
Chapter 32: Into The Battle

Back to Eva, she was sitting in meditation under a waterfall. Suddenly Emanda kicked her into the lake and said:

"No, you're not focused enough."

Eva swam to the surface and said:

"I've been meditating for more than three hours and haven't learned anything, are you really going to teach me anything?"

Emma replied:

"Learning light magic you need to master the element of light within you first, you don't know its full potential yet."

Emanda lifted the bottle of Elf wine to drink. Eva swam to shore and was pulled up by Belle. Eva said:

"She just drinks like that all day?"

Belle replied:

"Well, it's a long story. She was broken up by many men and was very sad and depressed. Then she trained for a long time and became the new leader of wizards and witches to get revenge to the men rejected her. And during training her alcoholism got worse because of her broken heart and you know it. Wizard Emanda drank wine every day because she liked it."

Eva said:

"Her skills are still good even after drinking, right?"

Belle replied:

"The wizard Emanda's magic is very good and full of energy but she is very lazy when it comes to magic."

Eva said:

"She said I needed to master the element of light in me, what does that mean?"

Belle replied slowly:

"The element of light is the first element of all things, the source of all elements. But it is also one of the most difficult to master, the element of light needs the necessity of the soul, no fear, anxiety, lust, anger and negativity. Then the light will allow you to master and give you its infinite power. The power of creation and purification. The power to destroy darkness and bring balance. You're thinking too much in your head, clear your mind and summon the element of light in you."

Eva said:

"Easier said than done, I'm really worried about myself."

Belle replied:

"What are you thinking about?"

Eva remembered Urizen's stories and how much he believed in her, even though Eva knew she was still not worthy of that trust. Eva was also worried about Julia and her safety, Julia was her most trusted companion. Eva said worriedly:

"Many, my best friends are being held captive in the Lanxter kingdom, I worry about her who has always trusted and loyal to me. Even though I was able to summon weapons, Elemental Spirits and learn more elemental weapons, I realized I still don't have enough power to protect everyone around me. Even though I wanted to win against Urizen to regain the throne, I realized I wasn't worthy enough to be queen even though I spent my whole life preparing for that day. This journey I've let my ego take over so much, I can't stop thinking about my shortcomings, maybe I shouldn't be a princess."

Belle replied:

"I see, I'm just like you. Mother also trusted me to be the next queen, I also spent a lot of time becoming a worthy successor but it just wasn't enough. I had a period of depression because of that pressure. But I decided, I will become a queen who I am. Although it may not be as great as the previous queens, I will still fulfill my oath is to protect my kingdom, to protect the light no matter how hard it is. It doesn't matter how great a person you become, but who you really are and the strength of your character. You can be a queen yourself and no one has the right to change you."

Eva seemed to understand something, something she had always lacked, confidence in herself, the belief that she could do anything by herself. Eva had struggled to prove herself a worthy successor for a long time, but she had forgotten who she was. Is she simply a princess? No. She is someone greater than that, she is the one to make a great change for the future. Emanda sat on the cliff and said:

"Okay princess, let's continue training. Sit under the waterfall and summon your light element."

Eva nodded and stood up, she said to Belle:

"Thanks for your encouragement."

Eva went up to the waterfall and meditated under it. Eva enters her mind and meets The Riser, who says:

"The Riser, do you really believe I'm the chosen one?"

The Riser replied:

"If you can prove yourself, my master."

Eva said:

"I've always thought I wasn't ready, but I didn't know it was my weak self-esteem that was holding me back. So The Riser, lend me your power, to make a change. "

Eva and The Riser gradually light up. Outside, Eva's chest lit up, Emanda smiled excitedly and said:

"So this is the power of the Gloria royal family, the power of the sun."

Emanda kicked Eva down the waterfall again. Eva swam up and said:

"Again! I did exactly what you wanted."

Emma replied:

"Yes, I did that to save you some energy, okay let's learn some magic, my student Eva Gloria."

Eva said:

"Yes Master Emanda."

