
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 25- Code Geass

Valerian Ironclaw, accompanied by his Dark Angels Legion, observed the ongoing conflict on Earth. The Holy Britannian Empire, with its vast territories and advanced military, stood as the dominant force on the planet. They were engaged in intense warfare against the Chinese Federation and Europa United, striving to expand their influence.

Valerian analyzed the situation and strategized with his Legion commanders. He decided to intervene and establish a presence in this world, bringing the light of the Imperium Dominus.

Valerian Ironclaw, intrigued by the Holy Britannian Empire's use of the Knightmare Frames, closely observed these unique vehicles. While not as advanced as the Astro Colossi of the Imperium Dominus, Valerian recognized their potential in warfare.

Valerian Ironclaw meticulously planned the beheading operation to capture Charles Di Britannia, the Emperor of Britannia. Recognizing the significance of removing the head of the empire, Valerian aimed to strike a decisive blow against Britannian forces and weaken their hold over the world.

He gathered his most skilled operatives from the Dark Angels and devised a plan to infiltrate Britannia's heavily guarded palace. Utilizing their advanced stealth technology and tactical expertise, they would breach the palace defenses, neutralize the guards, and secure the Emperor

As they made their way through the palace, the Dark Angels encountered fierce resistance from the Britannian forces. The clash between the two factions was intense, with the Dark Angels relying on their superior training, enhanced abilities, and advanced weaponry to overcome their opponents.

Valerian's forces advanced steadily, cutting through the enemy ranks until they reached the inner sanctum of the palace.

the Dark Angels, under the leadership of Valerian Ironclaw, proved to be a formidable force within the confined spaces of the Britannian palace. Their superior combat skills, honed through years of training and genetic enhancements, allowed them to maneuver swiftly and effectively, neutralizing any threats they encountered.

The Knightmare Frames, while powerful on the battlefield, struggled to navigate the tight corridors and smaller spaces of the palace. The Dark Angels capitalized on this weakness, utilizing their agility and outmaneuvering thereby dismantle the Knightmare Frames. They targeted the vulnerable joints and critical systems, rendering the mecha useless and swiftly eliminating the pilots inside.

The Dark Angels' Primarch, Valerian Ironclaw, led by example, displaying unmatched skill and leadership on the battlefield. His strategic prowess and combat finesse inspired his fellow Dark Angels, driving them to push beyond their limits and unleash their full potential.

With each clash, the Dark Angels' numbers remained undiminished, a testament to their superior training, genetic enhancements, and the bond of brotherhood that united them. They fought with precision and efficiency, coordinating their attacks flawlessly and adapting to any situation that arose.

As they moved through the Inner Sanctum, the Dark Angels left a trail of fallen Britannian guards in their wake. Their relentless assault and unwavering determination sent a clear message to the remaining defenders: resistance was futile against the might of the Dark Angels.

The Dark Angels' full-body power armor, crafted from advanced alloys and designed to provide enhanced protection, serves as a formidable defense against psychic and memory alteration abilities such as the Geass possessed by Charles Di Britannia.

The materials and technology used in the construction of the Imperium Dominus's power armor were specifically chosen to resist psychic attacks and mind-altering abilities. These alloys possess unique properties that shield the wearer from external influences, preventing Charles' Geass from directly affecting their minds or altering their memories.

Furthermore, the Astartes themselves possess a strong mental fortitude and indomitable willpower, honed through rigorous training and genetic enhancements. They are trained to resist psychic assaults and mental manipulations, making them highly resistant to the Geass ability and similar powers.

While Charles Di Britannia's Geass may be a powerful tool in his arsenal, it proves ineffective against the Dark Angels' enhanced armor and formidable mental resilience Even if he were to lock eyes with the Astartes, attempting to manipulate their memories, he would find his powers thwarted by the impenetrable defenses of their power armor and the unyielding determination of the Primaris Space Marines.

The successful capture of Charles Di Britannia by the Dark Angels and their Primarch marks a significant victory for their mission. Recognizing the Emperor's refusal to be shackled, the Dark Angels, respecting his dignity as an emperor, choose to leave him unbound. However, his capture signifies a turning point in the conflict, as the once mighty ruler of Britannia now finds himself in the custody of the Imperium Dominus.

With the Technology of teleportation, the Dark Angels and their Primarch swiftly depart, leaving behind a scene of carnage and bloodshed.

