
The Dreammaker's Reality

"Lord, we believe in you. We will sacrifice ourselves for the future." "Aurelius, my friend, let us old men pave the way for you." "Aurelius, thanks for believing in me when no one else did. Let me create a path for you." "Emperor, don't worry. We will shed our blood for the future." "Lord..." "Emperor..." "Aurelius..." These voices echoed in his head as he gazed at the lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield. The earth was soaked with blood, and the sky was dark, punctuated by the sound of relentless lightning. Aurelius looked on with bloodshot eyes, a scream building in his throat. He wanted to shout, to ask, "Why?" "Why is life so unfair?" "Is it really that difficult to achieve peace?" "What if I had changed the past? What if I hadn't let go of friends because of some prophecy?" "What if I had saved everyone?" As these wild thoughts raced through his mind, Aurelius's red eyes grew even more determined. "I will change the past." "I will rewrite destiny." "I will break this timeline and forge a new one." "I will change my past. Not even the Grand Dao can stop me." but will he?

Baig · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Chile Town

As Aurelius emerged from the teleportation gate, he was greeted by a man of striking presence. The human wore glasses with sleek, modern frames that complemented his formal attire—a tailored suit in deep navy, with a crisp white shirt and a meticulously knotted tie. On his right wrist, he carried a sophisticated watch that gleamed in the ambient light.

The moment Aurelius stepped into view, the man tapped his watch, and a virtual screen flickered to life above it. The display showed all of Aurelius's details, glowing softly in the air.

The man stepped forward with a professional but welcoming smile. "Hello, Mr. Aurelius. I am Siddharth Rao from the residential hall of Chile Town."

He extended a hand in greeting. "We have received your details, and I will be your guide to help you understand the town and get settled in." Siddharth's voice was smooth and reassuring, suggesting both competence and a genuine willingness to assist.

Aurelius listened attentively and replied, "I will be in your care."

Siddharth Rao nodded, his expression a blend of professionalism and warmth. "Follow me, please."

The two of them walked through the bustling streets of Chile Town, which thrived with activity. The town was a vibrant mix of ancient architecture and advanced technology. The streets were lined with shops, eateries, and various establishments, each exuding a unique charm. The air was filled with a blend of scents—freshly baked bread, exotic spices, and the crispness of the nearby forest.

As they reached the residential hall, a grand building adorned with intricate designs and modern touches, Siddharth led Aurelius inside. The interior was spacious and elegantly designed, with high ceilings and a harmonious blend of classical and contemporary decor.

Siddharth guided Aurelius to a sleek, polished counter. "Please provide your documents and ID," he requested.

Aurelius handed over his identification, a square card with his photo and personal details engraved on it. Siddharth tapped his watch again, and the virtual screen appeared. He scanned the ID, and Aurelius's information was immediately uploaded to the residential hall's database.

"Let's get you registered," Siddharth said, typing swiftly on a holographic keyboard that emerged from his watch. The process was seamless, with each keystroke resonating softly in the air. Siddharth's focus was intense, his fingers moving with precision and speed.

As he worked, Siddharth explained the benefits Aurelius would receive. "You have been allotted a small house in the residential area. It's furnished and ready for you. Additionally, you will have access to various facilities in the town, including the mission hall, which might interest you given our earlier discussion."

After a few moments, Siddharth looked up and smiled. "All done. You are now registered as a resident of Chile Town."

He handed back the ID, now updated with additional information indicating Aurelius's residential status. "Let's head to your new home."

They exited the residential hall and walked through the scenic part of the town. The path was lined with lush trees and beautifully manicured gardens, the tranquility of which contrasted with the bustling town center.

Siddharth led Aurelius to a quaint house at the edge of a serene park. The house was modest yet charming, with ivy creeping up its stone walls and flowers blooming in window boxes. Siddharth opened the door, revealing a cozy interior with a warm, inviting ambiance. The furniture was simple but comfortable, and the rooms were bathed in natural light.

"Here you are," Siddharth said, handing Aurelius a set of keys. "If you need anything else, the residential hall is always open. Welcome to Chile Town, Mr. Aurelius."

Aurelius took the keys and looked around, feeling a sense of belonging and anticipation. "Thank you, Siddharth. I appreciate all your help."

Siddharth smiled, "It's my pleasure. Enjoy your stay, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

With that, Siddharth departed, leaving Aurelius to settle into his new home, ready to embark on this new chapter of his journey.

