
The Emperor of Chaos

Lin Hai is the chief disciple of a third-rate sect, He died while on an expedition near one of the Seven Forbidden Zones, only to discover that his death would change his fate and the fate of everyone in existence. This is the story of the transformation of an ordinary young man into the emperor of chaos and what is inside it

The_King_MT · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Infinite spacetime

Lin Hai died, leaving behind a separate body and head, there was no trick or illusion. Yes, it was a real death. His eyes were opened. He died an unwanted death.

"Hmph, what a very weak boy he was, he couldn't even block a blow from me, I didn't even use 1% of my strength, all the people that came before him were able to block a light blow even the weakest among them was able to give a reaction before death, looks like I'll have Tough time with this kid huh," Old San said with a slight sigh.

Then he flicked his finger in the air.

"Get up " he uttered in a majestic and majestic voice capable of shaking the souls of the listeners to the core, then something miraculous happened.

Lin Hai stood in front of him again, he was still completely intact with all parts of his body. There were no marks on his neck, wounds, or blood on his clothes. He was still Lin Hai himself before he died.

If someone else witnessed his death a while ago, they would think that the current Lin Hai was a ghost coming from death, but the latter was real with flesh and blood.

Lin Hai stood there as he stared at Old San in disbelief, then stared at his hands and scanned every inch of his body, finding nothing strange that was still alive.

"Old San, I didn't die, am I still alive?" Lin Hai shouted with joy. He thought he was really dead, but he was still alive. This made him very happy since he could still see the sunlight clearly.

"No, you already died once," Old San said plainly.

"Huh???? Lin Hai checked himself again and then said.

"You're kidding right, look, I'm still fine. My neck is still in place. Everything that happened is just an illusion that you created to scare me, isn't it? So if I die, how can I be alive now?" Lin Hai tilted his head in thought and said.

"It depends on your definition of death and life. Yes, you are indeed alive now, but at the same time you died before, but I returned you to what you were before your death. This means that you died and at the same time you did not die either," said Old San.

"I didn't understand anything you said just now," Lin Hai said puzzled.

"Of course you won't understand anything from this because it's too far from your current level, all you need to know now is that I revived you with my (Infinite Spacetime) ability," Old San said.

"Infinite space-time, what is this???" Lin Hai asked like a child who lacked knowledge of the world.

"Infinite Spacetime is one of my main abilities. It enables me to control both time and space within the limits of my area."

"Mm, I don't quite understand," said Lin Hai.

"Well, you see that tree over there, I'm going to cut it down now. Look carefully."

Old Sun pointed at a gigantic tree that was far away from them, Lin Hai fixed his gaze firmly on the tree, unwilling to miss the slightest bit of detail.

Then Old San waved his sword like last time, it was a normal sword wave that anyone could do the same thing, but this normal wave seemed to be able to divide heaven and earth, the cycle of reincarnation, karma, and everything in existence.

In the next second the giant tree was snapped in half, and then Old San flicked his finger on the air and said.


The giant tree returned to its place as it was in the first place, there was no sign of it being cut down, it all happened in a split second, although Lin Hai focused his gaze on the tree completely until he only saw how it split into two halves and did not see how it was brought back, Only he was able to understand a little.

"Do you understand now, boy, that I can control time and space within a certain area, all I have done now is turn back time, that's all."

"This is amazing, Old San, as far as I know no one can do such an amazing thing at this time," Lin Hai said excitedly.

"Don't compare me to the insects in your world," Old San said with pride and disdain, then added.

"Let's get out of this and go back to your training now. Also, this will be your training from now on. We'll keep doing this until you're able to dodge the first move from me. That means if you can't dodge my move, you'll keep dying forever. I don't think you need me to explain to you." Uncountable death agony," Old San said with a frightening smile.

"Death for countless times!!! Doesn't this mean a torment worse than death itself!!" Lin Hai cried out in fear, unwilling to suffer this kind of torment, who would like to die countless times wouldn't this make a person a puppet without feelings or fear of death??

"Yes, you are absolutely right. It is a torment worse than death itself, but you have no other choice. If you want to become indomitable, you have to get rid of mortal feelings and emotions, because they will prevent you from reaching the absolute peak and controlling your own destiny," Old San said with serious expressions.

"I don't fully understand how human feelings and emotions can prevent a person from becoming invincible. Aren't the founding emperors people with feelings and emotions as well???" Lin Hai said.

"You are so naive, boy. Do you think that the Founding Emperors and Indomitable Existences are good people? Of course not, they are evil itself. Who among them didn't kill millions and millions of people and step on their bones in order to get to where they are now, there are those who killed their own family. And his friends, and there are those who destroyed his sect with his own hands, there are those who made the world taste the taste of wars for millions of years, wake up from your stupidity, this is a world in which the weak are not supposed to exist. One person can get rid of this infinite chain, and he is the strongest. If you are the strongest, then you will control your fate and the fate of the weaker than you. This is the realm of training. There is simply no such thing as emotions and feelings, as they will not help you control your own destiny. Do you think that access to strength Divorced is an easy thing? If you don't understand this simple thing, you are not qualified to reach the top, the choice is in your hands now." With that, Old San finished his words, then got up and walked into the temple, leaving behind the young boy Lin Hai as he sat absorbing the powerful words he heard.