
The Duality of Fate: Blessed or Cursed with Two System

https://discord.com/invite/CggXeC27 #WSA 2024 Drake, a 25-year-old writer, unfortunately, meets with rejection. However, at his doorstep, he receives a cheat and suddenly finds himself transported to a completely new world that he has never seen or heard of before. This world is called Astral Nexus, and it is filled with different types of species, each with its governor. Democracy seems to rule here just like back on Earth, but there is one person who rules over all the species - an exiled demon. While some people are aware of this information, others are not. Unfortunately, no one is willing to challenge the demon ruler. That's when Drake - now known as Xavier, an emotionless, stupid, weak young boy, and an abomination - decides to take matters into his own hands. He has been granted two systems, but it's uncertain whether he will be able to balance them as an ML since both systems have different elements.

Seastar_222 · Fantaisie
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110 Chs

Second Test 1

Silence enveloped the room, and Xavier felt a mix of fear and bravery. Absentmindedly playing with his hair, he took a deep breath and walked towards the window. Observing the various races going about their daily routines, his mind was consumed by thoughts of the recent events in the Arcane Trials Chamber. Now, his destiny rested in his own hands.

"Show me my stats," he requested.

[Are you addressing me?]

{I suppose it's me?.}

'Well, this is going to be a challenge,' he thought to himself, scratching his head.

'What should I call you, second system?'

{You can call me whatever you like.}

"Show me my stats first, and then I'll come up with a name for you. Just so you know, I'm not great at naming things."

{Sure thing!}

{Host Evolution protocol initiating. Prepare for activation...}

'Wait, no... This can't be happening,' Xavier thought, haunted by memories of his previous system.


"Why didn't you do it before I collapsed?"

[We need you awake and ready to do so, that's the protocol.]

{I should be the one saying that.}

'You two should be quiet.'



{System activating 5… 4… 3… 2… 1}

With each passing second, the bond between Xavier and the system intensifies. As the countdown reaches its climax, a surge of power engulfs Xavier.

He could feel his veins tighten, his body becoming more muscular. He touched his stomach and felt a newfound strength. Now he doesn't feel any weakness in his body as before.

'Wow, cool! Show me my status, I'm excited to see. I feel like a whole different person.'

{I can see that your initial system activation was quite a nightmare, wasn't it, host?}


Xavier's face lit up with a huge smile.


{Demonic Crystal System Evolution}


—Demonic Name: Voragoth

—Race: Hybrid

—Age: 18

—Level: 0

—Title: Null

—HP: 100/100

—Crystal Mana: 0/1000

—Crystal Stone: 200

—Strength: [4/20]

—Agility: [3/20]

—Intelligence: [5/20]

—Endurance: [4/20]

—Dexterity: [0-20]

—EXP: [0/100]

—Skill Points: 0


'Why is my name Voragoth?' Xavier's eyebrows twitched.

{You are a demon host. Say "next" to check more.}

'Hmm, I see I'm a demon for real? Chainy, help me here.'

[Indeed, you are one. Level up to obtain information on how and why.]

'Hmm, now I understand why they labeled me an abomination. This is really cool. Next.'


{Martial Arts - Dual Swordsmanship} LOCK

—Dual Swordsmanship Proficiency: [0-20]

—Accuracy: [0-20]

—Reaction Time: [0-20]

—Combat Technique: [0-20]

—Defensive Maneuvering: [0-20]


- Null

'Interesting, but why is this locked?'

{It will unlock once you have a sword host.}


"Xavier, it's time for the second test," a familiar female voice interrupted him from behind.

'I'll check the stats later, system.' Turning around, he saw Lily.

"How are you? Are you ready for the second test?" she asked, smiling widely as her wings fluttered.

"I'm good, ready for the second test, even though we have no idea what it is," Xavier replied.

As they walked out of the room, Lily chuckled. "You're full of surprises."

"I didn't expect you to be okay. I thought I'd find a bedridden boy here," she continued.

"So, why are you here, Feisty one?" Xavier asked, noticing Lily's ears turning red while her expression remained stoic.

'Why is she here?' she wondered. Perhaps this young man had caught her attention.

"I'm here to check on my little friend. Now that you're okay, let's go for our second test, boy," she playfully punched his shoulder before catching up with Alad and Kathy.

'Geez, she's going on my list.'

[I can't wait to see how you handle her, host. Hehehe.]

{I see.}





The four individuals arrived at the Arcane Trials Chamber, where Iorin was waiting for them with a welcoming smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, a fact only Xavier and he were aware of.

