
Showing Ikora around the Normandy

They stayed for a while so Ikora could enjoy the old Blades' outpost without Titania and Ikora noticing eyes watching them from the shadows which didn't reveal themselves since they saw Vincent with them.

The old outpost was after all one of the Network's outposts which is used by the Shadows that are training future Shadows that will protect the Highwind-line since one shadow protects one Highwind for life while the Emperor has five keeping him safe beside the Crownguard.

They walked out of the place and Ikora, as well as Vincent, summoned their sparrows when Vincent tells Titania to sit down behind him before they drive to Bruma.

They reached the custom and they got checked before passing it get to the Normandy. Once on the Normandy Ikora wanted to talk with Vincent alone for a moment and Titania could hear in Ikora's voice that it wouldn't be pleasant.

"Vincent, why don't you show our crewmate where the Crew Quarters are before showing her around the ship," says Titania as she turns to Ikora.

"We will talk later to know each other better. I want to know as much as possible from my crewmates before I take them on a mission to see them in practice," says Titania before escaping as she rushed into the Armory which was empty since Jacob is still in Bruma.

"Why did you enter my room without knocking first?" asks Ikora as Vincent was scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I thought you would be focused on reading your books that is why you sealed yourself away from everyone. How could I have imagined that you were naked coming out of the bath," says Vincent defending himself since the others made it quite clear that Ikora went into seclusion for a long time before he and Titania arrived.

"I closed myself in because of Osiris. He would always appear out of nowhere just to get something confirmed because I am his senior when it comes to magic," says Ikora angrily as she didn't believe in what Vincent said a moment ago.

"Hey, you don't have to believe what I just said. But it is the truth. I wanted to just recruit you since we needed a Guardian and Sorceress and you are the perfect fit for this mission as well going by what Cayde told me about you," says Vincent as he walked towards the elevator and pushed a button.

The door was closing and Vincent stopped the door using his hand while saying, "Are you coming? I don't have the whole day and Titania told me to show you where you will be living ok the ship."

"I am coming," says Ikora as she enters the elevator and Vincent lets the door close before they reach the third deck.

They leave the elevator and they walked around as Vincent showed her everything essential when they entered the Starboard Observation Room finding Samara inside it meditating.

"Samara, you are here. I thought you would have left to explore Bruma like the others," says Vincent looking at Samara who stopped meditating.

She stood up and turned to Vincent and says, "It seems one of the Justicars made some trouble inside Imperial Space. Custom didn't let me pass into Bruma."

"I will talk with some people to make an exception for you. Also," says Vincent as he looked seriously at her.

"I send a message to a good friend of mine who is quite interested in what you told me while we were playing Wicked Grace," says Vincent talking cryptically which annoyed Ikora.

"You talked to your friend about the Ardat-Yakshi?" asks Samara angry since she told Vincent about them to build a bond of trust between them.

"Yes, and she wants to help you but to do so she needs an Ardat-Yakshi to extract some generic probes as she did with the Krogans before they received a cure against the Genophage," says Vincent as Samara didn't know what to say.

"I will think about this while on our way to Omega. Once we reach Omega I will have my answer for you," says Samara as she began to meditate again ignoring Ikora completely.

Vincent leaves the room when Ikora says, "It seems I am not the only one angry at you."

"My parental spirit took one over me as I almost crushed her head because she wanted to attack Ishly, my youngest daughter," says Vincent to Ikora as they continued walking through the third deck before they continue with the fourth deck before entering the Cargo Bay.

Ikora finds three beds in the Cargo Bay which confused Ikora since one of the beds was too big for one person alone.

"Who sleeps on that bed?" asks Ikora curious as Vincent sat down on the bed.

"I and Liara sleep on this bed," says Vincent as Ikora looked at him confused.

"Liara?" asks Ikora since she never met the Asari.

"Liara T'Soni, she is an Asari Researcher in Kvatch with her focus being on Protheans. She helps Mannimarco with the Prothean relics and history. Also, she is one of Mina's targets," says Vincent as Ikora understood immediately what Vincent was talking about.