Eva began to learn magic, Emanda took her and Belle to the meadow. They stopped at a magic circle where witches trained. Emanda read her book and said:

"Okay, the most basic magic of wizards, magic to move objects. Draw a circle of light on your palm and put your hand on the object to be moved, then use the element of light to move it."

Eva replied:

"Okay, let me try. The Riser."

Emanda said:

"And don't use elemental spirits. It'll be more interesting."

Eva replied:

"I always ask The Riser to help me draw the circle of light."

Emanda said:

"You already have the element of light, use it."

The Riser told Eva:

"Master, try it."

Eva nodded and tried drawing a circle of light. She tried drawing but the circle was not created. Eva looked at Belle, she whispered:

"Clear your mind."

Eva closed her eyes and relaxed her mind, slowly drawing a circle of light on her palm. Emanda and Belle smiled proudly. Eva raised her hand and pointed it at a small rock. She slowly lifted it up with the light, she laughed happily and said:

"I made it!"

Emanda replied:

"Very good, we have more spells left."

Eva launched the rock flying away, she nodded and said:

"Let's continue, help me as much as you can Master Emanda."

Eva continued to learn magic at the same time as Zed, Elastor, and Alata climbed Mount Ad Ruven. Back with Zed and Elastor, they descended into a cave for one last training before tomorrow's battle. Zed absorbed a lot of darkness, his whole body emitting a dark and fuzzy aura. Elastor summoned the Volt greatsword and said:

"Go ahead."

Zed summoned the Returner sword and said:

"Dark Matrix, three meters radius."

The Dark Matrix was built and locked them inside. Zed said:

"As long as you parry all my slashes or destroy the Dark Matrix, you will successfully pass my special training."

Elastor released thunder, he replied:

"I'll do it and kick your ass."

Zed smiled wickedly and immediately rushed to slash at Elastor repeatedly. He was constantly moving and bouncing around at a tremendous speed that no one could see. Zed unleashed hundreds of slashes in all directions, although not as fast and sharp as Grim's slashes, it was powerful enough to defeat anyone. When the slashes were about to hit Elastor, he instantly parried each slash, his sword swing speed increasing with each parry. Elastor's left eye glowed with lightning, he now possessed an eye that could see electricity in the human body "Left Eye of Thunder". Elastor saw the electric current inside Zed through every smallest atom, although it was very small, but through that eye it appeared very clearly. Zed shot at Elastor but he dodged it lightly. Elastor swung his sword at Zed, but Zed blocked it. Elastor and Zed looked at each other, they smiled and Zed said:

"Very good, you have a new eye. What do you see in it?"

Elastor replied:

"Every current in you, every movement and position you take."

Zed withdrew the Dark Matrix and they stood up. Zed said:

"Now for tomorrow's battle, we need armor."

Elastor replied:

"I think we will be equipped, but your size will require a larger set."

Zed said:

"They should have an armor for me."

Zed and Elastor left the cave and headed back to the castle. While walking, they saw Eva learning magic. Zed wondered:

"She's learning magic? Well, it's good for her."

Belle saw Elastor and ran to him and said:

"Elastor, where have you been all morning?"

Elastor replied:

"Ah, I trained all morning."

Belle said:

"I know mother and you had an argument because you wanted to climb the Ad Ruven mountain. And what did you get?"

Elastor replied confidently:

"New power."

Belle said in doubt:

"How can I trust that new power?"

Elastor replied:

"Well, wait until tomorrow, little sister."

Belle said angrily:

"Don't call me little sister."

Elastor replied:

"Don't mess with your big brother."

Elastor stroked Belle's head like a little sister to him. Belle jumped up and fought with Elastor. Elastor screams in fear:

"Ahhh, Zed! Help me!"

Zed shrugged and ran off to find Elf wine. Belle strangled Elastor and crushed him to death. That was the way big brother and little sister fight each other when arguing, the little sister always wins. Back to Alata, he wasn't like everyone else, he didn't have an element. Alata sat under a tree with Skeletor beside him. Alata sighed and said:

"The Ghost!"

