
The Elven Prince

In a world where Magic exist as normalcy, different creatures and races all struggle to maintain balance and keep their plane as secured as possible. This place is just like earth, the difference? Magic. On earth, Elves, vampires, fairies and the likes of them are all folktales for kids but nothing is impossible you know. The unusual happened when Danny a special agent in the army found himself in a dirty pond-like lake with a beautiful girl staring at him and calling him "prince!" But who the heck is a prince and where is he? Transmigration, reincarnation or after-life did not make any sense to this brute Major until it became his reality. He had really died and now, he is in this strange world all alone! So he thought. The great Elven Prince is a book about how Danny died and His soul transmigrated into the Kingdom of Gire and in the body of their prince. There were sorcerers, vampires, Gnomes, fairies, sprites and witches that had their kingdoms all in this plane and could easily move to the other side which is earth. But they all have their headquarters here. After George had his brother killed in secret, he launched a mission to get more powerful by every and in every way possible. Danny and Cily both faced major challenges. For Cily, she had to endure years of being a lab rat trying to find out how she is so powerful and on Danny's end, he had to deal with hiding because his brother was in search of his corpse and is worried he is alive somewhere and would one day come back alive to fight for the throne. George is quite confident his Father Kind Sven will be with his ancestors before the years ends and is determined to .get powerful by hook or by crook. The first war breaks out and it is all masterminded by George who releases an ancient powerful dragon and more wars broke out after that until someone started killing their worshippers and destroying their cult meetings and cult locations from the shadows. The pair of heroes made their first appearance when the palace was in chaos and Danny/Pearce came back to set George straight. Amora saw Danny was alive and even more powerful than her present lover George, she used all means possible to latch onto his thigh and be his Queen. The previous Major in the army is now a prince and he must fight the battles of the dead prince, learn to practice and use magic, learn the hard way and fight so many frustrating battles with the strongest ever woman by his side!

mustard_1 · Urbain
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5 Chs

where am I?

Danny felt non-stop tapings on his face as he struggled to open his eyes. He really couldn't believe he can be alive after all the bullets that was fired into his body. He can't even smell the antiseptic odour in the hospital. Although he was lying in a state that made it difficult to open his eyes, as a soldier all his other senses were alert but, where on earth is he? And why is a girl calling him Pearce? He asked himself and slowly opened his eyes to see a beautiful uhmm…. He must have hit his head really bad or he has had too much morphine in his body that he's starting to hallucinate. He really doesn't understand why he's seeing a magical creature and he's in a forest for Christ sake!

''thank goodness you are alive prince Pearce". The lady heaved a sigh of relieve and bowed her head. He raised an eyebrow and asked ''who is Pearce?" And she sharply raised her head to stare confusedly at him but after seeing his stern face, she bowed her head again and asked ''are you okay milord?''

Danny sat up abruptly and looked all over his body, he was too confused to notice the change in his skin color. ''where are the gunshot wounds?" "How is my body back to normal, did you do something?" He eyed her as he asked but she gasped at all the weird things he's been saying since he woke up

''gunshot? What is a gunshot?'' she asked truly confused

''do not even try this with me!'' he said sternly ''what on earth is going on?'' he asked and something dawned on him, he looked down at his hands his skin color was extremely different!

''why do I look like this?" He asked looking up at her and noticed she has a pale white skin too. But she was extremely white and has a long brown hair with a tiny body frame.

''what are you?'' he asked wanting to know what she's dressed as. Maybe he had amnesia and has been alive for more than 4 years but he suddenly regainef his memories today, so he's going to play along with everything till whoever is doing this gets bored.

She replied ''uhmm.. I'm a student, my name is Cily and I saw you floating on this water, I helped dispel the water in your body but it seemed you were dead already then you took in a sharp breath'' the girl explained but Danny was just staring at her like a little cute fool. Where on earth did they find someone this naïve and clumsy! He asked himself and shook his head trying not smile.

''I mean what are you! Are you a fairy, an elf, a pixie? is it Halloween already or you guys just want to mess with me?" He asked trying to make sense of this situation but before she could reply him, he continued ''maybe I'm high on something and hallucinating, I mean folklore creatures are not real but how did I get so white! Scratching his head, Danny felt he was going crazy slowly but surely.

''sir I can take you to my house up there, I'm kind of running late for school right now'' The little lady interrupted his thought.

''I really need to sleep'' he said in his head and stood up to follow her. Standing up, he felt so tall. Taller than his usual self and if he's not mistaken, she's also quite tall for a human lady but to him right now, she is short. He felt like slapping himself, maybe that will wake him up from this crazy dream but when he did, he felt his face sting with so much pain and after a few seconds, his face felt numb. Although Cily heard a loud smack from beside her, when she looked at him his face was facing forward like a paladin, devoid of any emotion so she just turned forward and kept walking. Danny went through series of training to become part of the special forces, if he showed he was in pain that that would dampen the spirits of his comrades and that was exactly what he did her. He was in pain but didn't show it.

Cily on the other hand knew there was something wrong with the second prince, he must have had too much water running loose around his brain that he has suddenly forgotten everything and if she wasn't wearing this amulet that prevented her from attempting magic outside school, she would have definitely tried to open up his seemingly closed brains.

She led him to the entrance of her house which was a tree and the house is up in the tree but nobody who walks by will ever notice there is a house up there. Just as Danny was wondering why they were standing in front of a gigantic tree, feeling the tree will open up and they will walk in to see a very expensive looking but cozy apartment, a branch of the tree slowly came down which shocked him to the bones, although he tried to hide his shock, Cily already saw through him and smiled but gestured his to step on the branch. They both stepped on it and it took them up just like the modern day elevators this one was quite exhilarating. The tree formed a kind of cocoon around them and safely protected them from falling off.

''oh my god!'' Danny exclaimed and Cily turned to ask if he was okay but found him muttering to himself

"it's real?" Oh god! I'm not hallucinating" he said and passed out.