. Capturing Fafnir's heart had been the best decision she had ever made, Esdeath reveled in the knowledge that Fafnir's fiery passion had left her unable to walk, a reminder of their electrifying connection. The pain she felt was intertwined with the ultimate pleasure, a heavenly ecstasy that resonated within her very core.

As she lay there, basking in the aftermath of their lovemaking, Esdeath knew that she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. But she embraced the exquisite pain, knowing that it was a testament to the pleasure she had experienced in Fafnir's arms. And in those moments, she found solace in the fact that Fafnir would be there, taking pride in his ability to ignite such fierce desire within her.

Their passionate union had left her body and soul satiated, a reminder of the intoxicating connection they shared. As they lay there, entwined in the aftermath of their sensual dance, Esdeath knew that in Fafnir's arms was where she truly belonged.

In the quiet moments that followed, Esdeath reveled in the tenderness of their post-passionate union. Their bodies, marked with love's embrace, told a story of passion and desire. And as she drifted into a peaceful slumber, resting upon Fafnir's chest, she knew that their love would endure, igniting the flames of their passion for eternity.

After a few passionate days, Fafnir and Esdeath now sat down for lunch, their intimate session from the night before still fresh in their minds. Fafnir emerged from the bedroom with a smile on his face, wrapping his arm around Esdeath's waist affectionately. Esdeath maintained her composed demeanor, but a faint blush on her cheeks betrayed her thoughts, still lingering on their night together.

As they sat down to eat, Fafnir couldn't resist teasing her, whispering playfully in her ear, "How about another round?" His hand gently caressed her backside, eliciting a soft bounce that he couldn't get enough of.

Esdeath blushed deeper but playfully pushed his face away, "Quit joking, dear. I still feel sore from last night," she said, but she didn't remove his hand from its place.

The two enjoyed their lunch together, their connection deepening with each passing moment. They were content in each other's presence, knowing that they were bound by more than just their physical desires but by a profound love that only grew stronger with time.

30.5 Another 3 Primarchs

They strolled along the golden sandy beach near the Imperial Palace, enjoying each other's company as they playfully splashed water at each other. However, as they walked back to the shore, Esdeath suddenly felt nauseous and had to kneel down, holding her mouth.

Fafnir immediately recognized the symptoms and smiled affectionately at his wife. "Pregnant, again," Esdeath said, lovingly holding her abdomen.

Fafnir gently placed his hand on her abdomen and used a bit of his divine power, his eyes glowing with a hint of amusement. "I declare triplets," he said playfully, already envisioning a lively and happy family with their new additions.

As the months passed, Esdeath gave birth to three healthy and beautiful children - Magnus, Calista, and Isolde. Each child seemed to have inherited a unique set of abilities and traits from their godlike parents.

Magnus displayed a natural affinity for Honkai Energy, even at the tender age of 2. He could manipulate the elements with ease, as if they were an extension of his own hand.

Calista inherited her mother's breathtaking beauty but possessed a gentle and angelic demeanor, in stark contrast to Esdeath's more aggressive nature.

Isolde, on the other hand, showed a keen awareness of Fafnir's divine nature and seemed to have the ability to harness its powers naturally. She radiated a sense of purity and goodness, akin to a natural saint.

In an open-air training ground with advanced technological capabilities, Fafnir and his 5-year-old son, Magnus, engaged in a playful duel. Magnus was full of excitement, summoning meteorites from the sky and aiming them at his father.

Fafnir chuckled, impressed by his son's abilities, but he effortlessly repulsed the meteorites using his control over the electromagnetic field. He then pulled Magnus close through a portal, playfully knocking him to the ground.

"Still too tender, Magnus," Fafnir smiled, proud of his son's progress. "You have a lot to improve, but I know you'll get there. Be vigilant of your surroundings and always be ready to react. Our enemies won't be as kind as me. Anyways, it's time for lunch."

"I see, Dad," Magnus nodded, taking note of his training schedule.

Meanwhile, on another side of the training ground, Esdeath was engaging in a different kind of training with her twin daughters, Calista and Isolde. They attacked her with all their might, but Esdeath remained calm and composed, effortlessly handling their attacks.

She effortlessly flung them around with a hint of playfulness, not even breaking a sweat. Her daughters looked up to her with admiration and determination, wanting to become as strong and skilled as their mother.

As the family concluded their training session, they gathered together for a well-deserved lunch.

In the Grand Cathedral, Fafnir took his daughter Isolde under his wing to teach her about the Divine nature of the God Emperor and why the people of Imperium Dominus worshipped him. The Pope, a wise and venerable figure, joined them to impart his knowledge and understanding of Fafnir's role as the God Emperor.

