
Chapter 059: The Archsage & The Hexablade

" Dyren are you sure your not gonna go back?" Sir. Mylon asked waiting at the Sun Port together with the Bronze Crusaders & soldiers of Skyetiello.

" Empress Amaris Herean ordered me to escort her and her sisters together with you and Archsage Fistes." Prince Dyren answered and Archsage Fistes land to their side from stepping on thin air where his hands on his back holding.

" You even brought the same number and the same soldiers before Prince Dyren, I agreed to be a escort for the sake of peaceful time." Archsage Fistes looking at Prince Dyren soldiers it was the soldiers who fought with Cap. Myera sisters before.

" Don't worry Archsage Fistes I will escort Cap. Myera peacefully and I brought them for another insurance." Prince Dyren replied and there's a paper on his waist together with his scimitars.

" Archsage Fistes there will be no chaotic battle again the Bronze Crusaders are here to secure it." Sir. Mylon stated and Archsage Fistes sighs.

" The Bronze Crusaders another chaotic army who killed the Morning Cloak and Sir. Mylon who fought Cap. Myera before I can't even thought of peace between the three armies, Hexablade of Eclorld truly suits the three of you and prepare they're coming." Archsage Fistes stated taking a step forward and pointed his hand to Cap. Myera grand fleet coming.

" Don't lose hope to us Archsage Fistes we can be together with peace too not just war, also Bronze Crusaders! prepare to check the entire ships." Sir. Mylon commanded and his army goes to their rightful position.

" Soldiers of Skyetiello gathered at the center!" Prince Dyren ordered and all of his army together with him gathered at the center.

Three ships finally reached the docks and Cap. Myera was the first one to be seen to depart then been followed by the others.

" Black Monkey how's the voyage?" Sir. Mylon asked moving near to her and exchange each other a shake hand.

" My pockets are full again Brown Bull." Cap. Myera respond and she glance at Archsage Fistes.

" I was ordered by Empress Amaris to escort you and your sisters to House of Herean together with both of them." Archsage stated and Cap. Myera and her sisters gets a excited vibes when they heard escorting to House of Herean.

" I see, My Sisters! we're going to have a vacation at House of Herean! prepare to wonderful journey!" Cap. Myera cheering her sisters and Archsage Fistes covered his fisted hand to his mouth and coughs.

" Also Empress Amaris ordered all of you to kept yourself together whatever you heard here." Archsage Fistes stated and Cap. Myera look at Sir. Mylon coughing too then she sees Prince Dyren together with his army.

" We ask for Forgiveness Cap. Myera and her Sisters for our rudeness before!' all of them bowed their heads and raised it immediately after what they said Cap. Myera and her sisters have their face full of confusion.

" Cap. Myera Islorth please accept our sincere reflection for our last battle I know I'm mistake too please forgive me." Prince Dyrem said and Cap. Myera together with her sisters who fought them before gathered smiling and.

" We accept your reflection and please accept pur reflection too Soldiers of Skyetiello." Her Sisters said moving to their sides and puts their arms around their shoulders.

" I believe my Sisters have forgiven you and your army, I ask for forgiveness too your army and for you I believe you know how to beg me." Cap. Myera said and Prince Dyren pulls a paper and an ink.

" Empress Amaris already forgiven me and he ordered me to ask for your forgiveness too, I will take our last conversation as a automatic answer." Prince Dyren said smiling and Cap. Myera seems suspicious but hugs him the armies around cheers on their sight.

" I see then I forgiven you now Dyren, also forgive me too that I almost killed you before." chuckling and Prince Dyren holds her hand and pulls her gloved.

" I can still survive though on our battle so its a tie." Prince Dyren said and pours ink to her hand Cap. Myera feels disgusted.

" What are you doing? its disgusting." Cap. Myera complained and Prince Dyren stamp her hand to the paper or contract of forgiveness also use her finger to give a signature.

" Empress Amaris Herean ordered me to ask for your forgiveness first before he can forgive me and he want proof that you forgiven me by this paper, so Thank you for forgiving me Cap. Myera Islorth." Prince Dyren stated smiling and showing the paper contents to her she reads it.

