

This novel is exclusive to Web Novel, please contact me through the chapter comments if you find that all or any part of this publication is being uploaded elsewhere (on another site). Thank you.


Once Evelina had safely exited the Duke's presence and rejoined the ball, she began to regret her outburst towards him. Although she believed he deserved her reaction due to his intolerable arrogance, she hoped that she could have handled the situation with more grace. Evelina wished that she had conveyed her rejection in a more courteous manner, one that he would not have taken personally or felt the need to retaliate against her in the morning. After all, the Duke's status as a Duke gave him the kind of authority he could use against her, given the information of her that he had. Not only could he ruin her reputation with that, but the news could also dent her father's as well, and potentially harm Violetta's future prospects of finding a suitable marriage partner.

Evelina's blood ran cold as she recalled her father's words from earlier that night - the words he had spoken to her before abandoning her at the ball.

«Remember whose daughter you are when you have to make certain decisions tonight,» he had pleaded with her.

Was he aware? Doubtful. It was unlikely that her father had encountered the Duke that night since he had already departed before the commotion that announced the Duke's presence began.

«Care for a drink, Lina?» Priscilla's voice interrupted Evelina's thoughts as she realized they had moved deeper into the hall and were now surrounded by other debutantes who were drowning their sorrows in glasses of cocktails.

«What's the purpose of being here, Prissy?» Evelina's accusatory tone should have made her friend flinch, but Prissy was too carefree to be bothered.

«Just one drink. Trust me, it will improve your mood,» Prissy insisted while offering her a glass.

«I cannot partake, and neither should you. Women are not permitted to drink in high society, let alone become intoxicated,» Evelina reminded her friend.

«And you, my friend, have never cared for high society's opinions. Or, is that no longer true for you?» Priscilla teased as she offered Evelina the glass of rum. «Just take a sip, and trust me, it will add colour to your pale cheeks.»

Evelina was apprehensive but took the cup from her friend. As she raised the cup to her lips, the potent smell hit her nostrils, causing her to become instantly dizzy.

«This isn't a cocktail. It's rum!» Evelina half-yelled in shock.

Priscilla quickly covered her mouth with her hand, afraid of being overheard by the wrong audience. «What are you trying to do? Get us kicked out of the ball before I've even had a chance with the Duke?»

Evelina furrowed her brows as she observed Priscilla fretting about being caught. Eventually, Priscilla let go of Evelina.

«You shouldn't shout like that,» Priscilla chided her friend.

«And, you shouldn't try to get me drunk. Here, take it back. I don't want it,» Evelina replied as she handed the cup back to Priscilla.

«Don't you trust me, Lina? It's not a big deal. I sneak into Colin's study sometimes and have a drink or two. Trust me; a small sip won't make you drunk. But okay, I'll take it if you won't,» Priscilla responded, taking the cup and downing its contents before washing it down with a flute of cocktail.

Evelina watched with surprise as Priscilla finished the drink so effortlessly. «That wasn't too hard, was it?» Priscilla shrugged, a smile on her face, before taking the lead and asking, «Shall we go find some gentlemen to dance with since you won't have a drink with me? Is that okay?»

Evelina shook her head, feeling somewhat disappointed that her friend had changed so much, but also thanking her for trying to cheer her up.

But dancing was morally out of the question for Evelina. She couldn't bear the thought of being pressed against another man's body, especially when she was still thinking about the Duke's marriage proposal. Even though she couldn't have accepted him, —even if he hadn't threatened her — she couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement she had felt when he asked her to marry him. It was unusual for her to feel anything for her suitors, so why him? What was so special about the man who had tried to force himself on her that fateful night and blackmail her on this night?

«Lina? Evelina?» Priscilla's voice and a gentle nudge returned Evelina's attention to her surroundings.

«What's the matter with you?» Priscilla asked, concerned. «Something's bothering you, and you won't say, but I'm here to help. Can't you try to be a little present?»

Evelina attempted to focus on Priscilla's words, but her eyes had wandered elsewhere. She spotted her mother, Priscilla's mother, and another woman in a conversation, but what caught her attention was the Prince joining the group.

«How did he get here?» Evelina blurted out.

«The Prince? What is he doing with the Countess, your mother?» Priscilla asked as she turned her head towards the group.

«That's not the issue. My question is, why is he here at all?» Evelina replied, visibly shocked.

Priscilla didn't understand the significance of the Prince's presence and merely asked, «Should I know what that means?»

Evelina explained, «The Queen mentioned he was wandering around Scotland the other day, and with the Duke's attack, he wasn't supposed to return now.»

«Unless he came back for you? My goodness, Evelina!» Priscilla exclaimed. «This man is persistent enough to have you.»

«And I am persistent enough to avoid him,» Evelina responded, pulling Priscilla towards a pillar.

«What are you doing? Why are we hiding?» Priscilla questioned.

«He's not supposed to see me,» Evelina replied.

«Why not?» Priscilla inquired as she noticed Prince Laith's searching gaze scanning the hall.

Evelina retreated further behind the pillar, but Priscilla had had enough. «Listen to me!» she commanded, stepping forward.

«What are you doing? His attention on you could bring him to me,» Evelina pleaded.

«I see no reason why you wouldn't just give in,» Priscilla replied bluntly with folded hands.

«The reason is simple. I just don't want him,» Evelina replied.

«Then is there someone else that you do like? Did you come to this ball just to pass the time when your heart belongs to someone else? You turned down dance offers, rejected the Prince's introduction. What is it, Evelina? Who is it that you're interested in? You must tell me,» Priscilla demanded.

Evelina didn't answer, opting for silence instead of defending herself in an argument with her friend.

She cautiously peeked out from behind the pillar and saw Prince Laith departing from her mother's company. Only then did she feel at ease.

«Evelina Belle Beaumont Huxley!» Priscilla shouted, startling her.

Evelina was thankful that Prince Laith had wandered further into the hall and didn't hear Priscilla's outburst.

«You must tell me who has captured your heart this moment or else—»Priscilla threatened.

«No one, Prissy,» Evelina interrupted. «But please, I need to speak to my mother about something. Excuse me?»

«Right. You are excused,» Priscilla sneered. «I should have been with the Duke already. Çiao, Evelina.»

As Priscilla walked away, Evelina felt a pang of hurt. She didn't understand why she cared so much about Priscilla talking to the Duke.

Determined, Evelina straightened her shoulders and headed to her mother, planning to demand they leave immediately. She already saw how disastrous her attendance at the ball was, and she wasn't willing to risk further emotional destruction.

Just as Evelina was about to cross the hall to reach the Countess, she saw her mother's footman rush over and deliver some secret news to her.

This novel is exclusive to Web Novel, please contact me through the chapter comments if you find that all or any part of this publication is being uploaded elsewhere (on another site). Thank you.