
The Duke's Beloved Rose

Rosalina thinks it's the end for her and her unborn baby when she is murdered by an unknown man, but when she wakes up back in the past she realizes that this is her chance to change their fate. But things take a turn when she learns that the Duke has fallen for her this time, and soon she finds herself in the middle of something much larger than the fate of a mother and her child; struggles for power, conspiracies, and secrets that could change everything. Will she be able to change her fate? or will she be doomed to repeat her past?

KnowledgeKeeper · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 4- Eric

Rosalina and Spirit returned to the stables in late afternoon. She dismounted and led the Trakehner inside before removing her tack and giving her a thorough rubdown. She then prepared some feed for her and went to the medical supply closet to restock her bag.

"I'll need more bandages," she muttered out loud to herself, "and some more of that potion wouldn't go amiss." She grabbed a bottle and some rolls of bandages, putting them in the bag. She grabbed more thread as well, in case Berkeley popped a stitch, and replaced the needle with a sterile one. Then she closed up the bag, putting it back in the tack room for easy access before leaving the stables and returning to the manor.

Once inside Rosalina swiftly made her way back to her room and rang for Sylvia. She arrived a few minutes later.

"Yes, mi- Rosa," she caught herself.

Rosalina turned to face her maid. She was wearing only her undergarments, having taken off her riding clothes.

"Ah, Sylvia," she said and gestured to the clothes. "Could you have these washed?"

"Of course," she responded, picking them up.

"Thank you. I'll be in the bath." She turned to the door that led to her private washroom and was about to enter when Sylvia spoke again.

"Rosa? Did you get hurt?" She asked, the worry clear in her voice.

Rosalina turned back and saw the blood on her clothes. It was worse than she thought it was. I'm glad I didn't run into anyone like that, she thought.

"I'm fine," she said out loud. "I met an injured animal and helped it, that's all."

"Please be more careful," the lady's maid said. "Animals can be extremely dangerous when injured."

"I am well aware," she responded, "but I thank you for your concern." I'd better not mention that it is a dragon of all creatures, she thought, opening the door to the washroom and slipping inside.

The washroom was simple yet elegant, with white tiled floors and walls and a large bathtub made of polished white stone that filled most of the space.

Rosalina removed her underclothes and hung them on a wall hook, then made her way to the tub. She plugged the drain and turned on the tap. Water flowed into the tub and began to fill it, letting off a light mist of steam.

Once the tub was full she turned off the tap and lowered herself into it with a pleased sigh, immediately feeling her muscles beginning to relax. She sat there for a few moments, enjoying the warm water before beginning to wash herself.

She finished with her body somewhat quickly and began washing her hair. She became increasingly frustrated with its length and thickness, eventually calling Sylvia for help.

I remember why I cut it now, she thought as her maid got to work on finishing the job. Sylvia ran her fingers through her hair, working the soap through it. Then she used her telekinesis to lift a pitcher of water and pour the contents over her head.

With Sylvia's help it was finished quicker than if alone. "All done," she said, standing and grabbing a robe off the wall and giving it to her lady, who was getting out of the tub.

"Thank you," Rosalina said, taking it and putting it on before following her out of the washroom to the vanity table. She sat down and Sylvia began to brush and dry her hair.

"I have decided I want to get my hair cut," she said. Her maid stopped moving for a second.

"Any particular reason for this sudden decision?" She asked as she resumed doing her lady's hair.

"Practicality," she responded. "The Duke resides in the Northwest of Illridia. It will take a rather long time to dry it in the winter, even by a fire." It was the truth, but only partially. The other reason was that she found it much more manageable when short than when long.

"That makes sense," Sylvia agreed, nodding. "Shall we go to a salon tomorrow?"

"Yes, but it should be in the afternoon. I promised Spirit I would take her out for a run in the morning," she added as an excuse, still reluctant to bring up the dragon.

To her relief, Sylvia didn't question it. Instead she nodded and continued working on her lady's hair.

"Very well, Rosa."


By the time Rosalina had her hair done and had gotten dressed it was time for dinner. She left her room and headed to the dining room.

Her father and brother were already seated at the table when she entered the room. Dishes of food sat in the center of it, letting off pleasant aromas.

She took the seat beside Eric. "It smells delicious," she commented. "Mrs. Pattmore has really outdone herself today."

"There you are," Eric said, ignoring her comment. "What took you so long?"

"I had to do my hair," she replied.

