
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 16 - Blitzkrieg of the Capital

The roar of engines filled the air as Fafnir, adorned in his golden power armor, stood tall among his Custodes within the transport helicopter. They were just one of the many aircraft soaring through the sky, carrying the elite Astartes who would be at the forefront of the assault.

As they approached the capital, the helicopter hovered over the palace grounds. Fafnir's eyes were fixed on his destination, a determined fire burning within him. He knew that this moment marked a turning point, With a swift motion, Fafnir and his Custodes leaped from the helicopter, their power armor granting them a graceful descent. The ground shook beneath them as they landed, the impact sending shockwaves through the air. The Astartes fanned out, their presence commanding respect and instilling fear.

Meanwhile, the Mortal Auxiliary Army, armed with their tanks, artillery, and UAVs, moved swiftly through the city, encircling the capital. Their synchronized movements left no room for escape, ensuring that the corrupt nobles would face justice for their crimes.

Minister Honest's calculated plan seemed to have a chance of success as he called upon Esdeath and his son Syura, along with their powerful team known as the Wild Hunt. They were armed with formidable Teigus, with one member possessing a spatial attribute Teigu that could potentially give them an advantage.

However, Fafnir had anticipated their move. His Custodes, empowered by their connection to him and their advanced power armor, swiftly engaged the members of the Wild Hunt. The clash of powers and weapons filled the air as the Custodes proved their superiority.

As Minister Honest watched the events unfold, his hopes began to fade. Esdeath, whom he had placed his trust in, had her own plans. With a flick of her hand, she froze Minister Honest's feet in solid ice, rendering him immobilized. Despair etched across his face, his dreams of retaining power shattered in an instant.

Esdeath savored the moment, relishing in the sight of Minister Honest's despair.

looked up at Esdeath with pleading eyes. He had put his trust in her, unaware that her loyalty had always been destined for someone else. Esdeath's icy presence chilled the air as she approached him, a hint of sadistic pleasure evident in her expression.

Amidst the chaos and the frozen moment, Esdeath's piercing gaze locked onto Minister Honest. She released a cold, chilling laugh that reverberated through the chamber, freezing the air around them. Slowly, she stepped away from the trapped Minister and approached Fafnir with a sense of purpose and determination.

Her eyes met Fafnir's, filled with an unwavering loyalty and a fiery passion. Without a word, she reached out and gently wrapped her arms around his arm, a silent declaration of her allegiance to him.The contrast between their figures was stark – Fafnir, towering in his golden power armor, and Esdeath, emanating an aura of both strength and devotion.

Meanwhile, Fafnir directed his attention to the Child Emperor, whose puppet status had been revealed. Understanding the significance of the Emperor's blood, Fafnir approached the young ruler and extracted a small sample, ensuring that the memories of Shikoutazer's location were obtained.

This act served as a decisive blow, rendering the Child Emperor powerless and dead, however it was a painless death Fafnir's mercy on a naive child who was tricked into corruption, stripping away the last remnants of the corrupt regime's control. With the information in his possession, Fafnir held the key to unlocking the ultimate Teigu and reshaping the empire's destiny.

As Fafnir entered the hidden chamber behind the Emperor's throne, his eyes widened at the sight before him. Towering above him was Shikoutazer, the Nation-Defending Machine God, an awe-inspiring mecha/armor-type Teigu of colossal proportions. Standing at an incredible five hundred meters tall, it commanded an imposing presence, capable of overseeing the entire empire.

The immense size of Shikoutazer filled Fafnir with a surge of inspiration and ambition. He envisioned a future where such colossal machines would become the foundation of the empire's Titan Legion, an unstoppable force that would defend the nation and pave the way for its prosperity. The Shikoutazer would serve as the template, the epitome of power and might, from which a new generation of towering mechas would be born. He saw an opportunity to infuse the colossal mecha with the raw power of the Honkai and his own blood. With a mix of reverence and determination, he initiated the process of infecting Shikoutazer with the essence of the Honkai.

Using his extensive knowledge of Honkai energy and its manipulation, Fafnir carefully modified the mecha's mechanisms, altering its power source to respond exclusively to his bloodline. By doing so, he ensured that only he could fully unlock and control the immense potential hidden within Shikoutazer.

As Fafnir's mental connection with Shikoutazer strengthened, he could feel the immense power coursing through his veins. With a single thought, he commanded the colossal machine to rise, its massive form towering over the city.

