
Zee and Wendy Sitting On A Tree

The night is still long and Hou Wei Yan didn't feel like sleeping yet. After freshening up in the shower, she walked out in her PJs with a towel in her hand. She slowly walked towards the study table in their room and sighed when she saw the books piled up in there. She finished reading all of it and she needs new books to explore. [ I need more books to read. ]

Once she was done drying her hair, she walked out of her room and goes down to meet Gu Man. The said butler just walked in of the Mansion after he finished patrolling the estate. "Uncle, can I enter the library?"

"Of course, Young Lady." he replied with a smile before walking towards her. "Let me guide you there."

Hou Wei Yan obediently and enthusiastically followed Gu Man. She loves books and they are the one obsession she can never let go. She heard from Gu Man that they have a library but she didn't have that much time to visit it because she spends her evening with her husband. If she ever wants to read a book, Gu Man usually grabs it for her. But tonight is different. She has plenty of time left before she should retire for the evening.

As soon as Gu Man stopped in front of a grandiose double door entrance, Hou Wei Yan immediately knew it was the door to her new favorite place inside the Mansion. The decoration of the door was intricately done and the main design was a beautiful tree filled with orchid-like patterns molded in prim perfection. She can't help but get mesmerized by its beauty and what awaits her inside hooked her instantly.

As soon as the door was pushed open, an opulent diamond chandelier greeted her warmly alongside the traditional mahogany-paneled study. The room was spacious and filled with lanes of tall bookshelves that serve as a backdrop for an art filled with classical books to historical ones. The room also features an antique desk, a flat-screen TV concealed behind faux book bindings, French Empire chairs flank an English Regency table, and a fireplace that gave the room a warm atmosphere. Behind the huge table was a French Door that directly connects it to the balcony overlooking the huge and lush landscape of the garden.

The space displaying in front of her extends far and wide and two stairs connected the ground floor to the second floor filled with wall bookshelves. The entire area made her jaw drop because she knew for herself that she would get lost if she isn't careful enough. Suddenly, she remembered the fantasy novels she read that mostly deals with magic and secrets. She slowly turned back towards Gu Man who was waiting for her to get inside. "Uhm, there's no forbidden section here, right?"

"Yes." he curtly replied before he took a bow and closed the door with a smile. "Please call for me if you need anything, Young Lady."

"Thank you, Uncle Gu." she mumbled as she slowly walked inside the enormous library with her eyes excitedly scanning the marvelous area.

Amidst her leisure walking, she suddenly took interest in the elegant Khotan rug spread beautifully on the floor. The city of Khotan (present-day Xinjiang, China) was located in Eastern Turkestan on the Silk Road, which was used by merchants and traders from China to Western Europe. Khotan rugs are characterized by Chinese details and Asian designs. Many Khotan carpet patterns were inspired by the mountains and items traded along the Silk Road, ranging from pomegranates to medallions to Buddhist and Asian motifs and Persian and Indian designs. What intently took her interest is the orchid patterns that adorn it and as she glanced up, the ceiling had golden orchid molded-plaster in it as well.

As she ventured further in, she saw a huge wall covered with a red curtain. Curious, she pulled the golden handle and it revealed a mural painting of a majestic tree. The branches of the tree had orchids in them and two children sat peacefully below it with a book in their hands. Parched in one of the branches is an oddly black and white-colored bird that piqued her interest. The painting was done beautifully and it obviously took plenty of time and consideration before it was finished.

She admired it for a long time before she decided to walk away and search for books she can read. As she went through the books, a familiar lineup made her eyes shine.

"Ohhh, it's my favorite series!" she mumbled as she grabbed hold of golden-colored books with a smile on her face. "Book 1, The Emperor's Pampered Wife...I finished the whole series...Should I read this one again?"