As Isolde listened and learned, she began to grasp the magnitude of her father's power and the importance of his position. She realized that he was not just a ruler but a being of immense divine significance, guiding the fate of the Imperium and its people.

After the enlightening session, Fafnir noticed something extraordinary about Isolde. She showed a remarkable aptitude for harnessing divine powers, much more than he expected. As she trained and practiced with him, it became evident that Isolde possessed an innate connection to his divine essence, allowing her to wield a significant portion of his power.

Fafnir was both amazed and proud of his daughter's abilities. He saw in her the potential to become his greatest saint, a beacon of hope and strength for the people of Imperium Dominus. With her deep understanding of his divine nature and her own mastery of the divine powers, Isolde would undoubtedly play a crucial role in the future of the Imperium and its divine legacy.

In another galaxy, far from the serene halls of the Imperium Dominus, Esdeath and her daughter Calista trained together amidst a world engulfed in chaos and war. The battleground reflected the bloodshed and turmoil of the conflicts that raged on the planet's surface.

Esdeath's eyes glinted with a mixture of pride and sternness as she observed her daughter's graceful movements. "That's it, Calista," she encouraged, "you are beautiful, just like me. Use your beauty to distract your opponents, give them a glance or two with your eyes. Surely, they will be entranced by your allure, and while they're distracted, strike them down or, better yet, blind them for not looking at you properly."

Calista hesitated for a moment, unsure about her mother's advice. However, she knew that Esdeath's fighting style had always been unorthodox, and she had her own vision of how to wield her strengths. "Mom, I don't think...never mind, I shall do it," she replied with determination.

They danced through the chaotic battlefield, a mother and her daughter, sharing the same mesmerizing beauty but wielding it in different ways. Esdeath's ferocity was matched only by her elegance, her swift movements leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. Meanwhile, Calista's gracefulness concealed a deadly precision, as she gracefully moved from foe to foe, leaving them mesmerized before dealing decisive strikes.

The battleground was painted with the splatters of blood, and both Esdeath and Calista emerged unscathed but covered in the gore of their enemies. This trait, an oddity they both shared, showed the world the aftermath of their brutal efficiency in combat.

Throughout their training, Esdeath imparted her knowledge to her daughter, teaching her not just how to fight but also how to harness her beauty as a weapon. As the days passed, Calista grew more confident in her unique style, understanding how to use her allure to manipulate and disarm her foes.

Amidst the chaos of the war-torn planet, the bond between mother and daughter strengthened, with each learning from the other and growing as warriors. Esdeath knew that Calista would become a force to be reckoned with, a combination of her mother's ferocity and her own finesse.

Under Fafnir's guidance, Magnus honed his Honkai powers and learned valuable lessons in combat. The barren planet they trained on became a playground for his unrestrained abilities. With each fireball, lightning strike, and ice manipulation, Magnus sought to overpower his father.

Fafnir, fully aware of his son's potential, allowed Magnus to unleash his full power. He countered the onslaught of attacks with portals, deftly redirecting them back at Magnus. The young boy faced his own relentless assault, learning the consequences of his actions as the ground shook from the impact of his own powers.

Then, Fafnir unveiled a unique technique, inspired by the tales of the Strongest Man in the World. He punched space itself, creating cracks of gold and blue that reverberated across the planet. The intense vibrations wiped out Magnus's attacks and knocked him back, burying him beneath the nearby hills.

With a fatherly smile, Fafnir appeared in front of Magnus, imparting his wisdom. "Let this be another lesson, son," he said. "Use less to counter more. No matter how much firepower you rain down on enemies, if you cannot hit them, it's useless."

Magnus took Fafnir's words to heart and began to apply the lesson in his subsequent battles. He learned to strategize, to conserve his energy and aim with precision. As he grew, so did his control over his honkai powers.

Isolde and Calista, observing their brother's training from afar, also learned from their father and mother's teachings. Calista further refined her graceful combat style, harnessing her beauty to manipulate her foes. Isolde delved deeper into the divine nature of the God-Emperor, harnessing 75% of her father's divinity. Both sisters became formidable warriors in their own right.

30.7 The Formation of the New Astartes Legions, Blood Angels, Thousand Sons, Word Bearers, Intergalactic Invasion.

Amidst the grandeur of the celestial fleet floating in the vast expanse of space, Fafnir, the God Emperor, stood tall and imposing, his divine presence radiating power and wisdom. His children, the Primarchs, gazed up at him with reverence, their determination mirrored in their eyes. Esdeath, perched on his shoulder, exuded grace and beauty, a symbol of the divine guidance that had shaped them.

