
Greatest monster of them all

Maximilian, who had been huddled in a corner in front of Arter's body, using Ful Defend to protect himself from the tentacle assault, thought that today was the day he would die. He did not know how he could continue to supply aether to the card, but he was managing somehow.

But even then, his body was too injured to fight, and he was being assaulted by too many tentacles to even consider fighting.

But then, suddenly, the assault stopped. All the tentacles stopped attacking. Maximilian was stunned, and thought it was some kind of elaborate trap. But he could still hear fighting outside, so after a moment's hesitation, he stepped forward.

Doing so meant leaving Arter vulnerable, but also presented him with a chance to help end the fight. Lumbering over the uneven terrain made mostly of tentacles, he came out to a chilling sight - literally.