The Britannian guards lie defeated, their resistance crushed by the superior strength and tactics of the Astartes. The palace, once a symbol of Britannian power, now stands as a testament to the might of the Imperium Dominus.

Charles Di Britannia's capture not only deals a severe blow to the Britannian Empire but also serves as a message to the world that the Imperium Dominus is a force to be reckoned with.

As Charles Di Britannia is taken into custody, the fate of the Britannian Empire hangs in the balance. The Imperium Dominus now holds a powerful bargaining chip, which could potentially lead to the assimilation of Britannia into the growing dominion of Fafnir and his Primarchs.

As Schneizel El Britannia takes control of the situation in the absence of his father, he faces the overwhelming force of the Imperium Dominus descending upon the Holy Britannian Empire's lands. With their superior air force, navy, and infantry, the Imperium's forces quickly gain the upper hand, pushing the Britannian forces to the brink.

As a cold-blooded strategist, Schneizel understands the dire circumstances and realizes that a direct confrontation would only result in further losses. Instead, he focuses on employing delaying tactics to buy time and strategize a counterattack.

He utilizes his knowledge of the empire's strengths and weaknesses to exploit any possible advantages, seeking to minimize casualties and protect key strategic positions.

Schneizel's keen intellect and tactical prowess allow him to adapt to the rapidly changing battlefield. He employs hit-and-run tactics, guerilla warfare, and defensive fortifications to slow down the advance of the Imperium's forces. By buying time, he hopes to gather resources, rally his troops, and devise a counteroffensive strategy.

The news of the invasion of Britannia by an unknown force, later revealed to be the Imperium Dominus, spreads throughout the world. The absence of the Emperor of Britannia and the sudden onslaught of the powerful Imperium raises alarm among other nations and sparks speculation and uncertainty.

News outlets and governments scramble to gather information about the invading force. Rumors and theories circulate, adding to the confusion and fear among the populace. The world watches as Britannia, once a powerful empire, struggles to defend itself against this formidable adversary.

Various nations and leaders analyze the situation and weigh their options. Some perceive the invasion as an opportunity to weaken Britannia and potentially expand their own influence. Others are wary of the unknown force and fear that it could pose a threat to their own sovereignty.

International alliances and coalitions begin to form as nations seek to protect their interests and respond to the invasion. Diplomatic channels are opened, and intelligence agencies work tirelessly to gather information about the Imperium Dominus and its capabilities.

The invasion of Britannia serves as a wake-up call to the world, highlighting the existence of a powerful and expansionist force that can challenge established nations and empires. The uncertainty and unpredictability of the situation create a sense of unease, prompting governments to reassess their military readiness and defense strategies.

The global response to the invasion varies, with some nations offering assistance to Britannia, while others adopt a wait-and-see approach. The world braces for potential repercussions and the ripple effects that the conflict may have on

geopolitics and international relations.

As the conflict unfolds, the fate of Britannia and the response of the world remain uncertain. The invasion of a prominent empire by an unknown force raises questions about the balance of power and the future of global stability. The world watches and waits to see how events will unfold and what consequences this invasion will have on the international stage.

As the 77th Mortal Auxiliary Legion continues their siege on the outskirts of Tokyo Settlement, the Britannian forces find themselves overwhelmed by the superior firepower and tactics of the Imperium's forces. The broadcasted images of the Britannian forces' unsuccessful attempts to halt the news coverage only serve to highlight their desperation and the futility of resistance.

The people of Area 11, formerly known as Japan, witness the unilateral slaughter of the Britannian forces by the 77th Legion. The broadcasted scenes evoke mixed reactions among the Elevens, as the Japanese are referred to under Britannian rule.

Some feel a glimmer of hope, seeing the Britannian forces lose ground and witnessing the strength and prowess of the Imperium's legion.

For many Elevens, who have endured oppression and discrimination under Britannian rule, the advance of the 77th Legion represents the possibility of liberation and a chance to break free from the shackles of their oppressors. They begin to see the Imperium as a potential new ruler, one that could bring about change and justice.

However, not all Elevens share the same sentiment. Some are filled with with despair, fearing the unknown future under a new ruling power. They worry about the consequences of the Britannian forces' defeat and what it means for their own lives and the stability of their society. The prospect of a new ruler brings uncertainty and raises questions about the fate of their homeland and the rights and freedoms they may have under the Imperium.

The clash between the Imperium's 77th Legion and the Britannian forces becomes a symbol of the power struggle and the potential shift in control over Area 11. The images and reports of the battle broadcasted throughout the region ignite discussions, debates, and emotions among the people.

