
The Elemental Sovereign

Zhao Lin, an ordinary man from the modern world, finds himself inexplicably transmigrated into a fantastical realm unlike anything he's ever known. Faced with a myriad of challenges from survival to the complexities of magic, Zhao Lin embarks on an extraordinary journey to navigate the strange lands, societies, and powers that govern this new world. Through trials and tribulations, he discovers magical abilities, coming to grips with newfound responsibilities and the very fabric of this magical reality. As he grows stronger, Zhao Lin encounters allies, foes, and mystical creatures, all while seeking a way to either return to his original world or rise as a sovereign in this one.

Mofa · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Cave

"Always go left I guess" he whispers to himself. 

As soon as he steps into the left opening, the air grows colder, and a sense of foreboding creeps into his mind. Despite this, he pushes forward, his footsteps echoing softly on the rocky ground.

After walking for what feels like an eternity, he notices the tunnel widening into another cavern. Unlike the previous one bathed in bioluminescent glow, this space is darker, filled with an eerie silence. He stops, listening intently.

A rustling noise catches his attention, emanating from the far end of the cavern. His heart races as he considers his options. Should he investigate or turn back?

Before he can make up his mind, a faint light appears in the distance, gradually coming closer. It's not the gentle glow of the fauna but a flickering, fire-like light.

Zhao tenses, preparing for whatever might emerge from the darkness. The light draws nearer, revealing a figure holding a torch. As the figure steps into the light, Zhao is stunned to see it's not a person but a creature, unlike anything he's ever seen. It has the body of a human but the head of a bird, clothed in simple cloth and with feathers cascading down its back.

The creature notices Zhao and tilts its bird-like head, studying him intently. For a moment, both are frozen, locked in a gaze that transcends language and species.

Then, the creature speaks, its voice a strange mix of chirping and human speech.

"A surface dweller! How did you come to be here, human?" it asks, its tone neither hostile nor friendly but filled with curiosity.

Zhao takes a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. 

"I mean you no harm, I only wish to leave this place and get back to the surface" 

The creature listens intently, its bird-like eyes shine slightly as if processing the information.

"Surface…" The creature's eyes narrow. 

Zhao considers how much to reveal. "It was by chance I found myself here, I promise that I am no threat to you in any way"

The creature chirps, a sound that Zhao interprets as amusement.

"Come" it say in a nonchalant manner, giving Zhao a shiver. 

Zhao decides to follow the bird person with caution, sure that the bird-person could kill him in an instant if it so wished. They walk deeper into the cavern, and soon enough, the dark space starts to give way to another source of light, softer and more dispersed.

As they emerge from the tunnel, Zhao is awestruck by the sight before him: a large, subterranean chamber, illuminated by the same luminescent fauna he saw earlier, embedded in the walls by the thousands. Nests made of some shiny, metallic material are built into the walls at various levels, accessible by an intricate network of ladders and ropes. Several other bird-people are present, their bird-like heads turning to watch as Zhao stumbles into the chamber.

*Chirp! chirp!* they start to yell. Zhao is trying to make himself as small as possible, fearing that this meeting will not end up well for him. 

  A bigger, more astute bird-person shows itself from a crystal hut and starts talking to Zhao's "acquaintance".

The conversation between the two continues in a rapid exchange of chirps and whistles, too fast and complex for Zhao to understand. Finally, the larger bird-person, whose feathers are more colorful and elaborate, turns to Zhao.

"You are a guest here, not a prisoner," the bird-person announces, its tone carrying an authority that leaves no room for doubt. "I am the leader of this roost, you may call me Feolan."

"Thank you, Feolan," Zhao relaxes, feeling the tension in his body subside a bit.

Feolan turns to the bird-person who brought Zhao here. "Talon, see to it that our guest is comfortable. Offer him food and water."

'Talon is its name' Zhao inwardly thinks.

Talon nods and motions for Zhao to follow. They walk to a corner of the chamber where a variety of fruits and nuts are stored. Talon offers Zhao a plate filled with these, along with a cup of water.

Zhao looks at Talon and begins to speak, "What exactly are you? Are you bird or human?"

"We are Avianari," Talon puts his hand on his hips, seemingly pleased at the opportunity to explain. "Long ago, our ancestors were humans who found refuge underground, fleeing from a world above that was in turmoil. Over time, we adapted to our new environment. The native birds here became our friends, and eventually, our lives became intertwined through the magic that suffuses these caverns."


