
The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

A human gets reincarnated as by a ROB into a song of ice and fire. He is given the powers of Sage of the Xmen and the location of one of the lost Valyrian steel swords in Westeros. He chooses to leave the North to make something of himself in this life.

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Chapter 6: Jamie Lannister Interlude

Tourney at Lannisport

My hands are still shaking.

Today is the Squire's melee and the main melee afterwards the joust. Knights from all of Westeros will be here to compete.

I have to prove my mettle. Make father proud. The training for this must be worth it. I know I'm talented with a sword, all my instructors even Uncle Tygett said so.

I know so. I can feel it in my bones that I'll be a great knight.

So why am I so nervous. Will I fail? Before the king and most of nobility? No… I can't doubt my hard work I won't fail.

I didn't notice but it seems I was hyperventilating and lost my awareness of my surroundings. I felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to sharply turn to the direction of it.

Behind me bending down slightly stood a man in a black armour with three golden circles interconnecting and a line drawn in between. Strapped to his was a black swordthat looked better than castle forged steel and he held a black shield with the same sigil. Despite his hulking figure he's red eyes were kind.

'Hey,kid are you alright? You were shaking there are you cold or something?'

'Or something.'

The man paused for a bit then stood up straight and sighed,

'Do you want to talk about it? I know I'm a stranger but sometimes that's what you need to get things of your chest. From the way you're dressed and your age I would pin you as a squire. Does it have anything to do with the tourney?'

The man is very observant. From our little interaction he gleamed the crux of my problems. But he doesn't seem to know who I am. Maybe he won't be biased because I am the son of Tywin Lannister.

'Its the tourney.I am nervous about this whole thing. I have to win this squire's melee. My father, the king, my sister. All of them will be watching me. Looking for faults. I can't show weakness. Because if I do…' I said while pouring my heart out to the knight. He leaned back abit before sighing. He said,

'Hey. You are putting too much pressure on yourself. Deep breaths. Yes. One… two… three.' he said while I followed his instructions.

'Whenever I'm nervous before a fight. I have this trick I do. I picture myself winning the fight im different ways until I can think of at least ten sequences of killing or incapacitating him. That changes my mindset from can I kill him? to how should I kill him?'

' It's a subtle thing but mentality is very important for us swordsmen. You are a swordsman. A small one but one all the same. You must believe whatever is infront of you can be cut down by you. Even your own fears and doubts.You put your trust in your steel because that is your god now. Now go out there and do you best and leave the results to the gods.'

I was perplexed by what he said for a while then my blood started boiling. Yes as he said I should trust in my training and skills that I have so far. And if the worst comes…

Put faith in my steel.

With that I stood up and thanked him. Telling him a Lannister always pays his debts. With that I went to were the other squires settled as they were preparing to head into the clearing.

I counted twenty heads.

I plan to be the last man standing.

Soon we began the skirmish as I quickly found an opponent to duel. It was the son of Lord Prester, Deryl Prester. He had skill but with how I currently was he might as well have picked up a sword today. After a few moves I disarmed him and made him yield before moving on to the next one.

This happened two more times before I was alone with Adamm Marbrand in the finals. I've trained with him before and he's good. Very good. We both lunged at each other and went at it for about a minute before I bashed him into the ground with my shield and made him yield.

I could hear cheers from all around me. Yes. This is it. The adoration. The cheer they love me. I love it so much. It feels like whenever Cersei touches me in that place.

I was called to the King's tent where I saw the Royal family and my father and sister together. Father had the same expression he always does but there seemed to be satisfaction there also.

'Jamie. You did well it seems even I underestimated you.' said father as he gestured for him to sit beside him. I bowed my head slightly to hide the tears of joy coming to my eyes.

Father is proud of me. I never thought I would hear him say it.

After some minutes the knights melee was to begin. I saw them pouring out on horseback to the melee, some where on foot. I counted at least thirty knights there and one kingsguard in Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of The Morning.

I finally noticed him.

The knight of three golden rings that encouraged me to fight. As the Knight's were taking their place their names and titles were called out and cheered for. After Ser Arthur was introduced and the dornish cheered for him madly they finally called his name,

'And finally Ser Lucas Radahn, The Grey Devil!' screamed the announcer.

I felt the atmosphere shift and noticed a frown on father's face. Did he know him?

'Father do you know who he is?'

'I have heard of him. For the past three years he's worked as a sellsword both independently and for the Golden Company. He is the best swordsman in the company and arguably in Essos. The Grey Devil was a moniker that started when he and a few of the company in their off time started hunting slavers and freeing slaves. Hearing the words the Grey Devil is coming was a death sentence to them. I heard he was knighted but no news of him coming to Westeros.'

I was in shock. That was who encouraged me? That's amazing. He's like Arthur Dayne of Essos. He got there with with his dark armor and two tourney blades and waited.

The melee started and all hell broke loose. Some men were immediately hit off their horses. Ser Arthur dispatched two knights at once and was looking for a third. I saw Ser Radahn kick someone's chest and he fell to the floor were he yielded.

Two knights died in the conflict and many were injured. This kept going until it was only Ser Radahn and Ser Arthur left. They both started circling each other before lunging at the same time. Their blades met multiple times and some even went through and hit the others armor.

The duel brought everyone to their feet because of how high level it was. You could tell you will never see anything like it again. These two were the best in the realm indisputably.

For Ser Arthur it was expected but for Ser Radahn, practically a new comer. But he proved he can hang with the best of the best already.

After a few more clashes and tight dodges, Ser Arthur managed to disarm Ser Radahn which made him fight with only one sword from then. The pace changed and he was twisting and turning out of range before explosively moving towards Ser Arthur and they clashed blades again.

Eventually they went on for too long without either looking like they would lose anytime soon. The king brought the fight to a halt and declared a draw. With both men receiving 4000 gold dragons each for winning.

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