The Ghost was summoned and hovered in front of Alata. Also unlike normal Elemental Spirits, The Ghost was an artificial Elemental Spirit, a Spirit created from Reaper's soul experiment and The Ghost was the most perfect result but it didn't have any elements and just a floating ghost with the ability to steal corpses. Alata said dejectedly:

"The Ghost, you really don't have an element?"

The Ghost shook his head to say it had no element. Alata said:

"It's been a long time since I learned anything about your ability, maybe we can just take over the enemy's body, fuse together to create a ghost body and that's it."

Alata and The Ghost looked at each other, he said:

"We haven't really awakened our strength yet, maybe the only one who can help us is our father. But the way home is too far, how can we get home when only tomorrow a big battle will happen."

Alata sighed and looked over at Skeletor, he said:

"I know I'm slowly deviating from my original mission, but they don't see me as an enemy anymore. What should I do? Betray them? How can I repay them when they see me as their friend? Elastor, even though I hate you for killing my brothers and sisters, you still consider me a friend even though we are enemies."

Alata, The Ghost and Skeletor sat there thinking. After a lot of training Eva, her light magic was very well developed. Although Eva's spells had not been learned much, but she studied carefully and performed well the basic spells. The number of spells she learned was enough for tomorrow's battle. Eva was lifting a big stone floating in the air. Then she carved the sun symbol onto that stone and extracted the sun symbol from it. Emanda said:

"Very well. Class is over. Get some rest, Eva."

Eva replied:

"But Master, I still haven't learned much."

Emanda said:

"You've learned enough here, you have a big battle tomorrow."

Eva bowed to Emanda and respectfully said:

"Yes master, thanks for teaching me magic."

Emanda laughed and replied:

"It's okay, you remind me of Belle when she was my student. Now she's grown up and on her way."

Then Emanda flew back to her house and Eva walked back to the castle. Eva while walking, accidentally passed Alata, she approached him and said:

"Alata, what are you doing here?"

Alata was startled and turned to look at Eva, who replied:

"Nothing, I just sat there thinking."

Eva happily said:

"There's a big battle tomorrow, so I'm asking for your help in this battle. I don't want to ask more, but if you want to retreat, that's fine."

Alata stood up and excitedly said:

"Don't worry, you can count on me, tomorrow's battle I will do everything I can to defeat the enemy."

Eva smiled and replied:

"Thank you very much."

Then they went to the castle together, while they were going Alata thought to himself:

"What did I just say? I could have left but why stayed. For what?"

At the same time Belle dragged Elastor, who was badly injured with a series of scratches on his face, and they made their way back to the castle, Zed getting lost while searching for the winery. The five of them were ready for the upcoming battle. The sunset was slowly descending and the light shone on them, the five warriors were in full spirit. Returning to Grim, the training time in Exos' room, although only nine hours had passed outside, but inside, Grim had trained for more than three days. Exos released them from the room, Grim lay on the floor with many wounds on his body, he smiled evilly and said:

"Finally, I got it."

Exos replied:

"You've trained well, now go rest."

Grim said tiredly:

"Aren't you nervous about training a Dark Elf? You accidentally gave me a greater power."

Exos sat down at the tea table and replied calmly:

"No, I don't care about helping anyone or what I get in return. I'm just too bored with this life."

Grim stood up and said:

"Thank you, will you join the battle tomorrow as well."

Exos said nothing and enjoyed the tea comfortably. Grim smiled and left the room. Grim went to her room, Julia was sitting in bed thinking when she was startled when Grim entered the room. Grim lay languidly on the bed, he said:

"It really hurts."

Julia replied:

"What have you been doing all day and now you're back."

Grim said tiredly:

"I trained all day today. Good night anyway."

Grim fell asleep instantly. Julia looked at his dirty face and understood his struggle and said:

"You must be so tired, you won't even take a bath."

Julia poured hot water into a wooden basin and took a towel. She dipped the towel in hot water and wrung it out. Julia slowly wiped Grim's body, she cleaned his wounds and dirt. Then Julia changed him and let him sleep soundly in bed. Julia looked at Grim and said:

"You two are exactly alike."

