
The Dungeon of 99.999 Levels

What people call a dungeon is, in reality, something way beyond their imagination... Alongside the birth of a new world, the largest dungeon of the universe appeared, and it began to grow endlessly. Those who entered the dungeon never managed to leave until, after thousands of years, someone calling himself dragon god reached the deepest part of the dungeon. "Reach the final floor and obtain everything you want," The dragon god said. A challenge wasn't the only thing that the dragon god left before disappearing... he also left a curse. Every year, ten thousand people had to enter the dungeon. If that number isn't met, then their curse will select those who had to enter, and those who refuse it will have their families killed. First his father, then his mother, and then his elder sister... Zane lost all his family, selected by the curse of the dragon god and the dungeon. When he came of age, even without being selected, he departed to the dungeon with a single goal in mind... destroy the dungeon and kill the dragon god.

ExSoldierLv99 · Fantaisie
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  The lake of magma was the only thing illuminating the environment, and while it was enough to cross it, climbing the walls would be dangerous. A single mistake and the carriage might roll down the slope and fall on the lake.

"Don't worry about that. With my current strength, I can stop the carriage if something happens," Zane said and then began to lift the whole vehicle with everyone inside and using a single arm. 

  They got some extra things like materials and stuff, so Zane's strength certainly was something else. Regardless, they crossed the portal since they couldn't rest in such a situation without Yolanda's help, and sleeping while she worked would be a bit too much.