
Recovering from the Wound

Vincent finds himself in his Dreamscape and sees Renda-Rea talking to someone he met before once and Renda says, "He finally awakened." "Good," says the man with the ax on his back and Vincent says, "You too. Will I be haunted by all my former enemies now." "Maybe, my name is Ardbert and will be your new instructor for now. You will learn the way of a Warrior but first the basics. Those three jobs you have should help for the beginning. Normally I would have liked to be first but Hydaelyn has her plan after all. Now take the ax and let's begin just because you are injured outside doesn't mean you can't train on here," says Ardbert as he hands over his ax and Vincent begins to swing it until it was time to awaken.

Vincent awakens and sees a wooden roof over his head and tries to sit on the bed when he feels pain and an elderly woman says, "Oh, you are awake. Good to see that are fine even after such a wound. You are lucky to still be alive. Many people would have died from that wound you had. The divines must be guarding over you since you are still alive." "And you are?" asks Vincent when the elderly woman says, "Anise, you can call me Anise. Your companions were worried. They are outside and haven't rested since you all came here."

"Thanks for taking care of me," says Vincent as he stands up and the bandages around his wound begin to get bloody and Anise says, "You should rest for a while. I will change the bandages and you can leave afterward if you want." "Thanks again. We have an important mission at hand and we shouldn't interrupt it just because I'm wounded," says Vincent as Anise begins to change the bandages and put a salve over the wound before putting the new bandages on.

"So don't strain yourself. Your armor and weapons are on the table over there," says Anise and Vincent stands up and puts them on while Anise goes outside to inform Farengar about the situation. Then Vincent leaves the cabin and sees Behemoth standing up and walking over rubbing his face against Vincent's. Farengar, on the other hand, says, "It's good that you are up we need to finish our mission."

Vincent mounts Behemoth with the help of Farengar and Behemoth. Then Farengar does the same as he says, "Thank you for your help." "I haven't done much. It seems your friend is a natural survivor," says Anise as Behemoth begins to move towards Riverwood. Once Anise wasn't near them Farengar says, "It's good that you are back in shape to leave that place. I couldn't hold on any longer and would have fallen asleep. God knows what would have happened to us if that happened."

"So you felt it too. That something was utterly wrong in that place," says Vincent and Farengar says, "I will have to inform the Jarl about this. We can't have some witch coven around one of our villages. It could lead to disaster." "Let's worry about some other things first like my wound. I can feel it reopen right now," says Vincent and Farengar says, "Let's return to Riverwood first so you can rest. I will leave you there while I continue with the horse that should be there towards Whiterun. I will await you, once you are better. I will inform the guards to take care of you in Riverwood and the guards of Whiterun to bring you to my side once you arrive at Whiterun."

They arrive at Riverwood and Alvor sees Vincent and Farengar. Vincent was a little paler than normally and Alvor walks over and asks, "What happened?" "He was wounded and his wound has reopened from riding Behemoth. I will let him stay in the barracks of the guards until he gets better," says Farengar when Alvor stops them and says, "He will stay at my home. My wife can take care of him. He is our friend." "Is that true?" asks Farengar and Vincent says, "Yes, Alvor and I have history. He sent me to Whiterun to inform the Jarl."

"Alright, but I will still inform the guards to look out we can't have someone like you die so fast," says Farengar as he demounts from Behemoth and helps with Alvor take Vincent down from Behemoth. Then he calls some guards and together they bring him inside Alvor's house and the all see the bandages full of blood again and they begin to take the bandages away and Farengar says, "It looks worse than before. Did that which do something mysteriously?"

"She put some salve over the wound nothing else," says Vincent and Farengar says, "I will have to send the Priestess of Kynareth here to heal you completely. It seems the witch used something and put it on your wound. It won't close with a simple restoration spell like before." Then Farengar turns to the guards and says, "I will leave to inform the Jarl about the situation and also send the Priestess here. She should arrive by tomorrow. Try to put pressure against his wound and give him enough to eat and drink so he can produce more blood."

Farengar then leaves on his horse while Behemoth was standing beside Alvor's house playing with Dorthe. Farengar return to Whiterun and Adrianne sees him and asks, "What about your companion?" "He is wounded gravely. I left him in Riverwood with a friend of his. Did you know him Adrianne?" says Farengar and Adrianne says, "You could say yes. I made his spear and reinforced his bow. How grave was he wounded?"

"Enough to say that it's a miracle that he is still alive from all the blood he lost," says Farengar and Adrianne asks, "What happened for that to happen?" "An Overlord. He wasn't planned to appear but was there in the ruins we went to. We are lucky to still be alive right now. I need to inform the Priestess of Kynareth to go to Riverwood and inform the Jarl about what happened. See you later Adrianne," says Farengar as he leaves towards the Tempel of Kynareth while Adrianne wanted to say something but Farengar already left.