As the conflict escalates, the fate of Area 11 hangs in the balance.

Lelouch Vi Britannia, the exiled prince of Britannia, watches the news of his homeland's defeat at the hands of the 77th Legion, he revels in the downfall of the oppressive regime that has caused so much suffering. From his vantage point in Ashford Academy, he witnesses the helplessness of Britannia's forces against the technologically advanced and formidable 77th Legion.

Lelouch finds satisfaction in the knowledge that Britannia is being challenged by a force that possesses superior technology and military prowess. The images of the Britannian soldiers' futile attempts and the overwhelming power of the 77th Legion bring a sense of vindication and hope to Lelouch. He sees this as an opportunity to further his own plans for revolution and retribution against the Britannian Empire.

Seeing that the 77th Legion is capable of restoring severe damage on regular humans, Lelouch sees their resilience and quick recovery as a testament to their advanced technology and medical capabilities. To the soldiers of the 77th Legion, losing limbs or sustaining severe injuries may be seen as temporary setbacks that can be easily repaired and treated in their field hospitals.

This stark contrast between the strength and resilience of the Legion and the helplessness of the Britannian forces only fuels Lelouch's determination to bring down Britannia and seek justice for himself and his sister.

With each news report of Britannia's defeats, Lelouch's resolve grows stronger. He sees the crumbling empire as an opportunity to seize control and reshape the world according to his own vision. The defeat of Britannia at the hands of the 77th Legion is a significant step towards achieving his ultimate goal of creating a better world for the Elevens

This stark contrast between the strength and resilience of the Legion and the helplessness of the Britannian forces only fuels Lelouch's determination to bring down Britannia and seek justice for himself and his people.

With each news report of Britannia's defeats, Lelouch's resolve grows stronger. He sees the crumbling empire as an opportunity to seize control and reshape the world according to his own vision. The defeat of Britannia at the hands of the 77th Legion is a significant step towards achieving his ultimate goal of creating a better world for the Elevens

As the 77th Mortal Auxiliary Legion continues its advance, the Dark Angels, launch a daring assault on the Viceroy's palace in the Tokyo Settlement. With their superior combat skills, advanced weaponry, and the element of surprise, the Dark Angels quickly overpower the Royal Guard stationed there.

In a display of unmatched ferocity and precision, the Dark Angels eliminate any resistance they encounter, leaving a trail of carnage in their wake. The Royal Guard, trained to protect the Viceroy at all costs, prove no match for the relentless assault of the Astartes. The clash between the two forces is swift but brutal, with the Dark Angels emerging as the clear victors.

Amidst the chaos, Clovis La Britannia, the Viceroy of the Tokyo Settlement and a member of the Britannian royal family, is captured by the Dark Angels. Recognizing the strategic value of their captive, the Astartes teleport away with Clovis, leaving behind the aftermath of the ruthless massacre.

The news of the Viceroy's capture and the decimation of the Royal Guard spreads throughout the Tokyo Settlement, striking fear and uncertainty into the hearts of the Britannian population. The Dark Angels' swift and decisive action serves as a clear message of their power and determination. The Imperium's grip on Area 11 tightens as the Britannian Empire struggles to maintain control in the face of this relentless onslaught.

The capture of Clovis La Britannia not only deals a significant blow to the Britannian leadership but also adds another valuable asset to the Imperium's growing arsenal of prisoners. The fate of the Viceroy remains uncertain, but it is evident that the Imperium intends to use him to further their agenda and solidify their dominance over Area 11.

As the Dark Angels withdraw from the Viceroy's palace, they leave behind a scene of devastation and despair. The Britannian Empire reels from the loss of its leader and the brutal defeat of its elite guards. The Imperium's presence in Area 11 becomes even more pronounced, as the 77th Mortal Auxiliary Legion and the Dark Angels continue their march towards victory.

As the Britannian forces in Area 11 continue to face defeat at the hands of the 77th Mortal Auxiliary Legion, their resistance crumbles under the overwhelming might and advanced technology of the Imperium Dominus. Within a matter of days, the Britannian forces are completely eliminated from Area 11, leaving the region under the control of the 77th Legion.

With the Britannian presence eradicated, the 77th Legion takes charge of reorganizing the government system in the Tokyo Settlement. They establish a new administration that upholds the principles and values of the Imperium Dominus, bringing order and stability to the region.

