
Choosing peace (2)

"Duke, duchess!" Caleb called out to the couple as he exited the front door.

"Go away," Edgar ordered the tall man. 

"Yes sir," Caleb quickly turned around to mind his business. 

"Please stay, Caleb," Alessandra said.

Caleb turned back around regretting his decision to come outside. Now he was in the midst of whatever they were talking about.

"Caleb," Edgar said in a stern tone.

"You can't do that," Alessandra poked Edgar in his stomach. "Caleb is my bodyguard which means he listens to me."

"He is my loyal subject before he is your bodyguard. Isn't that right, Caleb?"

Both Alessandra and Edgar looked at Caleb to see who he would side with.

"Why are the two of you outside when your grandmother is here to spend time with you, Edgar?" Alfred questioned, unknowingly saving Caleb from his torture. 

'Thank you!' Caleb sang in his head.