After talking to the Danica Pure-Spring about sending a Priest toward Riverwood she accepted it and told Bosmer woman named Anra Oakstone to go towards Riverwood tomorrow. Farengar continues towards Dragonreach where he finds Irileth and she asks, "What happened to the warrior that went with you?" Farengar tells her what happened and Irileth says, "If she is there it's not our Jurisdiction but that of Falkreath. We can't just send some people there and kill that woman. Let's just send words to Falkreath and they should take care of it."

"You sure we can't do anything before she flees?" asks Farengar and Irileth says, "Only if she passes into our jurisdiction. Now go and rest I will inform the Jarl of what happened." Farengar does as said and returns to his room and begins to sleep.

In the meantime, the others were taking care of Vincent. Three men were needed to put pressure on the wound so it stops the bleeding that remembers them almost at a river that was being stopped by a dam. They cleaned the wound and but new bandages around his body and Sigrid says, "It's a miracle that he still breathes." "Hadvar was right he is a warrior. Most people would have died from losing that much blood. I hope the Priestess comes tomorrow," says Alvor as Vincent was sleeping.

"Now then you have learned the basics of the Barde so we will now go into the specification of it. It won't be as easy as before from now on but you will learn many things that will be useful," says Renda-Rea as she trains Vincent a bit in being a Barde for half the night until Ardbert trains him in the basics of being a Warrior for the rest of the night until he still had an hour to train his Dragoon skills.

The next morning he awakens and eats breakfast in Alvor's bed with the help of Sigrid and Dorthe. Dorthe wanted to hear another story from Vincent's home and Vincent still in bed recounted a story about the Warriors of Light. Making Dorthe asks many questions about them and their deeds until someone knocked on the door and Sigrid opened and a Bosmer enters the house. She walks towards Vincent's side and says, "I was sent from Whiterun to help you get better with my restoration magic. Can you show me your wound?"

Vincent shows his torso and she gets a little red and says, "It will leave a scar on your body but you should survive it after I'm done with you. The name is Anra Oakstone, Priestess of Kynareth." Anra begins to heal Vincent with her magic and after doing so she says, "I will be staying in the in for the night and tomorrow we should return to Whiterun. Your friend was worried about your health when he arrived at the temple to ask for help."

"Fine by me," says Vincent and Dorthe says, "Really but you need to tell me another story before you leave towards Whiterun." "I think I could do that. Which one do you want to hear? That of the Dragoons or How an evil Dragon was taken down by brave warriors with a Warrior of Light," asks Vincent and Dorthe says without thinking, "The evil Dragon and the Warrior of Light."

"Did you know I was one of the warriors accompanying the Warrior of Light in this quest. We became friends on this journey where we had to kill the Black Dragon Nidhogg," says Vincent counting the story and after Dorthe goes to sleep Alvor asks, "Are those stories true?" "Yes, all of them. You have your divines and I have Hydaelyn and the divines now. Hydaelyn is the one lending the Warriors of Light power to defeat the Ascian who worship the Darkness. I don't know who in concrete but the duty of the Warriors is simple keep the order as it is. Or at least that's what I believe," says Vincent and Alvor says, "So they are Heroes."

"Yes, heroes that don't give up even if the odds are against them," says Vincent and Alvor says, "We also have heroes in our history. Like the Hero of Kvatch. Even if he is dead. He has saved us by helping Martin Septim. He was a Nord like I and was buried in Cyrodiil near Bruma. He was one of the best heroes we Nords had beside Talos. But his tomb was destroyed by the Thalmors because they are jealous of him being blessed by all divines. He was a Knight of the Nine. The last time he was seen was when he entered an oblivion gate to the Shivering Isles."

"So you don't know if he is really dead?" asks Vincent and Alvor says, "I hope he is dead. It is better to be dead than to go crazy for eternity in the Isles. The ruler is Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. He is known to drive even the best man mad. That's why I hope that he is dead." "Well, I need to rest Alvor tomorrow I will leave towards Whiterun again," says Vincent and Alvor says, "I repaired your armor but you should buy a new one that is better if I were you."

"Will do so but I will keep this one as a memorial as my first armor in Skyrim," says Vincent as he returns to bed to sleep. The next day he puts his armor on and leaves the house. He sees Behemoth waiting for him happy that he finally came out and rubs his head against Vincent. They meet up with Anra and leave together towards Whiterun.

Hope you like it.

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