After settling into his new home, Aurelius took a moment to examine the watch he had received during registration. It was sleek and elegant, with a polished silver finish and a display that shimmered like liquid crystal. Intrigued, he tapped the screen, and it sprang to life, revealing a multitude of functions and settings.

Aurelius spent some time familiarizing himself with the watch. It was far more advanced than any mobile phone he had seen on Earth. The interface was intuitive, and he quickly navigated through various applications. The watch offered communication features, a detailed map of Chile Town, access to local services, and even a personal assistant function. After saving Siddharth's contact information, he decided it was time to visit the mission hall.

He opened the GPS application and typed "Mission Hall." Instantly, a holographic route appeared, hovering just above the watch's screen. The path glowed softly, leading him from his current location to the mission hall.

Securing the door behind him, Aurelius set off, following the luminescent guide displayed on his watch. The streets of Chile Town were alive with activity. He passed a diverse array of people, all wearing similar watches. The air was filled with the aroma of various foods from street vendors, offering everything from savory grilled meats to sweet pastries.

The architecture of the town was a fascinating blend of old and new, with ancient stone buildings standing alongside sleek, modern structures. As he walked, Aurelius marveled at the seamless integration of different races and cultures, each contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the town.

After about 15-20 minutes of travel, he arrived at the mission hall. 

As Aurelius entered the mission hall, he was immediately struck by the bustling activity within. The hall was alive with a diverse array of beings—demons, devils, and various other races—all converging to register their identities and embark on different missions. This place was clearly a hub of activity and ambition, a key location in the underworld where one could undertake tasks to earn merits, essential for climbing the hierarchical ladder.

The mission hall itself was an impressive structure, with high vaulted ceilings and intricately carved pillars that depicted scenes of ancient battles and heroic deeds. The walls were lined with glowing crystals that cast a warm, ethereal light over the entire space, creating an atmosphere both grand and mystical. 

In the center of the hall stood a massive, holographic display board that continuously updated with new missions. Each mission was accompanied by a detailed description and a barcode. Aurelius noticed that individuals who were interested in a particular mission could simply scan the barcode with their watches to accept it. Once a mission was completed, they would need to get confirmation from an official to receive their merits.

The air was filled with a symphony of voices, a mix of languages and conversations, each being bringing their own unique presence to the hall. Demons and devils interacted with the hall's officials, eagerly submitting requests and receiving missions. The officials, identifiable by their distinctive uniforms, managed the flow of information and ensured that the system ran smoothly.

Aurelius was fascinated by the efficiency and organization. He saw a young demon scanning a barcode and immediately receiving a notification on his watch, indicating that the mission was now assigned to him. Nearby, a devil with horns curving elegantly back over his head discussed mission details with an official, gesturing animatedly.

Aurelius moved closer to the central display board. Each mission varied in difficulty and reward, some requiring combat skills, others demanding knowledge of alchemy or artifact retrieval. The variety was staggering, catering to a wide range of skills and interests.

He approached the reception desk, where a clerk greeted him with a nod. "Welcome to the mission hall. How can I assist you today?"

Aurelius smiled and replied, "I'm here to find out more about the missions available and how I can start earning merit points."

The clerk handed him a sleek, crystal-clear tablet. "This guide will walk you through our procedures. You can also use your watch to browse and accept missions directly."

Thanking the clerk, Aurelius took the tablet and found a quiet corner to study it. The guide explained the process in detail: 

1. Registration : Before accepting missions, each individual must register their identity and skills with the hall. This information helps in matching suitable missions.

2. Mission Selection : Missions are categorized by type and difficulty. The display board and the watch interface allow for easy browsing and selection.

3. Completion and Confirmation : Upon completing a mission, the individual must report back to the hall for verification. An official will confirm the completion, and merits will be awarded accordingly.

4. Merit Points : Merits can be used to upgrade status, purchase goods, or access special services within the underworld.

Having absorbed the information, Aurelius decided it was time to register and begin his journey. He approached the registration counter, where another official helped him input his details into the system. His watch pinged, confirming his registration was complete.

Feeling a sense of purpose, Aurelius scanned the mission board once more. He selected a mission involving the retrieval of a rare herb from a nearby forest, scanned the barcode, and received an immediate notification on his watch.

Determined and ready, he made his way out of the hall, setting off on his first mission in the underworld, eager to earn his merits and carve out his place in this vast, new world.