Upon entering the hall, Xavier noticed a difference from their previous visit. Other candidates were seated on floating chairs, each with a blank parchment, ink, and quill on their tables.

"It looks like we have a written test this time," Xavier remarked.

Iorin's voice boomed with excitement, "Take your seats, the test will begin."

The remaining unseated individuals quickly found their places, while Xavier, Alad, and Lily ended up at the back.

"Are you boys ready? Make sure you pass this round, or I will hunt you down," Lily warned, her demeanor turning serious.

Xavier and Alad nodded, feeling a mix of fear and surprise at Lily's sudden change in attitude.

Silence enveloped the crowd as a muscular man with dark-brown eyes entered the scene. Whispers rippled through the spectators as they identified him as a member of the Skosha race, the final group to join the alliance with the other species. The Skosha looked similar to humans but possessed the ability to shapeshifter, with their eye color being the only distinguishing feature.

"Alad, why is everyone murmuring?" Xavier asked, looking puzzled.

Alad was surprised by Xavier's lack of knowledge about the Elevens and the Races. "That's Iloius the Great, from the Skosha race," he clarified.

"Bro, were you never informed about this at home?" Alad questioned, astonished that Xavier seemed unaware of such vital information regarding The Eleven and their Alliance.

Xavier glanced at Alad before shifting his gaze elsewhere. He knew that his ignorance might raise suspicions, but in his host's memories, he appeared to be secluded in his room, engrossed in studying spells from a book in Sylvan Manor. His grandfather had been preoccupied with clan matters before his abduction, and his aunt was frequently away on missions or battles.

Realizing that Alad was his only source of information, Xavier decided to keep him close for now. He needed to find a way to avoid looking suspicious, but he also saw Alad as a younger brother. Back on Earth, Xavier, an orphan, had always been bullied, even at work. He was determined to protect Alad and keep him by his side.

"I don't have any information about them, Alad." Xavier said.

"I'll let you know once we're done with the test," Alad reassured with a smile.

Luckily, their conversation went unnoticed as everyone's attention was on the Skosha.

"I'll share more about them with you, big bro. I love studying these races the most. The Academy has a lot of information on them. Let's go in," Alad said, smiling.

"You're a clever kid," Xavier replied, resisting the urge to ruffle Alad's hair.

Just then, Iloius's voice boomed like a lion's roar.

"Welcome, future Talents, to your second test. The rule is simple: follow my instructions."

No one spoke a word as Iloius addressed them, "Now, no noise. This task may seem difficult, but it is also simple. You will need to use your imagination, creativity, willpower, focus, speed, strength, and most importantly, yourself."

Confusion filled the air, but a smile spread across Iloius's face.

"Oh, I almost forgot, your emotions are crucial. Pay attention to yourself this time, not others. You will understand why soon, young ones," he advised.

With a flick of his finger, darkness enveloped the room.

"Take out your Quillscribe," Iloius commanded, and they all obeyed.

"The Quillscribe is a mystical quill that can transcribe thoughts onto parchment. This time, your task is not to write, but to draw," he explained.

The group looked at him in disbelief. Why were they being asked to draw? As they stared at him, their faces reflecting confusion, Iloius smiled.

"Quiet down, take a deep breath. Your task is to depict the detailed process of summoning a fireball, starting from the initial incantation to the final release of magical energy," he explained.

At that moment, a boy raised his hand. Iloius nodded in approval, signaling for him to speak.

"We haven't learned about spell incantations or how to summon fireballs. Some of us here may not even use fireball magic," the young boy noted.

"That's a keen observation, my friend. The fireball serves as an example to showcase how you can manifest your abilities in a potent manner. The parchment will gauge your creativity as you draw. Don't fret, let your imagination lead the way," he reassured.

"The spells and symbols needed are provided on your parchment, so enjoy the process. This test will conclude in approximately 20 minutes. Begin now," he concluded before stepping away, leaving them to their task.

Xavier sighed as he picked up his parchment and examined it. 'They're looking for imagination, and as a writer, I have plenty to offer.'

{Will you need assistance, host?}

"Yes, I will need it very much."

{And what kind of help do you require, host?}

'Being quiet and not interrupting me would be beneficial. Now I need to think outside the box.'


It was time for him to reduce his reliance on the system and start taking action with his own hands.

To truly succeed and become powerful, he must not rely too heavily on the system and instead focus on building himself up.

"Here goes nothing," he said."

This is the start of his journey. With unwavering determination, he dips his quill into a pot of shimmering ink, his mind filled with images of flames and heat. He carefully outlines the intricate hand movements needed to mold the mystical energies into a fireball.