
The Duke's Beloved Rose

Rosalina thinks it's the end for her and her unborn baby when she is murdered by an unknown man, but when she wakes up back in the past she realizes that this is her chance to change their fate. But things take a turn when she learns that the Duke has fallen for her this time, and soon she finds herself in the middle of something much larger than the fate of a mother and her child; struggles for power, conspiracies, and secrets that could change everything. Will she be able to change her fate? or will she be doomed to repeat her past?

KnowledgeKeeper · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 1- Return

Rosalina covered her mouth with one hand and tried to quiet the sound of her breathing. Her white hair was matted with dried blood and her other hand curled protectively over the small bump of her belly. She was covered in cuts and bruises, the most worrying being the gash on her thigh. Every step was agony and caused a surge of blood to run down her leg but she kept moving, only stopping long enough to tear her already ruined dress and tie the fabric around her wound.

It'll be ok. We'll be ok. Your father will come for us. She said silently to her unborn child. She felt a flutter of movement beneath her hand, as if her baby had heard her and was responding.

She continues to move forward, weaving through trees and being careful not to make a sound and alert her pursuer. Ahead of her the trees began to thin and the lights of a town appeared. She moved faster. If she could just get to town, they would be safe.

"Found you," a malicious voice said behind her. Before she could react she felt cold steel pierce her chest from behind, cutting through her heart. After a few seconds her killer removed his sword from her back and she fell.

No. No! She screamed silently, tears sliding down her face as her blood pooled around her. She was so close! If only she had made it…

Her life was slipping away, her body growing colder by the second. Everything had gone dark and quiet, and her heart stilled. She took her last breath, whispering a silent apology to her unborn child, who now would never be.


"NO!" Rosalina screamed, sitting up hard in bed. Her heart pounded violently against her ribs and her breath came in ragged gasps.

I'm… alive? She thought in confusion. How is that even… her eyes widened and her hands went to her belly as she remembered her child. To her utter confusion and dismay her belly was completely flat, as if she had never been pregnant in the first place.

"Milady!" Sylvia burst into the room. "Are you alright?!"

Rosalina started to turn to look at her but stopped. This isn't the Duke's manor. She realized suddenly, looking around. This is… my old room at the Robinborne manor.

She looked around at the white painted walls and feminine fixtures, noting the vases of beautiful red roses that sat on every surface. She was becoming more confused by the second. How did I get here? The Duke's estate is on the other side of Illridia!

"Milady?" Rosalina's lady's maid said again, the worry clear in her voice.

She turned to her. "Ah, Sylvia," she said, keeping her voice calm with some effort. "Did you say something?"

"I asked if you were alright." The lady's maid responded. "I heard screaming."

"Oh, yes," she said, forcing a smile. "Just a nightmare." A living nightmare, she added silently. Better to not mention that for now, though.

"Well that is understandable." The young woman said, crossing the room to the windows and throwing open the curtains. Her caramel colored hair lit up in the sunlight. "I'm sure any woman would have nightmares after learning they were to be married off to the fearsome Dragon of Illridia."

Rosalina's head snapped up and she looked at her maid with shock. To be married? But we're already married! She exclaimed mentally.

Something very strange is going on here. It's almost as if… she shook her head, rejecting the thought. Still it persisted, so she decided to test it.

"Sylvia, could you tell me what day it is?" She asked.

"Of course, Milady," she responded. Her back had been to her lady, so she hadn't noticed that something was amiss. "It is the twenty-third of March."

"And the year?"

Sylvia turned to her. "Are you sure you're alright? Shall I call someone?"

"There is no need, I really am fine," she lied. "I'm just a little disoriented because of the nightmare."

"It is the second year of King Elliott's reign," Sylvia relented, confirming Rosalina's suspicions.

I really have gone back in time, she thought, stunned. But how? And why?

Maybe so you can save yourself and your child, came a whisper of thought. It filled her with determination and she threw off her blanket, getting to her feet.

"Shall I do your hair, milady?" Sylvia asked.

"Yes, please." She responded, making her way over to the vanity table. She sat down in the chair and her maid stepped up behind her. She held out her hand and the hairbrush floated off the table into it.

"How would you like it done, milady?" The lady's maid asked while gently brushing Rosalina's long white hair.

"Something simple, please," she said, looking at their reflections in the mirror. Her white hair was longer than she remembered; she had it cut short when she first moved into the Duke's manor after their wedding. Her eyes, though, were still the same bright, unusual red.

"As you wish, milady." Sylvia said, then began putting up her hair.

Rosalina closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of hands on her head. Sylvia worked quickly and efficiently, and soon had her hair up in a simple ponytail.

"All done milady," she said, stepping away from the chair.

Why does she keep calling me milady instead of my name? She thought with a frown. Then she remembered that her maid only started calling her Rosa after a few months into her marriage.

"Is there something wrong?" Sylvia asked. "Is it not to your liking? Shall I redo it?"

"No, no. It's perfect, thank you." She reassured her. "I was just thinking that you only call me milady." She turned to her maid with a smile. "I would like it if you'd call me Rosa instead."

Sylvia looked startled. "Are you sure, milady?"

Rosalina stood and grabbed her hand. "Of course I'm sure," she said, smiling down at her. "You've been by my side for nearly twelve years now. You've more than earned it."

Sylvia bowed. "As you wish, mi- Rosa," she corrected herself. "Now, let me get you dressed so you can go down for breakfast."