As Shikoutazer obeyed his mental command, the ground trembled beneath its colossal weight, and the people of the empire looked up in awe and astonishment. They had never witnessed anything of this magnitude before, and their eyes filled with a mix of fear and reverence.

From his vantage point on Shikoutazer's hand, Fafnir surveyed the city, his voice resonating across the capital through the mecha's integrated speakers. The people gathered below strained their ears to hear his words, their attention captured by the sight before them.

Amidst the awe-inspiring presence of Shikoutazer, Fafnir's voice rang out with authority and conviction. The people below listened intently as he began his address.

"I stand before you as Fafnir Augustus Aurelius, Duke of the North and wielder of the power of Shikoutazer," Fafnir declared, his voice carrying a resolute tone. "The power that flows through this colossal machine, once reserved only for the royal family, now resides within me. This signifies my eligibility to claim the throne of the empire."

Gasps and murmurs filled the air as the people tried to comprehend the magnitude of Fafnir's words. The revelation of his connection to Shikoutazer and his claim to the throne sent shockwaves through the crowd.

"Shikoutazer, the ultimate Teigu, represents the strength and authority of the royal family," Fafnir continued, his voice projecting with clarity. "By wielding its power, I have proven myself as a worthy leader, capable of guiding our empire to a brighter future."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. The people exchanged glances, their curiosity and intrigue piqued by Fafnir's assertion. They had witnessed his transformation from a noble figure to a formidable force commanding the immense power of Shikoutazer.

"In these trying times, the empire needs a leader who can restore order, prosperity, and justice," Fafnir asserted. "Under my guidance, we shall rebuild the foundations of our nation and cast away the shadows of corruption. Together, we shall forge a new era of greatness."

The crowd fell into a hushed silence, their eyes fixed upon Fafnir. They could sense the depth of his commitment, the unwavering determination that emanated from him. The sight of Shikoutazer, now under his control, added weight to his claim and lent credibility to his aspirations.

"I do not seek power for the sake of personal gain," Fafnir continued, his voice filled with sincerity. "I stand before you as a servant of the people, ready to shoulder the responsibility of leading the empire towards a brighter future. With the support and united efforts of every citizen, we shall overcome any obstacle that stands in our way."

As Fafnir concluded his speech, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. They had found a leader who embodied their hopes and dreams, a figure capable of bringing about the change they yearned for. The sight of Shikoutazer, a symbol of his authority, only further solidified their belief in his cause.

With his proclamation and the resounding support of the people, Fafnir took one step closer to his ultimate goal - the throne of the empire. The path to a new era had been set, and the empire stood on the precipice of transformation.

As the echoes of Fafnir's speech faded away, a resounding chant erupted from the crowd. "Long live the Emperor!" The words filled the air, carried by the voices of the Custodes, the Astartes, and the rest of the gathered masses. The chant swelled in intensity, reverberating through the capital and echoing across the empire.

The Custodes, standing tall and resolute, led the proclamation with unwavering loyalty. Their voices rang out with a unified strength, declaring their unwavering support for Fafnir as their emperor. Their power armor gleaming in the sunlight, joined in next, their voices adding a deep resonance to the chant.

As the words spread through the crowd, a wave of enthusiasm surged forward. Men and women, soldiers and civilians alike, raised their voices in unison, united in their call for a new era under Fafnir's leadership. The chant carried a sense of hope, of renewed purpose, as the people embraced the vision of a just and prosperous empire.

The sound was overwhelming, an outpouring of faith and belief in Fafnir's ability to bring about real change. It was a moment of collective affirmation, a turning point in the empire's history. The declaration of "Long live the Emperor" echoed through the capital and beyond, a resounding testament to the people's trust in their new leader.

Fafnir stood on Shikoutazer's hand, his gaze filled with gratitude and determination. He looked out at the multitude before him, their voices blending into a chorus of support. In that moment, he felt the weight of their expectations and the responsibility that lay ahead. But he also felt the strength of their belief, fueling his resolve to fulfill their hopes and aspirations.

With the people's loyalty and the might of Shikoutazer by his side, Fafnir embraced his role as the Emperor of the empire. The journey towards a new era had truly begun, guided by his vision, the unwavering support of the Custodes and the Astartes, and the resounding chant of the people.

"Long live the Emperor!" The words echoed through the capital, carried on the winds of change, as the empire prepared to embark on a path of transformation under Fafnir's leadership.