"Do it faster." He snapped.

"It doesn't work that way," she shot back. "You try having such long hair and you'll see."

"Or maybe you should cut it."

"Maybe I will."

"Eric, Rosa, both of you stop it," their father commanded. "This isn't how nobles should behave."

"She started it." Eric whined.

"I did not!" Rosalina exclaimed.

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did no-"

"Enough!" Marquess Robinborne slammed his fist on the table, silencing the siblings. "Rosa, you are soon to be married to the most powerful man in our kingdom! Act with dignity befitting your rank. You are also the eldest; you should be a better example to your brother."

Rosalina felt her face heat up. I never thought I'd be scolded by Father like this again, she thought. Then again, I'd never thought I would end up going back in time.

"And you," the Marquess turned to her brother, "you are to take on the title and role of Marquess when I retire! Tell me, is this how a Marquess should behave?"

"No, sir," Eric said in a subdued voice. "I'm sorry father. It won't happen again."

"It better not," he said. "Now I am sure you are both aware but the Duke has not arrived yet. I can only assume he's been inevitably delayed."

You're right, Rosalina thought, and he will be for a while. She kept this thought to herself and simply nodded to show she understood.

"Perhaps he will join us sometime tomorrow or the next, or will send a letter to explain. Until then we will go about our day as normal."

Eric, she noticed, looked rather upset about this. She kept an eye on him throughout dinner, noting his silence and the way he pushed his food around on his plate before putting it in his mouth.

After a while of this he pushed his plate away and stood. "If you'll excuse me," he said, and left the table. Rosalina watched him go, then turned back to her food.

I'll check on him later, she thought, putting a forkful of food in her mouth.

Once she finished her food she set her fork down and stood. "Please give my compliments to Mrs. Pattmore," she said to the maid who came to collect her plate. "She has really outdone herself."

The maid bowed. "Yes, milady," she said.

"Thank you." Rosalina then excused herself and made her way to her brother's room.

When she arrived the door was still open and the runelamps on. She paused in the doorway when she spotted Eric practicing his swordsmanship. He slashed and stabbed at imaginary foes, using some moves that she recognized from watching the Duke train.

Perhaps I should learn how to use a sword, she thought. Maybe I'll ask the Duke about it.

Rosalina watched in silence for a few more minutes before he stopped, sword pointed before him. That is when she knocked on his door frame, getting his attention.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and sheathed his sword. "What do you want," he snapped.

"To talk," she replied, entering his room.

His room was very different from hers, with light blue walls and less furniture to leave room for practice. What little furniture there was had been set against the walls, with his bed being pushed into a corner.

Eric walked over to the empty weapon rack next to his bed and put his sword on it before laying on the bed with his back to Rosalina. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I didn't know you were interested in swordplay," she said. At least, not already, she added silently. "When did this start?"

"Last year," he responded grumpily. "You would've known if you paid any attention." He turned to face her. "Why're you even bothering now?"

Rosalina remembered guiltily that they hadn't always had the best relationship; she was always off with Spirit in the forest or in the study reading. It was only after her marriage that they had gotten close.

"I know I haven't been the best sister," she said, "but now that I'll be getting married I've realized that I need to do better. And I'm going to."

"Yeah right," he scoffed disbelievingly. "How're you going to do that?"

"Well for one I'm going to take more interest in your hobbies and interests. Like with your swordplay."

"What do you even know about swordplay?"

"Not much," She admitted, "but I know enough to recognize some of the moves you were using earlier. For example, when you parried the imaginary foe's blade. A simple move, but very well executed."

"Everyone knows that move, though," he pointed out. She nodded.

"True," she agreed, "but then again I'm not a swordsman so I wouldn't really know anything more complicated than that."

"The Duke would."

"Yes, because he's the great dragon of Illridia."

"That's true." He sat up. "I hope I'll be as good as him someday."

"I'm sure you will," she said, ruffling his hair. "Maybe he'll even help you."

He shoved her hand away. "Stop it!" He shouted, then stopped, eyes going wide. "Will he really?"

"We'll have to ask, but I'm sure he'll help," she reassured him. She remembered that the Duke had helped her brother train before, shaping him into a great swordsman.

Eric jumped up and hugged Rosalina, taking her by surprise. "Thank you!" He exclaimed.

She hugged him back, laughing silently to herself. He can be so childish sometimes, she thought.

"You're welcome," is all she said out loud.