She looked at the other book beside it and decided to reread the entire series, starting with the first book in her hands. Afterward, she ventured further in and saw a lineup of fantasy-inspired novels. She grabbed hold of one and smirked when she read the prelude. "Lunar Glamour?....A celestial and a human... now that's new~"

As she continued searching for more books to read, she found herself back to the mural painting. She slowly crouched down when she saw a glittery book on the bottom shelf. Intrigued, she grabbed hold of it and noticed that it was an illustrated storybook.

"Cognizance of Time?" she mumbled as she traced the delicate handwritten title. A small signature LZWY was written beneath it making her think that it was the author of the book. She slowly flipped through the pages and immediately got enticed by the drawing. The artwork was similar to the one on the wall making her smile. "The illustrations look familiar...hmmm, orchid garden?"

She flips through it a few more times before she closed it and brought it to her room alongside the other. "This looks promising."

Hou Wei Yan walked out of the library, three books gently clasped in her hands. As soon as she walked out, Gu Man strode towards her with his butler demeanor. "Let me help you, Young Lady."

"No. It's okay." she gently said as she glanced at the books in her hands. "It's not heavy at all."

"Should I bring snacks to your room?" Gu Man asked once Hou Wei Yan got inside her bedchamber.

She smiled warmly at Gu Man as she nodded her head. "That would be lovely."

As soon as Gu Man left the room, she walked towards the veranda with the glittery book in her hands. She sat on the armchair before she slowly inhaled a breath of fresh air and began reading the storybook that captured her interest. The right page had a wonderful illustration of the majestic tree while on the left was the handwritten narrative of the story.

"In the heart of a forgotten mountain, believed to be the nest of Fairies and the place which the dragon protects, stood a mighty and majestic tree. Its branches were filled with orchids of different colors and types. The place was secluded and no human had ever stepped foot to marvel at its beauty for the place was protected and a strong enchantment was set to mislead travelers." she gently read, her eyes focused and captivated by the beautifully done art. "With a strong wish engraved in his heart, a young boy named Zee ventured out to the forgotten mountain and despite the many dangers lurking in his path, he never once faltered. His belief in the Fairies that resided in the mountain was so strong that the mountain itself made way for him. The path was opened up and the young child found himself in front of the Majestic tree with all the fairies smiling down on him."

She slowly flipped to the next page and saw the Majestic Tree with fairies smiling down on a raven-haired boy with eyes as gray metallic silver. "The fairies asked the child for his wish and the boy only blurted out one word—friend."

"The young child abandoned by the world and scoffed at by others wanted nothing but a friend to get him through the hardships he was facing. He wanted a friend who could listen to his problems and advise him when he needed it most. He wanted a friend who can accompany him, laugh with him, and comfort him as he cries." she was caught in the charm of the story and she sympathized with the young child. She then flipped through the next page and felt her heart jump when she saw a beautiful young child with chocolate brown hair and emerald green eyes engulfed by a golden light and surrounded by the fairies of the Majestic Tree.

She wasn't sure why she thinks of it, but the illustration of the young child looked like her when she was young. Although, unlike her who was quite a chubby baby, the child was petite and a beautiful smile adorned her face.

"With all power, they could muster, the Fairies created a little girl for the young child. Her hair was the color of the earth and her eyes were as beautiful as the leaves of the majestic tree. The boy thanked the fairies and named the child Wendy. The fairies accepted his thanks but his wish wasn't fully granted for young Wendy cannot leave the forgotten mountain. She who was born in the mountain shall remain in the mountain, that was their divine rule." she continued, now curious why the child looks like her.

"The kid felt dismayed but he thanked them still. It wasn't fully granted, but he received a friend nonetheless. From that day on, Zee would always visit the mountain whenever he had the time and play and talk with Wendy until the sun dies down." Hou Wei Yan read before she flipped through the next page and saw a teenaged Zee alongside Wendy who remains as the beautiful young child blessed by the fairies. "They remained as friends, and Zee shared all his burdens with Wendy. He had always thought that the time when he would be leaving Wendy would never ever come. But Zee was human and Wendy sadly isn't. Each time he visits, Zee's appearance gradually changes while Wendy remains the beautiful young child the fairies created. Despite this, Zee didn't mind the changes...but as he grew older, his mental toughness strengthened and his social circle grew the more he lives his life so, in due time, Zee no longer needed young Wendy."

