Ilodyer, a former assassin reborn in magical world as a half-elf child, forms a powerful bond with The Elven King. Their shared experiences and deep connection lead to a profound love that transcends time and differences. Amidst lush landscapes, their tender moments and unity inspire all, proving that love can conquer even the greatest challenges.
"Um..." Ilodyer softly responded, his head resting on the Elven King's leg.
The marble floor beneath the stairs reflected the starlight above, and making the Hall of Heroes' door seem like tiny specks of light from where they sat.
The thoughts of Rhys from the Quel'dorei Mithlóte family's upcoming coming-of-age ceremony filled Ilodyer's mind, "Anyway... I don't have anything else to do..."
The Elven King pulled Ilodyer up, and seating him in his lap.
The Elven King's soft lips touched Ilodyer's slightly cool lips, and tracing along the graceful lines of his chin, delicate neck, and lingering at his collarbone.
The Elven King's elegant and gentle voice then resonated near Ilodyer's ears, "I've decided, you'll be my only companion... it'll never change."
Ilodyer gently closed his eyes, enveloped in darkness as countless visions flashed before him, and disappearing before he could grasp them.