"Does she know about that?" asks Ikora as Vincent nods.

"She even bought those weird clothes for us and we already are in an intimate relationship," says Vincent as he stood back up because he still had something to do.

"I almost forgot the most important thing I came to do on Nirn," says Vincent which confused Ikora when Vincent whistles.

Fenris came rushing towards them with Ser Jorey on his back when Vincent opens a portal towards the Throat of the World and he takes the little fellow from Fenris's back.

"A mouse?" asks Ikora as Vincent shakes his head.

"A Hamster that I found strolling around here when I caught. He is quite the hero who helped us a lot," says Vincent as he walks through the portal and appears on the snowy tip of the mountain shielding the hamster from the cold wind.

Ikora followed Vincent as the portal didn't close behind them since Vincent just wanted to expose Ser Jorey to the sky of Nirn. Ser Jorey began to glow for a moment before Vincent petted him.

"You wanted to obtain Magicka, why?" asks Ikora now curious as Vincent placed Ser Jorey on his shoulder.

"Yes, I want him to gain a stronger body and for that, he needs Magicka since he won't develop a stronger body naturally. He tanked a bullet with his shield which broke his arm," says Vincent as he walked past Ikora going through the portal.

Ikora followed him before the portal closes behind her and she hears Vincent say, "For his body not to break because of the pressure I will be teaching him Restoration and Alteration Magic maybe some Destruction Magic later on."

Ser Jorey was flexing his little muscles which he was training lately when Vincent uses his index finger to poke the fluffy stomach of Ser Jorey.

"You will lose all of your cuteness if you become all muscles. What will the other Hamsters think of you," says Vincent joking around when he takes Ser Jorey from his shoulder and placed him on Fenris's head.

"Beginning tomorrow I will be teaching you magic little one. You will be ready for active service once we are done," says Vincent with confidence since animals seem to master magic faster than human beings, or at least that is what time has taught him over the years of training Mabaries.

"But first, I should finish our little tour around the Normandy. Now, how about something to eat. Gardner is quite a chef for a military man. He should be able to make us a small feast if he is already on deck," says Vincent as he walks to the elevator.

Fenris followed Vincent right away while Ikora just sighs when she says, "Don't you think that we should return to talk about what happened on Artaeum."

"Again?" asks Vincent as he thought he escaped the conversation.

"You don't even know how it feels to be ignored the whole time," says Ikora angry as Vincent was confused.

"Are we still talking about Artaeum?" asks Vincent confused when Ikora launched herself at him.

"First you had eyes only for Mara Sov even when I was around you. I thought it was because of your duty as the First Emperor but you closed the door right away," says Ikora as she was sitting on top of Vincent.

"But now I hear that you have taken an Asari which isn't even a part of the Empire as your future wife. How should I feel? I saw how you fancied over Mara Sov and stayed quiet but I won't now," says Ikora angry as Vincent looked at her surprised.

"Wait a second, you have a crush on me?" asks Vincent surprised since he thought that Ikora wasn't interested at all since she would always run into the Library.

"Yes, they developed after living for half a year with your family back then. I saw you as what you are and not your titles nor your riches. Why do you think I joined the Psijic Order? It was to put as much distance between us while being a hand's reach away for you," says Ikora as she hit Vincent's chest.

"How should I have known about your feeling when you always fled into the Library to read. Saladin might have hinted at it but you loved to read that is why I never pursued you," says Vincent as he moved his hand towards Ikora's face.

He caresses her cheek before smiling while saying as a joke, "You know that you could have just stripped for me as you did on Artaeum. It would have given me a more direct signal."

"Bastard," says Ikora with a smile before she stood up from Vincent.

Vincent stood up as well while saying, "You aren't the first one telling me. Ask Ellana, she can tell you many tales."

They then took the elevator up to the third deck when Vincent asks, "How about a date once this is all over?"

"I would like that," says Ikora as the door opens and they leave the elevator.

Hope you like it.

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