"My Children," Fafnir's voice boomed, echoing through the flagship, "you have grown into formidable leaders, worthy of the titles bestowed upon you. Magnus Stormrider, Isolde Moondancer, and Calista Solaris, bear the name of Aurelius with pride, for it signifies trust and the unity of your legions."

As the Primarchs listened, the tale of their glorious future unfolded, intertwined with their father's wise words. Fafnir's golden armor glinted in the cosmic light, and the Halberd Eternity's Edge glowed with divine energy, a symbol of his authority and power.

"Go forth, my children," Fafnir declared, his voice carrying across the stars, "for the universe awaits your leadership. Magnus Stormrider, with your mastery over the cosmic forces, unleash your storm upon those who would defy us. Isolde Moondancer, carry the light of faith to the darkest corners of the galaxy, and let your legion be a beacon of hope. Calista Solaris, with your angelic wings and noble spirit, lead the Blood Angels to protect and defend."

The Primarchs stood tall, their hearts filled with pride and determination. They knew that their destiny lay beyond the stars, leading their legions to uphold justice, order, and progress throughout the cosmos.

"We are the heralds of justice, order, and progress," Fafnir's words resounded with conviction, "and with the Imperium Dominus at our side, no darkness shall prevail. Let those who deny our light be vanquished, for the age of chaos and strife is ending. The universe will know our name, and we shall bring about a new era of unity and peace."

With his divine blessing, the Primarchs set forth to fulfill their destinies, to forge a path of righteousness, and to etch the name of Imperium Dominus in the annals of history. As they ventured into the cosmos, a resolute spirit burned within them, united by the vision of their father and the eternal light of the God Emperor.

30.8 Level 3 Civilization,50 Imperial Years, Imperial Year 0150.

As Imperium Dominus conquered the Milky Way Galaxy, they ascended to a level far beyond any other civilization. With the power of the God Emperor and the united strength of countless star sytems , they became a Type 3 Civilization on the Kardashev scale, a force to be reckoned with among the Galaxies.

With the vast advancements in technology and the strategic prowess of the Imperium Dominus, the Milky Way Galaxy underwent a radical transformation. The Artificers, guided by the God Emperor's vision, constructed a network of Dyson Spheres around available stars, harnessing their energy on an unprecedented scale. Black holes, once feared as cosmic devourers, were weaponized and poised for deployment with stellarium absorbers at the Imperium's command.

The ingenuity of the Artificers extended further as they developed stelline harvesters, enabling the extraction of resources from neutron stars. The Cosmic Architect, granted permission by the God Emperor, commenced its work, reshaping the Milky Way Galaxy to optimize defense and offensive capabilities. The largest black hole, under careful control, became the epicenter of this strategic design.

Within a span of fifty Imperial Years, the Milky Way entered an age of enlightenment. Barbaric worlds transitioned into the interstellar era, and planets were designated as either life-bearing or resource-rich, carefully arranged for maximum efficiency. The Capital Planet, Genesis Prime, where the God Emperor resided, was positioned at the center of the immense black hole. Its presence sent a powerful message to any race approaching the seat of power—a testament to the Imperium's audacity and indomitable spirit.

Ringworlds, colossal structures, adorned the galaxy, serving as centers of commerce, culture, and military might. Spaceships of all sizes emerged from open portals within the Imaginary Space, traversing the bustling galaxy with purpose. The once turbulent and fragmented Milky Way now stood as a unified and thriving domain under the banner of Imperium Dominus.

The defensive systems of the Imperium reached unparalleled levels of sophistication. Interstellar Defense Platforms stood as imposing sentinels, while Galactic Scale Spatial Locks immobilized any unauthorized spatial transfer or movement that did not harness Honkai-based energy. Interplanetary Satellite Defense Swarms patrolled the vastness of space, ready to repel any intruders. Dimensional Fortresses, concealed within the hidden cracks of space, remained unnoticed until activated, capable of defending against even the most formidable threats. Dyson Swarms provided a formidable defense grid, while star-powered Solar Armaments harnessed the vast energy of stars, capable of unleashing the fury of supernovas.

Much had changed since the Imperium Dominus assumed control of the Milky Way Galaxy. It stood as a testament to the indomitable spirit and unwavering determination of the God Emperor and his loyal followers. The once fragmented and turbulent galaxy now thrived under the watchful gaze of Imperium Dominus, ensuring peace, progress, and the pursuit of divine order.

30.9 Intergalactic Empire "Imperium Dominus"

1. Andromeda Galaxy

- Galactic Empire of Starfire: A militaristic empire ruled by the enigmatic Warlord Zaraak, known for their formidable space fleet and advanced weaponry. - The First Galactic Empire to Challenge Imperium Dominus it's Capital Planet Razed by the God Emperor and the Galaxy taken over.

