

Your class has always been known to be notorious so it wasn't much of a surprise that you guys decided to form an even more notorious gang called THE EMPIRE right? Been friends and classmates for more than a decade and half so running a criminal empire together shouldn't be a problem right? But are they prepared for all the Love, Hate and Romance all while still remaining friends and running an empire together, well we'll find out in THE EMPIRE. Well and if the the Amazing triplets and their friends can make it through all the obstacles that lie ahead. Running an empire with your family should be a piece of cake for siblings who've been attached by the hip since day one.

Jinxy_Noire · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The Empire- Chapter 3~Getting to Know the Class(3)

~P.O.V- Sonya ( A Main Character)

Urg it was time for Social and as usual that guy came early to class. Like omg can't he ever give us time to rest? So he started giving us all numbers which meant that he was going to put us into some dumb groups. It was always the same in these groups which were supposed to be BoNdIng experience and help improve "team work" as they put it, but really it was just a way to put all the work on one person. Either I ended up doing most of the work myself or on occasion when I didn't do anything which gets the group failed. They always wanted to leave the work to me claiming that I'm the Smart Kid and if any of them touch it, we might 'FaIL' which was complete BS if you ask me. Honestly though I didn't care if we were put into groups again because no matter what I would still pass them like always. I saw hope in people's eyes wishing to get grouped with the ones whom they so heartedly desired but if you ask me again which I'm warning you not to it's nutts and crazy but my sister Jinx didn't seem to think so, you'd think that with someone who's name literally means curse they'd care less for people but nooooo thats not her at all. I just smirked internally and was glad that I'm not some love sick bimbo. Eww that would be disgusting. I got paired with Michelle and again I didn't care but at the same time I was happy (well that's new) that we were in pairs and not in some huge group. All the pairs were supposed to present something on adolescent reproductive health and most of my classmates were jubilating upon hearing this news but as always I was just shattered no wonder we were put into pairs. Urg this was going to be hectic. I would have to spend my time and data/WIFI researching on this topic and with a guy ], worst of all we would have to present on this shit. I'd rather spend my time in the tub with a good book from Webnovel urg Sir Zach was really going on my hate list.

~To Be Continued

Hey guys its Noire again and i wanted to clearify hear that Sonya is not the eldest triplet but Jinx is but remember this is just a flashback so jus keep reading and have fun

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