
The Dungeon Master System

'My entire body felt like it was being cooked. Suddenly my body exploded in flames, but they didn't injure me. It was like everything around me was suddenly lit on fire. After the fire spread to all parts of my body, I felt my bones and muscles shift in size. The process wasn't painful, but it was extremely uncomfortable. My body grew heavier as it changed shape, abandoning the usual weight a human would find comfortable.' - Excerpt from The Dungeon Master System. In the world of Woroch, only the strong survive. For thousands of years, the world was enveloped in a state of war and strife. Races such as Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and even Demons fought for territory and supremacy. When the war ended, Humans found themselves on top. The Humans' rule brought a new era of suffering for the other races. Some bowed down, some were enslaved, while a few others were wiped from the history books. Demons, Fairies, and Dragons all went extinct, but now it's time for them to make a comeback. Please keep in mind the MC is not an absolute genius. He will make mistakes. Words per chapter will be at least 2K. Total Wordcount (As of Part 74): 131,407 I don't have a consistent release rate thanks to college, but I'll try to do at least one chapter a day Reach me on Discord, Kenneth#5732, if you're interested in speaking with me. If you're interested in the discord server, copy this link: https://discord.gg/QRajKdQZ (DM me if it's invalid)

Done_With_It · Fantastique
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Part 40

"The twins are back," I laughed as I saw the familiar adventurers in the raid group. Hazel looked over at me, surprised, and began to smile.

"Why don't we go down to meet them?" Hazel suggested from the side. She was currently training with Aros but was losing horribly against him as they sparred. Of course, Hazel didn't mind, as she was still getting the experience she needed to further her skills with her weapon. I turned to Hazel, approving of the idea, and nodded.

"Why not," I shrugged as I closed the dungeon panel. Hazel turned to Aros and nodded. Aros nodded back and sheathed his sword.

"Of course, you'll get some armor, won't you?" She said as she sheathed her curse saber. She turned to me and began to walk away from Aros.

"Uh," I said with an uncomfortable grin. I turned my gaze away from Hazel as I began to consider getting myself some armor. For the last few weeks, I had been wearing my suit. Of course, I would wash it, but it was slowly becoming a bit uncomfortable to wear.

"If you don't, we'll be outcast from the raid group," She said. She turned her gaze toward Icarus, who was sleeping near the throne, as she smiled, "Well, more than usual."

"You have a point," I said as I let out a low sigh. I turned toward Icarus, then opened my dungeon panel and began to search through the apparel shop. I had gotten used to the suit, and still liked its appearance, but Hazel was right. I wouldn't blend in as an adventurer if I didn't use something that looked like actual armor.

Unfortunately, because my dungeon core was still level three, I was limited to items C ranked and below. Eventually, I found something that would work brilliantly. At the same time, I purchased a sword, mainly because most of my physical attacks would be infused with fire, so I wasn't unable to use magic with a weapon anymore. What I decided on, which held similar stats to my usual clothes, was called『 Armor of the Fallen Crusader 』.

The armor was split into three parts, the bottommost leather armor and green tunic, the grey chainmail, and the top plate that gave the armor its appearance.

Though it was heavy armor, it looked old, and that was shown through several factors. First, the dark green tunic, which showed itself between my legs and any point where the plate armor couldn't reach, was tattered and ripped like the flag of a defeated nation. Second, The chainmail, which was the second layer, was missing a few links, though this didn't matter as much- because I could hardly see it, and was rusty in other places. Then the plate armor, which covered the other two layers, seemed to have lost its original shine. It was grey, almost depressing, and covered in a few patches of dirt.

Of course, this damage only caused the armor to look more fierce. The helmet, which was covered in seven small, vertical slits for breathing and seeing, was shaped like a V. The bottom of the helmet, which held the flat-edged chin, also had two metal flat-edged points directed to the shoulders. The flat edges of the helmet continued up, creating another V effect that created an illusion of an angry expression, before continuing up to the remnants of two ram horns that had been broken already.