Then Julia went out onto the balcony, looking in one direction. At the same time Elastor also went to the balcony and looked in the same direction. They didn't know they were looking at each other, even though they were far away, their hearts knew who they were looking at. Elastor thought to himself:

"I miss you Julia."

Julia thought to herself:

"How long until I see you again?"

Elastor thought to himself:

"Only tomorrow, I promise I'll bring you back."

Both thought to themselves:

"Then we'll be back to the way we were, side by side."

Zed and The Knight sat on the roof of the castle to absorb the darkness, they looked up at the starry sky, Zed said:

"How's the amount of darkness, The Knight?"

The Knight replied:

"It's still not enough, master."

Zed said:

"We need to absorb more, too much isn't enough for us."

The Knight replied:

"Yes, master. But you know it's still the new waxing moon season, we can only turn into two tails."

Zed said:

"I know, but we have to use every possible condition. That's why I need you to absorb all the darkness you can."

The Knight nodded and continued to absorb more darkness. Zed patted The Knight's head and said:

"Although I don't want to kill anymore, but this time I will fight for what I believe in."

Suddenly Eva climbed onto the roof of the castle and said wearily:

"Why do you like to sit on top of the castle?"

Zed and The Knight gasped and thought:

"How did she climb up here?"

Eva sat next to Zed and said:

"Absorbing the darkness again?"

Zed replied:

"Yeah, I need to prepare more things."

Eva said:

"So are you worried about tomorrow's battle?"

Zed replied:

"I've been to hundreds of battles, one more is nothing."

Eva said:

"Oh sorry, I forgot."

Zed replied:

"And what about you?"

Eva said:

"I'm a little nervous, I've never been in such a big battle. The two kingdoms will decide everything with a final battle. But I will be brave in this battle."

Zed replied:

"I was hoping you would be afraid to take the enemy's life and retreat from this battle."

Eva said:

"Hey, my arrow of light only stuns enemies, not kills. Then I will never kill anyone."

Zed replied:

"Listen to me, you can kill an enemy when you really have a reason. Don't kill because you think it's an enemy, or blind your eyes for revenge. When you draw your bow and take someone's life with your arrow, you'll never come back. When you need something or are stuck, call me, I'll come help you."

Eva was worried by Zed's strange "word of encouragement" and said:

"I won't kill anyone. Why would you want to help me when I'm in danger?"

Zed replied:

"You said you wanted to take back your kingdom, so I will protect you until you succeed."

Eva put her head on Zed's shoulder, she said:

"Thank you very much."

Eva slowly fell asleep, Zed thought:

"Damn, my shoulder hurts. But it's okay, you'll be fine."

Zed and Eva sat there and fell asleep together. The next morning Zed woke Eva, he said:

"Eva wake up, it's time."

Eva opened her eyes and slowly woke up, dawn gradually rising. Eva absorbed sunlight and she said:

"Stay by my side Zed, until the end."

The Newlaphaine army gathered and prepared its formation. The white butterfly cavalry flew in the sky and gathered over a thousand horsemen. The archers and knights of the Elves had gathered, preparing for a battle that would shake the Highland continent. Everyone was gearing up for battle. They put on their armor and checked their weapons again. All the soldiers prayed before Horux asking him to give them the strength to protect them. Zed watched his new light armor and said:

"Damn it, it's so light, I'm used to heavy armor."

Elastor put on armor with one shoulder armor and replied:

"Get used to it, elf armor is light but sturdy."

Alata pulled up his pant armor and said:

"Help me, these pants are too big."

Elastor replied:

"Use another pair of pants, this is too big for your size."

Eva wore light armor without shoulder armor to suit archery, she said:

"Okay, how's everyone?"

Zed replied:


Belle did not need to wear armor, she wore a light suit to facilitate movement, she said:

"Everyone, let's go see the queen, she will explain our plan."

Elastor replied:

"We'll go up too. Alata, pull up your pants now."

Alata said hastily:

"Damn it, there aren't any pants that fit."

