

Chapter 91-Hu Liena and Felos

  "Hello Uncle Fei, I'm Lu Yuan's senior sister, Hu Liena!" Hu Liena said to Felos with a salute.

  "Hello, hello!" Felos said quickly, with a strange smile on his face.

  "Old man, what are you doing with such a weird smile?" Lu Yuan rolled his eyes while looking at Felos' strange smile.

  "Hehe!" Fellows smiled and said, "Sister, brother, okay, okay!" While talking, he gave Lu Yuan a look that I understand.

  "Weird old man!" Lu Yuan spit out to Felos, and took Hu Liena's hand, and said: "Sister, let's go to the house, ignore this stinky old man!" He

  said, pulling Hu Liena into the house.

  "Hey, you stinky boy!" Felos cursed with a smile, and followed Lu Yuan.


  "Brother, is this your room?" Hu Liena asked, looking at the simply furnished room.

  "Yeah!" Lu Yuan nodded and said, "It's very simple!"

  Lu Yuan doesn't like complicated things, so the room layout is very simple, with a bed, a bedside table, and a desk. Basically there is nothing else.

  "Fortunately!" Hu Liena nodded.

  "Then I will be wronged by Senior Sister to live here in the next few days. The house is very small, with only two rooms." Lu Yuan said with a smile.

  "I can do it, as long as I can sleep with my junior brother, it doesn't matter where I sleep!" Hu Liena looked at Lu Yuan with beautiful eyes, showing a beautiful smile.

  Lu Yuan's heart trembled, Sister, can't you stop being so sensational, I was so moved.

  "I haven't come back in three years. This room is still so clean. It seems that the old man cleans it often!" Lu Yuan sighed as he looked at the spotless room.

  "Well, it seems that Uncle Fei treats you very well, cleaning up from time to time, just waiting for you to come back that day." Hu Liena said.

  Lu Yuan nodded, took Hu Liena's hand, and said: "Let's go, Senior Sister, go find the smelly old man, let's have a meal together."

  "Yeah!" Hu Liena replied, letting Lu Yuan take her away.


  "Old man, what are you busy doing?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, looking at Felos who was busy in the kitchen.

  Fellows rolled his eyes and said, "The stinky guy is watching the excitement, don't hesitate to help, I want to exhaust my old man!"

  "Oh!" Lu Yuan took Hu Liena into the kitchen and said with a smile: "Sister, also Haven't you eaten the food I cooked, let you taste my craft today?"

  "Do you still cook?" Hu Liena grew up with beautiful eyes, a little surprised. After spending three years with him, Lu Yuan seems to have never I haven't shown any talent in this area.

  "Of course!" Lu Yuan smiled faintly, his cooking skills are quite good.

  In his previous life, he was a single dog. In order to better chase his girlfriend, he deliberately learned the cooking skills. The food he cooked was really good.

  It's a pity that I didn't find my girlfriend, so I came across this world.

  In this world, I have cooked several times since I was young, but I still eat the canteen most of the time.

  As for why?

  Maybe it's because he is lazy!

  But Felos was quite satisfied with his cooking skills, after all, the food he prepared was still relatively new to the people on Douluo Continent.

  "Old man, what do I need to do?" Lu Yuan asked.

  Fellows said, "The vegetables are almost ready. Just start making them. I'll help you watch the fire!"

  "Okay!" Lu Yuan stroked his sleeves, washed his hands with water, and started cutting vegetables and preparing to cook.

  "Brother, let me help you chop vegetables!" Hu Liena said.

  Lu Yuan turned his head, with a weird expression, and said, "Senior Sister, have you ever cut vegetables?"

  "No!" Hu Liena blushed and shook her head.

  She has never been in the kitchen, never washed the dishes, let alone chopped them.

  "Um, Sister, you should just be there waiting to eat!" Those who have never chopped vegetables should not join in the fun, it won't be good if everything is done.

  "Um, Junior Brother, I can't eat it for nothing, you see what can be done, let me do it!" Hu Liena said.

  In her opinion, the younger brother has already cooked herself, she can't do nothing, no matter what, she always hopes to help the younger brother.

  "Um..., then, sister, please wash those bowls with clean water and use them to serve dishes later." Lu Yuan said, pointing to the rice bowls in the cupboard.

  These bowls look quite clean, but after all, after some time, it is necessary to wash them with clean water.

  In terms of hygiene, Lu Yuan is quite particular.


  Hu Liena was very happy when she got the task, and started to wash the dishes.

  Every bowl has been tossed and washed several times,

It's not like washing dishes, but more like a massage. It is really clear as a mirror. Lu Yuan is secretly funny. According to this method, the restaurants outside are afraid that they will close down. During the washing time, other people's dishes have been fried. Up.

  However, he didn't use a few bowls for meals at his own home, and Lu Yuan was not ashamed to discourage Hu Liena's initiative.

  Cut the side dishes, pour in vegetable oil, heat up, add the ingredients, stir briefly and add the seasonings, and soon a strong aroma of the meal will be tangy.

  "Wow, it smells so good!" Hu Liena sniffed, "So you really know how to cook!"

  Hearing this, Lu Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth. It turned out that this girl didn't believe it before?

  It seems that today you have to let this girl look at her craft.

  I, Lu Yuan, is an almighty wizard, there is nothing I can't do!

  After frying a dish, Lu Yuan washed the pot and went on his cooking journey.

  Half an hour passed.

  The three of them sat on a stone table in the yard with four dishes and one soup.

  "Small fried pork loin!"

  "Red braised white shrimp!"

  "Spicy swordfish!"

  "Stir-fried rabbit meat cubes!"

  "Red fruit cod soup!"

  Four dishes and one soup, all filled with a tangy aroma.

  "Wow, Junior Brother, you are too amazing!" Looking at the four dishes and one soup in front of him, Hu Liena's eyes flashed with small stars, which was an admiration for Lu Yuan.

  My younger brother, not only looks super handsome, talented, and intelligent, but he also has such a good cooking skills. He is also too charming.

  I really love the younger brother more and more! UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

  "How does it taste?" Putting a chopsticks of rabbit meat into Hu Liena's bowl, Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Look how this rabbit meat tastes?"

  Hu Liena took a bite, her eyes lit up instantly, and she said, "It's delicious, spicy and delicious, and it's not old at all. On the contrary, it's very tender, brother, your craftsmanship is really good!"

  "If you taste delicious, eat more! "

  Lu Yuan smiled and said: "And this rabbit meat is actually average. The delicious one is rabbit head. How about making spicy rabbit head for you tonight?"

  "Okay, add more cumin and chili!

  " Okay!" Lu Yuan smiled.

  "Ahem, brat, did you forget something?" Felos rolled his eyes.

  "Forgot what?" Lu Yuan was a little puzzled.

  "You haven't brought me any dishes yet, sure enough, with a daughter-in-law, even the father has forgotten!" Felos sighed.

  Hearing what Felos said, Hu Liena blushed and lowered her head embarrassedly.

  "I don't fix it!" Lu Yuan scolded with a smile, picking up a large piece of pork loin and stuffing it into Felos' bowl.

Chapter 92

  After lunch, Lu Yuan lay on a bench in the yard to digest, Hu Liena sat aside, Lu Yuan's head was resting on Hu Liena's lap.

  "Junior Brother, where are you going this afternoon?" Hu Liena said softly, touching Lu Yuan's face with her bare hand.

  "Go to see a scumbag?" Lu Yuan said.

  "Scumbag?" Hu Liena asked softly: "Is it the same scumbag like you?"

  "What is the same as me?" Hearing Hu Liena's words, Lu Yuan got up and stared at Hu Liena uncomfortably, "Senior Sister, Pay attention to your words!"

  Hu Liena's eyes flashed a sly, and said: "Isn't you a scumbag if you step on two boats, brother?"

  "Yes!" Under Hu Liena's gaze, Lu Yuan nodded and said. "Indeed, then I can only reluctantly give up one for not being a scumbag. Sister, do you think I should give up on you, or should I give up on you?"

  "What did you say?" Hu Liena's voice suddenly became louder. , Said: "Senior brother, what did you just say?"

  Lu Yuan secretly smiled, but he pretended to be innocent, and said: "Senior sister just now, you said that I was riding two boats, so for not being a scumbag , Then I have to reluctantly give up Senior Sister you, alas!" He sighed pretendingly.

  "Dare you!" Hu Liena was anxious at once, tears flashing in her eyes.

  She just made fun of Lu Yuan deliberately, and she may not have the thought of monopolizing Lu Yuan in her heart. What she thinks is that it is best to have more of Lu Yuan, so that Lu Yuan's heart should not only be filled with Qian Renxue, but also free up. Give her some place.

