
An Unknown street

Panting for breath, he seemed to have lost track of his whereabouts,he couldn't accept the fact that his most trusted friend would betray him on such an important mission,though he could hardly move his body no one in the unknown area seemed to care about his state.

He moved his body along the street of an unknown area thanking his ancestors for his escape and swore to take down both the gang and his newly found enemy(formerly his most trusted friend).

Soon it was dark and with no place to sleep or at least have a look at his severe injuries he kept dragging his body and soon blacked out.

He woke up in a small room and with a startled expression coupled with alertness searched the room to find any flaws, still thinking about what happened the previous day,there was a smile of uneasiness on his face.Though he is a top-notch assassin he still found it strange why his partner would sell him out.

Suddenly there was a creak and he saw the wooden door open and in came an old man with a face as strict as a stone.Then came old man's cold voice "son you are already awke".Without any knowledge of his whereabout he guessed that this old man was his saviour and so he nodded.

Why don't you come out and join us in eating. "

Us"???.He wanted to ask but felt it wasn't proper for a gentleman of his calibre to ask.He just walked out with the old man and to his astonishment he saw he was at some country side and in in some mountain town but due to his hunger he felt it should be a secondary matter and went on following the old man he sat on mat that had been spread on the floor.Right after eating he thanked the old man and wanted to leave immediately but was rejected by the old man saying he needed to spend five more days to serve for his treat.After carefully planning he agreed to it and was asked to sleep in arather small room, he was surprised to see his sustained injuries all gone.It was all replaced with new flesh.. he kept wondering who the old man actually was.. aside from this mystery he also found out that he was the only inhabitant of the whole village....