Under the guidance of the Imperium, the newly formed government of Area 11 strives to rebuild and restore the lives of its inhabitants. The 77th Legion, with their experience and expertise, work diligently to ensure the smooth transition and the implementation of Imperium's policies.

The new government of Area 11 focuses on promoting unity and cooperation among the populace, encouraging loyalty and devotion to the God Emperor. They establish a system of governance that emphasizes the welfare and prosperity of the people, as well as the preservation of law and order.

As the days pass, the presence of the Imperium becomes more evident in the daily lives of the citizens of Area 11. The Imperium's values, beliefs, and systems begin to shape the society, transforming it into a loyal and devoted stronghold of the Imperium Dominus.

The 77th Mortal Auxiliary Legion, acting as the enforcers of the Imperium's rule, maintain a strong presence in the region, ensuring compliance and security. Their advanced technology and combat prowess make them a formidable force, keeping any remnants of resistance or rebellion in check.

With the Britannian forces eliminated and the 77th Legion at the helm, the future of Area 11 lies in the hands of the Imperium Dominus. The reorganized government and the presence of the Imperium instill both hope and apprehension among the population, as they navigate a new era under the rule of the God Emperor and his chosen representatives.

Under the command of the 77th Legion, the Imperium Dominus restores the administrative control of Area 11 to the Japanese people. The presence of a Japanese commander within the Legion helps to quell the doubts and rebellious sentiments among the population, instilling a sense of trust and understanding.

The Japanese people, who have long suffered under the oppressive rule of Britannia, find hope and reassurance in the fact that their own countrymen now hold positions of power and authority within the Imperium. The 77th Legion works diligently to address the concerns and grievances of the Japanese population, striving to restore their dignity, rights, and cultural identity.

The Legion implements policies and initiatives aimed at uplifting the Japanese people, promoting cultural preservation, and improving the overall quality of life in Area 11. They prioritize the rebuilding of infrastructure, education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, aiming to create a prosperous and harmonious society.

The presence of a Japanese commander also facilitates better communication and understanding between the Legion and the local population. The commander actively engages with the Japanese people, listening to their concerns, and working towards resolving any remaining tensions. This helps to bridge the gap between the Imperium and the Japanese population, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.

As time passes, the Japanese people begin to see the benefits of the Imperium's rule. The restoration of their administrative control allows them to actively participate in the governance and decision-making processes of Area 11. They regain a sense of pride in their cultural heritage, and their voices are heard and respected.

The 77th Legion, under the guidance of the Imperium Dominus, ensures that the Japanese people are treated with fairness and dignity. They strive to build a strong relationship based on mutual trust and cooperation, working together towards a shared vision of a prosperous and united Area 11.

As the Japanese population witnesses the positive changes brought about by the Imperium's presence, their rebellious doubts gradually subside. They come to realize that the Imperium, with its advanced technology, resources, and dedication to justice, offers them a chance for a better future.

The restoration of Japanese administrative control by the 77th Legion becomes a symbol of hope and liberation for the Japanese people. They embrace their newfound role as active participants in shaping their own destiny under the guidance of the Imperium Dominus.

As the invasion of the Britannian Empire continues, the Imperium Dominus extends its reach to liberate oppressed populations across various regions. The principles of equality and justice guide their actions, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their background or skin color, are treated with fairness and respect.

Under the new management of the Imperium, the regular citizens of the liberated territories experience a significant change in their lives. They witness a departure from the discriminatory policies and practices of the previous regime, where social status and lineage determined one's opportunities and treatment. The Imperium fosters an inclusive society where individuals are valued for their abilities and contributions rather than their social background.

The Imperium's commitment to equality extends to all aspects of life, including education, employment, and access to basic services. Efforts are made to bridge socioeconomic gaps and create opportunities for upward mobility. The Imperium invests in infrastructure development, healthcare systems, and education, providing a solid foundation for the improvement of living standards and the overall well-being of the population.

Furthermore, the Imperium promotes cultural diversity and respect for different traditions and beliefs. It recognizes the importance of cultural heritage and supports the preservation and celebration of diverse cultures within its territories. This fosters a sense of unity and mutual understanding among the liberated populations, strengthening the bonds between different ethnic and cultural groups.

The Imperium's approach is rooted in a vision of creating a society free from oppression and discrimination. By ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for all, it seeks to build a harmonious and progressive civilization that values the inherent worth and potential of every individual.