She felt her heart clench when she learned that Zee who asked for Wendy eventually forgot about her. He wanted a friend and yet he abandoned his first-ever friend when he finally had plenty. [ Why would he do that!? How inhumane! That's sad! ]

Although pained by this sudden development, she continued on and flipped through the next page where the Forgotten mountain cleared a path once more…but instead of Zee, an old man entered the mountain. "Wendy waited for the young child who asked for her all the time. She watched him grow older and she was there for him whenever he has in trouble. Although not entirely human, Wendy still longed for her friend. It was not until a few years passed when the forgotten mountain opened up again and in came an old man with a crane in his hands and wrinkles all over his face. Without asking for his name, Wendy immediately knew it was the friend she was waiting for."

"But instead of a smile, Zee greeted Wendy in tears. All he could ever utter in front of the friend he abandoned is an apology. He wanted her to get angry, but the little child hugged him tightly instead. Her warmth made him remember all the time they had spent together. He thought it was his memories, but all of it belongs to Wendy." she read aloud with a pained expression on her face. Wendy waited for him and although the waiting was painful…she remained optimistic and viewed such misfortune as a blessing in disguise.

Wendy wasn't human but she learned how to be human by spending time with Zee. She didn't mind that she was left alone, she was just glad that she was of help to him and that she learned how to be human through him.

The next page showed Wendy with a huge smile on her face as she engulfed Zee in her embrace. The old man had tears on his face as Wendy gently comforted him under the bask of the sun. "Wendy showed him that she was utterly happy when he was with her and even as he left, she never felt unhappy because she knew this day would come. She just thanked Zee for letting her watch over him as he grows and thanked him for all the memories he shared with her. Wendy was happy that she got to spend plenty of time with him until the end of his time."

"The forgotten mountain was enchanted and no one could go through...except those children who needed little Wendy, the young guardian of Orchid Garden." she finished with a sad smile on her face.

She wasn't sure whether she would be glad that Zee ended up dead. But she guessed that it wasn't an unfortunate death because in the end—Wendy forgave him and he died smiling in the hands of his friend. He must have died in relief and Wendy found it in herself to help those who need her without expecting anything in return.

She stared at the last picture of the Majestic Tree where Wendy stood there glancing at the crystal blue sky. She slowly closed the book and stood up but as she did so, a picture fell out of the book. Her hands trembled when she picked it up because she saw that it was a picture of her and Han Yu Shou alongside four other children. "Yu Shou and me?"

Hou Wei Yan felt her heart palpitate in nervousness before she flips the picture and a handwritten note that she read aloud.

"Moron5 and Me?" she carefully read before she flipped it once more and carefully inspected the picture. All six of them had huge smiles on their faces but aside from Han Yu Shou, she couldn't remember the others. [ This is certainly my handwriting. But I can't entirely remember who they are nor why I wrote this. ]

"Who are they? They look familiar but I can't name them." she mumbled as she walked towards her bed and carefully thought back to her childhood. She liked playing around but she was mostly with her cousins, Xie Na and Han Yu Shou. The boys she knows when she was young were minimal because of her overprotective male cousins who always pounce at those trying to get close to her. So she wasn't sure how she was acquainted with them and more importantly—how did it end up in the book in her husband's estate!? "Hmm? Why is this even here?"

She slowly looked out the window and suddenly remembered that her husband stayed in the Hou Estate during their wedding. [ If I remember, he stayed in my room after the wedding. Did he get it there? Do I even have this picture there? ]

Before she could delve deeper into her thoughts, a knock was heard on the door causing her to abruptly hid the picture back in the book. "Young Lady, I brought the snacks."

She walked back to the veranda and inserted the book into the other books on the table. "Come in, Uncle!"