  As a result, Lu Yuan didn't expect to say that. Hu Liena was anxious all at once, and her heart was full of grievances.

  "Senior Sister!" Seeing Hu Liena's anxious tears came out, Lu Yuan couldn't help cursing at himself, stretched out his hand to caress Hu Liena's pretty face, and said: "Sister, don't worry, I was just kidding."

  "Really?" Hu Liena looked at Lu Yuan with teary eyes.

  "Really, more real than gold!" Lu Yuan said firmly.

  "Then how do you prove it?" Hu Liena said.

  "I can swear to heaven!" Lu Yuan was about to stretch out his hand when Hu Liena grabbed it.

  "No need to swear, I believe you!" Hu Liena said with a smile.

  Seeing Hu Liena's teary smile, Lu Yuan was filled with self-blame, and said: "Senior Sister, it was just me that was not good. I will never make such a joke again."

  Hu Liena hugged Lu Yuan. , Softly said: "Junior Brother, no matter what happens in the future, you are not allowed to not want me, even if you want to be with Qian Renxue, you can't not want me!"

  "Yeah!" Lu Yuan nodded, and then tentatively Asked, "Senior Sister, then you agree to be with Xiaoxue..."

  "Then it depends on your performance!" Hu Liena squeezed Lu Yuan's waist, and Lu Yuan grinned in pain.

  However, I was quite happy inside, at least Hu Liena's tone had already loosened.

  Hu Liena loves herself deeply and can't extricate herself, but it is easy to handle, but Xiaoxue is a big problem. The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard.

  Hu Liena lay in Lu Yuan's arms and said, "Who is the scumbag you just mentioned?"

  "Master, Yu Xiaogang, have you heard of it?"

  " Have you heard of it !" Hu Liena nodded and said: "People who listen to the Martial Spirit Hall call him waste!"

  "Trash?" Lu Yuan pondered for a while, and said, "That's not wrong, he is indeed a waste."

  "But he does some research on Wuhun. , It still has some effect on low-level spirit masters." Lu Yuan said.

  "Low-level spirit master?" Hu Liena asked.

  "Yeah!" Lu Yuan nodded and said, "This master still has some research on Wuhun tactics, and he advocates cooperation and emphasizes team combat power."

  "Although for high-level spirit masters, it is more on the basis of personal strength, but in the team battles of the soul sect and below, team cooperation is still somewhat effective, but it is only that, for a powerful soul master Say, a group may not bring help, but a drag."

  "Just like Junior Brother you?" Hu Liena laughed.

  "Almost!" Lu Yuan nodded without denying.

  With his fighting style, it is indeed not suitable for cooperating with others. Of course, it is mainly because few people in the same level can keep up with his rhythm and force cooperation.

Instead, it weakened his strength.

  "Then why are you called Yu Xiaogang scumbag?" Hu Liena asked curiously.

  Lu Yuan smiled faintly, and said: "You think a person who doesn't even believe in his girlfriend who has been with him for more than five years, but believes in other people's words, stays away from his girlfriend, chooses to be with his sister, and finally abandoned

  Does his sister's man count as a scumbag?" "There are such brutes in the world?" Hu Liena's eyes widened.

  "This kind of person is worthy of living in the world?" Hu Liena's pretty face was full of anger, "Junior brother, otherwise we will find someone to kill him. Such a person is also harmful to staying in the world. Living a waste of air and death is a waste of land. . " "

  Oh, do not! "were the words of Hu Lena shocked, Lu Yuan quickly stop, which if killed Yu Xiaogang, Bibi East Africa can not be mad, then in case leak, he and Hu Lena had to die, now In Bibi Dong's heart, there is really nothing more important than Yu Xiaogang.

  Even if you want to kill, you have to wait for them to grow up and kill them silently.

  Moreover, he learned the knowledge of martial arts in Yu Xiaogang since he was a child. Although most of the time he studied by himself, he has learned a lot of things after all. At least he has to pay back this kindness before he can start.

  He Lu Yuan never owes anything to others. UU read www.uukanshu.com,

  but remembered that his beautiful pope master actually liked Yu Xiaogang's stuff, Lu Yuan was also quite unhappy in his heart, just because Yu Xiaogang is also worthy?

  "Junior Brother, do you still keep him if you don't kill? You don't want to learn from him?" Hu Liena looked at Lu Yuan with questioning eyes.

  "What are you talking about?" There was a snap towards Hu Liena's smooth forehead. The latter held his head aggrieved, but still looked stubbornly at Lu Yuan.

  Touching Hu Liena's pretty face, Lu Yuan looked serious, and said, "Sister, is that what you think of me? I may not be devoted enough, but as long as I identify the person I will never let go in my life. Whether it is you or Xiaoxue, since I have identified it, you can only be mine in this life, and no one can take it away."

  Seeing Lu Yuan's serious expression, Hu Liena breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face, and said, "Junior Brother, you are so domineering!"

  Lu Yuan held Hu Liena tightly in his arms and said with a smile: "I It's so overbearing, Senior Sister, since you've been on my thief ship, don't think about going anymore in your life."

  "I never wanted to go down either!" Hu Liena whispered softly, her mouth raised. A smile...

Chapter 93

  "Then why don't you let me kill him?" Hu Liena looked at Lu Yuan suspiciously.

  "Oh!" Lu Yuan sighed, and said, "Although he is a scumbag, he has taught me some martial arts knowledge since he was a child. How can I do something to him before this kind of teaching is paid back? Then I will become A ruthless person?"

  "Senior Sister, don't you want me to become such a person?" Lu Yuan asked.

  "Okay, let him go, it's really cheap for him!" Hu Liena said unwillingly, but still dispelled the idea of ​​killing the master.

  After all, the master is disgusting, but in Hu Liena's view, there is nothing more important than Lu Yuan. For Lu Yuan, what if he let the master go.

  But when Xiao Yuan pays back the kindness, I must find a chance to kill the master.

  Hu Liena thought secretly.

  "Then you want to go with me later? Senior sister!" Lu Yuan asked.

  "Forget it, that kind of scumbag, I was unappetizing when I saw it, don't go, go by yourself!" Hu Liena said.

  "All right, I'll go by myself, you stay here and don't run around!" Lu Yuan smiled.

  "Got it!" Hu Liena smiled, and said: "You'll be back soon!"

  "Yeah, got it!" Lu Yuan squeezed Hu Liena's cheek and walked in the direction of the master.

  Hu Liena did not follow, but it was more to Lu Yuan's wishes.

  After all, even though the master has not seen Hu Liena, if something goes wrong, he may still discover Hu Liena's identity, and even his identity may be exposed, and he has not yet revealed his identity.

  According to his thoughts, in the future, he is likely to break into Shrek, saying that the seven Shrek monsters are one and the luck is connected. He would like to see when the seven monsters are separated and the luck is taken apart, Can the Seven Devils become gods?

  If the seven monsters can fall apart, or even turn their faces into enemies, this might be interesting.

  After all, in the late stage of the decisive battle, the Shrek Seven Devils teamed up, but it was worth the same number of Title Douluo, but now that Lu Yuan is already a member of the Spirit Hall, there are Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, and even With Yu Bibi Dong's entanglement, then it is absolutely impossible for him to let Wuhun Palace end in the original work.

  In this case, he had to disassemble the Seven Shrek Monsters, and he would also take away the opportunities in the original work, and do his best to suppress the growth of Tang San and others.

  And Yu Xiaogang, as Shrek's training instructor, he still had a little effect.

  So even if Lu Yuan saw him a little upset, he still wanted to see him to pave the way for future tasks.

  Over the past three years, Lu Yuan's views on Yu Xiaogang have changed a lot. Originally, he still had a good impression of Yu Xiaogang, but since he became his teacher, his relationship with Bibi Dong has grown. The closer he gets closer, the more he wants to kill Yu Xiaogang. In the final analysis, Lu Yuan doesn't really care about the lives of others, he only cares about the people around him.

  Cold outside and hot inside?

  That's not suitable for Lu Yuan. It can only be said that for his own people, Lu Yuan can do great things, but for enemies or people who have hurt people close to him, Lu Yuan will have the greatest malice against him.

  Does Lu Yuan really care about Wuhun Hall?

  Actually not!

  What he cared about was Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, Bibi Dong, and maybe half a Golden Crocodile Douluo. As for the others, Lu Yuan didn't care at all.

  Especially after the awakening of Killing Spear, Lu Yuan's mentality became more serious.

  Perhaps there was no huge movement, but the impact of the Killing Spear subtly changed Lu Yuan's character, and what was terrifying was that Lu Yuan himself hadn't even noticed it.

