
The Emperor's Face

In a world where magic reigns supreme and mages are the elite of society, Marcus, a teenager from the slums, finally discovers his gift for wind manipulation. After fifteen years of struggling against adversity, a new horizon opens up to him, illuminated by the promise of power and prestige. However, fate decides otherwise. Through a twist of fate, Marcus finds himself face to face with the Emperor's chief minister, and the very heir to the imperial throne. In an instant, his plans are swept away by destiny, and he is assigned the most dangerous mission in the world: to become the Emperor's body double, the Emperor's Face.

Super_nugget · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

The Emperor's face

The guard approached the student with a dry eye, seemingly unaffected by Marcus's honeyed tone and his face radiating innocence. He appeared to be in his thirties, rather handsome with a well-defined square jaw. He was the epitome of the perfect soldier.

"I have an order from the director. I must escort you to him. Please present your card so I can verify your identity."

Marcus had been informed upon enrollment that the Academy guards wielded immense power, almost as much as the teachers. They were the director's agents and the guardians of the school rules. He had been clearly instructed not to provoke them.

The young man obeyed, maintaining his angelic face, and handed over a small rectangular copper plate engraved with essential identifying information. Each student had received one upon enrollment. It was precious. Every student was required to have it on them.

"Your identity has been confirmed," the guard said impassively before returning the small plate to its owner. "Thank you. This way, please."

Do I really have a choice? Damn, I don't understand anything! What does the director want from me?

Marcus had no desire to follow this man, especially with his pockets full of stolen items from here and there. Yet, he could not ignore a summons from the director of this prestigious school, especially since he had just arrived.

Reluctantly, as soon as the guard turned his back, he abandoned his treasure in an imposing rose bush along the path. The soldier noticed nothing and led him straight to the building at the center of the academic complex. The facade was splendid, like the others, yet for some strange reason, he found it even more majestic.

The main door, with two swinging leaves at the top of a flight of stairs, was flanked by two tall statues serving as columns, a man and a woman, holding strange staffs between their hands. The man's staff reached up to his chin and was simply topped with a sphere, while the woman's, longer, was adorned with an elaborate loop decorated with engravings and interlaces.

Wow! The more it goes, the less it feels like a school!

The interior of the building resembled the reception area, except there were more carpets and furniture here. The ceiling height was also less impressive, yet it remained significant. Huge golden chandeliers hung from carved and gilded woodwork, illuminating every corner of the hall.

Ignoring Marcus's emotional state, the guard continued on his way and addressed Marcus as if to draw him out of his thoughts.

"The director's office is on the second floor. Please follow me."

The soldier spoke only when necessary, which young Marcus appreciated. He really didn't want to converse with this soldier, nor any other soldier, for that matter. It wasn't easy to shake off old habits. Just as he couldn't stop stealing, he couldn't help but look at these people with suspicion. They were like his natural enemies. So, it was understandable that he didn't try to make friends with this man.

Though unfamiliar with all this luxury, he quickly noticed the difference between his dormitory and this administrative building. The beauty of the furniture, paintings, sculptures, and gilding was simply incomparable. The difference was such that he couldn't estimate the value of any item present. There were vases that seemed to come from the other side of the world, clocks worthy of being treated as works of art, tapestries incredibly detailed, steel armors shining like the sun, and many other things.

Marcus didn't have time to admire everything because the guard didn't slow down. However, he noticed strange indecipherable writings and complex symbols on the armors, similar but different from those on the silver magus bracelet he had stolen and forced to abandon to Baltsar.

No doubt some magi stuff to increase protection or make it lighter. Maybe both at the same time?

The white-uniformed soldier finally stopped in front of a large black and gold door and knocked three times.

"Yes?" came a voice from inside.

"Sir," the guard said, gently opening the door, "I bring you first-year student Marcus, from Niers."

"Perfect. Let him in. You may leave."

With that, the soldier turned around and returned to his duty, leaving the young boy alone facing the open door. He had a very strong urge to close the door and run away, but a voice inside commanded him to enter. Marcus bit his lower lip slightly and entered, leaving the door open behind him so he could escape quickly if needed.

Another old habit, but this one had saved his life more than once.

Unfortunately, the man inside the office stood up, indicated an imposing armchair, and closed his escape route. Marcus quickly noticed the tall windows and imagined a small escape plan. If necessary, he would take this plaster bust of an old man with a large mustache, throw it against the window to break it, and slip outside using this long purple curtain that seemed sturdy to reach that tree. Thanks to it, he could get down without hurting himself and disappear before this man had time to react.