Gu Man placed a generous amount of snacks on the table while Hou Wei Yan curiously observed his movements. Unable to take it in, she decided to inquire and solve the mystery of the photo. "Uncle, did Grandfather give something to my husband?"

"By something, you mean gifts?" he asked curiously. [ Why would she suddenly ask? ]

"Mementos" she mumbled seriously. After mumbling this, Hou Tian Lang's smiling image suddenly crossed her mind making her flinch. Right, her grandfather is quite iconic with his weird obsession with showing off her childhood pictures. "Did he give something to my husband? Any of the sort?"

Gu Man smiled when she said this before he chuckled in remembrance of Grand Elder Hou's strange obsession. "He gave Young Master some of your baby pictures. Why did you ask, Young Lady?"

"He likes doing...wait...he what?!"

She looked at him, her mouth agape, and her mind momentarily frozen. Gu Man chuckled at her reaction before he continued retelling what Grandfather Hou did after the wedding. "He gave some of your baby pictures to Young Master."

Once she heard this, Hou Wei Yan face-palmed before she sighed. She should have already expected this considering how he always wanted to have a Grandson-in-law! "I look hideous when I was young. Why did he give it to my husband?"

"Young Master said you look adorable." Gu Man muttered honestly. His young master had a collection of her baby picture and it was all thanks to Hou Tian Lang's generosity. He treasures the album filled with Hou Wei Yan's baby pictures to a degree that he kept it tightly locked in a vault.

"Did you see it too, Uncle?" she asked quite worriedly. Her Grandparents and her mother like taking pictures of her when she was young. They captured different photographs from various angles and they all kept it even though it looked hideous at a certain angle. [ What if grandfather ended up giving him the worst ones?! ]

"Grand Elder Hou proudly showed it to me." he replied with a smile. Noticing that her shoulders slumped in worry after hearing this, Gu Man patted her back. "Don't worry, Young Lady. You were indeed adorable when you were young."

"But I will worry," she grumbled as she began thinking of the images that her husband probably possess. She often played in the mud and climbed trees, what if he received those instead of her decent ones while she was playing piano!? [ What will my husband really think of me? ]

Noticing her little inner monologue, Gu Man thought it was better to leave her alone for the moment. He bowed down politely towards her before he slowly walked out of the room. "I will be leaving then."

"Thank you, Uncle." she mumbled before the door closed and left her alone once more. Once Gu Man was out, she grabbed 'Cognizance of Time' before she pulled out the photo and took a picture of it. Once done, she returned it to its rightful place as she reread the storybook once more.


"Wei Wei!" a young voice called out making her glance down from the tall tree situated in the middle of a flowery meadow. "Come down!"

She looked at the young child who looked like Zee from the storybook she read earlier. He was calling out her name so she wasn't sure if he was Zee or not.

"Who are you?!" she tried to ask but no voice came out of her mouth. Instead, different words came flooding out and her voice sounded so young. "The sky is beautiful today as well! Why don't you join me up here?"

"If we both stay there, the tree would break." the young boy said with seriousness in his face and voice.

The young her frowned at what he said and she could guess why. "But I'm not that fat!"

"But I'm masculine!" the boy immediately replied making the young her chuckle at his response.

'Pfft' she let out before she slowly slides down the tree and approached the young boy who looked at her with surprise all over his face. "You're really something now."

"You're handsome, intelligent, talented, and masculine...Aren't you too perfect?" she mumbled as she walked closer and closer to him. The boy remained rooted on the ground while her young self smiled widely at his appearance. "Bro---"

A sudden light blinded her sight before she could even hear the continuation of the child's name. As she opened her eyes, the sun greeted her warmly and reminded her that today is the fourth day of her husband's trip...and she was missing him badly.

Four More Chapters till the end of Volume One. Stay tuned for more chapters. Also, don’t forget to leave a comment and vote if you like the story thus far. Happy Reading Everyone!

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