  Walking along the trail of Notting College, Lu Yuan soon came outside the master's wooden house, which was still the same wooden house, but Lu Yuan now has a different mentality from three years ago.

  "Duo!" A knock on the door sounded.

  "Who is it?" The master's rough voice sounded.

  "It's me, Lu Yuan!"

  "Tatata, squeak!" There was a sound of footsteps, and the door of the house was opened.

  "Are you Xiaoyuan?" Looking at Lu Yuan, who was almost one meter tall in front of him, the master almost couldn't believe that such a big change had happened to Lu Yuan in just three years.

  "It's me, master!" The master still dressed as before, thin and a little rickety.

  "Come in and sit down!" Although the master was surprised, he responded quickly and said to Lu Yuan.

  Lu Yuan nodded and walked into the wooden house.


Obuchi, why have you changed so much? Hearing Fellows said that you went outside to practice and study, you should have made a lot of progress in three years! "

  It's okay, but the strength has also increased a bit!" Lu Yuan said.

  "Has it reached level 20?" With your talents, he should be coming soon, Xiao San is already a twenty-first-level great spirit master. A few days ago, Fellows took him to obtain the second spirit ring, a ghost vine that is about 700 years old. , It's quite suitable for juniors. "Speaking of Master Tang, his face with pride.

  Nine big soul division is definitely rare.

  " Breakthrough of twenty, so it's showing off with me? "Lu Yuan sneered in his heart, mere blue silver grass, a twenty-first-level great soul master, he could sweep three years ago.

  And is the nine-year-old great soul master very powerful? Isn't

  his senior sister Hu Liena also twenty when he was nine years old above magnitude soul division, now has fourteen of thirty.

  you Tang if there is no immortality, there is no external bone attached to the soul, the age of fourteen to thirty can do?

  Lu deep underground passage in mind.

  "Really, That's pretty awesome! "Although he was disdainful in his heart, Lu Yuan still smiled on the surface.

  " Xiaoyuan , how many levels are you now? Your martial arts soul is a golden dragon, and you are still innately full of soul power. The increase in soul power must not be slow. Level up! "The master asked.

  "UU reading www.uukanshu.com level nineteen?" Who do you look down on? "Lu Yuan secretly said in

  his heart. Looking at the master Tang San's so awesome look, Lu Yuan sneered, didn't he just want to show off what you taught?

  By the way, sarcast me again?

  If you worshipped you as a teacher, then Is he already a great soul master now?

  Lu Yuan was funny in his heart, but suddenly a nasty taste arose and said, "Well, me, I haven't improved much in the past three years! "Sighed, with a little regret in his tone.

  "Isn't it less than tenth level, you were already fourteenth level at the beginning, isn't it only seventeenth in three years?" There was a trace of anger on the master's face without fighting, alas, who told you not to worship in the first place. As a teacher, I wasted three years in vain!

  "I'm only a Level 20 Great Soul Master now. In three years, I haven't improved much, so I'm only Level 14." Lu Yuan sighed.

  "What, Obuchi, you are not lying to me, let me tell you, it is not a good habit to cheat..." The master was surprised, and then he started to preach.

  Suddenly two rays of light, one yellow and one purple, rose from Lu Yuan, causing the master beside him to open his mouth wide.

  "how can that be?"

Chapter 94: Fighting Tang Again 3

  A huge golden dragon phantom appeared behind him, and diamond-shaped scales climbed on both sides of Lu Yuan's cheeks. Under him, two soul rings, yellow and purple, shone with dazzling light, and a huge dragon's might spread.

  After Lu Yuan's golden dragon blood awakens the current Golden Dragon Martial Spirit, the dragon's power has become even stronger, and with the addition of Lu Yuan's current twentieth level of spirit power, this oppressive force is more than several times stronger than three years ago.

  Under this pressure, the master's figure trembled a little.

  The master's martial soul, Luo San Pao, is a martial soul formed after the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex failed to mutate to the golden holy dragon. Although he grew up like a pig, he is a martial soul with dragon blood.

  As for the dragon martial arts, almost no one could not be suppressed by the golden dragon.

  Not to mention that the master's martial arts spirit Luo San Pao is just a failed product. Even if it evolves and becomes the golden sacred dragon, in front of Lu Yuan's golden dragon, there is still only a creeping part of the dragon clan martial arts, which can rival the golden dragon. In addition to the Dragon God and the Golden and Silver Dragon King on the Luo Continent, there is also the Silver Dragon.

  The golden dragon is the descendant of the golden dragon king, so the silver dragon is naturally the descendant of the silver dragon king.

  Of course, this bloodline descendant does not mean that it was born from the Silver Dragon King, but the bloodline descendant created from the Silver Dragon King's bloodline. According to the plot, the Silver Dragon King should still be the only one.


  Pulled away.

  Therefore, under Lu Yuan's power, the master and the Luo Sanpao in the master's body were trembling, and the violent Longwei made the master's legs and feet soft.

  "Xiaoyuan, are you really level 20?" The master held a chair to barely support his body. In the case of the same dragon martial arts, the golden dragon martial arts and the bloodline were too much to suppress.

  Lu Yuan nodded, and said, "In three years, at level 20, my improvement is still a bit slow."

  His tone was sighing, and he seemed to have a trace of regret.

  The corner of the master's mouth twitched, and he finally knew what pretending to be, but the feeling of being pretended to be really uncomfortable.

  He said just now that Tang San had broken through the twentieth level, and wanted to pretend to be forced in front of Lu Yuan. After all, Lu Yuan didn't worship him as a teacher, and he was still a little unhappy when he missed a spirit master like Jinlong.

  As a result, Lu Yuan sent him a big counterattack in a blink of an eye. Not only had he broken through the Great Spirit Master, but he was also a Level 20 Great Spirit Master, and even the second spirit ring was a thousand years old.

  How could this be compared, compared to Tang San's two pitiful yellow spirit rings on Blue Silver Grass?

  Or is it to compare the twin spirits?

  Twin martial spirits are rare, but the golden dragon is also a legendary martial spirit, incredibly powerful. If Tang San hadn't had a Clear Sky Hammer, he wouldn't be qualified to pick up broken shoes for the golden dragon with a blue silver grass.

  "Golden Dragon, it really deserves to be the legendary martial soul!" The master sighed, his expression a little depressed.

  Originally accepting Tang San this twin spirit as his disciple, the master was still a little bit happy, but now seeing Lu Yuan's spirit ring matching and level, the master instantly felt that Tang San didn't seem to be so sweet.

  Although Tang San is a twin spirit, even if he grows up, can he really defeat a freak who possesses a golden dragon spirit and surpasses the best spirit ring match?

  The master felt that there was a question mark.

  "Haha!" Lu Yuan smiled lightly when he heard the master's sigh.

  Speaking of the master, the person in the original work is really a bit like the protagonist template. It can be said that in addition to strength, it really takes advantage.

  Poseidon is his disciple, the Shrek Seven Devils were taught by him, the Pope Rakshasa of the Wuhun Temple is his confidant, and a younger sister has always loved him, no matter who wins or loses in the end, the master will never lose. .

  In addition to his strength, he is a bit shambled, and there is really no defect.

  But in this life, the master is not so lucky.

  Because of him Lu Yuan is there.

  Master, let's live with his pig martial spirit for a lifetime, Bibi Dong has no chance with him.

  Moreover, with him, the Spirit Hall was destined to unify the mainland, even if Tang San was the son of the plane, he still had to crawl under his feet.

  According to the description in Douluo Continent III, the plane dominator of Douluo Continent is no more than the strength of a first-level god, which is far behind the god king. Every god king in the gods has the strength to easily destroy Douluo Continent. , With Lu Yuan's talent and systematic help, he didn't believe that he couldn't even become a god king in the end.

  As long as he had the strength to transcend the plane, even if Tang San was the son of the plane, he would kill if he wanted to.

  He doesn't care about others, but Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, and Bibi Dong absolutely must not have an accident. Whoever dares to attack them will kill him.

  Withdrawing the Wuhun, the pressure of the Golden Dragon began to dissipate.

  The master sat down in a chair,

There was cold sweat on his forehead.

  Feeling the spirit power fluctuations revealed by Lu Yuan, the master can feel that Lu Yuan's spirit power has indeed reached level twentieth, and that kind of oppression is stronger than that of ordinary soul veterans. It is indeed a beast martial soul. The best, Golden Dragon Martial Spirit, really powerful.

  The master looked at Lu Yuan, who was so energetic, and sighed in his heart, why didn't he worship himself as a teacher with such a great talent?

  If he had him, my theory would definitely be famous in the mainland in the future, and no one would look down on me Yu Xiaogang anymore, but unfortunately, I still missed it!

  The master's heart turned sharply.

