
The Flotilla

They stayed for a whole day on Feros as the Normandy crew had to help with taking care of the civilians and cleaning the facility.

The Asari Commando was sent by Matriarch Benezia because Saren ordered her to investigate what was happening in Feros. This made their earlier theory come true which put the Commandos in a difficult place.

The person they were loyal to was dead and her daughter was going against the person that their leader was working with. They were given the chance to start anew as security for the people on Feros or become criminals chased by the Citadel Council.

They became security personal for the colonists as the next day arrived the Normandy left Feros. Tristan was leading the group for the next few days to let his sister recover from what happened as he helped Garrus finding a criminal and Tali in getting some data from a hot zone full of Heretics.

Vincent was training with the children while the ship was flying towards Virmire. It was hinted that Saren has his base of operation on that planet.

Titania was back after her short rest from the incidence of Feros. They overflying it when Titania asks Tali, Garrus, and Tristan to join her on the bridge to infiltrate Virmire.

The Normandy couldn't land so the group entered the Mako when Vincent enters it as well alone which surprised the others since Vincent would normally go with a group.

"Aren't the others going to join us?" asks Titania as Vincent smiles while holding his sword and shield.

Vincent was in his Paladin-set (Idealized Chevarlier Set) when he sits down and says, "I and Vlad will be enough to help you infiltrated the planet to take out the Anti-Aircraft Towers."

"Vlad?" asks Garrus confused thinking that Vincent was talking about his sword when Vlad crawls out of Vincent's shadow.

"I am Vladimir, but you can call me Vlad for short. I am the shadow that protects Vincent," says Vlad as he sits down across from Vincent and begins to sharpen his daggers.

The Normandy opened the Cargo Door and Titania accelerated making the Mako land on the shallow water. She continues as Joker takes the Normandy out of there.

"Everyone on their guns," says Titania as they get in position.

"That was a neat beach landing," says Vlad complimenting Titania on her success.

"Please don't do that," says Tristan warning Vlad who was confused that Tristan said that when suddenly they feel the whole Mako shake.

"What is going on?" asks Vlad as he thought the enemy was attacking.

"My sister's driving skills," says Tristan as Titania was a straightforward person, who would just drive over rocks or smaller trenches which made the Mako shake wildly around.

"Enemy incoming!" shouts Garrus as he could see them through the scope of the Mako's machine gun.

They were shooting at them destroying the Heretics while Vincent and Vlad were leaning their backs against the Mako.

"It almost feels like the War on Thedas. Just with more guns instead of swords and magic. Do you think Saren is here?" says Vlad as he looked at Vincent who shakes his head.

"Probably not. He might have one of his bases of operation here but I don't think it is the most important one," says Vincent as he had his eyes closed when suddenly a message arrived for him.

He opens his eyes and smiles while saying, "Oh, those are great news."

"What do you mean?" asks Vlad as Vincent hand over the message.

Vlad reads it and says, "Do you think they know that their sworn enemy is also in the Empire."

"They should know about that, since we are quite open about it," says Vincent as he turned to Tali and says, "Congratulations, Tali."

"What is going on?" asks Tali as she was focused on killing Heretics.

"It seems you have become a member of the Empire," says Vincent as the whole Mako suddenly turned silent.

"What do you mea-," says Tali when Titania interrupts her.

"We have time to talk about that later after taking care of the Heretics and the towers," says Titania making everyone focus on their actual objective again.

A week ago in the Migrant Fleet, Naosane was sent there to talk to the Conclave it was like their Elder Council.

Naosane actually wanted to talk to their Leader but it seemed that there are five of them which are called Admirals. They would only gather if it was something important that could threaten their people.

Naosane was waiting to bring forth the topic of the Quarians joining the Empire when he hears, "Mr. Highwind, the Conclave is ready to meet you."

"Right," says Naosane as he enters the Conclave seeing the Quarians looking at him.