Zhao is blown away, he knew that this world was different since he came here, but now he's absolutely certain that he didn't just go back in time, he teleported to a different world entirely!

"Magic?" His eyes are fixed at Talon, glisters of curiosity hidden within.

Talon nods. "Yes, the magic here is powerful but also harmonious. Our people and the birds we cared for became one."

Zhao can't help but wonder if this magic could help him find a way back to his own world, or at least help him understand this one better. But before he can ask more, Talon continues.

"You are welcome to stay here as a guest until you find your way. But while you are here, you must respect our ways and our rules."

Zhao nods. "Of course, I have no intention of causing any trouble. I'm grateful for your hospitality."

Talon chirps, a sound Zhao is beginning to associate with happiness among the Avianari.

"Then it's settled. Tonight, you rest. Tomorrow, we will talk more."

Zhao takes the provided food and water and finds a place to sit and relax, he takes in all the information he's been provided with so far.

"Magic exists! But how is it applied in this world.. Talon mentioned that it was the very place that changed them. I wonder if it's possible to start slinging spells like in fantasy novels from my past." 

He takes a huge bite of an apple, savoring the familiar yet slightly different taste. 'These fruits—apples, melons, tangerines—they're almost identical to those in my world. But how? They require sunlight to grow, and we're in a subterranean realm.'

His thoughts then shift to the nuts on his plate. He picks one up, examining it before taking a bite. It's similar in taste to a peanut but rougher in texture. 'Another enigma,' he muses. 'The flora here is both familiar and alien, much like the Avianari themselves.'

As he chews, his mind seems to drift away. 'I have tonight to rest, but what liberties will tomorrow offer?'

He sighs, realizing that despite the hospitality, he's still very much in the dark. 'I need to tread carefully, gather information, and perhaps find a way to make myself useful to the Avianari.'

His thoughts are interrupted by a soft chirp from a nearby Avianari, a reminder that he's not alone, that he's a stranger in a strange land. ''Tomorrow, we talk more,' Talon said. Yes, tomorrow will be a new day, a new opportunity. But for now, rest is not just a luxury; it's a necessity.'

Feeling the weight of the day's events, Zhao leans back, allowing himself to relax fully for the first time since arriving in this mysterious world. As his eyes grow heavy, he makes a mental note to ask about the magic and his role here tomorrow.

Either way, all signs point to one place in this moment.

His bed!

Zhao chuckles at the thought, realizing how exhausted he is. The day's events have taken a toll on him, both physically and emotionally. For now, rest is a luxury he can't afford to pass up.

He finds Talon chirping nearby and respectfully asks to show him where his bed is located. 

Talon leads him to a cozy, metallic nest, cushioned with some sort of fibrous material that reminds him of wool. It's surprisingly comfortable, and Zhao feels his eyelids grow heavy the moment he sits down.

"Sleep well, surface dweller," Talon says, "Tomorrow, you will need to decide on your future."

'My future?' Zhao raises an eyebrow but decides not to press for more information. There will be time for that later. "Thank you, Talon. Goodnight."

Talon nods and leaves Zhao to his thoughts. As he lies in the nest, staring up at the glowing fauna on the cavern ceiling, his mind races. Magic. Bird-people. An underground civilization. It's a lot to take in, and yet, the possibility that magic could help him return home—or at least, make sense of this new world—gives him hope.

His thoughts drift to his old life, the bustling modern city, his job, and how ordinary it all was. And now, here he is, in a place that defies all logic and explanation. A place where he might find a new purpose, or perhaps, a way back to his old life.

He thinks about the fruits and nuts he just ate. "How did these grow without sunlight?" he wonders. Is it the magic that sustains this underground ecosystem? And what about the Avianari? Did they evolve through magic as Talon said? and what kind of society have they built here in the depths of the earth?

As he ponders these questions, sleep finally claims him, pulling him into a dreamless slumber.


A new day looms,

Zhao opens his eyes, the ever glowing fauna in the ceiling showing no tell what time it is.

After a few minutes enjoying the relative safety and comfort of his bed, he greets the day with a newfound joy. After getting up and going outside, he finds the village is still asleep or resting. 