  At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

  Lu Yuan glanced outside. He was a boy about 1.5 meters tall, with an ordinary face, obviously Tang San.

  Tang San's appearance hasn't changed much. Shuai is definitely not to be talked about. Lu Yuan's handsomeness is even more different than that of Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan's handsomeness has surpassed almost all males in the Douluo Continent. How could Qian Renxue and Hu Liena both fall in love with him?

  At least Lu Yuan felt that way.

  "Teacher!" Tang San saluted the master, then turned to Lu Yuan, with a confused expression, "Are you?"

  There was some contact three years ago, but he hadn't seen it three years ago. Lu Yuan has changed a lot, Tang San Did not recognize it for a while.

  "He is Lu Yuan!" the master said. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

  "Lu Yuan?" Tang San took a closer look and said, "Lu Yuan, you have changed so much!"

  Lu Yuan's height is close to 1.7 meters, almost taller than Tang San. No wonder Tang San couldn't recognize a head.

  "Little San, long time no see!" Lu Yuan smiled.

  "Long time no see!" Tang San also had a smile on his face. He and Lu Yuan had a good relationship three years ago.

  But what he didn't know was that Lu Yuan now was not Lu Yuan who was at Notting College three years ago.

  Several people chatted again, and Tang San suddenly said, "Xiao Yuan, we haven't seen each other for three years. How about we discuss it?" After being defeated by Lu Yuan three years ago, Tang San had been working hard to cultivate and wanted to find a place back. Lu Yuan disappeared.

  Lu Yuan returned three years later, Tang San also wanted to defeat Lu Yuan and prove his strength.

  "Little San..." The master wanted to stop it. After all, he already knew that Lu Yuan's spirit power was already as high as 20th level, or a combination of a yellow and purple spirit ring, plus the golden dragon spirit is already very powerful. , It is almost impossible for the junior to win.

  "Okay!" Before the master had finished speaking, Lu Yuan interrupted him. Since Tang San had sent him to the door, he didn't mind, and he played sandbags again.

Chapter 95 Three Years Gap

  Lu Yuan was still very interested in slinging the protagonist.

  Especially considering that Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, and Bibi Dong's miserable end in the original work are inseparable from Tang San, Lu Yuan wanted to beat him even more.

  It was just to vent her anger for Xiaoxue and the senior sister in the original book.

  Lu Yuan agreed to Tang San's challenge. Although the master wanted to intervene, he was a step late in the end.

  But the master changed his mind, this may not be a good thing.

  Even if Xiao San couldn't beat Lu Yuan, he should be able to force out Lu Yuan's true strength.

  Then he could know what Lu Yuan's second spirit ability was. After all, Lu Yuan's first spirit ability was so powerful, and he was also interested in the second spirit ability.

  As for the minor three may be beaten?

  The master selectively forgot. It seems that it is not a bad thing for young people to suffer a few more beatings.

  With Tang San being beaten in exchange for Golden Dragon's data and materials, the master felt that it was still very worthwhile.

  Poor Tang San was just sold by the master.

  The two walked out of the wooden house. The house was small and it was naturally impossible to compete in the house.

  The place where the master lives is relatively remote, and there is a certain amount of open space outside the wooden house. At least it is enough for two great spirit masters to fight.

  Tang San and Lu Yuan walked into the field.

  Looking at each other, Tang San's face was solemn, while Lu Yuan was smiling, indifferent.

  "Tang San, Martial Spirit Lan Yincao, Level 21 Controlling Battle Spirit Master!"

  "Lu Yuan, Wuhun Golden Dragon, Level 20 Power Attacking Spirit Master!"

  "Level Twenty!" Tang San felt a panic in his heart. , After three years, he originally thought he had reached the twenty-first level, and the speed of the second spirit ring was already quite slow, but he did not expect that Lu Yuan was already twenty-level.

  Throw away his seventh level far away.

  You know that three years ago, after Lu Yuan absorbed the first spirit ring, he was one level higher than him. Did he get so far behind the three-year gap?

  Tang San's thoughts fluctuated.

  But Tang San is after all Tang San, the protagonist in the original work, and his mind is not comparable to that of ordinary people. He soon calmed down, "Please enlighten me!"


  A blue vine emerged from Tang San's right hand. It was said to be blue silver grass, but after absorbing the spirit ring of the ghost vine, Tang San's blue silver grass changed again, and its shape began to change to vines.

  The master on the side nodded. Although Tang San's Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit was almost, but malleable, two hundred-year-old spirit rings, coupled with the two skills of winding and parasitism, should also be the best among the great spirit masters.

  The master is still somewhat relieved. Tang San's existence proves that his theory is correct. According to his thoughts, when Tang San becomes famous in the mainland, his theory will definitely be accepted by the world. In fact, in the original work, Yu Xiaogang The theory has indeed been promoted.

  But now, it's not the original.

  Tang San's strength may be considered the best among the great soul masters, but Lu Yuan is enough to climb the ranks, even among the souls, there may not be resistance.

  Looking at Lu Yuan on the opposite side, Tang San thought to himself: "Although Lu Yuan's spirit power is higher than mine, the control type spirit master restrains the strong attack type spirit master. He has the two skills of entanglement and parasitism, plus Tang Sect's unique skills. I may not be able to win this battle." It

  seems confident.

  Lu Yuan smiled, and today he will let Tang San know what it means to have a strong middle player in a strong middle, and a mountain is higher than a mountain!

  "Don't you release your martial spirit?" Tang San said with two bright yellow spirit rings hanging on the blue silver grass, looking at Lu Yuan.

  "Of course, if necessary!" Lu Yuan smiled faintly, he didn't think he needed to use his martial spirit to deal with a twenty-one Tang San.

  Tang San's expression became more plain, even with his personality, facing the contempt of Lu Yuan, he was a little angry.

  "Arrogant!" The master also looked ugly on the side. Tang San was his disciple. Lu Yuan looked down on Tang San just because he looked down on him.

  "It seems that Xiao Yuan has been out for three years, and his personality is a lot more arrogant. Let Xiao San teach him a lesson!" If all martial arts are used, the master thinks that Tang San's blue silver grass will definitely not be able to defeat Lu Yuan's golden dragon. After all, the aura that Lu Yuan showed just now, he is also someone who has experienced it.

  But if you don't use the martial spirit, the master thinks that Lu Yuan will definitely lose. You must know that Tang San is also a genius, so the master thinks that Lu Yuan will definitely be forced to use the martial soul.

  Let Tang San teach him a lesson, so that he would not dare to underestimate others in the future.


Blue silver grass, twine! "Slivers of blue silver grass emerged from the soil and entangled towards   Lu Yuan .

  As a control type spirit master, Tang San also learned a lot of the control type spirit master skills during his three years of teaching.

Lu Yuan foot of a step, a crack on the ground, there was even a small dip, the power of the land now under deep normal in about nine extremely heavy, between punch kick, Mo can have a huge rival strength.

  foot of a Step on, Lu Yuan's figure quickly pulled closer.

  "This strength! "Looking at the movement caused by Lu Yuan's kick, the master's eyes condensed, and a look of horror appeared on his face. With such destructive power, how powerful is Lu Yuan's power?

  No, Xiao San is in danger.

  Watch Lu Yuan pounce on him. Then, Tang San's first thought was to dodge. Although he was confident in his mysterious jade hand, Lu Yuan was not an ordinary soul master. He seemed to be able to learn martial arts, and remembered that Lu Yuan shot and killed him three years ago. A hundred-year-old Lieshan pig, the burst of fist, Tang San's heart still had some lingering fears. The

  light on his right hand was shining, and the blue silver grass entangled towards Lu Yuan, trying to block Lu Yuan's speed.

  Lu Yuan's body was clear. The Qi Jing automatically revolves, and there is a golden glow on the body. The moment all the blue silver grass touches the golden glow, it is broken into pieces.

  "How is this possible!" "Tang San was shocked. After Lan Yincao absorbed the mandala snake and the ghost vine, UU reading www.uukanshu.com had already become much tougher, but now it was touched by the golden light on Lu Yuan's body. All shattered.

  Unable to touch, his entanglement and parasitic are useless at all.

  "Pick me! "Lu Yuan was extremely fast, his right fist blasted out, and there was a loud noise in the air.

  "No!" Haunted! "Lu Yuan's punch came fiercely. Before the punch came, Tang San felt a strong sense of oppression. This sense of oppression made Tang San feel goosebumps all over.

  "A ghostly shadow?" "The corner of Lu Yuan's mouth provoked a touch of disdain, and the Six Fantasy of Feng Wu began to activate!

  The current Lu Yuan's attainments in the Six Phantasmagoria of Phoenix Dance is extremely deep, and he even has the idea of ​​creating a new form of body. The speed is so fast that Tang San's ghost trail can be compared.