The shoulders, which held a collar of thick fur, also held the thick pauldrons for the armor, which clung tight to my shoulders before coming to a tight angle and growing until my elbows. There was an inch of chainmail and tunic before my armor continued, revealing the thick gauntlets that covered a portion of my elbows and the rest of my hands. My hand itself, which was mostly covered in leather, only held a metal encasing on the top half of my hand. My palm and fingers were completely free of it.

My chest, which held most of the chips in the armor, was also V-styled. It was thickest and heaviest near the top, where the pauldrons and fur collar met with the chest plate. Then, using a staircase of metal, the plate continued until my stomach and grew smaller with each stair. Once the plate finally ended, a layer of chainmail covered the rest of my stomach.

My back, which I was expecting to replicate my chest plate, actually held a dark green cape. The cape, which seemed to grow out of the fur collar, was made out of the same material as the green tunic. It continued until the back of my knees, where it ended in tatters and pointed rips.

My waist, which was covered in leather belts that held small pouches and a loop for a scabbard, also held most of the tunic. A couple of small plates of armor were seen as well, pointed in triangles that covered the sides and front of my body. My thighs were covered in armor, of course, but I couldn't see any of it because of the tunic that acted as a cape for my legs. That ended at my knees, where my greaves replaced the tunic.

Though I wasn't used to heavy armor, the entire set felt comfortable on my body. I wasn't even encumbered by the weight, though it was unfortunate to be wearing something so opposite in appearance to my usual suit and Azazel's suit.

Hopefully, that difference in appearance would set off anybody's course as they looked for Azazel. To further hide my identity, I also purchased a sword. I was unused to using swords, but my skills would help me where inexperience failed me.

Even though my attacks were infused with fire now, I didn't forget my ability to use Origin Magic through my skill『 Ancestral Magic 』. Therefore, I decided not to get a secondary item, such as a shield or another sword and left my left hand empty.

After purchasing and equipping everything I needed, I eventually managed to have updated my status.

Arthur Aureys

Race: Dragon

Level: 7

XP: 4126.8/6400

HP: 160 (+)

MP: 175 (+)

AC: 40 (+)

DMG: 70 (+)

Rank: SS

Equipped Items: Armor of the Fallen Crusader, Steel Broadsword

Titles: Dungeon Master

Skills: Appraisal, Morph, Ancestral Magic, Summon, Acrobatics. Noble Etiquette, Dungeon Visit, Mana Control, Fire Cyclone, Fire Whip

Skill Sets: Flame Manipulation

Status Effects: Flame Immunity, +20 HP, +5 MP, +30 AC, +20 DMG

Armor of the Fallen Crusader: Rank C

Item Type: Clothing

+20 HP

+5 MP

+30 AC

Once worn by an unnamed Crusader, this set of armor has seen countless battles and wars, yet has been unused for centuries. Weaker than its brand new counterpart

Steel Broadsword: Rank D

Item Type: Weapon

+20 DMG

An ordinary Steel Broadsword. Can sell for maybe 20 Gold

"It looks rather old," Hazel said after I purchased the armor. She had already seen me purchase something out of the shop before, so she wasn't surprised when the armor set appeared out of thin air. Only a flash of light warned both of us of its arrival, but it luckily wasn't as bright as the core whenever it would upgrade.

"It's only C ranked," I explained as I took the armor and turned to Hazel, "It has the best stats out of everything on the list, but its newer counterpart wasn't on there. It must be B rank or higher. I'll go put this on, so I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Do you need any help, My Lord?" Aros suggested. I turned to him, then looked at my armor and nodded. I had never put on a heavy of armor before, so I was unused to the process it involved. After looking at the various straps and several layers of the armor offered, I realized it would probably have taken me an hour just to figure it out.

By that point, the raid group might have already entered.

"That would be helpful," I nodded as I turned to Aros. I hugged the armor set close to my body, to not let anything fall to the ground, then turned to the throne to walk down the staircase. Aros followed close behind as he left Hazel and Icarus in the boss room.

Thanks to Aros's help, I managed to get the armor on within ten minutes.

It was a heavy armor set, which meant it weighed almost twice as much as Icarus, but my body was able to handle it with ease. I was surprised to find the armor was a perfect fit for me like it had been forged to fit my exact measurements.

Then, once I had my armor on my body and my sword strapped to my side, I returned to the boss room.