" Did I just got trick????" Cap. Myera asked and her sisters burst to laugh and Sir. Mylon pats her back.

" Yeah you got trick Myera what a nice trick there Dyren." Sir. Mylon said took the paper and reads it contents too.

" Empress Amaris Herean are waiting for us at House of Herean so everyone hasten your movements." Prince Dyren said taking the paper back to his waist and goes to his army together with Myera's sisters carrying chests, boxes, and barrels.

" Shall we go now both of you." Archsage Fistes looking at Sir. Mylon & Cap. Myera closer than before and both of them look at each other then laughs.

" How's the empire Mylon?" Cap. Myera asked walking together with Sir. Mylon.

" I killed my uncle Lord Hiller and his Morning Cloak together with my Aunt, Lady Xialith." Sir. Mylon answered and she was blinking her eyes rapidly.

" Lady Xialith of Ench Coven is your Auntie!!! I didn't know and no need to explain about your uncle I know your history so good job." patting his shoulder Cap. Myera knows how Sir.Mylon parents meets their end.

" Are my stalker?" Sir. Mylon asked and Cap.Myera gives him a punch at his arm.

" Damn you Mylon am I not allow to know history." Cap. Myera said raising her brow and Sir. Mylon chuckles.

" I'm just kidding and after I killed him a week ago rumors about Empress Amaris and Emperor Armaros relationship about bring Homophobic & Political spread." Sir. Mylon remark and slaps Cap. Myera hands taking a grip on her sabers.

" So that's why the people here seems noisy let me silence them." Cap. Myera glaring at the people and Archsage Fistes appears to their back.

" Empress Amaris ordered you and your sisters to hold the heat." Archsage Fistes stated and Cap. Myera together with Sir. Mylon push each other of surprise.

" Oh you damn Elf to scare me!" Cap. Myera remarks.

" Please Archsage Fistes stop popping up everywhere." Sir.Mylon suggested and Archsage Fistes moves to the front.

" I'm just following Empress Amaris ordered, I'm not a damn elf you pirate." Archsage Fistes corrected to Cap. Myera whistling then moves steps forward leaving them behind.

" A week after I killed Lord Hiller, Archsage Fistes killed Prince Valle Faiean & 12 Faiean believers at the Templar of New Acun by himself and only a couple of minutes of cleansing." Sir. Mylon said and Cap. Myera looking back and forth to Archsage Fistes to Sir. Mylon.

" That damn elf dangerous suits those gossipers." laughing then Archsage Fistes look back at her glaring, she kept her self steady and silent.

" After that rumors about Empress Amaris being a great actor spread to the people and Prince Dyren brag Empress Amaris greatness to the people and Lady Cathrinia threatened the nobles & the commoners of massacring them the time they betray Empress Amaris." Sir. Mylon said yawning.

" Good to know and I accept that mistress now I will try." Cap. Myera replied rubbing her nose.

The Archsage & The Hexablade together with their armies caring with each other, carrying their things, securing their ships, and traveling to House of Herean.

" We been traveling for hours and finally we arrived I want to see Empress Amaris first." Cap. Myera said together with Sir. Mylon on her side then Prince Dyren & Archsage Fistes landed at their front the four of them walking on a hallway full of paintings of heros and sculptures.

" Empress Amaris is waiting for us at the Room of Heroes." Sir. Mylon said and Hereans walking and greeting them.

" I want to see the Room of Heroes again so everyone faster." Prince Dyren said and the four of them hasten their walking and opens the doors embedded with the images or symbols of the four founders of House Herean, finally entered the Room of Heroes.

" Empress Amaris the four of us have arrived." Archsage Fistes stated and a room with a throne at the center a floor that seems a moving painting of Herean or a legacy of Hereans imprinted also a person seating on the throne wearing a blue shirt, silver pants, coat embedded with crest of Herean, and his hair tied with a crown like shape.

" My Archsage & My Hexablade, welcome to House of Hereans." Empress Amaris greets them together with the four heirlooms right on his side floating.