  "No, I can't avoid it, Xuanyu's hand, control the crane and capture the dragon!" After realizing that he really couldn't avoid it, Tang San quickly stopped, and instantly ran the mysterious jade's hand and the crane and captured the dragon to prepare to release his strength.

  "Hmm..." Perceiving that Crane Controlling Dragon seems to be shifting his strength, Lu Yuan's eyes condensed, his strength increased by a few points out of thin air, and he directly broke free of Crane Controlling Dragon's control, with a punch. Tang San's chest.

  Being bombarded by Lu Yuan, Tang San spit out a mouthful of blood, flying upside down several meters.

96 Letter from the Pope

  "Little San!" Seeing Tang San being blasted off, the master hurried forward a few steps, "Little San, are you okay?"

  "Cough!" Tang San coughed a few times, feeling a little bored in his chest, but his injuries were not serious. He knew that Lu Yuan had left his hand.

  "Teacher, I'm fine!" Tang San said to the master, his eyes turned to Lu Yuan.

  "Lu Yuan, thank you for your mercy!" He knew the punch just now. If Lu Yuan didn't pull back in the end, he would have at least two ribs broken. The current injury only needs to rest for two days.

  "It's okay, it's just a discussion!" Lu Yuan smiled faintly. It's not that he didn't want to hurt Tang San seriously. It's just that it's not the time yet. Tang Hao didn't know where to peep. In case Tang San was seriously injured, Tang Hao came to him. Trouble is also a trouble.

  As for killing Tang San, Lu Yuan felt that it was not necessary yet, he was not someone who liked to kill casually.

  But if Tang San still acts like the original, opposing the Spirit Hall, and even doing something that threatens the Spirit Hall, Lu Yuan would not be merciful.

  Moreover, the current Tang San was too weak, even defeating him would not bring any sense of accomplishment to Lu Yuan.

  Of course, none of the above reasons are true. The real reason is that after Tang San is killed, the plot will be difficult to write in the future. Do you think I will tell you this secret?

  Hey, manual funny!

  Seeing that Tang San was okay, the master was relieved, but still a little disappointed in his heart.

  The disciple he tried his best to teach, even when facing Lu Yuan, the opponent didn't even use the martial arts, so that Tang San quickly defeated, this was undoubtedly a blow to the master.

  Looking at Lu Yuan standing proudly in front of him, the master just realized that Lu Yuan was really not arrogant before, but really had that strength!

  Why is such a good young man not his own disciple?

  Looking at Lu Yuan, the master pondered for a long time, and said: "Xiao Yuan, now your strength has reached such a level, there is a place you can go and see."

  "Oh, where?"

  "Shrek Academy!"

  "Shrek Academy?" Lu Yuan pretended not to know.

  "Shrek Academy, an academy that only accepts monsters, was founded by an old friend of mine, I think you should be interested!" said the master.

  "Academy that only accepts monsters, it's interesting! I'll go and see it when I have time." Lu Yuan smiled.

  Of course he was interested in Shrek Academy. How could he break the Shrek Seven Monsters without joining Shrek Academy.

  This is one of the few things he wants to do.

  "Shrek Academy is in Soto City! You should know where Soto City is?" the master asked.

  Lu Yuan nodded, he naturally knew Soto City, the granary in the province of Fasno!

  Tang San suffered some minor injuries, and Lu Yuan didn't stay too much. After chatting for a while, he returned to his small courtyard.

  After a while, I don't know what the senior sister is doing!

  Back to his own small courtyard, it is still so empty.

  Felos didn't know where he was going, only Hu Liena was lying on the stone table playing with her fingers boringly.

  "Senior Sister!" Lu Yuan whispered.

  "Junior Brother, you are back!" Hearing Lu Yuan's voice, Hu Liena's figure immediately rose up, with a joyful smile on her face, took a few steps forward and took Lu Yuan's arm.

  "Wait!" Lu Yuan touched Hu Liena's pretty face, with a gentle smile on his face.

  "Fortunately!" Hu Liena smiled sweetly.

  In this strange place, without Lu Yuan with him, it must be uncomfortable for Hu Liena to wait alone, but Hu Liena didn't like to tell Lu Yuan these things.

  Every time he faced Lu Yuan, Hu Liena showed a smile.

  Lu Yuan knew it naturally, but he didn't say it either, but he couldn't help but love Hu Liena even more in his heart.

  "Let's go, Sister, how about taking you to Notting City today?" Lu Yuan said.

  "Okay!" Hu Liena said with a soft smile.

  Holding Hu Liena's jade hand, the two strolled around Notting City.

  Although both of them have top-notch looks, they will inevitably attract the attention of others, but there is no such bloody thing as a dude blocking the way and molesting them.

  Wandering around Notting City beautifully, buying Hu Liena some specialties in Notting City, and taking Hu Liena to eat Notting City snacks, time passed quickly.

  It was getting dark, and Lu Yuan took Hu Liena back to Notting College.

  Had dinner,

In the ambiguous eyes of Felos, the two entered the room.

  Speaking of Douluo Continent, it is a bit bad. There are no entertainment tools. After dark, there is nothing to entertain. You can only go to bed early.

  In order to avoid Hu Liena's boredom, Lu Yuan did not meditate early.

  After chatting with Hu Liena, the sky was completely dimmed. It was about nine o'clock before he started to meditate.

  Hu Liena was lying on the bed, looking at Lu Yuan with her beautiful eyes unblinking.

  The dawn has begun, and another day has passed.

  After returning to Notting City, Lu Yuan felt relaxed. In addition to the necessary homework every day, he took Hu Liena to stroll around Notting City. After a few days, the whole Notting City was visited by them. Up.

  On this day, Lu Yuan and Hu Liena had just finished their lunch.

  Of course it was Lu Yuan's cook.

  In fact, after coming back for the past few days, Lu Yuan was cooking every day, while Hu Liena was in charge of washing the dishes. The pairing of the two was quite harmonious.

  But happy days are always short.

  On this day, Lu Yuan and Hu Liena were just not far from the Notting College campus when they were stopped by Golden Crocodile Douluo.

  "Grandpa Golden Crocodile!" Seeing Golden Crocodile Douluo, Lu Yuan was a little strange. Why did Golden Crocodile Douluo suddenly appear today without seeing a figure for several days.

  "Something happened, it seems that your trip has ended here. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Golden Crocodile Douluo said lightly.

  "What happened, Grandpa Jin Crocodile?" Lu Yuan asked.

  Hu Liena on the side also cast doubtful eyes on Golden Crocodile Douluo.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo flipped his palm, and a letter appeared in his hand and handed it to Lu Yuan, saying, "This is a letter under the crown of the Pope. You can understand it when you read it."

  Lu Yuan was curious and took the letter. Look, there are four beautiful fonts on the envelope, "Lu Yuan!"

  After opening the envelope, he took out the letter Lu Yuan and studied it carefully. Hu Liena leaned her head and looked at it carefully.

  "Grandpa Jin Crocodile, is what the teacher's letter says is true?" Lu Yuan asked curiously.

  "The source of the news from the spies from the Star Luo Empire is absolutely reliable!"

  Golden Crocodile Douluo also looked serious.

  Lu Yuan lightly nodded his chin, and said, "If that's the case, then this trip to the Star Luo Empire is a must, and this fight must be fierce."

  "Yes!" Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded, with the news. After the spread, there are definitely not a few people who want to get a share of the pie. It may be really difficult to get the last thing!

Chapter 97: Ancient Ruins

  "Ding, the sign-in task is triggered, the sign-in location, the Star Luo Empire Life Temple, the sign-in time is three months, and the sign-in reward is unknown!" When Lu Yuan opened the letter, the system's voice sounded in Lu Yuan's mind, silent After so long, does the system have sign-in tasks again?

  However, Lu Yuan was more surprised. The last time he signed in to the Pope's Palace, he was given the second Martial Spirit Killing Spear. This weapon is so powerful that it absolutely overwhelms all Martial Spirits in the world, even now Lu Yuan. I don't dare to touch it, so what good things will come for this second sign-in?

  Lu Yuan was looking forward to it.

  "This time, the ancient ruins have reappeared, and they are still in the Star Luo Empire, which will definitely arouse the coveting of many forces!" Golden Crocodile Douluo said.

  Lu Yuan nodded. The ancient ruins must be valuable treasures, and might even have something to do with the Supreme God.

  And Lu Yuan knows more. From the system's sign-in task, it's not difficult to speculate that this so-called relic is left by the goddess of life. It's hard to say whether there is a god's heritage, but there must be some earth-shattering treasure, otherwise the system The urinary sex, this obviously has nothing to do with the original plot will not trigger the check-in task at all.

