
The Emperor's Face

In a world where magic reigns supreme and mages are the elite of society, Marcus, a teenager from the slums, finally discovers his gift for wind manipulation. After fifteen years of struggling against adversity, a new horizon opens up to him, illuminated by the promise of power and prestige. However, fate decides otherwise. Through a twist of fate, Marcus finds himself face to face with the Emperor's chief minister, and the very heir to the imperial throne. In an instant, his plans are swept away by destiny, and he is assigned the most dangerous mission in the world: to become the Emperor's body double, the Emperor's Face.

Super_nugget · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs


Shortly after the priest's departure, a woman of great beauty displaying a mature charm appeared in the emperor's study, accompanied by the university director.

"Young Marcus," said the director, indicating the young woman who must not have been thirty years old, "this is Arsinoë Comen de Galiena. She is the daughter of one of my most loyal friends in Tyr, which makes her a trusted person. You have nothing to hide from her. She has already been informed of the situation."

The young woman bowed slightly to greet Marcus, who returned her greeting without saying a word.

She is very beautiful. Is she here to teach me something?

"Arsinoë studied at the Academy of Memphis before coming to study with us, in the Empire. I can assure you of all the necessary skills to transmit her knowledge to you. The teachers that our first-year students have at the Imperial Academy of Magic are as competent as she is. The great advantage, besides the fact that you will be her only student, is that she is a wind magus, just like you. Thus, she will be better able to guide you throughout your training. She will teach you everything you need to know to become a good magus. Do you have any questions?"

"No, I understand."

I regret not being able to go to class with the others, but... I think I've been lucky this time!

"I must leave you now, as I have much work to do. My lord," he said, turning to the minister and bowing very low.

The director did not stay, nor did the emperor's chief minister who had accumulated a lot of overdue work in recent days. Marcus found himself alone with this stranger who, although she was very beautiful, seemed very cold and distant.

"Sir," began the young woman in a soft voice tinged with a pronounced foreign accent, "as Mr. Director said, I will be your teacher. I will impart to you all the knowledge necessary for a magus worthy of the name. I will do my best for that, so do not hesitate to ask me questions if you do not understand something."

Marcus nodded slowly in agreement, his eyes filled with curiosity. Even if he had not been told that she came from afar, he would have understood in a few seconds even though she was dressed imperial. It was the first time he had met someone from outside the Empire.

"Let's start," she said, inviting her student to sit at her desk, which was separate from the one used daily by His Majesty. "First of all, what do you know about magic? Where does it come from?"

"Magic was given to Men by the gods? It's them who decide who becomes a magus."

"That's the most common explanation in the West, indeed, and the one given at the Imperial Academy of Magic. It is actually a subject of heated debate among magi. Although it is the most widespread explanation, it is only to justify the domination of magi over the rest of the population. Magi present themselves to the people as chosen ones, but think for a moment. If that were the case, would there be corruption and wars? Probably not."

From the first words, Arsinoë uttered shocking words. Marcus's mouth opened wide, because even in the underworld of Niers, one did not dare to question the domination of magi.

"The most widespread theory in the East, not only in Memphis, is that magic is everywhere around us, and has been since the creation of the world. Only some people would be able to feel it and use it for various purposes. It would therefore be a disposition inscribed in the bodies. We would inherit this disposition as we inherit physical traits, such as eye color or facial shape."

Seriously? So the gods are not involved? Then, why hold a ceremony?

"So I inherited this? Do I have a parent who was a magus?"

"Not necessarily. It's just a theory. It is possible that it is an ancestor as well. After all, a child can be born with brown eyes even though both parents have blue eyes because the grandfather had brown eyes. It can be older like that can be a coincidence."

"I see," the young man replied disappointedly.

"Magic is very old. It is thought, again this is a theory since it cannot be proven, that magic has always been there. The oldest traces are in Persia, long before the creation of this powerful empire. It allowed the emergence of powerful tribes that organized themselves into a city, then a state. Examples include the Namibian civilization, the Bacheledian civilization, the Egyptian one, Persian one, or the Greek one."

"And Carthaginian?" Marcus asked as if it were the most important civilization.

"It came much later, like the one founded by the legendary King Rémus. But yes, magic played an essential role in its creation and strengthening. Do you know the different elements?"

"Um, wind, fire, lightning, light, and darkness?" the student enumerated, counting on his fingers.

"That's good. There are several missing, but it's a good start. There are also water, earth, and wood. Darkness is special, because as everyone knows, it is forbidden magic. Do you know why?"

"Because it's evil," Marcus immediately replied.

"Indeed. And dangerous. It directly touches death and the Underworld. Lutecia is often mentioned. Have you ever heard of it?"

"No. Who is it?"