As the people experience the positive changes brought about by the Imperium's rule, they begin to embrace the notion that their future is no longer dictated by their social status or ethnicity. They find renewed hope and optimism, inspired by the prospect of a society where everyone can thrive and contribute to the collective progress.

While the transition to a fully egalitarian society may take time, the Imperium remains steadfast in its commitment to equality, justice, and the betterment of all its citizens. Through ongoing efforts and reforms, it strives to create a future where no one is oppressed, and where everyone has the opportunity to fulfill their potential and live a dignified life.

The Mortal Auxiliary Soldier looks at Lelouch with a mix of curiosity and caution. Recognizing Lelouch's status as a former prince of Britannia, the soldier salutes and acknowledges his request.

"I am but a humble soldier of the Imperium Dominus, sir. I can relay your request to meet our leader, but I must warn you that it is at their discretion whether they will grant you an audience," the soldier responds respectfully.

Understanding the soldier's position, Lelouch nods and says, "I appreciate your assistance. Please relay my request to meet with your leader. I believe there are matters of mutual interest that we should discuss."

The soldier nods in acknowledgment and proceeds to convey Lelouch's request to the appropriate channels. After a brief wait, the soldier returns with a response.

"I have received confirmation that our leader is willing to meet with you. However, there will be certain conditions and security measures in place. Please follow me, and we will take you to their location," the soldier informs Lelouch

As Lelouch stands on the flagship of Valerian Iron Claw, surrounded by the immense fleet of the Imperium Dominus, he takes a moment to compose himself. The soldier's comment catches his attention, and he realizes that his reaction may indeed be unique.

"I suppose I am not most people," Lelouch replies with a small smile. "The sight of such power and authority is both intriguing and cautionary. I have come here seeking answers, hoping to understand the motives and goals of the Imperium Dominus."

The soldier nods in understanding and leads Lelouch further into the flagship. Eventually, they reach a grand chamber where Valerian Iron Claw, the Primarch of the Dark Angels, awaits. The imposing figure of the Primarch stands tall, his presence radiating power and authority.

"Welcome, Lelouch Vi Britannia," Valerian addresses Lelouch, his voice commanding yet calm. "I have been informed of your request to meet with me. Please, share your questions, and I shall do my best to provide you with the answers you seek."

Valerian's communication device buzzes, indicating an incoming message from Fafnir. He excuses himself momentarily and activates the communication link. Fafnir's familiar face appears on the holographic display, and Valerian bows respectfully.

"Greetings, Father," Valerian says with genuine warmth in his voice. "I am honored by your contact. How may I be of service?"

Fafnir smiles, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Valerian, my son, I wanted to check in on you and see how the mission is progressing. I trust that you are leading the Dark Angels with strength and wisdom."

Valerian straightens himself, his shoulders squared. "Thank you, Father. The Dark Angels are performing admirably. We have achieved significant victories in our campaigns, spreading the influence of the Imperium Dominus and upholding its ideals. The conquest of Britannia is well underway."

Fafnir's smile widens. "I have no doubt about your capabilities, Valerian. You have always shown great dedication and strategic brilliance. Remember that the Imperium Dominus stands as a beacon of hope and unity. Your actions shape the destiny of our empire and its people."

Valerian's voice fills with determination. "I understand, Father. I will continue to lead the Dark Angels with unwavering loyalty and strive to uphold the values of the Imperium Dominus. Our conquests will pave the way for a brighter future."

Fafnir's expression softens, his pride evident. "I have faith in you, my son. May your battles be victorious, and may you bring glory to the Imperium Dominus. If you ever need guidance or support, remember that I am here for you."

Valerian bows his head respectfully. "Thank you, Father. Your words mean a great deal to me. I will not falter in my duty, and I will make you proud."

The communication ends, leaving Valerian with a renewed sense of purpose. He returns to the chamber where Lelouch awaits, his resolve fortified by the conversation with his father. He is ready to face the challenges ahead, knowing that he carries the trust and support of Fafnir, the Emperor of the Imperium Dominus, with him.

"Apologies for the interruption, Lelouch," Valerian says, his voice resolute. "Let us continue our conversation. There is much more to discuss, and together, we may find a way to shape a better future for both our worlds."

Valerian nods in understanding and answers Lelouch's question. "That was Fafnir, the Emperor of the Imperium Dominus and my father. He wanted to check on our progress and offer his guidance and support. Fafnir is a wise and powerful leader, and his presence guides us in our mission to bring order and unity to the galaxy."