  Since there is a task, it means that this temple of life may be quite important to Lu Yuan.

  "The teacher's letter said that this time the ancient ruins seem to be a little different. Some restrictions are imposed on the age of entry. It seems that entry is only allowed under 20 years old. The teacher meant that I should go with my senior sister. Take care!" Lu Yuan said.

  "Am I going with you?" Hu Liena asked in surprise.

  Lu Yuan handed the letter to Hu Liena and said, "Sister, I didn't see it clearly just now, so please take a look!"

  Hu Liena took the letter and read it carefully. As expected, in Bibi Dong's letter, he named Lu Yuan. And Hu Liena went to this ancient relic, so they could take care of each other.

  "Under the age of twenty, there may be a soul sect level existence!" Lu Yuan said with a serious face.

  Hu Liena nodded. Under the age of twenty, if she was good enough, it might not be difficult to reach the Soul Sect level.

  The existence of the soul sect level, even the current Lu Yuan must be prepared, after all, although Lu Yuan's martial soul bloodline is strong, after all, he is only a 28th-level great soul master, dealing with ordinary soul sects, such as Philos, is simple. But being able to break through the Soul Sect under the age of twenty is also a genius.

  And the genius is naturally stronger than the average soul sect.

  But now Hu Liena is also at level 38, and with him, even if he is dealing with the same number of soul sects, there is no need to panic, it is really possible to get the last thing.

  As for whether there will be a soul king level, Lu Yuan decisively suppressed this idea. Except for Qian Renxue and the drug-riding Shrek Seven Devils in the original work, only the Golden Generation of Soul Palace could be able to Reach the rank of soul king.

  Lu Yuan didn't believe that the Star Luo Empire would have such a strong person.

  Even if it is Dai Mubai's eldest brother, the guy named Davis, it's impossible. Judging from the level in the original work, Davis should be at the forty-eighth level when he was playing against Dai Mubai, which is better than Dai Mu. Bai was seven years older, and Dai Mubai was seventeen years old at that time, so Davis should be twenty-four years old.

  Dai Mubai is three years older than Lu Yuan. He is now twelve. I don't know if he has entered Shrek Academy, but his spirit power level is at most equal to Lu Yuan's current level, so it can be calculated that Davis' age should be. At the age of nineteen, the Soul Sect is the most powerful, maybe not yet.

  Davis, as the prince of the Star Luo Empire, had good talents and resources. If he hadn't even reached the Soul Sect, then it was unlikely that the Star Luo Empire would appear.

  On the contrary, he and Hu Liena are much more likely to obtain relic items.

  "Will Tiandou Empire send someone there?" Hu Liena asked.

  According to the distribution of spirit masters in the world, the upper three sects are all in the Heaven Dou Empire. At the top titled Douluo level, the Star Luo Empire should be inferior to the Heaven Dou Empire. It is precisely because of the Seven Treasures of the Upper Three Sects. With the support of the Liuli Sect and the maintenance of the Spirit Hall, the Heaven Dou Empire can maintain the current situation with the Star Luo Empire.

  Compared with the strength of the country, the Star Luo Empire is much stronger than the Heaven Dou Empire.

  But if it is stronger than the soul master, perhaps Tian Dou is slightly better.

  In the original book, Tiandou Empire not only has the Tiandou Royal Team, although it has become a stepping stone for the Shrek Seven Devils all the way, it has to be said that it is still relatively strong.

  At least it's not much weaker than Xingluo Royal Team.

Moreover, the Heaven Dou Empire is still the Four Element Academy, and the strength is equally strong.

  If the Heaven Dou Empire sent people to participate, it would also increase the intensity of the competition.

  "Should not!" Lu Yuan shook his head.

  Unlike the Spirit Hall, the power of the Spirit Hall spreads across the two empires at the same time, so the Star Luo Empire cannot obstruct the people from the Spirit Hall. However, the Heaven Dou Empire is different. The two empires are not fighting each other in a day or two. , It is almost impossible to get along with each other in harmony, so it is even more difficult for the Heaven Dou Empire to intervene and share a piece of the pie.

  Lu Yuan said his thoughts.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded and agreed.

  After listening to Lu Yuan's thoughts, Hu Liena also applauded and asked, "Junior, when shall we leave?"

  " Let's leave tomorrow. If I guess right, there may be a time limit for the appearance of this ruin." After the three-month time limit given by his system, Lu Yuan made some guesses again. UU reading www.uukanshu.com,

  after all, there is almost no movement in his system, and as long as there is movement, every time is necessary.

  Hearing this, Hu Liena nodded. Regarding Lu Yuan's judgment, she immediately chose to believe it. Perhaps, love is really blind.

  Now that the decision had been made, Lu Yuan didn't hesitate anymore. He was the kind of person who would do it as soon as he knew it, no matter what it was.

  He liked Qian Renxue, so he didn't conceal his thoughts, and secretly covered Qian Renxue with a chapter to let Qian Renxue understand his intentions.

  I realized that I might like Hu Liena, and no longer concealed my thoughts, and decisively accepted Hu Liena.

  The same is true of this matter, the temple of life, the relics left by the goddess of life, it is naturally impossible for him not to be interested.

  Moreover, he naturally has to do the sign-in task of the system. After all, the first sign-in task was given to the super weapon spirit of Killing Gun, and the second sign-in task may also give out something against the sky. maybe.

  The best thing is to explode a good thing that can boost mental power, so that he can use the sharpshooter as soon as possible. After all, who knows that he has the most powerful martial arts in the world, but he can't use it, otherwise he will hurt himself. Body, this feeling is always bad.

Chapter 98 Bishop Osfer

  After coming back a few days and leaving, Lu Yuan naturally felt a little bit reluctant, but after all, big things mattered.

  For Lu Yuan's move to leave, Felos also expressed his understanding. After all, the strength of the Douluo Continent is supreme, and with strength, he has the right to speak. He, who has been more than sixty, can see clearly than anyone.

  So even though he didn't want to leave Lu Yuan so quickly, Felos still chose to support him, but he kept telling Lu Yuan to pay attention to safety.

  Lu Yuan was naturally moved by the care of Fellows. He promised Fellows that he would take good care of himself and Hu Liena, as long as he had time, he would come back to see him.

  After bidding farewell to Felos, the group of three got into the carriage again and headed to the Star Luo Empire.

  Notting City is at the junction of the Star Luo Empire and the Sky Dou Empire, which is actually quite close to the Star Luo Empire.

  But this time, the place where the Temple of Life was born was a small city not far from Xingluo City, Moriyue City, so Lu Yuan and others still need a certain amount of time to arrive.

  "Grandpa Golden Crocodile, if I remember correctly, Moriyue City should be not far from Star Luo City, it is the territory of Duke Zhu Family of Star Luo Empire!" Lu Yuan asked Golden Crocodile Douluo while sitting in the carriage.

  "Yeah!" Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded, and the voice came from outside the carriage, and said: "This time the ruins were first discovered by the Zhu family. At that time, the Zhu family was still thinking about monopolizing, but it was later called Qin by another of the Star Luo Empire. Zong's forces discovered that they stabbed it out, so the entire Xingluo Empire knew about it."

  "Our spies in Xingluo sent the news back to the Spirit Hall."

  "It is precisely because of our Spirit Palace. Strongly demanded that the Xingluo Empire was forced to open the ruins to the entire Xingluo sects and soul masters, and only then did this action take place."

  Lu Yuan nodded, if there is not a powerful force to press and pressure, like the ancient ruins. How could the Star Luo Empire open to the outside world?

  "If I'm not mistaken, the Zhu family may have tried to explore the ruins before the news came out, and after the news came out, the Star Luo Empire royal family must have already explored them, otherwise they wouldn't be twenty years old. I think that this news may have been piled up with human lives," Lu Yuan said.

  "That's right!" Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded, and said: "There is really nothing to hide from you."

  "According to the news reported by the spies, all those over twenty years old who entered the ruins died on the spot. Although those under ten years old didn't get anything, they returned safely."

  Hu Liena on the side looked at Lu Yuan with little stars in her eyes.

  The appearance of the younger brother just now is so attractive, as if the whole person is radiating light, ah, the girl's heart of the old lady!

  Such a younger brother, love, love!

  Naturally, Lu Yuan didn't notice the look in Hu Liena's eyes. At this moment, he was still analyzing, "Deaths over the age of twenty may be caused by touching some restrictions. Maybe there is a means to detect bone age at the entrance of the ruins. The 20-year-old was wiped out on the spot, and the safe return under the 20-year-old, maybe..."

  "Maybe what?" Hu Liena asked.

