
The Elements And The Guardians Of Earth

Emma is a powerful elementer. Her powers increase everyday and she learns to control other elements.Nobody has seen powers like hers except centuries ago. She can also win fights without using her powers. She is a killing machine when she gets angry. She ran away from the "Elements" school after she almost killed someone who bullied her friend. Midnight, the dragon that tied to her soul, tries to help her to let go of the past. But the memories were difficult to forget. Emma will meet new people who will change her life forever. Santiago and his army are planning to destroy the peace on Earth and let humans be their slaves. The elementers and guardians of Earth are getting worried. Will their powers be enough to stop Santiago?

amyhesham2005 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs


A day has passed since I left the "Elements" school. I didn't stop to sleep or eat. Only a kilometre left to reach the sea then the ocean. No attacks....Yet. Strange. After having this thought I hear a bizarre sound coming behind me. I turn around just to face five demons. Why did I think about that? Looks like my trip is getting more and more interesting. I pull out my sword and get ready. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice, it's Midnight, the blue dragon, the creature that is tied to my soul. It whispers in my ear,"Do it! Unleash me! Unleash us! Unleash yourself!" I have no choice. It's either me or them. I let the rage, anger and cold spread from my heart. It spread to the rest of my body. The demons are going to attack any moment.

"Couldn't resist my charm, huh," I say and throw my backpack aside.

"Don't worry, I will give you my autograph. I will sign your hearts with my new pen. Don't you like it," I add as I point my sword at them.

The demons make a weird sound and run towards me, ready to tear me into pieces. I stand still. In the last second, I move to the left and cut the nearest demon's neck which turns into dust. Two demons turn quickly and reach to cut my head. I bend and raise my sword to stab the first and second quickly. Three down and two left to go. I know that one of the demons will push me from the back. Without looking back, I turn my sword and stab one of them. One left.

"The last one will have my special signature. Congratulations," I greet. Unfortunately, it comes out of nowhere and knocks the sword out of my hand. And...I am on the ground. I pull my dagger from the jacket and stab the demon in the heart.

"I always keep my promises," I exclaim.

I stand up and clean the dust off my clothes. I walk to grab my sword and backpack. I check if I have any wounds or anything. Just a small scratch. Hmm. Better than the last time. Midnight appears again and wraps herself around me.

"You can't hide from yourself forever. This is who you are," she says.

"A killing machine! Thank you so much for reminding me! It's like I need a reminder!"

I see a couple passing by. Thank God that I am the only one here who can see Midnight. Phew.

"No," Midnight answers."You are a powerful elementer who belongs to a battlefield."

"I almost killed someone at the "Elements" school."

"He was bullying your friend. You could stab him in the heart but you didn't. And everyone makes mistakes," Midnight says.

"Yeah. Let's kill my friends next time by mistake. Some mistakes aren't forgivable. I don't and will never want to do that."

I walk to until I am in the bottom of the ocean. I love the fact that I can breathe underwater. I feel better but still cold like ice.

"Midnight, what is happening to me? Why am I like this?" I ask.

Midnight sits infront of me, staring with her cold and fierce blue eyes.

"Our past is what makes us now," answers Midnight.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me! I see and hear everything. Remember your normal school? Remember every time you help and they stab you in the back? Remember all the times you needed help and they turned with their backs? We learned that we only rely on ourselves. Your heart just turned to be ice. It was melting when you were at the "Elements" school. You have friends there. But you got worried after you almost killed the bully that you might kill your friends. You never killed a human before, Emma. And I don't think that you will ever kill an innocent human."Midnight answers.

My knees fall to the ground. Midnight wraps herself around me and whispers "I've got you buddy. We'll go through this together."

She sings the first four lines of the song "Cold" by Neffex.

"It's so cold outside.

I'm alone, I'm alright.

It's so cold outside.

I'm alone, I'm alright."