Lelouch's curiosity piques as he listens to Valerian's words. "The Emperor of the Imperium Dominus... He must possess immense power and authority. I am intrigued to learn more about him and his vision for the future."

Valerian nods, a sense of pride in his voice. "Indeed, Father is a figure of great reverence and his vision is to create a unified empire where peace and justice prevail. He seeks to bring hope and prosperity to all under the Imperium Dominus."

Lelouch ponders for a moment before speaking again. "I have witnessed the might of the Imperium's forces firsthand. It is evident that your empire is formidable and its conquests are changing the course of history. But I wonder, what is the ultimate goal of the Imperium Dominus? What drives your father and your legion in this grand endeavor?"

Valerian's eyes gleam with determination. "The Imperium Dominus aims to bring order to the galaxy, to eradicate chaos and tyranny, and to ensure the well-being of its citizens. We fight for a future where all beings can live in harmony and where the light of the God Emperor guides our path. Our goal is to create a universe united under the principles of justice, honor, and progress."

Lelouch absorbs Valerian's words, contemplating the implications. "It is a noble vision, indeed. But power can be a double-edged sword, and with such vast dominion, there are bound to be challenges and conflicts. How does the Imperium Dominus navigate these complexities? How does it ensure that its power is used for the greater good?"

Valerian's expression softens as he responds. "The Imperium Dominus recognizes the responsibility that comes with power. We uphold strict codes of conduct, emphasizing honor, discipline, and the protection of innocent lives. Our leaders, including my father, are driven by a deep sense of duty and the desire to safeguard the well-being of all beings under our dominion. We strive to wield our power with wisdom and compassion, even in the face of adversity."

Lelouch nods, his curiosity turning into a contemplative gaze. "I see. It is a delicate balance indeed, to possess such power and yet maintain a sense of justice and compassion. It will be interesting to witness the path the Imperium Dominus takes and how it shapes the destiny of the galaxy."

Valerian nods, understanding Lelouch's curiosity. "I understand your desire to meet the God Emperor, Lelouch. However, meeting the God Emperor is an honor bestowed upon only a few, as he is the embodiment of the Imperium Dominus and its guiding force. His presence is felt throughout the empire, and his wisdom guides our actions."

Valerian continues, his voice filled with respect and admiration. "The God Emperor's responsibilities are vast, and he is often focused on overseeing the grand affairs of the Imperium. However, I can relay your interest to him, and if he deems it appropriate, he may grant you an audience. But I must warn you, such a meeting is rare and subject to his discretion."

Lelouch nods, understanding the significance of such an audience. "I appreciate your willingness to convey my request, Valerian. If the God Emperor finds it suitable, I would be honored to meet him and learn from his wisdom. Until then, I look forward to our continued discussions and collaboration."

Valerian smiles, his eyes filled with determination. "I shall relay your request to my father, Lelouch. In the meantime, I offer you a humble dinner as he asks Lelouch to follow him.

Fafnir, intrigued by the name and its familiarity, delves into his memories, sifting through the vast expanse of experiences he has accumulated. As the recollection takes hold, he realizes that Lelouch vi Britannia is indeed the protagonist of an anime he once enjoyed. The tale of Lelouch's struggle against a powerful empire and his unwavering determination to bring about peace resonated deeply within Fafnir's consciousness.

With a smile on his face, Fafnir acknowledges the significance of this encounter. He sees the parallels between the fictional character and the real-life Lelouch vi Britannia

standing before him, seeking an audience with the God Emperor. Fafnir's appreciation for Lelouch's journey and his commitment to making a better world grows.

Understanding the potential impact of this meeting, Fafnir decides to grant Lelouch an audience. He recognizes the potential in the young prince and his ambitions for justice and unity. Fafnir believes that their meeting could be an opportunity for collaboration and understanding.

Fafnir contacts Valerian, conveying his agreement to meet with Lelouch vi Britannia. He sets a time and place for their meeting, eager to engage in conversation with the prince and learn more about his aspirations and the world from which he hails.

The Custodes, carrying Fafnir's request, swiftly makes his way to the flagship where Lelouch is waiting.The Custode nods to Lelouch, indicating that it's time for him to follow. He leads Lelouch towards the designated location where he will have the opportunity to meet with Fafnir, the God Emperor of the Imperium Dominus.