"Lutecia is not a person, it was a city located north of the Empire. Magi corrupted by dark magic destroyed it until its lands became barren. The region is now uninhabitable despite the centuries that have passed since. Do you understand? Well, according to the information I have, you have an affinity with the element of wind. That's very good, but it doesn't mean that you will only be able to use that element."

"Oh really?" Marcus said with surprise.

I can use the other elements? I didn't know.

"No. It just means that you will have an easier time mastering this element compared to others. Most magi quickly specialize in their affinity magic to not waste their energy with other elements they are not close to. A fire magus will most certainly waste his precious time trying to develop his abilities with water magic, a contrary element. It's better to be a specialist in one area than bad in all. That goes for magic as well as anything else."

"I understand."

"If you understand, that's very good. Let's continue. Most of a magus's time is dedicated to meditation."

"Huh? Meditation?!"

"Are you disappointed?" Arsinoë said with a slight smile, as if she expected and anticipated this reaction. "Were you expecting something more impressive? Know that meditation is crucial in the progress of magi. As I told you, magic is everywhere around us, but you still need to feel it to use it to the fullest. The more you are able to feel it, the more you will be able to make it your own and produce miracles. I will teach you how to meditate, and then, when I am not present to teach you, you will meditate on your own."

"But... Um, how long should I meditate?"

As attested by his hesitant voice and very expressive face, he expected bad news.

"Per day? As long as you want. But know that if you don't, you won't progress. Magi are classified into four levels: novice, apprentice, master, and grandmaster. For now, you are nothing, not even a novice, because you are not able to meditate and use magic. Each level consists of three stages: beginner, medium, and expert. The first means that you have just reached this level, the second that you are in the process of learning, and the third that you are at the gates of the next level. I am currently at the apprentice rank, expert stage. With time, you will be able to evaluate the level and stage of another magus."

"So, I have to meditate as much as possible, every day and for the rest of my life?"

"That's the idea, yes."

Fuck! That sucks!

Ignoring Marcus's thoughts, Arsinoë continued her lesson.

"However, not all magi have the same sensitivity. Some can spend their lives meditating without ever reaching the master rank, while others achieve it in just ten years. Not everyone who awakens is meant to be a magus. In this case, you have to know when to give up and rethink your career. Some magi prefer to reorient themselves towards alchemy, and some do very well, but again not everyone manages to stand out. Contrary to what many say, there is nothing dishonorable about going to the province to serve as a magus in a small town or village. I even think it's the opposite."


"Don't worry. It's far too early to consider all this. Let's start with meditation techniques."

"Wait!" he said, raising both hands.


"Artifacts! Can I have an artifact to help me meditate and become stronger?"

"Ah... It doesn't work like that. An artifact is an object crafted by one or more alchemists to increase the power of a spell, that is, to facilitate the capture of magic in the air. But it only enhances what is already there. If you are not able to feel the magic, your artifact, even legendary, will be of no use to you. That's why an artifact is of no use to a non-mage."

"Too bad," Marcus sighed, lowering his eyes.

"Well, sit on the floor, cross-legged, and close your eyes. Breathe deeply, and exhale. Calmly. A good magus is a serene magus, even in the middle of a storm. Don't smile. Now, clear your mind."

The young man obeyed, and absolute silence fell on the room. All Marcus could hear was the beating of his heart, his steady breath, that of his teacher, the ticking of the clock near the door leading to the antechamber, the footsteps upstairs, and sometimes snippets of conversation in the hallway.

"Closing your eyes and saying nothing is not emptying your mind," Arsinoë remarked.

"Yeah, well, easier said than done! How do you empty your mind?!"

Arsinoë let out a deep sigh before sitting opposite the young boy. It wasn't the first time she had given private lessons, but it was the first time she had to teach someone so undisciplined. She even doubted he would take it seriously when his future depended on it.

"Watch how I do it. I inhale deeply, I exhale deeply. I am calm. Serene. I empty my mind by chasing away intrusive thoughts, those that come to you and disturb you constantly. Don't think about anything. Just emptiness. Imagine a space, a room, entirely white, from floor to ceiling. Now, you erase the edges of the walls. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, everything is one. There is nothing, everything is silent. You should not hear yourself think anymore. Is that okay?"

"Um... Yes?"

"Is it okay?"


What is she talking about?! A white room? Okay, a white room. No walls, no sounds... It's boring. Do I have to wait like this for a long time?

The young woman and the young man remained motionless like statues for long minutes as if they had turned into statues. The emperor's desk was plunged into deep silence. Well, almost, since there was still the clock.





Tic, toc, tic, toc... It's taking so long... Argh, my legs hurt! And my stomach!

"Did you clear your mind?"



"I-I need to go to the chamber pot!"

The young Arsinoë watched him leave, or rather flee, towards the imperial chamber, and a door slammed shut violently.

"This is going to be long..."