
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

The Empire of the Multiverse

Chapter 5.8 Esdeath

In the vast and unforgiving lands of the Far North, the Partas Clan held an unwavering belief in the power of strength above all else. The Patriarch, a towering figure with a rugged appearance, stood with his daughter, Esdeath, at the heart of their clan's territory. As they overlooked the wilderness, covered in snow and ice, the winds howled around them, but the two seemed unyielding, mirroring the spirit of their clan.

"Esdeath," the Patriarch spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "In our clan, strength is the foundation upon which everything stands. It is the measure of a person's worth and the path to greatness."

Esdeath's eyes gleamed with intensity, reflecting her staunch adherence to their clan's creed. "Yes, Father. I understand. Only the strong survive and prosper in these lands."

The Patriarch nodded approvingly. "Indeed. Weakness is a curse that must be purged from our ranks. We hunt dangerous beasts, not merely for sustenance, but to prove our dominance over nature itself. Those who cannot match our strength have no place among us."

As the Patriarch spoke, Esdeath felt the weight of tradition pressing upon her shoulders. The legacy of the Partas Clan demanded that she embody their principles, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation.

"Father," Esdeath spoke with unwavering determination, "I will be the strongest warrior our clan has ever seen. I will bring honor to our name and strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."

The Patriarch's stern expression softened into a rare smile. "I believe in you, my daughter. Your strength and tenacity are unmatched. Embrace the hardships and challenges that lie ahead, for they will forge you into a true warrior."

As they continued their conversation, it became evident that the Partas Clan's beliefs were deeply rooted in the concept of strength as the ultimate virtue. Every aspect of their lives revolved around it – from their brutal training rituals to the battles they waged against both nature and rival clans.

In the Far North, where survival was a constant struggle, the Partas Clan stood tall, unyielding against the elements, and fiercely protective of their way of life. Their belief in strength became the very core of their existence, and they would go to any lengths to prove that they were the true masters of their domain. Later on Esdeath under the tutelage of her father becomes stronger as time goes on she was taught to inflict pain on living creatures without killing them he faithfully followed the belief that her father always said The strong survive and the weak die.

As Esdeath returned from her solitary hunting expedition, her heart swelled with pride and the satisfaction of a successful kill. The wind whispered through the snowy landscape, carrying the exhilaration of the hunt with it. But as she approached the familiar grounds of her tribe, her elation transformed into a chilling dread.

The once-mighty camp of the Partas Clan lay in ruins, engulfed in flames and suffused with the stench of blood. Esdeath's eyes widened in horror as she beheld the devastation that befell her people. The structures that once stood tall were reduced to charred remnants, and the spirits that had once resonated with strength and pride were now extinguished.

Fear gripped Esdeath's heart as she darted through the wreckage, her eyes darting from one lifeless body to another. Her breath caught in her throat as she stumbled upon her father, the revered patriarch of the Partas Clan, lying motionless amidst the chaos.

With her father's final breath, Esdeath rose from the ashes, her resolve hardened like the icy winds that swept across the desolate land. The destruction of her tribe had ignited a flame within her, fueling her relentless pursuit of vengeance. She would train harder, grow stronger, and unleash her wrath upon the unknown clan, leaving no stone unturned until her people were avenged.

As Esdeath ventured southward towards the Northern Dukedom, she witnessed the stark contrast between the desolate lands of the far north and the bustling territories of the Empire. The journey was arduous, but it only fueled her determination to seek out the source of true strength.

Arriving at the Northern Dukedom, Esdeath immersed herself in the vibrant atmosphere, observing the intricate balance of power and influence that governed the region. It became evident to her that the true bastions of strength resided within the heart of the Empire itself.

Driven by her insatiable hunger for power, Esdeath sought to prove her worth and ascend the ranks of the Empire's military. She understood that to be acknowledged as one of the strongest, she needed to surpass not only her own limits but also the renowned warriors of the Imperial Army.

And there her path will coincide with Fafnir's.