Meanwhile, Fafnir sits at the seaside café, enjoying the serene atmosphere. He watches the waves crashing against the shore, their rhythmic motion providing a sense of calmness. As he sips his coffee Dressed in casual attire, Fafnir blends in with the other patrons of the café, maintaining a low profile. He takes occasional glances at the horizon, his thoughts occupied by the possibilities that lie ahead.

As Lelouch enters the cafe, he takes in the picturesque view of the grand palace in the distance. The ambiance of the cafe is serene and inviting, with gentle waves crashing against the shore and a pleasant breeze rustling through the surrounding trees. The atmosphere is quite different from what Lelouch expected when meeting the leader of an interstellar empire.

Fafnir, seated at a table in the corner, notices Lelouch's perplexed expression and chuckles softly. "I find solace in places of tranquility," he explains. "Amidst the grandeur of the Imperium, it's essential to have moments of peace and reflection."

Lelouch, still somewhat nervous, takes a seat opposite Fafnir. He notices the casual attire Fafnir is wearing, giving off a relaxed and approachable vibe. It contrasts with his grand title and the vast empire he leads.

"I understand you have questions, Lelouch," Fafnir says, his voice gentle and reassuring. "Please, feel free to ask anything you desire. I'm here to listen and provide you with the answers you seek."

Fafnir smiles warmly at Lelouch's confusion. "I believe you were expecting someone different, someone more imposing," he says. "But appearances can be deceiving. The power I possess is not solely defined by physical stature or age. It is the culmination of experiences, wisdom, and the strength of those who stand with me."

He continues, "I understand that my presence may be unexpected, but I assure you, I am the same Fafnir who leads the Imperium Dominus. I am here to discuss your inquiries and address any concerns you may have."

Lelouch takes a moment to absorb Fafnir's words, his initial apprehension slowly giving way to curiosity. He realizes that true power can come in various forms, and the aura of authority can emanate from even the most unassuming individuals.

Composing himself, Lelouch takes a deep breath and begins to articulate his questions, eager to understand the motives and intentions of the Imperium Dominus and its enigmatic leader.

Before Lelouch could answer, Fafnir hands him a document "A brief history of Imperium Dominus"

As Lelouch reads through the dark chapters of Imperium Dominus's history, he can't help but feel a mix of emotions. The tales of conflict, conquest, and power struggles paint a picture of a turbulent and brutal past. He sees the rise of Fafnir as the God Emperor and the immense power he wields, along with the transformation of the Imperium into a formidable empire spanning across the Galaxy.

While the history reveals the strength and dominance of Imperium Dominus, it also highlights the sacrifices, struggles, and immense challenges faced along the way. Lelouch realizes that the path to power and the pursuit of a grand vision often come at a great cost.

Setting the document aside, Lelouch gazes at Fafnir, his eyes filled with curiosity and determination. "Fafnir, I have read the history of Imperium Dominus, and I must say it is a story filled with darkness and triumph. But what I am most interested in is the underlying philosophy and ideals that drive your empire.

What are your goals, your vision for the Imperium Dominus? How do you plan to shape the world and bring about the peace and prosperity that you seek?"

Lelouch's voice carries a sense of sincerity and a desire to understand Fafnir's intentions. He knows that aligning their ambitions could potentially lead to a powerful alliance or, at the very least, an exchange of ideas that could shape their future interactions.

Fafnir nods, his gaze steady and determined. "Justice, order, equality, and progress. These are the foundational principles upon which Imperium Dominus is built. We strive for a world where every being, regardless of their origin or status, can live in harmony and prosperity. Our aim is to establish a just and fair society, where the strong protect the weak and where opportunities are available to all."

He takes a moment to sip his coffee before continuing. "We seek to bring order to the chaos that exists in the universe, to create a framework where civilizations can thrive and flourish. We believe that true progress comes from the unity of diverse beings, working together towards a common goal. In the Imperium, we value knowledge, innovation, and technological advancement, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible."

Fafnir's expression softens as he leans forward, his eyes reflecting a sense of empathy. "But above all, we value the preservation of life and the pursuit of peace. We understand the costs and sacrifices that come with power, and we strive to wield it responsibly. Our goal is to bring an end to the cycle of violence and suffering, and to create a future where all beings can coexist in harmony."

He pauses, allowing his words to sink in. "Lelouch, I see in you a remarkable individual with great potential. Your intelligence, ambition, and unwavering determination are qualities that I admire. If our visions align, perhaps there is room for collaboration, for the sharing of knowledge and resources, to bring about a better world for all."

