
The Eldian Emperor (Attack On Titan AU)

When a ruthless entrepreneur is exposed for his crimes. He takes down New York City with him through a virus his scientists and himself have created. He is transmigrated in the world of Attack On Titan. With his new life, he is determined to achieve his goal of world domination and gaining more power.

Tenzing_Choeying_5139 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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An eye for an eye

Ever since the Warriors came from their failed mission, Marley was in turmoil.

They had just lost most of their titans to the Eldians, and what's worse, the Eldians have better technology.

According to Annie Leonhart, the Eldians have artilleries that were able to break through her hardening and had improved firearms that rivalled Marley's.

The power of the two titans that were lost was in one person. David Bastian.

David was now used in propaganda against the Eldians. He was seen as a devil amongst devils.

It was because of him that the three titans were lost and that Paradis now had stronger technology.

Annie also reported that there were rumours of David having powers other than Titan shifting, which made Marley nervous.

The Tyburs were devastated at the loss of Lara and the Warhammer Titan.

Willy Tybur swore vengeance against the devils of paradis and to retake the Warhammer Titan.

As a result of Marley losing three of its Titans, war was waged against them.

Marley won the war, but it was known that the Armorued Titan was brought down by Anti-Titan Artillery.

This showed that the world's technology is slowly starting to surpass the power of the titans.

Little did Marley know, they were going to be attacked by the island devils that sought vengeance for what Marley did to their home.

Reiner POV

How long has it been since that day? Ever since we broke the wall, I had guilt that was slowly growing inside me.

The guilt was so great that I even thought about killing myself.

The people inside paradis were nothing like Marley described them to be. They were human, just like us.

I met a lot of people along the way, and I made friends with them and gradually became closer.

I missed all of them, I also missed Bertholdt.

He was eaten by that devil.

My body shivered in fear at the thought of David Bastian, that complete monster.

During my defeat, Kenny Ackerman, I believe his name taunted me about how David killed Bertholdt and how I was going to be eaten as well.

David's combat skills combined with the Attack Titan was a deadly combination, along with the Warhammer.

I walked outside the room and met up with the other warriors.

Zeke, Pieck, and Annie were all there.

Zeke spoke.

"Mornin Reiner, how about you have a seat."

I took a seat. Zeke explained how technology is slowly surpassing the power of the titans and that in order to survive, we need the coordinate.

Instantly realised what he was talking about. We were going back to paradis and finished what we started all those years ago.

I was traumatised by my experiences, and so was Annie.

Speaking of Annie, she was still mentally healing from her near death experience at the hand of David Bastian.

I just couldn't believe that Annie, a very skilled martial artist, was beaten easily by some random Titan Shifter.

This highlights David's fighting skills.

Perhaps the most fearsome trait of David Bastian is his intellect.

David was an intelligent man who developed new weaponry such as artilleries and those Spears that broke through my armour.

He is the single biggest threat to Marley for not just his skill and intellect, but because he is the Founding Titan.

Anyways, Zeke told us that Willy Tybur was going to do a speech about David Bastian. This speech will be a declaration of war to Paradis.

So we're really going to do it?

Though David did eat my best friend Bertholdt, I just can't hate him.

Because we are the same, soldiers fighting for our nation.


3rd person POV

Tonight was the night that Willy Tybur was going to give his speech.

He spoke to the huge crowd in front of him.

Willy told the crowd the truth of King Karl Fritz and how he 'saved the world'.

Then he told them about how David Bastian stole the power of the Founding Titan.

"Not only has this Demon taken the Founding Titan, he took the Colossal and Warhammer Titan."

Willy said the last part with a sad tone as his sister was the Warhammer Titan.

"We must work together and stop him now. If we don't, the entire world will be destroyed by the island devils."

The crowd realised that he was right, and Willy Tybur ended his speech by declaring war on Paradis.

As soon as he finished that sentence, a huge explosion was heard.

When the Warriors saw the explosion, they instantly recognised as one of the Colossal Titans power, which meant one thing.

The devils from Paradis were here in their home.

Five airships appeared, and out came the devil's themselves. They began killing soldiers and civilians alike.

David looked down at the carnage and destruction he caused with a grin.

Many members of his army sought vengeance against Marley for causing the deaths of their loved ones, and David gave it to them.

The Warriors transformed into their Titan form to assist the Marleyan soldiers.

David walked towards the location where he saw a bright yellow light and came face to face with the Warriors.

Reiner charged the Colossal Titan but was unable to make him budge.

The others tried to help, but they were occupied with the island devils.

The people were running away from the fight and looked at horror when they saw the Armorued Titan being grabbed by the Colossal Titan.

Reiner's mother and Gabi Braun could do nothing but watch as Reiner was eaten in his Titan form by David Bastian.

David could feel another surge of power flowing through him.

Theo Magath was enraged by the events that have transpired and ordered his men to attack the Colossal Titan.

David just blew them away using his burning steam and was killing Marleyans through his steam.

Armin Arlert looked at the destruction and carnage in front of him with sorrow in his eyes.

He wondered if this was how Reiner and Bertholdt felt when they broke through the walls and caused the death of lots of innocent lives.

Armin looked at David and thought about what would have happened if Grisha had given the power to his son Eren.

Would he do the same thing as David is doing, or perhaps something different.

After causing the deaths of millions, David left his Titan body and jumped to airship using his superhuman powers.

The Warriors and Marleyans looked at shock at the power David held.


Another Titan added to my collection. All that's left is the Jaws, Beast, Female, and the Cart Titan.

In front of me was Zeke Yeager, who had his arms and legs cut off.

"It's nice to see you again, David Bastian, or should I say David Fitz."

I just looked him in the eye and told Levi to shut him up.

Levi nodded and knocked Zeke out with the but of his sword.

The soldiers were celebrating their victory.

"Oi tone it down, we may have won the battle, but not the war. You can celebrate after we win the war."

I said with a stern tone. Flock, one of my soldiers said in a respectful tone.

"Yes, your Imperial Majesty."

"I still can't believe that little boy I met in the woods all those years ago would become an Emperor." Hange said.

Ever since my speech, I was hailed as the Eldian Emperor. I was achieving my dream now, taking over the world.

Now, all need to do is find a way to achieve immortality.

I believe I can do it through science or by taking all nine powers. The second one was only a theory.

I sat down and pondered on what should come next.