
An Exciting Fight

Excitement was slowly reaching Eden's heart as he clashed more and more with the black-haired teenager. It was actually the first time that he experienced this feeling, and it was just magnificent. Even when he just came to Hydrel the first time, it wasn't this exciting.

After having clashed multiple times, the two teenagers took some distance to re-think their plan. They couldn't possibly clash like mad-man, right?

So they began to think, but just before Eden would make his next move, the black-haired teenager asked him something.

"Can I know your name, please? It's not every day that I can meet someone at my level." The black-haired teenager had a big smile on his face while saying that.

"I'm Eden, what about you?"

"I'm Elric Vonder, but just call me Elric." Elric replied while gesturing to Eden that he was ready for their next clash.

Seeing his gesture, Eden didn't wait long to swing his fan in a triangle shape before rushing toward Elric.