
Surprisingly calm (1)

"There is no need to stare at my forehead, Hazel. The bleeding has stopped and there isn't any pain at the moment. I am fine," Alessandra said for what felt like the tenth time. "I don't need any more apologies from you too, Eleanor. It was not your fault that I was hit. Throwing a stone at a group of people is a bad idea from the beginning."

"Yes, but it doesn't make me feel any better. I can handle getting retaliated against for my words but not when someone else is hurt in my place. Losing her hands isn't enough. Just leave me alone in her cell for one minute and then I can relax," Eleanor said as she held up her fist. 

She was an expert in throwing punches because the boys where she grew up were annoying little shits who kept pulling her hair. The first punch had been a mistake but once she saw the boy in pain, Eleanor couldn't help swinging at the others.