He walked to what seemed a podium and the one leading the Conclave asks, "Why have you come to the Flotilla. Ambassador of the Highwind Empire?"

"*two coughs* I am Naosane Highwind, I came to you to speak with you about joining the Empire," says Naosane as one of the Quarians stood up.

"What happens if we don't join. Will you attack us as you did with the Batarians," says the Quarian as Naosane shakes his head.

"No, the Empire attacked the Batarians because they were an eyesore for it. The Empire believes that slavery is barbaric and hates it. We had a long time our eyes on the Batarians because of that and when we revealed ourselves to the Citadel Council we didn't need to hide any longer from anyone," says Naosane as he takes a deep breath because this was a headache for him.

"But the Empire won't bother you as long as you aren't hostile to us or our ships. You are after all floating and living in Imperial Territory without even knowing," says Naosane as this shocked the Quarians.

"This is our Home Sector. That can't be true," says another Quarian when Naosane sighs.

"It is true. You just haven't respected one possibility and that is that the Geth are part of the Empire," says Naosane prepared for their reaction.

"You are colluding with the Geth!" shouts one of them after recovering.

"We are since they are a peaceful race if we compare their history against the history of any other race in this Universe," says Naosane as one of them got so angry that he stood up from his seat.

"How dare you say that they are the most peaceful race! Don't you know what they did to our Ancestors!" shouts the Quarian angry.

"Oh, I know, but do you know that your Ancestors started the whole war and even lost against a race that only asked one question which scared your whole race," says Naosane calmly as he was here to invite them into the Empire and not start a war.

"What do you mean! The Geth attacked us first," says one of the Quarians as Naosane sighs.

"It seems you people are not better to your Ancestors. Normally a race learns from their past mistakes but it seems that your Ancestors were so ashamed of the truth behind the war that they changed history completely. They even slaughtered their own people which were against the war," says Naosane as he projected an image in the air.

On that image, they could see a Geth sitting on a chair while a Quarian was repairing him when the incident that caused the happened and the Geth asks, "Does this unit have a soul?"

"This is the moment your race got scared of the Geth and it was what sparked the fire for war for extremists," says Vincent as he continued showing them more videos in which Quarians are shot down by other Quarians for protecting the Geth.

"Going by the archives of the Geth they never went for a weapon until almost the end of the war. They could have exterminated the Quarian race but opted against it since they honored the wishes of their dead saviors," says Naosane as he showed them how the Geth could have exterminated the Quarians but didn't do it.

"They tried to make contact with other races but only found hostility until they made contact with the Empire," says Naosane as he showed the first footage of the Empire making contact with the Geth.

"We live in peace with the Geth now for 50 years and they never had a bad intention. If they really were your enemy. I wouldn't be standing here trying to get you into the Empire," says Naosane as he stopped projecting the images.

"I am here to give you the same deal that every race in our Empire has," says Naosane telling them about what the Empire demands of them and the benefits of joining.

"You will be able to go home and we might find a way for you to leave your full-body suits without fearing to die just because you breath in some air," says Naosane as he looked at them seriously.

"I said what I came to say. You have one week to decide if you want to enter the Empire and let your hatred go of the Geth which only defended themselves," says Naosane as he walked away from the podium.

He leaves the room letting them discuss about it as he returned to the ship of the Empire. They waited for the week to pass to get their answer which would decide the fate of the Quarians.

The Quarians accepted but they had a condition that was straight-out rejected since they wanted the Geth to surrender their weapons. They came to a compromise that stated that neither Geth nor Quarian is allowed to carry a weapon on Rannoch.

If someone would go against said term the Empire will find out the truth behind the accusation and deal with it discreetly.

Naosane was exhausted after that and says, "A fair warning the First Emperor has his eyes everywhere even on this ship. If you dare to double-cross the Empire I will feel sorry for your stupidity."

Naosane then left the Flotilla with the ship of the Empire to finally go home while sending a message to his father about what happened.

Hope you like it.

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