Zhao stretches, feeling the tension in his muscles dissipate. The Avianari nests, though unconventional, offer a surprising level of comfort. He steps out of his temporary dwelling and looks around. The subterranean village seems peaceful, its inhabitants likely still in their nests or doing whatever routines the Avianari have.

As he walks through the winding streets of the subterranean village, Zhao Lin finds himself quite disturbed by his unkempt appearance and the grime that clings to him. His eyes scan the area, looking for a place where he might be able to freshen up. Just as he considers trying to ask one of the Avianari for guidance, he hears a faint, distant sound that resembles running water. Intrigued, he decides to follow the sound, tracing its source through a well-traveled path that leads him away from the main chamber.

After several minutes, he finds himself in a more secluded part of the cavern. Here, the glow of the luminescent fauna is dimmer, casting a serene ambiance over the area. Finally, he comes upon a pool of water, fed by a trickle from a mineral-rich deposit above. It's not a waterfall, per se, but it's enough to serve his needs. The water shimmers gently, almost as if inviting him to take a moment for himself.

"This must be the local bath" he laughs.

During all the recent events the thought of his appearance has been last priority, but now Zhao finally gets a chance to relax and study himself.

In the dimming light of dusk, he pauses to examine his reflection in the tranquil pool. The water's rippling surface morphs his image, rendering him a fluctuating version of himself. An unremarkable man gazes back; his black hair disheveled, sticking out in all directions like unruly strands of wire. His eyes, tinged with the fatigue of recent ordeals, appear sunken, framed by dark, pronounced circles. He bears the look of an average European from his former life, yet nothing about his appearance stands out as particularly noteworthy.

'Well this is disappointing, I was hoping to at least have something going for me' Zhao deliberates, 'But I suppose it's a win not to be horrid looking'

He quickly undresses and steps into the water, which is refreshingly cool. As he washes away the grime and stress of the past days, he feels invigorated, almost as if the water itself has some revitalizing quality. Maybe it's the magic in this place, or perhaps it's just the relief of finding some semblance of peace in this strange world.

'I hope I don't turn into a bird-person after this' Zhao thinks, a wry smile crossing his lips.

After his bath, he dresses and makes his way back to the main square. By now, the Avianari are starting to emerge from their nests, their bird-like heads tilting in acknowledgment as he passes by.

Thinking back to what Talon said previously, Zhao decides that the best course of action is to find him and ask for guidance. 

As he navigates through the pathways, he spots Talon near a gathering of other Avianari. They seem to be in deep discussion, but Talon notices him and breaks away to greet him.

"You're up early, Surface Dweller," Talon chirps, sounding almost pleased.

"With no sun or sky, it's hard to tell the time down here. Did I sleep long?" Zhao asks.

"You didn't sleep very long at all, however it's been so long since we've met a human that I admit I'm unsure how long a human has to sleep" Talon responds, his eyes twinkling like stars. "Come, let's talk."

They move to a quieter corner, and Zhao wastes no time. "Talon, can you tell me more about this place? The country, the magic... anything would help."

Talon eyes him curiously, a bit puzzled. "It's been a while since I've been upside, so I can hardly satisfy your curiosity, as for this place this is our village. We've been here for a very long time, my ancestors and their ancestors were here, living the same simple lives as we are today.

Feolan used to tell stories of the upside when we were young, it is a place of constant war and scheming, before we settled here we fled this struggle for survival for a more safer existence. I can't tell you any more." 

"Do you think Feolan has time for my questions?" Zhao inquires. 

"Of course, if there is anything we have, it's time." Talon laughs. "But as for now, let's get you some food and proper clothing". 

Zhao is given a full set of gray, ordinary clothing and the same fruit as the day before.

After slipping into the gray clothing, Zhao feels a bit more like he belongs, the fabric feels different—lighter, yet sturdier than what he's used to. He savors the fruit, finding its sweetness delightful.

"Thank you for the clothes and food, Talon," Zhao says, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over him. "It's strange, you give me so much but wish for nothing in return"

Talon chirps a laugh. "Well, this is our way. If you stay long enough, perhaps this could become home."

The thought intrigues Zhao. Home. Could he really find a home in a place so far removed from everything he knows? Before he can contemplate the idea further, Talon speaks up.

"Feolan should be free now. Would you like me to take you to him?"