  "Perhaps the ruins are not dangerous, or even if they die in the ruins, they may be resurrected in the outside world." Lu Yuan said, Jin Crocodile Douluo and Hu Liena were both surprised.

  "This is impossible!" Golden Crocodile Douluo asked.

  "That's not necessarily!" Lu Yuan smiled faintly. He knew that it was the remains of the Goddess of Life. The Goddess of Life was the most kind and respectful of life. Naturally, her ruins could not be too dangerous to those who entered the ruins. Experiencers may not take their lives.

  As for those who are over twenty years old and die on the spot as soon as they enter, Lu Yuan suspects that it is not the means of the Goddess of Life. It is very likely that someone placed a ban to prevent someone who does not meet the requirements of the Goddess of Life from forcibly entering, just to avoid certain These old immortals rely on their age advantage to oppress everyone, but lose the significance of relic selection.

  As for who imposed this restriction, Lu Yuan also wondered a little. After all, the Goddess of Life is not single. She also has a husband called Destruction. With this temperament, it is normal to ban and kill a few people.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo was silent. Although Lu Yuan said something absurd, Golden Crocodile Douluo had a feeling. Perhaps Lu Yuan might not have made a mistake.

  Hu Liena did not express any opinions. Although she also felt that Lu Yuan's remarks were a bit surprising, since it was Lu Yuan, Hu Liena thought it must be reasonable. After all, Lu Yuan was never an aimless person.

  Hu Liena loves Lu Yuan, very much. When it comes to understanding Lu Yuan, it is true that no one knows better than her, not even Qian Renxue.

  After all, they have been in bed for three years. After knowing that they might have fallen in love with Lu Yuan,

In addition to cultivating spirit power, Hu Liena spent the rest of her time on Lu Yuan.

  Concerned about Lu Yuan's hobbies and analyzing Lu Yuan's personality, Hu Liena remembered almost everything Lu Yuan showed.

  Therefore, since Lu Yuan is affirmative, Hu Liena will naturally support it.

  "Junior Brother, I believe you!" Hu Liena grabbed Lu Yuan's hand, her eyes firm.

  Seeing Hu Liena's smile, Lu Yuan smiled slightly, kissed Hu Liena's red lips lightly, and hugged Hu Liena into his arms.

  Among other things, Hu Liena's unreserved trust in him really moved him.

  Lying in Lu Yuan's arms, Hu Liena's face showed a happy smile.

  For her, no matter what dangers or opportunities there are in the ruins, she doesn't care, as long as she can be with her junior brother, she is very happy.


  Riding in a carriage, especially a long-distance carriage, is also very tiring.

  Half a month has passed since Lu Yuan and the others set off from Notting City to Xingluo City. UU reading www. For

  half a month, Lu Yuan and others ate and slept . In order to hurry, sometimes they started to drive before dawn. After half a month, even with Lu Yuan's body, he couldn't help feeling a little tired.

  Not to mention Hu Liena, she is sleeping soundly in Lu Yuan's arms now!

  Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

  "Why did you stop, Grandpa Jin Crocodile?" Lu Yuan asked.

  "It's already outside Star Luo City, and Platinum Bishop Osfer also came to greet him personally, Xiaoyuan, would you like to see you?" Jin Crocodile Douluo said.

  Lu Yuan shook his head, and said, "No, my identity cannot be revealed yet. There are so many people here. Let's go directly to the Star Luo Martial Spirit Temple. Let's talk about it when we get there."

  His identity is more sensitive. , Otherwise it will have a bad influence on some of his subsequent actions.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded.

  As for Osfer to greet him personally, whether he would be angry without seeing anyone, Golden Crocodile Douluo didn't bother to care.

  They have one worship hall, two worship, and two pope disciples. They don't have to be a platinum bishop much higher?

Chapter 99: Gathering in Senyue City

  Golden Crocodile Douluo drove the carriage into Star Luo City.

  Platinum Bishop Osfer greeted him personally, which made Lu Yuan and others particularly noticeable.

  Even through the carriage, Lu Yuan could still feel the constant glances of someone, which made Lu Yuan frown.

  According to his idea, it is best to keep a low profile.

  This Osfer will really cause trouble.

  Hu Liena also woke up a long time ago, but still lying in Lu Yuan's arms.

  "Junior Brother, are we in Xingluo City?" Hu Liena blinked her beautiful big eyes.

  Lu Yuan nodded, and said, "Here, I have encountered some trouble."

  "What is the trouble?" Hu Liena asked curiously.

  "Platinum Bishop Osfer of Xingluo Temple held such a grand welcome ceremony, so many people outside watched, our identity may be exposed." Lu Yuan said.

  "It turned out to be this, don't worry!" Hu Liena turned her beautiful eyes.

  "Oh, is it possible that you can't do it, Senior Sister?" Lu Yuan asked.

  Hu Liena showed a faint smile, the necklace in her arms shone with white light, and two things appeared in her hands.

  "Junior Brother, look, what is this?" Hu Liena waved the things in her hand, with an excited smile on her face.

  "Mask, Sister, do you still have this thing?" Lu Yuan's sharp eyes saw it turned out to be two masks.

  "I saw them once when I was visiting Wuhun City. I thought they were very delicate, so I bought them. I didn't expect them to come in handy today." Hu Liena smiled sweetly.

  "Sister, you have been a great help. With this mask, my identity will not be revealed." Lu Yuan smiled.

  "I have helped so much, are there any rewards?" Hu Liena said spoiledly.

  "Then what reward do you want?" Lu Yuan smiled.

  "No!" Hu Liena pointed to her red lips!

  Lu Yuan smiled faintly, leaned over, and kissed Hu Liena's red lips.

  After a while, Lu Yuan raised his head and said with a smile: "That's all right!"

  Hu Liena blinked her beautiful eyes with a soft voice, "Not enough!"

  Lu Yuan shook his head helplessly, and then leaned over again.

  "Woo!" This time, it lasted a long time.

  "Oh!" Hearing the movement in the carriage, Golden Crocodile Douluo sighed and cursed in his heart that the damn little vixen would seduce Xiaoyuan, Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, your future husband-in-law was about to be hooked away. Grandpa Jin Crocodile, sorry for you!

  Thinking about it, Golden Crocodile Douluo sighed again.


  Wuhun Temple!

  Osfer looked respectful, not only to Hu Liena and Lu Yuan, two pope disciples, but also to Golden Crocodile Douluo.

  A level ninety peak Douluo was no different from the legend for the Star Luo Empire.

  Because even the royal consecration of the Star Luo Empire, its strongest is only at level 96, which is the ancestor of the current Star Luo royal family.

  The Star Luo Empire may be much stronger than the Heaven Dou Empire in the military, but compared to the elites of the Soul Master, it is worse than the Heaven Dou Empire.

  Of course Osfer was so respectful to the Golden Crocodile. In addition to his own strength, he also respected the status of Golden Crocodile Douluo's worship hall.

  Of course, Osfer did not dare to neglect Lu Yuan and Hu Liena. After all, although he is a platinum bishop, Hu Liena and Lu Yuan are disciples of the Pope, and they are likely to be new sons or saints in the future. Osford, who is so sophisticated, will naturally not neglect.

  We must know that there are four platinum bishops in Wuhun Hall, of which Osfer and Salas are stationed in the capital of the Star Luo Empire, the capital of the Star Luo Empire, and the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, the capital of Sky Dou.

  The strength of the four platinum bishops is at level nineteen, and their status in Wuhun Hall is second only to the pope and the elders, and their status is relatively lofty.

  However, the four platinum bishops are all older, and it is basically impossible to break through the Title Douluo level. If a person has no possibility of growth in strength, then he will seek other substitutes, and Salas and People like Osfer chose power.

  Once the Golden Crocodile Douluo was dissatisfied, or Lu Yuan and Hu Liena expressed dissatisfaction in front of Bibi Dong, then Osford might lose his current status as the Platinum Bishop.

  This is unacceptable to Osfer, whose heart has long been corroded by rights.

  Therefore, for Lu Yuan and the others, they didn't give face and got off the car to meet, but went directly to the Wuhun Temple. Osfer would not have the slightest opinion, nor did he dare to have any opinion.

  Wearing a mask, Lu Yuan walked into the Temple of Souls under the crowd of crowds in the Temple of Souls.

  "Bishop Osford, I don't know how Moriyue City is now?" Entering the Martial Spirit Temple, Lu Yuan ignored Osfer's hospitality, but went straight to the subject.

  Lu Yuan and others rushed from Notting City to Xingluo City. It took more than half a month. The news they got was half a month ago, and it was already inaccurate. Osver, as the highest leader of Wuhun Temple in Xingluo City , The situation of Mori Yuecheng should be more clear.