2. Triangulum Galaxy

- Unity Dominion: An empire led by the High Consul Variax, focused on unifying different species under their rule, using diplomacy or force as necessary. - A Hypocritical Empire seeking to absorb Imperium Dominus into its fold because The Imperium shared it's belief, High Consul Variax a Lustful ruler, Lusts after the God-Empress, Fafnir razed his Capital Planet along with it's star system, he took his soul and gave it to Esdeath she let him pay the price of profaning the God Empress with his soul in intense agony till to this day never to rest.

3. Sambreo Galaxy

- Sovereign Realm of Gargalor: Ruled by the tyrannical Emperor Xaloth, this empire is known for its aggressive expansion and enslavement of conquered civilizations. - Directly sent Millions of fleet to Imperium Dominus only to be annihilated by a Dimensional Fortress. Calista Solaris Conquered this Galaxy.

4. Centaurus A Galaxy

- Celestial Dominion: Led by the charismatic Empress Alara, this empire promotes a spiritual philosophy and often seeks to convert or assimilate other cultures. - Refused to believe in the God Emperor Isolde conquered this Galaxy.

5. Black Eye Galaxy

- Dominion of Cygnus: Ruled by the ancient Council of Twelve, this empire values technological advancement and has formidable cybernetic warriors. - Magnus And the Thousand sons let them know what genetically enhanced demigods are.

6. Messier 81 Galaxy

- Federation of Astra: A highly advanced empire, known for its mastery of artificial intelligence and android soldiers. - An Omnic Disaster happened A.I and android soldiers turned against their creators, later on Conquered by the God-Empress.

7. Whirlpool Galaxy

- Confederation of Queloria: A mysterious and secretive empire, ruled by the enigmatic Queen Sylara, known for their mastery of dark arts and psychic abilities. - Magnus let Queen Sylara know what real magic is she serves as Magnus's apprentice , Galaxy conquered by Magnus.

8. Cartwheel Galaxy

- Stellar Alliance: A federation of several advanced civilizations, united under a council of leaders from different species. Calista Conquered this Galaxy easily with Blitzkrieg Tactics, The alliance quickly fell apart after that.

9. Sombrero Galaxy

- Stellar Union of Vargonia: A democratic empire, governed by elected representatives from various member planets, each with its own unique culture. Stellar Union of Vargonia was unstable, the President was elected but couldn't handle the power to lead, Later on challenged Imperium Dominus to enhance his image only to have his head presented to the God Emperor as a gift by the next day, Conquered by the Golden Army and the Emperor's Sentinels.

10. Messier 94 Galaxy

- Technocratic Republic of Mordar: A society focused on scientific progress and genetic engineering, aiming to create the perfect being. - Saw the God Emperor they soon come to realize that Fafnir is the Perfect being they so desired, After negotiations they now serve as citizens of Imperium Dominus..

With each fallen galactic empire, the Imperium Dominus absorbed their territories, resources, and knowledge, growing even more powerful and expanding its dominion beyond the Milky Way. As the God Emperor and his forces conquered one galaxy after another, their influence spread like wildfire, and more and more civilizations within these galaxies recognized the might of the Imperium.

The 11 galaxies that now fell under the control of the Imperium Dominus became united under a single banner, forming an intergalactic empire that spanned vast reaches of the cosmos. The once-independent galaxies now stood as provinces within the Imperium, each contributing to the strength and prosperity of the whole.

The Imperium's formidable fleet, and the Golden Army Primaris Astartes, ensured the enforcement of the God Emperor's rule throughout the conquered territories. The Frostborn Sovereign, Esdeath Aurelius, stood as the God Empress, commanding her own forces with unmatched ferocity and strategic brilliance, further solidifying the Imperium's dominance.

With the Artificers' unparalleled technological advancements, the Imperium's infrastructure, military technology, and defenses were continually improved, ensuring its supremacy over the vast intergalactic expanse it now controlled.

As word of the Imperium's conquests spread, even civilizations in distant galaxies trembled at the thought of challenging the might of the God Emperor and his intergalactic empire. The Imperium Dominus had become a beacon of power and order, a force that could not be ignored or underestimated.

With each victory, the God Emperor, Fafnir Augustus Aurelius, and his loyal followers pushed the boundaries of their dominion further into the cosmos. They stood as the pinnacle of progress, the embodiment of martial perfection, and the enforcers of order and justice across the intergalactic realms.

The Imperium Dominus had risen from humble beginnings to become a force that shaped the destiny of entire galaxies. It was a testament to the vision, wisdom, and power of the God Emperor and those who followed him, forever etching their names in the annals of history as the rulers of a mighty intergalactic empire.