Fafnir extends his hand across the chessboard, indicating the game they had spoken of earlier. "Shall we play this game, Lelouch? Let us test our strategies and see if our minds are in sync.

Fafnir's eyes gleam with a mixture of amusement and wisdom as Lelouch raises the question. He pauses for a moment, considering his response, before replying with a calm certainty.

"You are perceptive, Lelouch. Indeed, the fate of empires throughout history has often been marred by corruption and decay. Power has a way of corrupting even the noblest of intentions. However, in the case of Imperium Dominus, the nature of my existence as the God Emperor sets it apart."

He leans back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the chessboard. "As an immortal being, my influence and guidance extend far beyond the mortal realm. My divinity grants me the ability to shape the course of the Imperium and keep it on the path of justice and order. Though the Imperium may face challenges and threats, my presence ensures that it will never succumb to chaos or corruption."

As long as I exist, the Imperium will always have the light of guidance to steer it away from darkness."

Fafnir's gaze grows intense as he locks eyes with Lelouch. "But make no mistake, Lelouch, my power is not meant to dominate or subjugate. It is a force that I wield to protect and guide. The Imperium stands not as a dictatorship, but as a beacon of justice, order, and progress. It is a testament to the strength and determination of its people, who have chosen to follow a path of righteousness."Fafnir extends his hand once again. "Join me, Lelouch, in shaping a future where the Imperium stands as a beacon of hope and progress.

Lelouch tentatively joins Imperium Dominus, however he will keep his eye out and if the Imperium will fall down the wrong path he will be the first to revolt, he said to Fafnir.

Fafnir nods in understanding, his smile unwavering. He respects Lelouch's cautious approach and acknowledges his commitment to ensuring the Imperium remains on the right path.

"I appreciate your honesty, Lelouch. Your strategic mind and unwavering determination will be valuable assets to the Imperium Dominus. I assure you that we strive to uphold justice and righteousness, but I understand the importance of vigilance and accountability. If the Imperium were to deviate from its noble ideals, I trust that you will act with the same conviction that has defined your character."

He extends his hand once again, this time in a gesture of camaraderie. "Welcome to the Imperium Dominus, Lelouch. Together, we shall forge a future where true power and righteousness reign supreme. May our alliance bring prosperity and enlightenment to the multiverse."

As they shake hands, the chessboard and pieces disappear, replaced once again by the serene café scene. Fafnir signals for the waitress to bring another cup of coffee for Lelouch, signaling the beginning of their new journey.

As they sipped their coffee, Fafnir's Eyes Glow a tinged of Gold signifying that he is peering into the future, his laughter resonates with the assurance of victory, as the future possibilities converge towards a singular point of triumph for the Imperium Dominus. His divine insight reveals a path paved with success, where Lelouch's strategic brilliance and the might of the Imperium combine to shape a future of conquest and prosperity.

With Lelouch's allegiance, the Imperium Dominus gains an exceptional strategist who can foresee the intricacies of battle and navigate through the most challenging of circumstances. The countless lines of the future align in their favor, propelling them towards a resounding victory against all odds.

Since you joined Imperium Dominus then I should grant you a Gift, and also a Challenge I will pull out all my forces in your world, but the Dark Angels shall remain you can only ask them 3 times for help, The Dark Angels are one of the 4 Demigod Legions of the Imperium each deployment of theirs should be at a Critical point.

Lelouch listens attentively to Fafnir's words, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and curiosity. The challenge laid before him is immense, but he has the means to accomplish it. As Fafnir presents him with the Black King piece, the symbol of the Herrscher of Reason, Lelouch's gaze fixates on it, realizing the potential it holds.

He accepts the challenge and the gift graciously, understanding the weight of the responsibility placed upon him. With a nod of affirmation, Lelouch stands up from the table, ready to embark on his new path as the Grand Strategist of the Imperium. His mind races with visions of conquest and liberation, knowing that he now possesses the means to reshape the world according to his vision.

But amidst his ambitions, Lelouch's thoughts turn to his sister, Nunnally. The promise of her healing in the Capital of Imperium Dominus fills him with renewed determination. He carries the weight of his family's past and the burdens of his nation, and he sees this as an opportunity to bring them both to a brighter future.

With his resolve solidified, Lelouch bids farewell to Fafnir, expressing his gratitude for the trust and opportunity bestowed upon him. As he steps out of the cafe, he sets his sights on Japan his base camp. knowing that the world will soon witness the rise of a new power and the fulfillment of his grand ambitions.