The director was small, a bit chubby, betraying his love for good food, wore a thin brown mustache and a small pair of metal glasses with slightly bluish lenses. His clothes were very plain and dark. This highlighted the heavy gold chain resting on his broad shoulders. It was made up of large finely engraved links and inset with small colored gemstones.

A second man then appeared from a neighboring room, a man Marcus immediately recognized from having crossed paths with him on the day of his enrollment. His wig was different as was his attire, but there was no doubt it was him.

What's going on?! Who is he?! What does he want from me?!

"Thank you, Mr. de Jardin. Can you leave us alone now?"

"Certainly, certainly. Take your time, Your Grace. I'll wait in the corridor."

To Marcus's great surprise, the director bowed with the utmost respect and left the room, carefully closing the door to his own office.

"Well. I suppose you have many questions, young man."

After a short hesitation, Marcus fixed his gaze on the man who seemed as tall as a mountain at that moment and replied,

"In fact, Your Grâce, I have only one: what do you want from me?"

"That is indeed the most important question. Allow me to introduce myself first. I am the Grand Chamberlain Rodrigue Barde de Tolède. Do you know what that means?"

"That you are important?"

"That's a bit short, but yes. The Grand Chamberlain is the emperor's chief servant. He has many functions, including providing him with wise counsel for the good of his state and his person. It is a very heavy responsibility and an immense honor."

"... "

The Grand Chamberlain did not expect such a weak reaction. Generally, people bowed very low before him as if he were the emperor himself. The behavior of the director of the Imperial Academy of Magic clearly illustrated his status, although that of the director of this illustrious institute was by no means negligible. This small man with the thin mustache was a very great magus, a scholar, and a very influential politician. Luckily, he was also one of his friends.

"I would like to ask you a few questions, young man. First of all, do you know people in the capital?"


"It would be wise not to lie," the Grand Chamberlain said, frowning.

"No one... except Annabelle. And the magi who accompanied us here. And the clerk who registered us. And my roommate."

"Annabelle. The girl who awakened on the same day as you in Niers, isn't it?"


"Anyone else?" insisted the powerful nobleman, looking straight into young Marcus's eyes, who refused to look away.

"No. This is my first time here, and I haven't really talked to the other students."

"Very well. Stand up," he ordered without bothering to be polite.

The Grand Chamberlain also stood up and positioned himself right in front of him. Marcus was extremely embarrassed since they were only about thirty centimeters apart. The man looked at him attentively before stepping back two steps.

"A little small, but it doesn't matter."

Marcus didn't understand what he meant and didn't try to explain it to him. The man stepped back and knocked on the door through which he had entered. After a few seconds, a young boy dressed in gold and silver appeared in the room. He looked very dignified, although his eyes lacked a little strength. Above all, Marcus noticed that he looked a lot like him with a few differences. Without a word, he stood facing him, next to the Grand Chamberlain. He observed him with a lot of curiosity, but also uncertainty.

"Is he the one you have chosen? He doesn't look like me, I think."

"Your Majesty, if I may, you look very much alike. Only the hair color, the demeanor, the aura, and the height distinguish you."

"So almost everything."

Marcus had discovered his appearance only two days earlier through a mirror in his room. He had been deeply troubled by the discovery but couldn't say whether this boy was right or wrong. So he remained silent and watched carefully the extravagant clothes of this young boy slightly taller than him and with black hair as night.

He called him "Your Majesty"! B-by all the gods! Is he... the emperor?!

"Well, here's the situation. His Majesty needs a very special person in his service. Someone reliable, capable of keeping a secret, of age and stature similar to his own. It is a position of utmost importance and unparalleled honor since it implies having the total trust of His Majesty. If you accept..."

From the first words, Marcus understood what these people expected of him. Concealing his emotions as much as possible, which were becoming out of control, he cut off the old man's explanation.

"You want me to be the emperor's double?"

The emperor and his closest advisor looked at each other.

"That's about it, yes. The official name of this position is the Emperor's face. Every emperor has needed a face, a double, as you say, at some point. It's a crucial role because it allows His Majesty to disappear without anyone noticing, to go to places normally inaccessible to a person of his rank, to do..."

"And escape death by sending his double to the cemetery in his place."

A large vein appeared on the Grand Chamberlain's forehead when he was interrupted again during his explanation. Never had he been so disrespected since he took office. It was the emperor who answered Marcus instead of his prime minister.

"It's a bit violent, but it's a possibility."

"I refuse.