Alata decided not to wear armor at all, he said:

"It's more comfortable now."

They went to meet Queen Eculida in the Throne Room, where she and her generals gathered around the strategic map to prepare battle plans. But the generals were bickering because they did not agree on a common plan and because it was their first time fighting on the Lanxter front. It should be known that after the wedding between King Halazar and Queen Eculida, the two kingdoms have not fought for thirty years, many old generals have died from exposure to dark magic for too long and most recently the Newlaphaine army attacked the Lanxter army when they came to save Crusadia team. Everyone approached the strategic map where dozens of attack lines were drawn. Eculida said calmly:

"Elastor, I need your help. I know you've been to Lanxter castle and know the way to the Haunted Mountain. Do you have a way to attack Lanxter kingdom?"

Elastor replied:

"Listen everyone, I have a way."

The generals looked at Elastor with suspicion and arrogance, why an Elf was invited by the queen to help her when there were already the best generals. One general said:

"Who are you to join this meeting?"

Elastor replied strongly:

"Son of Queen Eculida and King Halazar, I've been inside the enemy base, I know the way in to attack."

The generals were surprised and frightened by the fact that Elastor was the son of Halazar, one of whom told Eculida:

"Queen, he has Dark Elf blood in him, must kill him."

Eculida replied gently:

"But he is my son and has important information too. I know it's hard for you to accept this but Elastor is the one who will end this battle. Now, tell me your plan Elastor ."

Elastor said:

"Thank you queen, but it won't be me who's planning. Say hello to my little friend... Zed."

Elastor pulled Zed in front of the strategy map, he said in surprise:

"Idiot, why drag me into this?"

Elastor replied:

"You learned military tactics and how to attack the enemy's line, use it."

Zed said angrily:

"You bastard."

Zed looked up at the strategy map and everyone in the back also looked at the map. Zed got tired and said:

"Okay, we can all discuss together."

And after a few minutes of thinking and listening to each member of the team, Zed snapped his fingers and said:

"So we have this way."

At Castle Lanxter, Grim awoke and put on his amethyst armor while Julia wore her wedding dress. Grim said:

"Do you believe in him? And your friends."

Julia replied:

"Of course, I've let them down in the past, but now, we trust each other."

Grim said:

"No matter how today's wedding goes, I just want to defeat Elastor, then I'll let you and him go."

Grim turned and looked at Julia in her glittering amethyst dress. He blushed, Julia said:

"What's wrong? Let's go."

Grim replied:


Grim and Julia exited the room and headed for the Throne Room where the wedding was held, the servants lined up behind them. They entered the Throne Room, Halazar sat on the throne and smiled wickedly at them, surrounded by nobles. Grim and Julia approached the throne, trying to avoid Halazar's cruel gaze. The wedding began, Halazar stood up and solemnly said:

"Today is a great day for the kingdom, the day when in the future my son will become a king in my place..."

Halazar began lecturing and Grim and Julia became bored waiting. Outside the Forest of Nightmares, Newlaphaine's army was standing outside with Zed and Elastor in the lead. Many soldiers were worried because they were afraid that dark magic would affect them badly, Elastor said:

"Do you remember the right direction?"

Zed replied:

"Of course, it could be this way."

Zed and Elastor summoned their weapons, Zed said:

"Let's clear the way."

Elastor replied:

"Don't overdo it."

Zed and Elastor together said:

"The Knight! The Star!"

Two Elemental Spirits were summoned and merged into their swords. Zed held the Devil Wolf sword horizontally and Elastor raised the Star greatsword. Both smiled excitedly and said loudly:

"Dark Tornado! Lightning Strike!"

They swung their swords into the Forest of Nightmares at the same time, a dark vortex and a great bolt of lightning destroying all the giant thorny trees in their way and creating a path leading to the cave to the city. All the soldiers behind were shocked with their invincible power. The explosion shook the mountain, Julia smiled happily and said:


Grim looked in the direction of the explosion and smiled slyly, he and Elastor thought together:

"It's time for our battle."