  "Master Yuan, according to the news from the temple spies, the various forces in Moriyue City are gathering now, and the situation is already very tense. Not only are people from the Star Luo Empire royal family, but also from the Nether Duke Zhu's family, and in addition, there are Xu Family, Qin Zong and Feng Jianzong participated in the next four sects." Platinum Bishop Osfer said.

  "Oh!" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, and said: "Then the major forces have agreed on the time to enter? The number of places to enter? I think it is time for all forces to compete with each other."

  "Yes!" Oss Fu said, "Originally, the Xingluo imperial family had come to urge me several times to make a decision to discuss time and quotas, but the second worshiper Heyuan Gongzi and others have not arrived, and the old man dare not make any claims!"

  "You did a good job!" Golden Crocodile Douluo spoke lightly.

  "UU reading www.uukahnshu.com, thank you for your admiration, this is what the subordinates should do." Osfer said.

  "If this is the case, then you should discuss with the Xingluo imperial family and set the opening time in three days. Each faction cannot enter more than two people!" Lu Yuan muttered for a while and said.

  Osfer's eyes turned towards Golden Crocodile Douluo.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo frowned, and said, "Just do

  what Xiaoyuan said !" "Okay, the subordinates will immediately send someone to contact the Star Luo Royal Family!" Osver said quickly.

  Lu Yuan nodded and cast a look at Golden Crocodile Douluo.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo knew it, and said, "Since the matter has been settled, then that's it. You don't have to do the welcome ceremony. We don't like the excitement. Let's send someone to take us to rest. We are on the road for days and we are a little tired. Now."

  "Yes!" Osfer said.


  Xingluo Wuhun Temple, in a room.

  With his hands on his back, Lu Yuan looked into the distance. The mask on his face had already receded, revealing a face that exuded a high-cold temperament like an immortal.

Chapter 100 Emperor Xingluo Dai Tianfeng

  "Junior Brother!" Hu Liena hugged Lu Yuan from behind, pressing her pretty face against Lu Yuan's back.

  Although Lu Yuan is only nine years old now, his height has completely caught up with Hu Liena, even slightly taller, and the two stand together quite well.

  "What are you thinking about?" Hu Liena asked softly.

  Lu Yuan put his palm on Hu Liena's bare hand that hugs his waist, and whispered softly: "It's nothing, just thinking about the ruins trip in three days."

  "Oh!" Hu Liena responded.

  Lu Yuan pulled Hu Liena around his jade hand, turned around, and put Hu Liena in his arms, and said: "Senior Sister, three days later, when you explore the ruins, no one knows what will happen or what danger is inside. Stay with me in a good time and don't leave."

  "Senior brother, are you underestimating Senior Sister? Senior Sister I am also very good!" Hu Liena waved her pink fist and said in a demonstration.

  "Yes, yes, Sister, you are the best!" Lu Yuan said, squeezing Hu Liena's nose, "The ruins three days later are not simple, and there are various forces. Although you and I are outstanding among our peers, After all, the age is still young. For those nineteen-year-old soul masters, age defects may turn into inferior soul power."

  "Yeah!" Hu Liena nodded gently.

  "However, as long as we cooperate with each other, no matter how difficult the opponent is, we can't help. Sister, your charm ability can attack mentally, and my golden dragon is invincible, I don't think there will be a better combination than us. "

  So, we must take care of each other!" Lu Yuan smiled.

  "Hmm!" Hu Liena lightly nodded her head.

  He hugged Lu Yuan's waist tightly with both hands, nestled in Lu Yuan's arms.

  Lu Yuan stroked Hu Liena's hair with a serious and firm expression. No matter what he would encounter in the remains of the Goddess of Life three days later, he would do his best to protect Hu Liena.

  Nothing else, because Hu Liena is his woman, nothing more.



  The sun is shining brightly, but the small Moriyue City is full of representatives of the major forces.

  Each power brought one or two young people, thinking it should be the more top-notch genius in the power or the sect.

  Lu Yuan was wearing a mask, and next to him was Hu Liena, who was also wearing a mask.

  Hu Liena, who is only fourteen years old now, is extremely slick. Although she is wearing a mask, her figure is already quite attractive. Not far away, there are always hot eyes from young men.

  Feeling those hot gazes, Lu Yuan frowned slightly, took a step forward, and the aura that belonged to the golden dragon emerged on his body, and moved toward the oppression of those youths.

  Although Lu Yuan is only a twentieth-level great soul master, he is not inferior to the soul sect under the blessing of bloodline and cultivation technique soul power. Those young people with the highest strength are only the primary soul masters, and they are pressured by Lu Yuan's breath. , All of them withdrew their eyes angrily.

  Hu Liena on the side looked at Lu Yuan's jealous performance and couldn't help but chuckle.

  "Still laughing, what's so funny?" Lu Yuan rolled his eyes.

  "Hehe, Junior Brother, you are actually jealous. This is the first time Senior Sister has seen you jealous!" Hu Liena chuckled.

  Lu Yuan glanced at her without speaking.

  Seeing Lu Yuan's silence, Hu Liena smiled more happily

  , leaning to Lu Yuan's ear, and whispered: " Junior Brother , do you know? I was so happy just now!" Hu Liena's bright eyes were smiling.

  Lu Yuan remained silent, but firmly grasped Hu Liena's jade hand.

  Hu Liena felt sweet in her heart and allowed Lu Yuan to hold her bare hand.

  On this side, Lu Yuan and Hu Liena were flirting, on the other side, a group of people came.

  The first thing that caught your eye was a white tiger banner, which was exclusive to the Xingluo royal family.

  Just as the royal family of the Tiandou Empire used swan flags for entry and exit, the white tiger flag was undoubtedly synonymous with the Xingluo royal family.

  And in this Moriyue City, where many forces converge, the only one who dared to come in so swaggeringly was the contemporary emperor of the Star Luo Empire, the White Tiger Douluo Dai Tianfeng.

  Dai Tianfeng was not only the emperor of the Xingluo Empire, but also one of the few titled Douluos in the Xingluo Empire, the title of White Tiger.

  It is a titled Douluo of level ninety-four.

  And the strongest of the Star Luo Empire was naturally the previous White Tiger Douluo, that is, the father of the Xing Luo Emperor, Dai Tianlin, a level 96 Super Douluo, and also the background of the Star Luo imperial family.

  "Dai Tianfeng!" Lu Yuan whispered as he looked at Dai Tianfeng, who was wearing a crown and a body of iron and blood.

  "This Dai Tianfeng still has some means!" Golden Crocodile Douluo said: "The strength of the Star Luo Empire is much stronger than that of the Heaven Dou Empire. If it weren't for the support of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, the strength of the Heaven Dou Empire would not be able to compete with the stars. The Luo Empire contends, and for our Soul Palace, the Star Luo Empire will be our future enemy."

  Golden Crocodile Douluo's voice was not loud, but it accurately spread to the ears of Lu Yuan, Hu Liena and others. In addition, under the spirit field emitted by Golden Crocodile Douluo, other people could not hear the words of Lu Yuan and others at all.

  "Kill him sooner or later!" Lu Yuan stared at Dai Tianfeng's figure in the distance.

  Seeing Lu Yuan's confident look, Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded in satisfaction.

  His disciple is far superior to ordinary people in terms of talent and wisdom, and his future achievements will definitely be above him. With him assisting Qian Renxue, it will not be difficult to unify the mainland in the future.

  "However, that's the future. What you have to do now is to practice hard!" Although he was very satisfied with Lu Yuan, Golden Crocodile Douluo still had to remind Lu Yuan.

  "That's natural!" Lu Yuan nodded lightly. Although he was a little arrogant, he was not like Guan Yu in the Three Kingdoms. He understood his strength and what he wanted to do at this stage. He would definitely not be too ambitious. .

  Under the eyes of everyone, Dai Tianfeng boarded the high platform prepared in advance!

  "Dear citizens of the Star Luo Empire, everyone, I am Dai Tianfeng!" Dai Tianfeng's voice came, generous and atmospheric.

  As the father of Davis and Dai Mubai, Dai Tianfeng was a level ninety-four titled Douluo, he was much better than the Xueye Great Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, no matter in strength or skill.

  "I think everyone is here for the ancient ruins that appeared in Moriyue City, so I won't say much nonsense. Here I will talk about the ancient ruins."

  "After discussion with Bishop Osfer, Sect Master of Wind Sword Sect, Duke of Netherworld, Sect Master of Qin Sect, etc., we have conducted certain regulations and restrictions on the entry of personnel from various forces."

  "Each force has the most. Only two soul masters can be sent to enter, and the soul masters who enter should be under twenty years old. In the ruins, the forces must not kill each other, and the forces..."